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☀ lazy afternoon

Finally watched episode five of Villainess, Final Boss and started Idolish7 and caught all the way up!
I love this season. I love these shows!! (TT////TT) I'm going to do one, last revamp of my thread
for a short search! And then work on staying caught up with all this inspiration my faves are giving me. ♡
Apologies to all for the delays. Work was busier than I expected. Everything else got chaotic.
I had a migraine for two days and slept a lot. It's been... some days. I'm feeling a lot better now!
Everything offline has not yet been sorted out, and I'm likely to be overwhelmed again soon
and thus offline again for a few days. But I'm going to try and check in.
I hope everyone had a fun and/or peaceful weekend, and that the season is a cozy and safe one.
It's finally raining here. I'm going to take care of some other things offline, settle back in with some
cocoa and then catch up on convos!
I'm so tired. =x="
Everything has felt so non-stop.
If I can catch a break and not feel listless, I hope to update one of my threads and bump it.
Otherwise. Well, work and other things will eat up my time offline and I probably won't be able to fully catch up with RPing until January or February. TTATT
Didn't mean for it to be a month since my last update, but everything has been chaotic and/or exhausting.
Both my favorite anime of the Fall season ended recently, and they were helping me through everything a lot.
Next anime season felt kinda depressing for me too, so I felt especially down for a bit.
I did give RS Minstrel Song another shot though, and it's gotten addicting, and helped my mood a lot.
I feel pretty motivated to write and very inspired since picking up more LNs too.
I'm going to feel out work for the week, and see how busy things are before I can catch up on everything.
By the end of next week, I hope to be through a lot of offline matters, starting to reply more, and maybe work on my threads if time and motivation permits!
Just a mini update, I'm expecting to be without power and/or internet for up to a week.
Depends on how bad this storm is and how prepared the city is for the impact. Already
had both out back to back for a few days from the first half of the storm. We'll see.
After the storm has cleared within the week (!?), and work and all else gets sorted out,
I hope to start work on an original thread and see where I'm at in being caught up
with roleplays.
Welp. The weather cleared up. I think for good, for a while.
But I have some distressing bullshit to deal with offline.
Don't know how much free time I'll have yet, or what kinda motivation I'll have to write.
Hopefully everything gets sorted out soon within the next couple of days.
Weather is very on and off. There was some flickering, but don't think I'll be without internet or power for an extended amount of time.
Honestly, truly. This year is starting off so terribly for me, it's pissing me the hell off. But as of now, I'm channeling that to RPing.
Slowly catching up on posts and OOC messages, and I'm going to maybe update the fandom thread. Original thread is a slow wip.
I don't know what my time or availability is going to look like, but I'm just going to try and force it to work, because I really wanna write.

The weather is expected to get worse tomorrow, and I go back to work, so I don't know what to expect from my availability.
I'll try to keep everyone updated, and stay on top of messages and posts. If I'm quiet the next couple of days, I'll probably be back Saturday.
The weather really has me all fucked up. _( :/」∠)_
Just deleted the OP thread. With how I'm feeling, I'm just going to focus on staying caught up on posts.
If I didn't get anything out so far tonight, I'll hopefully have my reply out tomorrow (well, today after work), or later Friday.

Thankfully, even with how unstable and strong the weather has stayed, we haven't had any more power or internet issues.
Hoping that stays golden so I don't have to worry about extra slow-downs!
Apologies to everyone for delays in keeping up. A lot has happened offline.
Family stuff especially got very chaotic, and will effect my availability going forward.
I think I might have more time in the coming weeks. Or I might end up with almost none.
I'll hopefully know by Tuesday, and update here and in convos!
Everything is still a little chaotic, and mostly, I'm still hyped up on stress and kinda annoyed a lot.
But... I think early February will be a good time? I expect things to slow down, and maybe I'll have
figured out more of the offline situation. I hope. I might have a chance to catch up over the weekend
and if not, it should be early February for sure.
Apologies to everyone for the extended absence and delays!
I think a lot of weight and burdens just got lifted off me, and
everything might get chaotic again a week or two into March,
but at least for now, I think I can finally catch up on RPs!
I kept starting different anime, manga and webtoons to help
hold me over, and I'd either get caught up or just not have the
time to keep up and that depressed me a bit too, but now that
things are less stressful, I'm getting the ideas flowing too!
As I catch up with OOC and posts, I hope to work on my
original thread and get that revamped and updated!
Apologies again to everyone for the delays. I've actually had so many interruptions or fell asleep at my laptop trying to reply.
It's getting kinda frustrating, actually! Otherwise, things are going decent and it's a huge relief! But I work tomorrow through
Saturday, and if I don't get a chance to reply by tomorrow night, I might even sign in at work or something.
I'm definitely going to try and be caught up by Sunday night. I hope everyone is doing well, and things will pick up if they're not smooth right now!
A lot has happened, and I'm floating between just not having much free time, and being incredibly emotionally drained.
Things are looking to get better (as much as they can), so I tossed a mini thread up and will be pming folks back tonight.
Sorry again for delays, and thanks to everyone for their patience. I ended up taking a long shift for work tomorrow too,
so I probably won't be very available tomorrow, but I have Sunday off, and Monday may be quite free too.
Komorebi, checking in. (๑´﹏`)
I'm in a weird space of feeling more settled, but also getting a little swept up in some grieving here and there.
Mostly, I think I feel a lot better and I have more closure now. Having time off from work helps a lot too.
Since I've managed to get a lot taken care of, I'll actually actually have some free time, and I'm resting more.
I do want to work on a proper original thread soon, and maybe update the canon thread. But for now. . .
I'm going to spend this weekend catching up on posts and messages, and hopefully Monday, I'll be more active.
I hope everyone is hanging in there too. Fighting (*´-`)
I feel like I'm just barely dragging my body back in here. _(┐「ε =)_
A lot came up offline, including stuff I put off and... semi-forgot, semi-tried to ignore.
Taking care of it, and another big project, has been very satisfactory though.
I still have a bit on my plate, and I know I won't catch up with everything probably even by the end of the month. ( ߹꒳߹ )
But I'm really proud of what I got done, and I think the person I'm grieving would be proud of me too! That's been motivating~
I want to try and finish up some of my big project and catch up with messages over the weekend. I'm hoping I can. I'm gonna try!
But, I mean. Apologies for the delays so far. And I apologize in advance if I don't manage to get online over the weekend.
Next week should be better, and otherwise, I honestly don't know what to expect this Summer. If the weather permits, I should be fairly available!
Feels like I only ever get on lately to apologize, but I mean it each time. Sorry to all for the delays and being so inconsistent.
I thought I was more put together and well off emotionally than I was. Lately I have so many stressful situations going on,
especially financially, and I realize I never got a chance to mourn or grieve privately like I needed to. But sometime next week,
I'll have more time to myself, and hopefully, some of my financial situation will be sorted out too.
The other day a lot of inspiration hit me all at once, but all of my motivation got drained in an instant today after a call. So,
knowing I'm still a bit of a mess, I'm going to just pace my and try to slowly catch up on posts and messages, work on a small
request thread, and hopefully by the middle of next week, I'll be on track to post kinda steadily.
I hope everyone is well, Summer heat isn't abysmal, and be sure to stay hydrated and take it easy on yourselves.
Well. I'm trying to stay caught up with everything. I still have some posts to do, but hopefully I have the chance tomorrow.
I started making decent progress on the new thread, plus updating one of the old ones. But a Nintendo Direct is coming in...
eight hours? And I'm easily influenced as all hell, so I'll wait until the evening or early Thursday to hopefully finish and post.
The weather is nice. My heart still hearts, but I'm also healing a little better. I found a Mos Burger copycat recipe to try.
Right now, everything feels "fine," and hopefully it stays that way for a while. At the very, very least.
I hope everyone is well and taking care~.
Sorry for the radio silence. The ramped up like mad here, and I just had to have everything except the A/C unplugged.
It's started to cool down again, and if it stays cooler through the weekend, I hope to make progress in catching up on
messages and posts!
Otherwise, things are still kinda sorta but less so all over the place. As frustrating as some things are, the Slam Dunk
film is coming to theaters here, and an anime was just announced for Yubisaki to Renren! Things to live for~.
I hope all is well with everyone!
Just checking in with a quick apology to everyone! I haven't lost steam right as I got started, I swear!
An appointment came up, I have work tomorrow, and I'm still running on the same fumes and lack of
sleep from when I updated the RT. (TTwTT") But I'm hoping after work tomorrow to get in some extra
sleep, and catch up on messages!

Just posting to update my status real quick.

Work, cat-sitting, the heat and some stuff related to my deceased family came up.
Everything has been pretty hectic, and my cycle is beating my ass. If the heat lets
up on Monday or Tuesday, I hope to make time to catch up in PMs with everyone!
If not by then, by the end of next week, and I hope to have more sorted out too.

Apologies for the delays!

Dragging myself back in here for another update.
Honestly, not much has calmed down or been sorted out. And some things just got stupendously worse since last time.
I've had a lot of nice stuff happen that helps keep my mood up.
But otherwise, I feel like I'm often teetering between pissed as hell, or depressed and tired for it.
I have car and financial troubles to sort right now (on top of everything else!), and I don't know when anything will get taken care of really. But ya know!
Since I'm at the end of my rope? I'm kind of at my 'fuck it' stage!! I don't have the time or energy right now for a full search, or to pick up much writing-wise
but I do want to try and start writing at least a little bit, and to get some kinda consistency. I'm going to update a thread just for specific cravings, and as I have
some time here and there, work on overhauling some old threads to become semi-permanent once I get some things taken care of and have the opportunity
to actually start writing. (Properly, frequently, freely.)
As shitty as things are, I'm glad for the things I've been able to get into lately and all the little stuff to help my mood. I hope I can get a couple of these
cravings clenched too to help me along.
Stay safe, stay well, take care to all! I hope life isn't miserable, that the roleplay spaces treat you well, and may your desires be fulfilled~.
I didn't mean to take almost a month to update, but that's how things have been. (wth, actually...)
Work hasn't picked up much unfortunately, but also kinda fortunate since I'm still having car trouble.
I don't know when it'll all be sorted out, but I'm trying to get my options sorted and solve it all so I
can have one less problem.
I caught a bit of a break with other stuff, but recently my other family started needing a lot of help again.
And it's been very draining, in every sense it could be. Everything just felt so stressful.
Supposing things calm down over the weekend, and next week is fairly clear, I'm hoping to work on
a small, original thread and do a search. I haven't really kept up with any thread or profile updating
like I wanted, and I haven't had the energy yet to properly catch up with writing, but I'm hoping to
get there soon.
It didn't take me a month to update this time! Honestly, things aren't much better yet!
A little bit! But not much. (Hmmm.)
Hyundai are just not good cars, apparently. Lesson learned. (And so much money with it...)
I still don't have everything fixed and that's stressful too, on top of the car not being paid off.
But I am hoping to have this situation figured out by the end of the year, if not when taxes come.
Once the car situation and other things improve, hopefully work will too! And as everything gets
more stable, I hope to be on much more. As always.
Fortunately, I have had more time to myself, so I feel a little more settled. (Unfortunately, I've also
been left alone with my thoughts. A dangerous place to be, right?) I got through some series, am
on the high of inspiration, and am going to try for a very guided request thread as I begin to catch
up on posts. (It's two posts. I can do it!)
There's a lot going on in the world, and I always felt like the end of the year is just magically more
stressful for everyone. If it's not for you, that's actually quite lovely, and I hope it stays that way.
Everyone deserves some peace! If it is stressful, whatever those reasons may be, I hope something
smooths over and you get some solace.
Stay well and take care to all!
Wow, just realized I didn't update this space once in all of 2024. With 2025 off to a pretty atrocious start (globally and a little bit personally),
I don't know if I'll be on much. If something incredible happens and things look up in the world by some decent measure, I will be back
on with a definite presence and able to post more, but otherwise, I'm going to take a break for now.
I wish safety, security and stability to everyone. Be safe, be well. Take care of yourself, and those around you.
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