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Pokemon Divine Right [Priscilla x Eyeshield22]

The girl wondered for a moment if he did indeed let her win, but countered that in her own mind if it mattered. Either way it let her see that the people she wanted to be her friends really were not that way. She did after all hold her own against the strange trainer, the feeling of strength welling up in her. One day she would have to face those boys no doubt, but she hoped for awhile that she could avoid them.

Standing there on the Route she wondered if Marcus was going to pay out her victory prize, a sort of awkward silence between them as she stood waiting. She didn’t want to be rude and outright ask, he may have after all thrown the match and done her a favor. Shifting her weight to the other hip the young girl awkwardly smiled and extended her hand.

“I’m Rena... its nice to meet you.” Her blue orbs looked Marcus up and down as she tried to get an idea about him. “I’m from Aquacorde up the road, I take it you are coming from Vanniville?”
Marcus watched for a moment as Rena stood there. Her hair rustled by the wind. It dawned on him suddenly. “Yes, your prize money,” he exclaimed before digging into his pockets and pulling out around two thousand Pokedollars. The Medium placed the money in her hand. His gaze swept up the roa and he gave a nod of his head. “Yeah, I’m headed to Aquacorde and beyond. My journey is partly about challenging for badges and capturing strong pokemon,” Marcus explained. He left out his other darker purpose. Rena might discover it soon however.

His gaze shifted back to Rena and the open hand, and he grasped it with his. The Medium gave it a firm shake before letting it go. “Why were you so set on trying to start up a friendship with those boys. They wanted nothing to do with you,” Marcus asked. They were finally getting to the heart of the matter. He let his gaze slip from Rena’s and sweep over the young woman’s body.

Renea reminded him a lot of Melissa. "Your Spidna was a good partner today. You should treat it to something special for the brave battle it fought as a reward," Marcus explained.
As Marcus ran his eyes over Rena he wouldn’t see anything of note about her other than a cute face, unkept blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She was clearly rather tom-boyish, and if she never let her hair down she would easily be mistaken for a boy with her lack of hips or breasts. Rena shook Marcus’ hand as firmly as she could, but it didn’t amount to anything more than what a sporty girl could do.

She seemed embarrassed by the question as Marcus sought answers for why she chased after the boys that mistreated her so. Looking off towards the ground som ways away she hesitated some to answer, instead scratching her chin awkwardly and making an excuse.

“I don’t know... just wanted to be one of the boys. None of the other girls want to be friends with me either.” She surprised herself by opening up yo the stranger, though his kindness in helping show her power certainly helped.
“But they just said I was weak... and the girls said I was ugly. And well... I felt like I could at least help the weak part?...” her voice had a sorrow to it as she didn’t make eye contact with the traveler.
Marcus gave a nod of his head understanding the plight of Rena’s ostracization. He suffered the same growing up with his parent’s spiritual powers alienating the residents of Vaniville. Still, he had friends and people who looked out for him like Kim and Melissa. He also had his pokemon. He closed his eyes for a moment as memories of his past bubbled up.


The sun beat down and the cries of Krikitune’s filled the air. They were the dog days of summer. He’d just turned eight years old and his neighbor Kim bought him a Charizard action figure. He ran outside blond hair getting tossed by the wind. “Raaaaaawr!,” young Marcus bellowed as he imagined his toy Charizard blasting flames out of its mouth and trouncing criminals. He ran down the streets of Vaniville pivoting as he ran while mimicking the noises of his favorite pokemon. His laughter filled the air as his smile widened from ear to ear. Suddenly, a pack of older boys stepped onto the road. He ran into one of the more muscular boys and bounced onto the ground.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here? The freak with a toy of his,” one of the boys crowed while they encircled him. Marcus clutched his toy Charizard close to him as his hazel eyes darted from boy to boy. Fear and apprehension clawed at his chest while the pack of boys loomed over him. “What are you doing freak, playing with your Charizard,” one sneered as the largest boy stomped up and wrenched the toy from his grasp. The boy grimaced at the toy and examined it. “A freak like you shouldn’t have something so nice,” he hissed. Two grubby hands grabbed opposite ends of the toy and snapped the toy in half. The boy sneered and tossed the broken halves of the toy onto the ground at Marcus’s feet.


He remembered the pain and anger of the broken toy and the scrapes on his knees as he scrambled to run away from the pack of boys. Those cruel memories separated him from the townspeople of Vaniville save for Kim and her family. Now, he used the pain and anxiety to forge ahead with his mission.

A painful smile blossomed on his lips remembering past traumas. “Hmm, I know what it's like not to fit in with anybody growing up. But, I wouldn’t say you're ugly. Those girls don’t know anything about it, in fact, you’re quite cute,” Marcus said.
Rena blushed at his proclamation of her cuteness. It was clear she didn’t get such a compliment much if ever. She sort of kicked her foot around as she blushed, wondering why the older man was being so kind to her. Few would have called her such a thing, her tomboyish demeanor and build not eluding to normal girlish cute qualities.

“Hey... I’m not cute...” she puffed out a cheek and huffed at the idea. Clearly in her efforts of wanting to be accepted by the boys she liked being treated like one too.
A long moment passed before she said anything more, but her curiosity got the best of her.

“What are you doing out here anyways? A powerful trainer like you coming from Vaniville Town?” She looked back down the road.
“I guess I better go challenge some gyms since I am powerful enough to beat the likes of you.... heh” she nervously laughed as she put her hands behind her head, her short becoming tighter along the chest to show she was not wearing a bra of any sort, two cute nipples poking through the fabric.
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Marcus observed Rena try to deflect from her looks and redirect the conversation back to battles and gym challenges. He sensed an opportunity here. He left his gaze roam across her body. Rena lacked the bust he loved in Kim, but he wasn’t going to turn down seeing Rena cute moans of pleasure. He stepped up and traced a forefinger across her chin.

He locked gazes with her as he lifted her chin up. Marcus continued to star before his lips parted. “No, you shouldn’t say that. You didn’t accept the insults of the boys nor should you of the girls.” His gaze briefly swept over her body again before snapping back to Rena.

“Hmm, well I’m on a journey to grow stronger and explore the Kalos region. Power and strength to accept compliments,” he whispered. Marcus inched forward. His head cocked to one side as their faces were now inches apart. A smile breached his lips as he whispered, “I can show you how to accept those compliments.” His free hand itched to wrap around Rena's waist and pull her tight against his body.
Rena gave a little whimper as Marucs held her chin upwards and brought her face ever so close. He was so much bigger and older than she, yet he was so close as he talked to her un such an unfamiliar tone. The girl turned bright red, too nervous to push away from him as he got close to her and lectured her on who she should and should not listen to. The girlish side came out in the typically tom-boy Rena, her eyes flickering as he told her how he could teach her.

“Mmmhmmm...” she hummed, not knowing what he meant a she looked into her eyes and stooped to have his face low to hers. Something felt funny in her stomach as she stood there and let him hang over her. Rena passively allowing him to continue with his words and hold on to her face.

The road was largely empty as a warm breeze swept over it and rustled the trees on either side. Only in the distance could other figures be seen walking down the cobblestone.
Marcus let his gaze linger on her soft blue hues as his hand traced the curves of her body. Slowly, he grasped her hip and pressed her just so slightly closer to him. “Power and strength is knowing what you want and not being afraid to say it,” he whispered as he traced his thumb over her lips. “I feel the desperate need to kiss you.” His gaze flickered to the surrounding route one. “Mmm, but we shouldn’t do it here. We need a more private location.”

He reluctantly withdrew his hand from her and took a step back to give Rena some space. “I think you might have a spot or two where we can be alone right?”
Rena had few curves, her hips not really existent and rather boxy. As the girl felt the older man’s hand graze across her she shuddered, it was not a type of attention she was used it as he began to hold her much closer. Little resistance to his touch was given, though her face turned away as Marcus’ own neared, blushing red cheeks looking off into the distance as he felt around her body.

“Uh mister.. I uh... I don’t know about this.” Her voice was timid and scared, he could feel her heart racin underneath her braless chest.

At the mention of a kiss Rena gasped, almost squirming in his grip as his words became all the more sensual, seeking the desire to steal away such an affection from a younger girl.

“Kiss me?!” Ahh... Uhhh.... I don’t... why?” She looked at him with wide eyes. “Out here? I don’t know where to go... but why would you?” She was naive enough to not understand the desire Marcus felt.
Marcus gave himself a moment to consider the situation before he pulled away from Rena. He chuckled to himself as he took her hand and gave it a firm shake and kiss to the back of the hand. His blue eyes looked up and met hers. His gaze lingered while his lips pressed against her hand. Finally, he broke the gaze and straightened up. “If you don’t know or are unsure about it then we should go our separate ways then. I’m sure you’re looking forward to the struggles you and your Spidna have in earning badges, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors,” Marcus explained.

He gave her a wave to the young blond before turning to face the road to Aquacorde. Marcus stuffed his hands into his pockets and began walking away from the confused girl. Marcus contemplated as Rena receded in the distance why he’d given the battle to her. The decision was a spur of the moment, but the blond struck a chord with him because of memories of his past.

He made an oath to himself not to throw a match again unless it was worth it.
As Marcus began to dismiss himself, wishing her the best of luck with her Spinda, Rena seemed to receded into herself. Conflicted as to what he was proposing and what she wanted she stared at the ground for some time, and by the time the small blonde girl picked her head up he was already headed down the road.

“Wait!” She called out to him, shyly blushing as she held her hands together close to her chest. “I didn’t say leave... its just I’ve never kissed a boy before... and I uh...” she kicked her foot a little. “I just met you...” Rena wondered if that would stop him as he walked off into the distance. Something about the older man intrigued her more than she could understand.
Marcus paused for a moment and turned his head to glance at Rene in his periphery. The pause lengthened before he turned to face her. A half-smile tugged at the corner of his face. His flight of carnal interest in the young woman, and he now regarded her with passive interest. Rena needed time to develop and flesh out as a young woman before he examined his interest in her again.

“Don’t sweat it. You’ll find somebody to share that moment, and you’ll learn how to handle things. I’m planning on heading to the Satalune Gym. I hope to see you there,” Marcus yelled back. He raised a hand and waved goodbye to Rena and turned back to Vaniville town. He resumed his stride intending to find the scent of adventure and his next target.
Rena a bit embarrassed waved To Marcus as she faded into the distance behind him. The glaring cobblestone consuming the vision of her as he headed north to Aquacorde Town. It was not a far walk down the rest of Route 1, and it was quite uneventful with only a few figures of little note passing Marcus going the opposite direction. As he neared the outskirts of the city however, some more life would return to his ears as the bustle of the small riverside town became apparent.

Aquacorde itself was a humble but attractive riverside town featuring older more antique stone buildings of various sizes. A few modern buildings such as apartments, stores, and a newly built pokemon center stood out of place but in line with the town. At the center of it all a large square with a beautiful hand carved fountain was the favorite gatherin place of locals and the bridge leading to route 2 was at the north crossing the river.

Activity was average, few older folks strolled about, children played tag amongst the stone streets, and residents went on about their daily lives. Aquacorde certainly had most things an average sized town would, should Marcus need something it wouldn’t be hard to find. Near the entrance of the town there were large multi-family structures that seemed older and patched up over the years

Alleyways between these townhomes were frequented by the residents to get from street to street quickly without a major intersection. In such a small town crime was of little concern to most, but under the noses of the older residents some more eager and bold younger residents took advantage of their peers complacency. In an alleyway near by to where Marcus entered the town two school girls stood tense at the mouth of the alleyway, pocketbooks in hand as they took out some bills and handed them over to a much more unsavory looking girl.

“Don’t let me catch you holding out on me again.” The silver haired girl with piercings and fishnet stockings muttered to her victims as she wagged her finger. On her shoulder a Spearow cawed aggressively as the girls frantically handed over whatever protection or illicit toll money they owed, anything to get the bully off their back before they scurried away. After they disappeared into the ally the girl would lean against the wall waiting for her next target, returning her pokemon to the ball.

Crime in the small town was not the only thing happening that day. There was a more wholesome side to Aquacorde as well. In a small courtyard amongst several townhomes a few children laughed and played with an Eevee, kicking ball around in circles as the Pokemon happily panted and chased it. Several of these children had stopped to speak to a woman who sat on a bench near to the giggling gang of kids, eagerly asking her questions about the baby in her tummy.

“Miss! Is it going to be a boy or a girl?” One boy eagerly asked.

“Oh I don’t know... we want it to be a surprise when it comes.” She happily answered, though she shifted with discomfort in her seat.

“Where is the daddy?” A girl tugged on her blouse.

“Oh he is on a business trip right now.” Her fAce while smiling exhibited some anxiousness and regret as she shifted under the weight of her belly and their questions.
Marcus took a moment to enjoy the atmosphere of Aquacorde. The town was bigger than Vaniville, yet it maintained that rustic village charm. His first thoughts turned towards Eureka and getting him to a Pokemon center for treatment. He brought his phone and brought up the town map as he continued walking the quaint streets of Aquacorde. Marcus followed the instructions being printed off the screen. His eyes only flickering from the screen for a moment before he found himself at the edge of a small playground.

Several children frolicked with an Eevee who ran around the children’s legs excited to play and cavort with the youngsters. Marcus remembered the information about Eevees being spotted beyond Aquacorde. He wondered in the back of his mind if the Eevee was wild or domesticated. He might try to capture it if it was wild.

His attention turned to the pregnant lady swarmed by the children who pestered her with uncomfortable questions. His blue eyes centered on her for a moment before drifting back to the Eevee and again wondering if it was wild or caught already. He took a few careful steps closer to the gaggle of children around the pregnant woman. Marcus wanted to overhear what they were saying and possibly a closer look at the Eevee.
As Marcus neared, but still too far to really engage, the woman tool notice. It was far from a suspicious town so despite Marcus’ appearances and demeanor the pregnant woman just smiled at him, before turning her attention yo the gaggle of children.

“Do you get lonely sometimes?” A small girl with a big pink bow asked.

The woman who took up a bit of a sad expression nodded, yet maintained the smile for the children’s sake.
“Why of course sometimes I do, but after all I have Naddy to keep me company.

Her eyes turned to the Eevee that was dancing around in the square with the children. A small ball was being tossed back and forth by the children, of which Naddy the Eevee was enthusiastically chasing after. Once one such little boy got ahold of the ball, the Eevee got a bit too excited and knocked him down. Though the boy wasn’t hurt the pregnant woman stood with an “oophm” to check on his well being.

“Naddy, be careful and place nice!” She chided the pokemon as she stood holding her pregnant stomach.
Marcus approached cautiously, his attention shifted between the gaggle of kids and the pokemon. The question of the Eevee was soon answered by the pregnant woman chiding it when it got too enthusiastic with the playful children. Yet, he remained drawn to the older woman. She carried herself with a touch of loneliness that similarly touched Marcus that Rena had. He cocked his head as he watched them for a moment longer before approaching her.

“The Eevee might have been exuberant in its playing, but it didn’t hurt the kid. It's a learning experience for the both of them,” he said approaching the group. Marcus flashed the pregnant woman a warm smile as his blue hues flashed over the pregnant curves of her body.

He refocused his attention on the Eevee and knelt and scratched the Pokemon behind the ear. Marcus ran his fingers through the Pokemon’s soft fur before letting his attention return to the crowd around him. “I’m sure the kind lady doesn’t want to be peppered with questions all the time especially when you're all wasting precious time that could be spent playing,” he chided with a gentle smile flashed at the entire group.

Now, he stood up again and stretched his baby blue gaze meeting hers. His gaze briefly slipped to the children, an unspoken question, did he overstep his bounds?
The Eevee bent is body and moved around Marcus’ fingers enjoying the petting it received from the strange man. Its big black eyes looked up with a kindness only a pokemon could offer, smiling before barking a confident:


The children moved on to laugh and play, forgetting the questions they were just then asking as the Eevee darted off to capture the unoccupied red ball the kids had neglected. There before Marcus the pregnant woman sat alone, her gaze matching his as she seemed to be taken back by his bright eyes. It was a long pa, noticeable enough before she caught herself.

“Oh... well you seem to have a lot of experience with Pokemon... and children?” The question almost sounded like a statement if it were not for her awkward inflection as she observed the man before her, trying to read his intent.

“Eevee is usually good with children, they all can be rough sometimes.” A small chuckle accompanied by a friendly smile to the stranger.

“My name is Ryoko... are you from Aquachorde?”
He let his gaze linger for a moment before standing up and stretching. His white hair whipped wildly in the breeze before he shifted to face her. “I have some pokemon myself, so you kind of gets an intuition between all of them, but your Eevee is an exceptionally nice bugger,” he said with a chuckle. Marcus took a few steps and sat down on the opposite side of the bench. “As for the experience with kids, not really, I’ve been a kid myself. I’m just applying that experience here,” he explained. The curves of his lips turned downwards into a melancholic frown and his eyes glazed over with past experiences.

The Medium pulled himself out of his melancholic revelry, and he turned his gaze to Ryoko. “My name is Marcus. It’s good to meet you Ryoko. It looked like those kids were asking you some uncomfortable questions. I hope they didn’t make things too rough on you,” he asked. His blue eyes drifted to her bulging belly, the subject of the children’s questions.
“Oh... haha.” Ryoko chuckled as she patted her pregnant tummy. A warm maternal smile radiating a bright mood.
“Its no bother, kids will always be curious little buggers.” She grinned at Marcus after she used his own word. “I am about to have a child myself soo... I guess its good practice.” She tilted her head playfully as she looked over the man who sat opposite her on the bench.

“Its nice to meet you though Marcus... I havn’t seen you around before though. Are you passing through?” Ryoko didn’t seem to be terribly shy, leaning a but towards Marcus in a normal yet friendly way. Perhaps she could read people well... or maybe in this case she couldn’t.
Marcus stopped to consider for a moment what she was saying. A smile blossomed on his face as he turned to face her. “Hmm, yes I’m on my journey through Kalos,” he acknowledged. Ryoko’s body language, when interacting with the children, told him something upset her about the entire affair. He wouldn’t pry though. Instead, he let his eyes slowly move over her body. He took note of her maternal feelings with Ryoko’s arms caressing her stomach before his eyes lifted to meet hers.

Another easy smile came to him. “You don’t have to explain anything, but it was easy to see that you were troubled by them,” Marcus explained before turning back to the returning Eevee and grabbing the ball. He tossed it and sent the Pokemon chasing after it before turning to face Ryoko.
“A journey huh?” She smiled fondly looking over to the river. The sun was starting to lower as evening approached. Her eyes glimmered with its light as she held her stomach and sat there conversing with a stranger.
“I went on a journey myself before, found my husband at the end of it, and here I am.” She pat her tummy as smiled to Marcus.
“Though he still journeys around often...”

Her voice had a sadness to it at that thought. A clear loneliness in her expression despite her best efforts to hide it.

“I guess I just miss him, heh... the kids are sweet though. I hope my child has that many friends one day.” She watched the Eevee do a running tackle of the ball Marcus tossed, a grin on her face as it returned the ball to her.
Marcus considered the words and emotions behind them. He gave a solemn nod of his head. “I can understand the loneliness of being left behind, but it does seem irresponsible to leave your beloved companion behind to galavant across Kalos,” The Medium said. The irony of his words was not lost on him since he resolved to breed and multiple women across the region. His hypocrisy brought a smile and chuckle to him that rocked his chest.

“Ryoko, you shouldn’t bind yourself to the happiness of one person who is happy to travel the nation while leaving you here to wait in Aquacorde to wait for him. I know my words sound harsh coming from a stranger, but only sadness waits for you if you continue to pine for this man who left you to travel the world. Ryoko you need to find your happiness and companionship,” he explained

His blue eyes glanced up at the darkening sky and he gave a wistful smile. “I guess I should head to the pokemon center and stay for the night,” Marcus said before standing up. He dusted off his pants and extended a hand to help Ryoko off the bench.
“Oh... is that so...” Ryoko looked downwards at Marcus’ words, a pensive expression removing her more friendly smile. It was difficult to tell her feelings on the matter, though it was certain Marcus’ words struck home in a way.
“He was always so restless my husband... I was afraid to lose him if I kept him chained to one place for too long.” Ryoko finally admitted after a longer silence. She took Marcus’ hand gratefully and lifted her pregnant body up, her belly bouncing into the man’s side some as she blushed.

“I guess I wouldn’t even know where to start in my condition... finding companionship.” Her hand rested on her belly as she blushed, looking off to the sky as she stood there before Marcus.

“You sound like you have a lot of wisdom though, I am sure your journey will be a success. And that you’ll find whatever you are looking for....” Her eyes went back to Marcus as she gave him a faint smile.
Marcus nodded as he listened. “It’s not restlessness he’s suffering from Ryoko. It’s immaturity. You deserve better,” he repeated. His hand came to rest on the small of her back to help her. A soft smile curled his lips. “Hmm, I guess, my journey involves traveling through the Kalos region, but yours starts now finding what you want from a companion,” Marcus said.

He kept his hand pressed against her back and moved it in a circular motion as his gaze lifted upwards to stare at the sky. “Hmm, it's getting late. I should head to the Pokemon center or a hotel, but I wanted to know if you wanted an escort to your house, Ryoko. I noticed a few unsavory types wandering around,” he explained. Marcus had an ulterior motive too but that would be revealed soon enough.
As Marcus’ hand came to the small of her back, the older pregnant woman blushed with an “oh” squeaking out between her lips. The younger good looking man standing over her, holding her upwards with a smile as he told her that she deserved better made her heart skip a beat. A smile eventually came to her face, reluctant to move from his hand.

“Your too sweet Marcus. I uh.. I guess how could I refuse such a kind thing.” She relented to let him escort her home, thought she did not live far from where she was sitting. “You sure you are not too tried from your journey?” She began to walk forward, leasing Marcus down the stone streets of Aquachorde. Passing by other residents she would wave and make friendly greetings, clearly she was quite likable in this town as many gave their warm regards to the mother-to-be.

Not far at all from the plaza she had been sitting at was the front stoop of a townhome, neatly decorated on the outside, blending in with the antique feel of the city.
“Well... this is me Marcus...” Her eyes shifted left and right as she turned to the younger man she allowed to follow her. Her hands nervously fiddled around with each-other.
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