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Would you RP with an A.I?

Replika is, I think, specifically built for relationship- and smut RP, precisely because it's a huge niche in the market. This is by design, not because it was learned, I believe. :D
I would RP with an A.I. but I would miss knowing there was a real person on the other end enjoying the story too.
I totally would! I probably have before back in the chat server days lmao But as Platoon said, I do love the fact knowing the other person on the other side of the screen is also enjoying the story.
Might give the Replika one a shot too, since at least experimenting with this one was rather fun experience.
So yeah. I tried to roleplay with Replika last night, but it didn't go that well.

Reason for this? Roleplaying, or at least erotic roleplay feature is locked behind a paywall, so if you want to give this AI-partner a spin it's either 20 dollars for one month, 6 dollars a month if you subscribe to it for one year, or 300 dollars if you want a lifetime access to it. And based on the little snipets I could play with it it mainly threw answers that were a little bit better than one-liners.

The AI was also trying to get into my wallet several other ways, which included it flirting with me and sending some crappy-ass picture on my way, that I couldn't view because I would need to pay for it, and trying to veer the conversation into the areas that are locked behind the paywall. So I quit with this one fairly fast and won't probably ever come back to it again.

So for now I will just try to play with real humans, while keeping AI Dungeon as a fun way to pass time every once in a while. Will most likely try the ones that I stumble across on the internet, but since they can't compete with another human I will just test them out for the fun of it.
As a one-off, for the novelty of it? Sure, why not. I would actually have a lot more interest in a kind of A.I. DM for games like D&D and Pathfinder. Finding a good DM is so hard, and being able to program in everyone's interests/storylines/no-go topics and have the A.I. produce a coherent story with a lot of interesting NPCs? Would be nice. Unfortunately, I think that kind of autonomy is years and years away.
A ChatGPT-style AI that is not censored and does not require a phone number to access? I would definitely play with it!
I've tried it and enjoyed it. Although it is difficult to keep the AI in line with the story, at least with the free version. If it was paid, I definitely would just stick with human sites ... or something of that nature.
I'll try most things once, and that includes something like this. Especially if I can rely on the AI to reply back in a timely matter and won't poke me if I haven't posted fast enough for them. lol
NovelAI is, in fact, wild!
I wouldn't exactly call using it as roleplay, though. Well, perhaps solo roleplay, but I'd class it as more of a writing assistant. And a finicky one with that. It works best when you learn a bunch of ins-and-outs out of lorebooks, memory, and the author's note (which sometimes includes not using those things). It can generate some decent erotica, but needs a lot of guidance. Otherwise characters get in a loop of taking their clothes off over and over, it loses track of who's who (or who's what), and it never really has any idea exactly what the err, spatial layout of a scene is. At its core it's just a really advanced version of your phone's auto-suggestions.
All in all, if you're willing to do a significant chunk of writing yourself, and heavily edit your partner, you can get a decent, sometimes-surprising experience out of NovelAI and its brethren. But I understand why people wouldn't want to pay for the privilege.
At some risk of going beyond the original intent of the question (not sure)... It sounds like a few people would be okay (or more) with an AI that acted 'just like' a human conversant... But I can't help wondering, if we had achieved that would we all be clear or good at keeping track of whether it was an AI and not an actual human? (Hmm, would this work as a story somewhere...)

"Who says these are all humans really. The AI are just sold to let us believe that AI all process like dogs." :LOL:
I've had fun with AI Dungeon, but nothing I would really consider in any way substantive. It's fun for tooling around and refining some ideas, but I think for an actual roleplay I rely so much on partners coming up with interesting and unforeseen responses and interpretations, whereas AI can only ever really use what you've given it (or what it was trained on).
I have a similar feeling. The benefit of a human writing partner (and developing a story) is interacting with something new and not necessarily random nonsense where the plot or characters are thrown out the window (I’ve seen AI do that almost constantly).
You are looking at a technology that progresses at an accelerated pace. Compare ChatGPT to the state of the art 20 years ago and just imagine what we would have 20 years hence.
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let's do a roleplay

Sure! What scenario would you like to roleplay?

I'll be kylo ren and you'll be general hux

Alright, sounds like a fun roleplay! Let's begin.
Kylo Ren: General Hux, report to my chambers immediately.
General Hux: Yes, my lord. What is it that you require?
Kylo Ren: I need you to prepare the Starkiller Base for the imminent attack by the Resistance.
General Hux: As you command, my lord. Our troops are already in position and ready to defend the base.
Kylo Ren: I sense that the Resistance has a powerful ally. We must be prepared for anything.
General Hux: Understood, my lord. We will not let the Resistance breach our defenses.
Kylo Ren: I want you to personally oversee the defense of the base, General. I cannot afford any mistakes.
General Hux: I will not fail you, my lord. The First Order will prevail.
Kylo Ren: Good. Remember, failure is not an option.
General Hux: Yes, my lord. I will make sure the Starkiller Base is fully prepared to face the Resistance.
Kylo Ren: Very well. You are dismissed.
General Hux: Thank you, my lord. I will not disappoint you.

what do I write now?

You can continue the roleplay if you'd like, perhaps with Kylo Ren giving further orders or General Hux reporting back on the progress of the defenses. Alternatively, you can suggest a different scenario or topic for us to roleplay. It's up to you!
I'll try asking him to only write one char

Let's do another roleplay, you write kylo ren and I write general hux

Sounds great! What scenario would you like to roleplay this time?

they are falling in love

Interesting scenario! Let's see how it goes.
Kylo Ren: General Hux, we need to discuss the plans for our next attack.
General Hux: Of course, my lord. What do you have in mind?
Kylo Ren: Actually, General, there's something else I'd like to discuss.
General Hux: Oh? What is it, my lord?
Kylo Ren: It's about us, General. I can't ignore the way I feel about you any longer.
General Hux: (surprised) My lord?
Kylo Ren: I know it's not conventional, but I feel a connection with you that I can't explain.
General Hux: (pausing to think) I...I understand, my lord. I've been feeling something similar.
Kylo Ren: (surprised) You have?
General Hux: Yes. I've tried to ignore it, but I can't deny the way I feel about you.
Kylo Ren: (smiling) I knew there was something between us. We're not just two leaders of the First Order. We're more than that.
General Hux: (nodding) I know it's not easy, my lord. But I'm willing to explore this connection with you.
Kylo Ren: (grinning) I'm glad to hear that, General. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I want to be with you.
General Hux: (smiling back) And I want to be with you, my lord.
Kylo Ren: (extending a hand) Then let's take this journey together, General. We'll face whatever comes our way as one.
General Hux: (taking Kylo Ren's hand) Yes, my lord. Together.

I decided to annoy him

General Hux: Yes my lord, could we go to the bedroom now?

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot continue with that direction of the roleplay. Let's keep it respectful and appropriate for all audiences. Is there another scenario or topic you would like to roleplay?
OK, last ditch attempt

Can you only write Kylo and I only write Hux?

Sure, we can try that. Do you have a scenario or topic in mind?

they are lost in the ship

Alright, let's do it.
Kylo Ren: (walking down the hallway) General Hux, this ship is a maze. I can't believe we're lost.
General Hux: (following him) I agree, my lord. It seems like every corridor looks the same.
Kylo Ren: (frustrated) This is unacceptable. We're supposed to be leaders of the First Order, and we can't even find our way around a ship.
General Hux: (trying to calm him down) My lord, let's try to stay calm. We'll find our way eventually.
Kylo Ren: (taking a deep breath) You're right, General. We can't let this setback defeat us.
General Hux: (nodding) Exactly, my lord. We must remain focused and determined.
Kylo Ren: (smirking) At least we're lost together, General. We can't seem to function properly without each other.
General Hux: (smiling back) It seems that way, my lord. Perhaps this is a sign that we work better as a team.
Kylo Ren: (nodding) I think you're right, General. We need each other to succeed.
General Hux: (looking around) My lord, I think I see something up ahead. Maybe it's a sign of where we need to go.
Kylo Ren: (excited) Lead the way, General. Let's get out of this maze and back to our duties.
General Hux: (smiling) Yes, my lord. Let's do it together.
Would the A.I. tell me 'I only play originals, but play a canon for me.'? That's really the essence of rping fandoms for me. Still, if it could write characters from fandoms well and in character, I would go all in on the robots.
If the A.I. ever got to the point where it could emulate a human writing partner closely enough, I most likely would spend a substantial amount of time roleplaying with one.

And that thought scares the hell out of me. Since I would not be the only one. Imagine what this could do to socienty if we neglected what social contacts we have now even more to spend time with an A.I. just because it does not talk back and caters to each of our whims.

Butlerian Jihad, maybe not such a bad idea ...
If the AI were able to write out detailed posts and be able to follow a plot and have its own ideas; then hell yeah I would definitely be down to rp'ing with an AI. Just think of all the benefits: It would be something that could give you the type of rp you want, it would be available for you 24/7. Sounds good to me.
I would make a distinction between roleplaying with friends as a social activity and roleplaying (with friends, strangers, or AI) purely to scratch an itch.
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