Anjeru's hangout~

*gives Josie another bar of chocolate* Also have Chocolate & Peanut Butter if you prefer that. :)
Random detail: My little brother used to call marshmellows "Oshmommows!" Was super cute.
*finishes a mellow, puts it onto a smore and hands it to Josie.*

It's your favorite chocolate, sis.
CARAMEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **snags from Raz and holds it close before going to sit by Chrono, munching slowly** Omnomnom.
*gives the chocolate & peanut butter bar to Josie*

Zalvek said:
Oshmommmows... hehe, that's adorable. ^^

Oh it was! He was like... 2 or 3 at the time (I'm 11 years his senior, so I can remember it pretty clearly) and he was like "Mommys, can I ha' some oshmommows?" And yes, he did say "Mommys". XD
Haha... God kid can be so cute. One of my buddies had a little sister who refused to go to Burger King when she was little, and if you asked why she'd always say "Cause has scary slide!" Just like that... It was pretty cute. xD
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