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Love among terror (Dawhiterabbit y yo)


Jan 17, 2009
She looked down through the glass to the living room of a house. It looked like zombies hadn’t gotten into it, nor anything else, except for a small family of rats, she noticed. Rats, mice, bugs and the very occasional cat or dog were the only things to survive the harsh environment, yet the zombies seemed to have a liking for dog and cat flesh as well, the rats were simply to hard to catch for them. Or they just didn’t try to, Kyra didn’t really care, all she wanted was food to satisfy herself. And to find food she had to leave her little hide out so she wasn’t too happy.

She had plenty of food at her little home that was underneath a warehouse, but she always wanted to make sure she had a full stocked cabinet so if she had to lock herself into her home because of zombies she would be able to survive for quite some time, having used a old generator that created electricity using water to power the few electronics she had in her place. She had an assortments of all sorts of things and lived comfortably when she had to be inside, or when she was. Though it was occasionally rather boring.

She cocked her right arm back, making a fist which she slammed into the glass after wrapping a small bit of cloth around her knuckles, not that it did much. She dropped down through the open window, having aimed her fall to land on the couch, bouncing off of it and onto her feet. She shook her right hand and pulled some of the glass out while looking around the pitch black room for anything useful to her.

She trotted into the kitchen, easily trotting through the dark house. Her eyes were odd, they were white and strictly meant to be used in dark areas. Sure, she could stand moonlight and dim light of any sort, but if she looked at the sun or some bright light they would burn. Her skin was sensitive, but only to the sun as well. Her skin would burn and turn flaky and he would literally dry up, even if her skin was black, pitch black, like coal. Her skin was thicker, to prevent her from withering, but only for perhaps a minute or two in sunlight before she would start burning.

The female stood around 5’8 with a lean, pleasantly curvy frame that had developed nicely over her years of solitude. She had lush, long black hair that she kept rather well groomed and had not a scar on her. Her body was great at healing wounds from zombies or anything of the sort and within the first few hours of sleep she could be healed in a flash. She wore a fairly torn up skirt that just managed to cover the first three inches of her thighs. Her top was also fairly torn, but covered her assets somewhat decently. Her teeth were white, but terribly sharp and her nails were black naturally, not covered in dirt or anything of the sort. They were sharp like her teeth and she could make them grow a inch or two more if she wanted in a fight.

She searched the house, finding some cans of fruits and veggies, along with some spam, which personally wasn’t her favorite. She rarely got to eat meat, but when she did, she gorged herself so she had a large supply of canned meats, or those that could be frozen and cooked on a stove in her little place.
She busted open the front door of the house, walking out of it looking pleased, till she caught a whiff of a zombie, no a mob of them. And they were near the warehouse where her home was located. A frown went across a delicate face and she sprinted over to her home, shouting and screeching at the zombies to attract their attention, hurling the cans at a few of them and making the group slowly turn back to her and start going after her and so she ran with the fairly slow moving beings straining to go after her. She went slow so that she could see that they were fallowing her, but she wasn’t aware of more zombies headed her way till a few suddenly leapt out at her from a alley way.

Tooth and claw ripped though the scant amount of clothing she had and managed to find the way through her thick skin, letting loose her strangely hot blood. It steamed and burnt the zombies with its temperature, but she knew that wouldn’t stop it as more were trying to hold her down, yet she burst out of the mass. She punched and raked claws through dead flesh a few times before running away.

A scout, positioned on a bridge, ahead of his party is viewing the scene. He takes out a small pair of binoculars from among his thick clothing and armor to get a better look, but he can’t make things out well in the darkness.

“Hey captain, I have something here. Looks like a, uh…human I guess or something like that is headed towards the scouting party your in. She has a load of zombies behind her. Damn this girl is fast. Anyhow, giving you a heads up. I can’t make out details of the girl. “
Upon hearing the crackle of static and voice the well armed group stirred from there watch. The static cackled a message and four out of the ten laughed with glee, the patrons or the four brothers were always welcoming a good scrap. The group composed of ten members six of which were new the four that held marks of command stood out from the normal soldiers.

"Understood schoolboy, keep me posted..." A gruff voice replied the scouts message, it belonged to the commander of the group. The man was much larger then his comrades, he was clad in metal armor much like the rest but moved along as though he was in the nude unhindered by the cumbersome clothes. "Alright ye gits, pray to what gods you got. Cock and lock." The commanders Irish accent strewn his words causing a few of the men to laugh half halfheartedly. "There is a group of skells coming are way and a big one at that if our reports are good, check yer fire and conserve your ammunition, remember boys your run out its down to a standard scrap no retreating in my squad."

Of course these words made a few of the newbies squirm in there shoes but the rest of the veterans smirked and laughed, shifting in anticipation. "Schoolboy also says theirs a lass running with em, dont quite know if she be a skell but im not one to ask a zombie any questions shoot if only it threatens and try not to shoot your mate, this isnt training and we dont have blanks right Crispy?"

A smaller gangly looking man merely cackled between puffs of his cigar sure it was known that his closes friend and resident pyro had shot sarge way back when on his first mission, in the ass of all places. "You will never let me live that one down will you sarge, I mean it was only a nine nothing bigger." This caused the others to laugh as Salim made a pained gesture and rubbed his right ass cheek.

"Ya well let me shoot you next time and see how it feels." Salims words were cut short by a ghostly sounding voice, the groups sniper had spoke.

"If youd like sarge I could aways take the next shot...." Reaper spoke grinning wickedly between blackened teeth, he was the strange of the four but all the more valued. "But more then that Id get this fresh meat to form ranks and pick targets." The sniper spoke and slowly gestured to the approaching darkness of a horde. Slowly and deliberately he moved and laid down once in place shots rang out and the darkness quivered.

Salim nodded and patted the next veteran on the shoulder a grin was shared and the hulking man wonderd to a cement divider. The fourth and final member was a mute giant who as he looked carried a even bigger gun, with nine barrels and more ammunition then the company combined he set up and waited, his name was ably put as boomer.

"Alright you sniveling brats line up and sight your targets one shot one kill, if you cant do that drop your pack and gun and get the hell off my bridge." Salim spoke only gruff enough to get all to set up the bridge was covered and the only thing that was heard now was the continues boom, boom, boom of reapers gun if they were lucky enough he would have picked off most just before they got into sight.
With her heightened sense of smell, the scent of something reached her snout, guns, the blood ridden shells that lay here and there upon the ground and that of human flesh. This of course would send the zombies behind her into an excited frenzy, their squeals, moans and horrible shrieks making her wince lightly in unhappiness. Fuck, now their rush and eagerness would only be heightened. Though she supposed that she could use the men, so she suspected, as a distraction so she could get away a little bit easier.

Her pure white eyes searched about in a curious manner. Her special eyes ate up the dim star, moon light and occasional lamp post that was still flickering on and off, and reflected it multiple times. The ability allowed her to see anything and everything, well except in pure darkness, then thats when the little sensory, soft hairs upon her body came into effect. Like a bat, she would admit quiet chirps with her hairs on end to feel the vibrations come back and alert her of anything. She made sure though that zombies wouldn't be a problem within the sewers which she even took time to clean so she had a city of a maze to use during the day...Or to use as a means of escape.

The sudden sound of Reaper's gun made her jump lightly, her fuzz suddenly standing on end and she quickly crouched. Her chest heaved, hearts racing, her larger one making her blood surge to get all that rich oxygen while the smaller one was slamming an an unbelievable rate. "Jesus." She whispered as her eyes suddenly spotted Reaper now.

She hissed lightly, showing off her fangs in an animalistic little manner. Foolish people hiding behind their guns, she snorted as she got back to her feet and started at a smooth run, unknowningly towards the main mass of men. She was animalistic in her actions, her lack of human contact making her resort to such thoughts. Not to mention, she didn't trust humans with a happy trigger finger. Kyra had long known the pain of those bullets biting into her flesh.

Her run, slower then before let one of the slightly faster zombies catch her, raking a startled yelp from her lips. She whirled around though, a set of claws taking place of her fingers and slamming deep into the creature's jaw, hauling its jaw away from its face. It gave a grunt and a growl, digging claws into her arm. Kyra just smirked and effortlessly she swung it over her head and with a loud, sickening crunch into the ground. The creature let go with a screech and she moved under the bridge. They could tell she was there because a bit of steam rose from her wounds, her body being a very high temperature, making her warm to the touch.
"Dam..." This word slipped from Reapers lips as he saw the animalistic butcher of a zombie, it was thrown about like a rag doll by a creature that was not quite a zombie and not quite human, a interesting specimen to say the least. She quickly disappeared from the view of his scope so as if to mark it he took a mental snap shot of the bridge he would have to track after upon sarges request. "The bridge is clear Sarge, its best to let boomer loose while we still can." A soft snicker rolled ver his lips as he thought of it. Boomer was a giant and even Reapers gun couldn't get close to his firepower.

The giant gave a grin and spoke the only word he quite knew how to say. "Boom!" There wasn't much more after it that all words were broken by the clatter of casings and gun shots. Boomers minigun mowed threw the large amount of the group leaving then tattered flailing flesh. Once the ammunition was spent the gun was shed and Boomer stepped back allowing the fire of rifles from the newest recruits to cut down what he was not able to do.

More shots rang as the horde closed in, they slowly trailed off leaving only a few zombies left upon the bridge. This of course was Salims job, he enjoyed target practice just as much as any other guy but a guy didn't earn the name old iron fist for nothing. Accompanied by boomer and crispy the three marched out upon the bridge taking nothing with them but there trusty side arms and melee weapons.

The new recruits cheered as the bar room brawl knock off erupted, these were the proper soldiers living breathing killing machines. With hammer and fist, sword and flail the three veterans cut threw what little remained of the horde. The sicking crunches of skull bone and flesh were heard as well as the hooping and holaring of glee. The last of the horde fell from a hammer blow by Salims sledge. "Thats how the banshees fight, next time ye gits are up." Salim smirked softly barking orders to the others holding the line

"You know the procedure Crispy, light em up, all of them..." Salim spoke giving the resident pyro a shake of shoulder, this of course was the mans favorite part of the day. With the guard of reapers scope and Salims hammer, Crispy moved onto the bridge and began the long smelly process of lighting each zombie up, the wind would take care of the ashes and leave the bridge a clean slate for another mass murder.

Of course as they moved across the bridge reaper reminded Salim of the place where he saw the woman disappear. Sure enough when he traced Reapers directions he found a strange blood spatter which was warm to the touch, no zombie had warm blood let alone hot, where did this come from?
From under the bridge she peered over at the men, seeing the giant. For a moment she thought he was a ghoul, his massive size relating to one, but he wasn't one of them. They were bigger, different, meaner. They didn't have guns either and were simply a higher breed of zombie to say the least. She would probably run into one later if it might happen she go into their part of the city. The only thing good about them was that their wasn't too many of them.

Her white eyes watched the massacre of the zombies unimpressed till the men actually just went at it. She blinked in surprise. Though, they had more protection then her they moved with the grace and speed of any warrior used to the mass of weight on their shoulders. She herself didn't wear any because it was cumbersome, there wasn't exactly armor among civilian homes and she prized her endurance for that was what allowed her to win her fights.

To endure pain and blows for an extremely long time. Her body was biologically made for it. Should she suffer a bad wound, the muscles around that wound would squeeze, slowing blood flow slightly, enough to the blood wouldn't escape before the muscles would suddenly unleash seeming to pull the blood into the body and sending it on its way through her body. It was a quick process and worked. But, she to had her limits. Should she loose too much blood, her body would shut down to preserve herself. Falling asleep in the battlefield was not an option.

She took her thoughts and eyes away to Reaper as he found some of the blood, she had a small trail, just a few drops ever so far apart by a few meters. She pressed a clawed hand to her arm, the claws soon turning back into fingers and she stroked the spot before she ripped a piece of cloth from her already tiny shorts and wrapped it around her slender arm to quell the bleeding. She wasn't sure as if to flee or not so she stayed within the dark shadows of the bride, huddling against the curved side, uneasy.

Another thing about the constant flow of blood within her, it was able to easy and quickly heal any wound, just about. Something this minor wouldn't be a problem either. With nutrients pouring in from the blood cells in a matter of minutes she would have a little scab already formed and the skin underneath would be melding back together, good as new.
Salim smeared the crimson colored liquid between to fingers and made a light hissing sound, the blood it self was hot to the touch and almost burned, nothing they had come across be it ghoul or zombie had stuff like this. This idea sent a shiver of delight down the Sargent spine, a new form of enemy perhaps one that would be smarter the the average snot for brains zombie. With a few wordless commands comprised of grunts and hand gestures boomer and Crispy backed away from the trail and drew what arms they had in preparation to fire.

Into the breach, Salim moved and followed the little trail till it brought him to a maintenance ramp, this of course was a perfect place to hide the bridge here was dark and most foreboding, anything could hide down here. Spurred on with the ideas of new blood and possibly a fun fight Salim looked after the spatter till it ended, what he saw at that moment caused his courage to wane as well as his normal, 'lets brawl' mindset.

There in front of him stuck between a girder and iron was a shape, one much different from the hideous creatures that were being taken care of above him. This form was that of a woman's, he couldn't quite get to see what this creature was without turning a light on he stood and stared his hand ever tightening upon the sledge that hung at his side. What chilled him the most was that in this dim dark he could clearly see the eyes, the bright white milky pools that caused him to shiver.

What ever this thing was it probably wasn't to friendly he wasn't about to have at it with something he didn't know a thing about. So instead he stood watching, waiting to see what the creature would do he even went so far as to speak to it. "What are you?" He breathed rather harshly of course it wouldn't answer anything out here was dead and or dieing incapable of speech.
She winced at the light and one hand quickly came up to shade her sensitive eyes, those whites being most, if not all some odd pigmented pupils. It burned and unfortunately she didn't have dark glasses nor even enough cloth on her body to fashion a light blindfold to staunch some of the light from entering her eyes. "Fuck, can you at least not point it directly at my face?" She snapped, baring her fangs in a feral growl. "It strings." She said with a gruff little snort as she started to stand up, only to the tall height of 5'10" at least tall for a woman.

The light showed off her busty frame and the rags of clothing that had been ravaged by the zombie attack earlier. Normally she looked a bit more decent but dirt, and blood were smeared on her bad arm. The soft fuzz upon her body was currently prickled up, the hairs were short, but they gave her a prickly, porcupine and irritated look. Her coal black skin taking in the heat of the light and also irritating her. She was already litterly hot as it was and she was able to over heat if there was enough light on her.

At his question she seemed to think and padded out from under the little hiding place. Incase they attacked she wasn't about to let herself just stay under there, not much room to move and she could only stand so many bullets.

"What am I hmm? I donno. I don't know how I was made, surely my pathedic excuse for parents couldn't have been so genetically mutated they made me." She huffed back at him. Her left hand, claws still there ran through her thick black locks and when her hand placed itself upon her hip the claws were fingers once more. "I don't know what I am, but I wasn't allowed to enter the safe city during the evacuations those four years ago when this whole thing started, all because of how I look and my abilities." She muttered.

"To most of you I happen to be a higher type of zombie, ask comrades...Jenkin I believe? Commander? While raking out some zombies they saw me trying to escape and nearly shot me to death. Jenkins didn't last long when he tried to take me one on one when I was cornered. This was in the first year or so." She smirked. "Though I suppose I'm more animal then that, if cornered, I will fight." She said, a soft threat.

It would be known to the male before her, that Commander Jenkins had to be carried in by his men, nearly killed and on the brink of death. His armor had been torn apart bit by bit and blood was everywhere. He suffered broken ribs, a punctured lung and other such injuries. He was lucky to be alive.
Upon hearing the creature speak all stopped there motions, even the ones at the blockade not to far away stopped at the sound of the new voice, it was female and slightly raspy, at the same time it held a animalistic seduction that captured all the attentions of the ear and eye. Listening to her words Salim extinguished his light, she was fairly visible in the dank light even more so by her luminous eyes.

Salims eyes wandered about the woman's figure taking in all the curves and sights, she was to say the least unique. More shocking then anything els was her skin, a thick yet silky black color wrapped about her body as a midnight sky. He wouldn't openly admit it but the sight of a women so primal as this made his heart flutter with his own bestial side. It was piculer to have a conversation with a zombie let alone one that was so articulate and attractive.

He accepted her reply with a nod, if she didn't know how she came to be there was no reason to pursue the fact that she had been lying or had no idea. Either way it was of no concern till of course she mentioned his old acquaintance commander Jenkins, the man was a dolt but he had seen the way he had been mangled and dam near dismembered. "So this is the one responsible..."

"Jenkins was little more then the arse end of a well arse, besides he was a hot headed fool who would much rather run off and get himself in trouble then to hang out with his mates." As Salim spoke he gestured over his shoulder at the two other sets of eyes that watched, if he went down there would be no way she would get away without one of the four brothers in arms taking her down with them.

"Personally id much rather not have my armor scuffed and if you take in account of time little lassy, four years is a long time and we've made a few upgrades." As he spoke he gave a thump upon the metal on his chest. "I only really have one other question for you, besides if you want to put your money where your mouth is....Why did you bring this horde to us." Salim paused crossing his arms as he cocked his head to the side. "Reports say you ran straight up her on us like that with your friends following closely after."
She could feel the eyes upon her, and that of his other comrades and it made her feel a little bit uneasy and open. As if to create a barrier from them she folded her arms infront of her, resting them right under her breasts neatly, her eyes watching them. She let them pause upon the other two men that were nearby, judging the distance away they were at before looking back over to Salim with a little nod as she forced herself to relax lightly as her hip jutted to one side as she leaned on her left leg.

"Lassy? Please, Kyra. Lassy sounds demeaning." She said promptly with a little smirk. "Metal will only hold up so long. With a pair of slim strong claws you can prey it apart. Thats what I did with Jenkins. I am stronger then I look though..." She paused, looking at the metal plates. 'Might take a bit more effort." She admitted with a shrug, waving the topic away with a flick of an elegant hand.

"Hmm. I lead them because I wanted them away from my living quarters. I can't go up against a whole pass of them like that. I know that you and the other men have fire power and a way of exterminating a mass of zombies faster then me alone. So, lead them to you, I doubt you'd let them into you little town, and let you take care of them." She said simply with a little nod. "Normally I just jog here occasionally, not too often, with them and then just dash away letting y'all do the rest."

Kyra nodded at him while she leaned back against the ramp. "I survive Sir, by using what I have access to and if I feel I should. I could easily take guns from you, I have a way in and out of your town though I much rather stay away. And you'd be surprised at how many apartments and houses do have revolves and such, but they are slower then any sort of machine gun so I don't use them much if at all.' She said, the word guns seeming to leave a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Anything else I could help you with?" She asked before looking to her arm where she had been bleeding before. She ripped the cloth away and all there was, was a tiny little scab left of what had been a decent inch width cut, maybe slightly larger. "Beautiful." She seemed to almost purr, giving her arm a small slap before looking at Salim expectantly.
The womans tone of voice made Salim shiver with delight there was none he knew with the balls enough to tell him to piss off but here this survivor was telling him to practically piss up a tree. Even as he looked between his friends and the others back on the bridge a grin grew wide across his face. How could he rightly pass up a proper scrap like this. It was simple he couldn't. With another grunt or two boomer was at his side, the language soldiers spoke was almost primal in itself. Boomer merely sighed and nodded to his commanders request, with his hands outstretched he took hold of the sledge, helm, and chest piece of Salim's armor. After the few bits were taken away the Sargent was left with nothing more then metal greaves and pants along with a combat knife firmly strapped to his boot.

With another grunt Salim ordered the two away, Boomer nodded and left dragging a cursing Crispy along with him, he was never allowed into any of the good fist fights.

"I would have to say though leading those skells here to my men puts us in a wee bit of danger, I love me boys with all my heart and when someone screws with my family, well theirs bound to be a scrap...Lassy." The final words crossed the Irishman lips as he waited there arms crossed about his muscular built chest. Of course the man would most likely get well and duely screwed up in this fight, but he had fought zombies and ghouls and even hulks like boomer for years any time there was afight that could test his metal he had to take the opportunity.

One would notice well off that Salims person was different from others, he was one of the first soldiers to enter the conditioning program, remarkably he was one of the only ones to survive. He was immune to the disease that affected all dead humans, his flesh rejected the virus only in part of the infection there for bites and scratches did little more the spill his blood. Because of the condition though his body bore the various treatments. The flesh about his chest, shoulders and arms as well as stomach bore scars some small some long.

In other places his flesh had been infused with wire mesh it strengthen his skeletal form in part and also added to the appearance of a Frankenstein abomination. Even though his body was scarred and battered it did not detract from his features. He was well built and muscular in form. A handsome face with square jawline short orange hair and one captivating blue eye. "So lets see if Jenkins was the sniveling worm I thought he was or if you are as strong as he said..."
She watched him as he undressed, clearly a little bit unsure as to what the hell the man was really doing with her, or what he planned to do. That to made her uneasy. Her eyes trailed over to the hulking mass of man that was Boomer before looking at Crispy, the pyro. She knew that she wasn't a fan of flames, she doubted they would get along. Her pure white eyes gazed at him finally, listening to him and look him over making her grin. She couldn't help but feel her lowers stir, if only for a moment. She hadn't seen much of a man after all for the last four years, not including the pornos she had.

They didn't do much after awhile for her. Real flesh would bit a dumb tape or DVD any day.

"I know it puts you in danger. But you big strong men can handle yourself right? While all the women stay hope and clean your taking out the trash." She laughed lightly, blinking over at him for a brief moment as she gave him a playful little smirk. "A scrap? Hmm, I guess I'll have to go a little easy on you. Don't want to tear you apart nor waste valuable energy." She said simply with a little chuckle.

Her white eyes looked him over and her tongue passed over a pair of surprisingly lush black lips, just a touch lighter then her coal black skin but not by much. "Hmm. Wonderful." She said with a little purring sound as she started walking around him. Well, she wasn't quite sure how to start this off except go into it and give it a shot.

As she padded around him she suddenly whirled about with amazing speed to his back where she pounced upon him and attempted to dig fingers into his shoulders before her claws came out, just slightly, not letting her fingers fully transform. So the wounds if inflicted would be light, scratches that weren't too deep and digging into his muscles. Even then, if she was on him her body would be pressed against his own with her boots pressing against the back of his knees, knowing that if she should give them a kick any man would crumple as a reaction.
"Of course we can take care of ourselves little lassy, but the fact of the matter is that ammunition is quite expensive and in short supply given that the whole world has gone to hell in a hand basket." Salim watched as she licked her lips and gave a light shiver, it was apparent that even she enjoyed a fight as much as he did.

It was up until the point at which she was speaking about not wanting to hurt him and about going easy. "It would be in your best interest not to disappoint love, im not to kind of guy that you should go about disappointing, oh and dont worry about the damage I heal quick and im awfully sure you wont be able to do a whole hell of a lot."

what happened next was sheer surprise as she walked about his form.

The creatures speed surprised him to say the least, he hadn't dealt with something with such dexterity, this would be a strength versus speed fight, one of Salim's favorite types of fights. His muscle would give him the advantage if he was able to get a hold of the women, other then that it would be a very fun fight and as he felt the nails tear into his shoulder he hissed and gave a grin....pain the sweetest of sensory.

What happened next is very standard of Salims personality with a heaving grunt he threw the mass of weight he had backwards whipping his head back with the force of a thrown cinder block. It would connect to her form where, he didnt care much only the fact that when it hit someone either him or her would be generally phased.
She caught his little hiss and she let out a little sigh of unhappiness. Great another pleasure seeker. She of course didn't understand the concept of pain being something sweet like Salim so thought it was. "Well then. if its bullets you need. I can fetch them." She whispered before giving a sarcastic little woof within his ear as she grinned lightly down at him as her tails dug into him and raked his flesh, lightly curving, tugging at the thick male flesh making her shiver for a moment.

The smell of that raw male was making her excited to say the least. She of course tried to focus though she knew that if they ended up wrestling, they would be well matched and even then, flesh hitting flesh tormented her thoughts and distracted her from the sudden slam of his head which, luckily for her, hit her breasts. Which, in all hilarity, the mass of bouncy flesh absorbed the hit and she let herself tumble backwards before rolling and zipping back to her feet.

With a cute animalistic whine as she pouted at him, giving him a sultry smile. "Hmm, I love having these pillows." She winked as she raised her hands and squeezed the bulging flesh that was just begging to fly out of her little top as she stuck a surprisingly long and devilish tongue over her lip, giving him a smirk.

"Quite a body you got there." She grinned as she moved towards him again. Before with blinding speed she came at his front ti dig fingers into his chest, if he tried to grab her, with her immense speed she would jump with her claws grasping his shoulders and whirl around to try and fling his body into the air and around to the ground much like she had done to that zombie earlier, though obviously the blow wouldn't be quite as crushing.
Salim could not help but shiver when he felt the those claws rake at his shoulders, more then just the blood and severing of flesh, the whole experience left the man very well discomforted. The pain was not a problem, but what the pain brought about defiantly was. It was something that no man needed to deal with during a brawl but sure enough his own loins stirred at the sweet sting that hit his shoulders.

When his blow connect he smirked and thought a form of damage would be done but as he turned he just saw the bouncing of the woman's breast, it was distracting and what happened after, that smile and that tone along with that long black tongue made Salim shiver even more as well as his loins to ache. When she spoke to him he could only grin a complement was nice but during a fight was a bit out of place, oh well.

The distance between the two was closed in an instant and the woman was up in his face once again with her nails digging into his chest. Another sweet hiss past his lips as he looked down at her contemplating his next move. What happened next was purely Salims personality.

Instead of grabbing at the womans hands or arms which seemed to be the best target, he grabbed at Kyras waist, with a hand upon either side he threw his weight forward. There would be no blow between the two of them but the heavier weight of his form would work to his advantage which left him falling ontop of her.

When there bodies smacked together after hitting the bridge asphalt Salim gave a buck of his hips and then slammed his hands into the road at either side of her head leaving him catapulting overhead leaving him to land on his feet facing her as she lay upon the ground. "Unless you want that to happen again lass, I suggest you dont go head to head again...." Of course he played with the smug tone his face saying the same. If he were lucky shed do it again and hed get another free feel.
She felt him suddenly grasping her waist startling her and making her lean body squirm within his grasp. Her hand reached up and she dug her claws into his upper arms before raking one down his chest in a cat like manner as she hissed up at him before feeling the pair of them slam into the ground. For a moment the breath was knocked out of her and she felt his hips buck against her own making her give a sweet little moan of want and need.

She lay panting on the ground, her shorts starting to tent lightly from her growing erection. She moved a hand down and rubbed it lightly, simply fixing her shorts though to try and hide it. She hauled herself to her feet and glared over at him with a little scowl.

"God, you dirty little bastard." She growled at him as she pretended to call him little. Though clearly he was a massive man and his strength promised a good time in bed if she could somehow haul him there. The thought made her almost drool for a second before she gazed up at him with her white eyes that had a more lusty want then really fighting him.

Kyra started walking up to him. She reached her hands for his arms and gave them a soft stroke before raking her claw tips down his biceps down to his wrists. "Ohh, Hun, whats wrong with going head to head hmm?" She asked him with a little wink as she bucked back against him firmly and he could feel her partly hard erection. "I don't have a problem with it really." She laughed playfully at him.

Suddenly once more she leaned up and dug her row of sharp teeth into his chest against his upper pectoral. She made a face at the taste of blood, not enjoying it much though she did like the feeling of the taste of his flesh in her mouth and she licked the spot sweetly with a little growl before she raked her claws down his chest and his abs and leaping away from him. "I'm sure your men wonder whats going on right now." se giggled in amusement.
Salim smirked softly as he heard her speak those sweet words, he was apparently a dirty little bastard and that point did not bug him one bit. He knew when he heard that moan she was in need of a long good hard fuck. He personally hadn't had any in a few months and was lready pretty pent up, there was nothing much he could do about it or so he thought. This woman would indeed give him a run for his money and he thought a great fight but things change quickly.

When he saw her eyes however he could not help but freeze, the burning lust, that primal need flashed in her eyes and he could not help but stop his movement no sound from lips and none from muscle. When she waltzed up to him and ran her nails so teasingly about his arms and chest he could not help but moan softly and shiver this was more then he bargained for and what he desperately needed.

"Nothing is wrong with it.....but I" Something was amiss, this woman had something not quite normal with others, it was either that or he was just to dam horny and hyped up on adrenaline to take note. He shrugged this fact off in an instant and returned the buck. It was when she spoke about not having a problem did he grin.

Then her teeth came, they came down in a pearly flash sinking themselves into his chest making his hiss lovingly and pant roughly. Now it was for certain his member had flooded and was straining against the metal of his pants. If it werent for his friends he would have dropped trowl right there and went at it.

It was when she leaped away did he cry out in protest it felt good to have her hands upon his so of course he stepped forward. "Ill be back in a while boys dont wait up for me!!!" His words were yelled to his comrades. They of course shook there heads and sighed, he was a predictable sort of guy and they kind of knew this is how it would pan out.

After yelling back to them he found his place infront of her where he bent his neck down in a flash and returned the love bite to her own neck before pulling away like she had done. "I have the rest of the night free if you have a place....or if you prefer around the corner and in an ally leading to way to your house?"
She loved the sound of his protest, the beastly little sound of his own want and need for her warm, velvety touch. A soft giggle escaped her as he called out to his men to just go and she purred lightly. For a moment she suspected that they wouldn't leave but soon enough they at least backed off.

Kyra gave a startled yelp at the love bite before grinning at him with a wink. "Grab your clothes or armor or whatever and fallow me." She purred up at him with a smile. "Gonna take a short cut, zombie free. You just need to hold onto me. I don't want you using that flash light." Kyra giggled at him as she started to talk away to the street.

There she headed for a man hole entrence and carefully took off the top, displaying her round smooth ass to Salim. When she bent over her shorts were unable to hide part of her butt cheeks and the firm muscle was tempting. She then crouched down as she tugged the lid off and slid it aside before stepping onto the ladder. "Close the lid once your in. I don't want zombies falling in here." She said firmly before disappearing into the utter darkness.

She shivered lightly as her mind wandered to thoughts of the pair of them in her bed and the big guy slamming into her. She couldn't help but give a soft little moan of hopeful delight while her cock twitched within her shorts, her tight panties managing to contain her decent sized prick. She let her hand slide down and stroke it through the cloth for a few moments before looking for Salim with her white eyes.

"Hmm, I'm already taking you home and I don't even know your name." She cooed at him as she closed her luminous eyes so he couldn't see her and she ran a claw and a finger around his waist, side, back and to his abs where she had started. "Don't call me Lassy." She growled.
Salim nodded to what was said, he knew full well what would happen between the two of them later on that evening but what got his attention more was the back thought of his fight, there was something strange about her even more so then her appearance. It was of no consequence because he would soon find out all of what she hid under that tattered clothing

When she yelped he could only grin, it was obvious she enjoyed physical contact and the like just as much as he did and when she told him what he had to do he nodded and followed quickly only having time enough to grab the rest of his armor a rifle and his sledge all of which were packed into his bag that contained a share of rations and a stash of his own special brew.

Salim was right behind her when she took the manhole cover off and he cocked a eyebrow he wasn't quite sure why they were going to take a romp in the sewers but then again with a hot piece of ass beckoning you anywhere it was easy to just shrug and follow. It was when the flesh of her ass was in view did Salim give a slight moan of anticipation, nothing that firm and supple could exist without a good plowing.

The sargent quickly followed after he picked up the lid and held it over his head, in a instant he jumped back and let go of the lid letting it crash into its place leaving him submerged in the total black, he heard the moan and gave a grin, "she was already starting without me" He thought.

Kyra questioned him about his name and he could only smile, but when her eyes disappeared in the black and he felt the clawed fingers dance across his flesh he could only moan in protest it wasnt fair if you couldnt see who or what was doing the touching. "My name is Salim." He said with a pant biting his lip as her hand trailed over his abs. "But your...beastly reactions are so enjoyable lassy, besides I dont know your name either."
"Hmm, Salim, I already told you it earlier before our little wrestling match, but you wanted to rather call me Lassy instead of Kyra." She answered him, her voice like a smooth black velvet sliding against his ear fallowed by a soft giggle and then the feeling of a tongue slipping against the back of his neck fallowed by a delicate little nibble. "I'm glad you like my actions. Its how I am out here." She chuckled lightly once more by his other ear before her eyes finally opened and showed that she was standing in front of him, close, but not quite touching him.

"Now lets go big boy." She teased him sweetly as she gripped one of his hands and proceeded down the sewer line.

It would be a surprise for him, the sewers were actually clean. And heck, they didn't smell too bad either. Kyra had cleaned them out quite well and even too the liberty of taking a few air fresheners from one of the many CVS stores and stationing them about the tunnels that she used a good deal. The sound of her feet scuffing against the harmless concrete could be heard and she blinked back at him with a grin, her teeth flashing for a quick moment.

"Won't be long hun. Oh!" She said, suddenly stopping, pretty much letting him run right into her hips. Even though he was wearing the armor upon her lowers she wiggled her hips teasingly. "Sorry Salim, thought I saw a rat." She winked before leading him on.

Finally they came to a large metal door, like a hatch in a submarine. She twirled the wheel, giving a grunt as it was rather hard to open and she lead him inside a small chamber. "feel free to leave your armor here." She said simply with a little nod as she walked over to another door and opened it up and flipped at a switch. She was the only house around that still had electricity, actually, she used the rivera mile or so away to make her electricity and it worked perfectly.

She padded into a little living room of the sort, it was small but nice. She hand a large comfy couch which she promptly flung herself onto, her body facing him as she licked her lips and gave him a sweet little growl. The rest of her little place was dimly lit by a covered lamp, very dim but nice and she hard a large flat screen TV with DVDs, and VHS strewn around it. To the right of the TV was a stereo was a mass of CDs around. At the left was a desk crowded with stuff. "C'mon Salim." She purred. "Wanna wrestle?" She winked.
Salim shivered once more when he felt Kyras hands roving around his person the velvet of her voice and the feel of her skin against his made his flesh burn and ache more so then what they had done before. It was when she hit his ear did he moan out, truth be known it was a bit of a sensitive spot for him though it wouldn't be said outright. "Fine I guess considering the things we are about to get down to, I think I can call you by your name Kyra..." The name itself sounded seductive in this dark hallow, who would figure that a sewer of all places would have him hornier then his first shore leave.

He followed quickly in step with her and went about with her threw the sewer tunnels. It did surprise him at how well kept this place was, sewage systems were cut long ago but like he thought she had been using these to get around the city. More so she kept them clean for travel and closed to all would be zombies.

When she sounded half shocked a instinctual defense mode kicked off and he hunched over ready for a unseen fight, the only blow he received though was that firm and supple ass and hips crashing against his groin leaving him only to grunt and groan in annoyance, there is only so much a guy can undergo before he pops and it was getting to that point already.

Soon a metal door came into dim view, he heard the strain of the bolt before it slid out of place and opened, he blinked rather quickly for the inside was lit with a dull light that had been flipped on soon after entering. It shocked him to see how well she lived all things considered. It was when she mentioned his armor and stuff did he nod. He removed the plates and weapons from his pack leaving just the jerky rations and booze inside. Next came his plated boots and plated pants. they fell to the floor with a clank, all he wore now as a pair of rather thin cotton briefs.

Kyra was soon on a couch and spread out as would a minx, she mentioned wrestling and he could not help but react. In a moment he had been at the end of the couch where he dropped his back. Next he flung himself onto the makeshift bedding and lay atop his newest acquaintance grinding his hips against hers as his arms closed around her upper half leaving him to bite harshly at her neck. "You asked for it" He mumbled softly
Kyra licked her lips when he undressed, surprised at how heavy the stuff was that a human, of all creatures was wearing. She couldn't help but feel a little bit impressed and she looked down at his briefs which she knew wouldn't be lasting too long under her hands as she looked him over. The hunk of testosterone filled male before her making the soft fuzz prickle for a moment as she couldn't believe she finally had a man in her home on her own terms.

From where she lay she didn't bother to try and roll out of the way of him as he leapt upon her. A soft squeak escaped her as his larger body harshly ground against her and she gave a throaty little growl of pleasure as he bit her neck making her hiss. "Hmm I guess I did. Maybe I should have showed you the bed first. Couch isn't the best spot to...wrestle." She said with a little grin as she ground her hips up against him.

She squirmed lightly and took her arms out from under his grasp and she stroked his neck with her fingers before letting them move down his shoulder blades where they were claws once more. Reaching down to his lower back, her claws raked little paths, just scratching the surface before digging into the flesh of his shoulders lightly where her teeth soon joined, biting back, though not hard enough to break his flesh.

"Whens the last time you've been with someone?" She asked him with a soft little pant. Her long tongue, speckled a fleshy pink in the back of her mouth lapped at his strong jaw line while grinding into him with firm, eager strokes as she felt her lowers stirr and beg to come out of the confines of her tight undies and her shorts.
The biting the, the grind, the scratching. All melded together and left Salim quite well and raging but as her persisted something continuously bugged him, something so beautiful as Kyra could not be all perfect. The more he ground the more the presence of something foreign was noticed it wasn't until about five minutes in that he decided to go for it, there really was no harm in what was happening.

With a growl he rolled over and lifted Kyra up and away before setting her upon his lap grinding firmly into her supple ass, she truly was the perfect woman, perk breasts, lengthy figure. Salim slid his hand along her chest groping at what flesh showed until of course his hand slipped lower crossing her stomach and waist. It was when his hand reached her crotch did he stop and the gears in his head began to turn.

Salims fingers fidgeted and ran over the mound of flesh that was firmly under the skirt, this flesh was thick, cylindrical. It was as if he were stroking his own member, then it clicked she had something that most shes dont have. "Its been a few months, there isnt mucht to do when your surrounded by men...." The long silence prevailed as his hand worked stroking at the flesh beneath clothing

"You mind telling me what this is exactly....?" Salim spoke little more after this and he gave the mound of flesh a firm squeeze, it was slightly disturbing in the fact she was packing more heat then he was. By the feel of it she seemed to be agood inch or two bigger then he was, of course as disturbing as the idea was he could not help stop his hand from moving and touching this interesting bit of flesh.
She smiled happily as he growled at him before hauling her up and sitting her upon his lap with her body facing him.. She bit her lip and let out a sweet little moan, letting her head rest back, as he ground up into her and slid his hand down across her breasts. Her nipples were nice and perking, pressing up into his palm. She gave a little sigh of pleasure as her slender abs flexed and she let out a slight giggle, being rather ticklish herself and she smiled down at him before feeling his hand pause upon her lowers. The look of thought on his face made her worry.

She felt his hand stroking her thick prick, a monster in itself. She let out a little whimper and squirmed beneath him with a little pant. Her prick throbbing as he stroked her through her panties and skirt. She hadn't had anyone else touch her since four years and she felt her hips lightly thrust up against his hand as she gave a needy little pant while her claws raking lightly against his abs and hips. She licked her lips lightly before looking up with her bright white eyes, thinking as to how she could explain herself.

She reached down slowly as he continued to stroke it and play with it, the little squeeze making her squeal and whimper. She reached down slowly and lifted her skirt, showing her silky white panties. Her hands slowly tugged the cloth aside to show her prick. The head of it was a nice fleshy pink while the rest of the shaft was the same color as her flesh and it stood up proudly, immense for its size, easily around nine and a half inches or so.

"I've always had it." Kyra muttered, as if shamed as her mood started to go away. She suspected that he probably wouldn't play with it and instead just march out that door. Out of previous sex partners, weather she was unwilling or not, very few would even pay attention to it. Her hand reached down to grip the massive erection and give it a stroke with a hot little moan of need and lust. She stopped after a moment, gazing over at Salim uneasily.
Salim watched intently as she squirmed and made noises of lust and longing, he wasnt sure what to make of her in the fact that she was packing much more then he was. Some where deep down inside sparked, there was something about the thought of a creature as beautiful as she that had all the parts of a man that attracted him and made his own erection throb with want and need. He continued to watch intently wondering as to what would happen next.

It was when she thrust back up and looked at him so pleadingly that he shrugged aside his thoughts and pre notions, it wasnt like there was much he could do to say no to her. It was obvious if she really wanted to she could hold him against his will and do with him what she would, so the best course of action was to go with it. Who knew he may find something enjoyable about the whole situation.

It was when she reached past his hand and pulled aside her skirt and panties did he get to see the beast of a cock she had on her person, the thing was a good few inches bigger then his own and plenty thick. The sheer size of her member captured his attention but when she looked away and seemed ashamed did he move. She started to stroke her own member and His own hand took hers away after the first few strokes. He followed suit and rubbed lightly at her.

A wicked grin crossed his face and he changed his whole outlook, he gave her cock a squeeze, hard enough to just barley hurt. "You know if you wanted a good fuck you could have had the cutesy to tell the person you were as such." His words seemed harsh and in a moment he lifted her body and tossed her to the side of the couch where she landed legs splayed her lower back supported by the arm of the couch. Next his hand found her throat squeezing lightly. "It is a common curtesy after all. What happened next was of pure shock value. As he lightly squeezed at her throat he bent his neck down and let his tongue lull lazily over the fleshy pink head of her throbbing cock. "But then again I haven't had any in months so I guess I can work with this." With that he let his mouth open and take the head suckling lightly. All the while his hand held to her throat waiting for reaction.
She shivered lightly, a little startled that he started to stroke her prick. She gave a little whimper of pleasure and her hips lightly bucked up against his hand. "Hnnn." She moaned with a little whimper as her cock throbbed within his grip, the beast of a thing eager for the touch of someone else's hands. Her light eyes watching him as she slowly placed that hand down onto his thigh, blinking at him in a shy little manner.

She gasped suddenly as he squeezed it and she squirmed lightly upon his hip. "OI, nyah. Not too hard." She squeezed gently at him as she gazed at him. "Yea but-! Nyah." She yelped lightly as he suddenly slung her back against the couch with her legs wide open, one foot resting against the floor while she draped the other leg up against the back of the couch as she felt his hand upon her throat making her gasp and wheeze lightly as she was still able to breath at least.

"I-I doubted that you would have agreed to fuck me if you had known. I thought...most men..didn't like such...stuff." She wheezed lightly as her tongue lulled out of her mouth and she was panting. "Wouldn't have gotten my home." She growled sweetly over at him as she shivered.

Her light eyes looked down suddenly as she felt his tongue suddenly lick the head of her cook. "Oh shit." She squeaked, startled and yet in utter pleasure. She gave a sweet moan of pleasure and whimpered softly at him in shock. She felt his lips suddenly move around the head of her cock and her hips bucked quite suddenly, surging into his mouth. She shuddered and her hands came up to grasp his arm, grazing her claws over his arm as she started to pant, wheezing lightly in utter pleasure. She then tugged his hand off of her throat and instead nipped his palm and suckled on his own finger, nipping the tip with a slurp, grinning down at him in pleasure.
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