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Anjeru's hangout~

I think its hilarious that God told the Israelites, "Thou shalt not kill," while they were wondering around the desert but as soon as they got to the promised land he told them to slaughter everyone who already lived there.
Lyra said:
I think its hilarious that God told the Israelites, "Thou shalt not kill," while they were wondering around the desert but as soon as they got to the promised land he told them to slaughter everyone who already lived there.
Hmm....yeah, seems right.
Most of the teachings of Christ himself, though, are win. Such as the golden rule and a lot of his parables. Plus I love how he tells off The Man (Pharisees and Sadducee's) whenever they got up in his face.
As much as I would love to stay...
I must go back to sleep....
Bu bye Nii-Chan,
Nice meeting the rest of ya too!
G'night Selo-Chan~

*yawns widely*
I'm out for the night, too.

Hyper'ness is gone.
I'm crashing. Lol.
Goodnight everyone~
Aww, I dun want to do that to you. I like the new pic by the way. You should get some rest.

Sweet dreams.
Lyra said:
Aww, I dun want to do that to you. I like the new pic by the way. You should get some rest.

Sweet dreams.

Hehe, thanks~
See you tomor-- er, later today. ^^;
*sips his coffee*
Decaf is not coffee, it be impostor drink!

Heya all, gona be heading to school soon....
Damn Evening Academy....
Well, I don't go to school on Fridays, so why complain, aye?

Hehe, well, I'll see ya all later in the night then...
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