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Fx Male Seeking threads (Updated 2/16)


Queen of the Angels
Mar 29, 2018
2/16 Added a new plot​
Craving: Black Butler related.

Hey there everybody, GuardianAngel here, and I'm looking to do some threads!

Honestly I've always disliked doing these request threads yet I suppose it is the easiest way to get the message across about likes and dislikes... and all that fun stuff. I do not have an F-List made. This is something that we can discuss through over PM when we discuss a thread - this way all likes and dislikes from both parties can be accounted for.

Just a few rules - Please be sure to read through them.
1. I can promise that I will be on every day, although when I get on that will vary.

2. I understand real life, I understand jobs. As stated above in my first point. I will keep you up to date on if I am going to be away for a period of time, I ask that you do the same.

3. I will roleplay over Thread and PMs, but that is it. A little note that I also prefer to have equal parts of story and smut - I am not fond of strictly smut driven stories, they are not that fun for myself after some time. Sex scenes now and again I can handle but not going from one scene, having a few posts about the story then skipping straight into a new one.

4. Female is my go to roleplay and I prefer to stick with the heterosexual coupling.

5. Please aim for at least a paragraph or more. One liners are incredibly hard to reply too, I am sure that everybody understands this struggle. If you cannot think of a way to respond, let me know. I can change up what I post, or we can think of a way to move forward, completely bypassing it.

6. This is OUR thread. If you have an idea... message me. Let me know. I want to hear your ideas on how to make OUR thread something more enjoyable for the both of us.

7. No God-Moding! If you happen to be writing the introduction and you are wanting to just introduce my character (which there are times where I will sometimes do this, with permission from my partner of course) message me and let me know that my character is going to briefly be controlled. But I do understand that it sometimes happens without one even realizing it, yet I do ask that you be mindful.

8. Canon characters aren't something that I lean towards, at all. I am absolutely terrible at playing canon characters, and would prefer not to have to do that at all. However if you are wanting to playing in the world of Naruto (for example)... I can play in the world, but I would prefer to play my own character. If you are wanting to play a canon character, go for it, I won't stop you at all. Or I will double up; I will play a canon character but I will also play my own character.

9. If we are currently doing a roleplay and you no longer wish to continue, please just let know. Don't just not respond again, I find it incredibly rude. If you cannot think of a response, let me know. Communication is important, my inbox is always open. This includes after the very first post; don't just abandon it without any word at all. A simple message stating that "Not interested anymore" is enough for me. If I am starting a post and I don't give enough to work with, message me. Let me know, and I will edit it. I will add more to it.
Now that the rules have been covered.... Lets get into the stuff that I am interested in.

This is not a complete or full list by no means. If there is something not listed here that you are curious if I would be interested in, just question about it. Worst case scenario I'll say no (due to not knowing much about it, not liking it, ect) or best case scenario I'll say that I'm down and we discuss a plot right then and there.
Seven Deadly Sins
Hellsing Ultimate
Ouran High School Host Club
Kamisama Kiss
No Game, No Life
Last Hope
Black Butler - Craving now but with our own characters.
Demon Slayer (I have read the full manga but only watched the first season of the anime.)
Fruits Basket - Really craving right now.
Soul Eater
Black Lagoon
Akame Ga Kill
Criminal Minds
The 100
Grey's Anatomy
Penny Dreadful
Code Lyoko
Game of Thrones
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Star Wars
How to Train Your Dragon
Would You Rather
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Bride
Pirates of the Caribbean
Harry Potter
Rise of the Guardians
Suicide Squad
Birds of Prey
Truth or Dare
Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem
Darksiders (1, 2, 3)
Diablo 3
Fable (1, 2, 3)
Assassins Creed (Syndicate, Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla)
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Nier: Automata
Code Vein
DC Universe Online
A Plague Tale
Saint's Row 4
Golden Sun
Scarlet Nexus
Elden Ring
Pokemon (Violet, Shining Pearl, Moon, Shield, Emerald, Yellow)​
Hogwarts Legacy
Accidental Pregnancy
Summer Camp
Forbidden Romance
Band Camp
Brother/Sister forbidden romance

Plot Ideas
**These can all be revised to fit however many characters we are wanting to play. **
Aura Kingdom is a popular MMORPG that millions of people worldwide play.
But with the newest update and expansion....something strange has occurred.
Players that are logged in at the time are suddenly... sucked into the game.
They have become the players that they created in game.
Now thankfully, in game if they die they don't die in real life they are instead resurrected in the Cathedral, a grand place located at the middle of the main capital.
But.... there is a limit to how many times you can resurrect. This all depends on how many Resurrection Stones you possess, and with this new update these are very rare to find. So when you have used your last one...this was your last life. If you died, then you died. In game and in real life.
A powerful guild called Aetherial Wings has devoted themselves to finding out a way to release all those trapped in the game.
So what exactly will happen?
Name: Yunaea "Yuna"
Age: "Is this truly of any true concern to those that are beneath me?"
Gender: Female
Race: High Elf

Personality Traits:
Once favor is lost with Yunaea, there is never a chance for one to redeem it. If you are somebody is dumb enough to intentionally harm her in any manner; she will personally be sure to ruin your life, and crush your name. You will be nothing more than a husk of the person you had once been when she is finished.
Power. All she wants is power; so that she doesn't have to deal with those beneath her trying to tell her what she can and cannot do.
Yunaea believes that everybody is beneath her; and she isn't hesitant to voice this belief either. Nor is she afraid to prove to others than perhaps this isn't much of a lie at times.
The world revolves around her, her word is law.

Empathy - An ability that allows her to control and manipulate the emotions of those around her. Although while her limit currently is those within twenty feet of her, this is any and all that are within that twenty feet that she is able to manipulate.
Persuasion - A powerful ability that allows her to force a person into doing what she is wanting, with only her voice. The limitation is that she has to be able to speak for her ability to work; and she can pick and choice who is affected by her ability.
Legend Lore - This is an ability that allows her to see important information about the person, place, or object that she is wanting to know about. This will consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even stories that hardly anybody knew about.
Mislead - This allows her to turn invisible while simultaneously creating a clone of herself; which appears where she had been standing. She is able to see and hear through the clone; although the downfall is that while she is using the sense of the clone she is deafened and blind until she goes back to using her own senses. This clone is able to move, speak, and attack as she would and will last for up to an hour (at this point) as long as Yunaesa herself doesn't attack or use magic of any sort.

Yunaesa had been born on the night of the winter solstice a number of years ago. Her silver hair and matching silver eyes a bad omen to that of her family. A child that was meant to bring ruin upon the world. Yet despite this her parents fell in love with her, and vowed that they would protect her, they would prevent her from going down that dark path. Growing up she was loved, she was cared for, she was spoiled. There wasn't anything that she couldn't get, within reason anymore. People seemed to forget about that ancient prophecy that had been foretold so long ago. Yunaesa was a normal child... at least until the eve of her tenth birthday. This is when it was realized that she was far more different than what everybody knew.... and it all started with a simple command spoken out of anger at one of the servants that dared to defy her. A simple command stating that if they couldn't do their job then they didn't deserve to be there, and for them to jump from the balcony. And this is exactly what happened. The servant was jumping from the second floor balcony, thankfully surviving with only a broken leg and some scratches from the wall.

At first everybody had thought that it had only been a mere coincidence but more things occurred that made them realize... that the young lady of the household was far different than what she seemed. Slowly the prophecy that they had tried to hard to disprove seemed to be coming true, she was beginning to tread down that dark path at such a young age. And with every passing year her powers only seemed to grow more and more dangerous. By the time she was sixteen years old, Yunaesa had become somebody that many feared. And all it took was a spoken command, bending their will to her own and forcing them to do what she was wanting them to do.

-She is more difficult to charm; yet this has to do with her own strong psychic abilities. While her thoughts cannot be manipulated, it is possibly for her emotions to be altered to make her slightly more docile.

Aura Kingdom had once been an MMORPG, one of the most popular virtual reality games. Yet the latest update had lead to something very strange happening. Players found that they weren't able to leave the game.... which resulted in there being mass chaos within the game for the longest time. Many had thought that if they were to die in the game, that this would force a log out yet it only resulted in them being sent to the Cathedral where everybody first starts in the game, where they are given a warning that their free revives have been used up. And that should they die again, it was permanent. Which had many people being a bit more cautious with their actions; and also had the sales of the Stones of Resurrection shooting through the roof. The NPCs, if they were real people, probably wouldn't be able to keep up with the sales that were occurring.

After a number of months, a strange announcement was made to all of the players from an outside source. Warning them that if they died in the game, and they were no longer able to resurrect, that they were dying in real life as well. The panic that had been there once before, had been taken to a whole new level. Yet this outside source was assuring them that they were doing everything that they could to make sure that they were able to leave the game safely. To just return to playing the game as they always had, being mindful of their actions. Or as mindful as they could anyways.


A young woman with long black hair and strange crystal blue eyes made her way through the town, just gazing around a bit. It had been such a long time since she had been to this town, yet again she had been long traveling the Kingdom, helping out where those were needing help. A faint smile formed on her pale lips before she was pulling up the hood of her cloak to hide her features as she made her way towards the inn. No she really didn't want to draw too much attention to herself.

Yunaea was just letting out a small breath of air before she was walking into the inn, just listening to some of the chatter around her. The young woman just took at seat at one of the tables in the tavern and ordering herself a drink. She wouldn't say that she was a newer player to the game; she had been playing the game since it had first come out; yet the young healer had been on hiatus for a couple of years. Real life had gotten to her; and then when she did start playing the game again everything was fine... at least until a few months after she had returned to the gaming life and ended up trapped inside of the game. A faint sigh was passing through her lips as she was looking at her stats for a brief moment in time.

Looking at her stats it was quite obvious that she was a magic based user; with those typical magic related stats being higher than the other stuff. She was swirling her drink in her cup for a moment as she looked at a few of the spells that she had in her spellbook. Oh hey there were a few of them that she had still in her spellbook that the creators had decided to take out of the game a few years ago; yet if you were one of those people that had already learned it, then you could still use it. It was the same with certain weapons and armors; if you had it even after it had been removed from the game; you were allowed to keep it. A rather nice thing. Already she had seen a few people with weapons that had come to be early in the game, yet now they were something that you would never find again.

'Did you hear the most recent announcement from the outside? They were talking about how there might be a way for us to get out of the game from that new place. The Chaos Rift.' somebody was commenting although there was somebody else who was commenting that it was practically suicide to go there. That was the newest place that had come with the latest update, and it was as though the area itself had a mind of its own.

It was the highest level area in the game, meant for those that had already reached the level cap of one-hundred to be able to go for a challenge. But the monsters that were there.... their stats were something far more than what they showed. There had been a few of the top ten players that had gone there, and they had been wiped out by the monsters. Yunaea listened to the conversation although she merely swirled her drink a bit, debating on if it was truly worth it or not.

It was more than interesting to say the least as the young woman leaned back in her chair before she was finishing the drink that was in her hand and rising so that she could leave the tavern, having gathered the information that she was wanting. Time to travel to the Guild Headquarters of the Aetherial Wings, one of the top Guilds within the world of Aura Kingdom, to see if there were any quests to take – especially anything relating to this 'Chaos Rift'.
The Long Rose Inn use to be a very beautiful place when it was first built. In fact it was a popular place to visit, probably because of the beautiful surroundings and just the feeling of freedom. This is what often happened when a place such as this was out in the country, but it was located near a heavily traveled road. As time went by the road was used less and less, which meant that not many people went to the Long Rose Inn any longer. The place began to look run-down and old. It was rare that people actually stayed at the inn, even more so now since the incident that took place five years ago. Now anybody who enters this inn finds that they cannot leave and most of these people end up dead by a murder victim that wants them to feel the same pain that they did.

Two friends decide to go on a road trip. Along the way their car ends up breaking down near the Long Rose Inn and it doesn't help that there is a storm sweeping through. So they go to the Inn for a safe place to stay until the storm is gone and they can get somebody to fix their car. Little do they know that this stay might just be more eventful than what they want. Well one thing know this is a summer that they will not be forgetting for a while.
A deadly serial killer is on the loose. Already there have been fourteen deaths and not even a week as gone by. Each time he or she leaves their calling card, the words "Death's Kiss" carved in the chest of the victim. This is what lead to many authorities to simply call this mysterious serial killer "Death". Now a group of four special agents are out on a mission to find this mysterious "Death" and finally bring them to justice. But what were to happen if Death has been within their grasp the whole time but they never even knew it.
Centuries after the fall of Greece the Gods finally settled in Athens and opened a hotel. All of them had children in which they passed their powers onto. But the downfall of finally settling down is that the Gods could only maintain their powers while they were on the grounds of the hotel, but they moment they left they were mortal. Soon enough the world is faced with a new threat, something more terrible than even the Titans. The Gods know that alone they will not be able to stand up against this strange new threat, especially if it requires leaving the grounds of the hotel, alone. At first they wanted their children to live as normal of a life as they could but this new threat causes the Gods to call their children to the hotel and ask them for help against this new threat. But will the Gods be able to defeat this new threat with the help of the children or will the planet be destroyed?
Din; Goddess of Power
Nayru; Goddess of Wisdom
Farore; Goddess of Courage

Everybody in Hyrule knows of the Golden Godesses, the ones that created the Triforce that was hidden away in the Sacred Realm. What people don't know is that they lived among us in the guise of humans. Why? They wanted to see the world that they had created through the eyes of those that lived there day to day. For the longest time there was peace, but then that peace shattered when a new evil rose up from out of nowhere.
The three Golden Goddesses were turned into crystal statues, and slowly the world plunged into darkness. Chaos ensued and for once it seemed like there was no hope. But as it always was, an unlikely hero rose up to defeat the evil, or in this case unlikely heroes. Four friends who had been born with a strange marking all have the same dream of what was happening, and that they were the only ones that could save Hyrule.
But in order to do that they would have to find the Golden Goddesses and free them from their crystal prisons. Or they would have to realize the true reason that they had the strange markings.
For this the idea for our characters is they are escaped experiments. They have obtained unnatural abilities and are the ones who formed the rebellion, not wanting others to suffer as they had.
The year is 3046 and the city that everybody lives in is surrounded by a protective dome. There is a man, who face is seen everywhere, on everything. He is the leader. His word is law and there is no trying to argue with his word. Some people don't agree with his rule so they have gone against him and formed a rebellion. The problem is that going against his rule is punishable by death, but these people do it anyways.
Please note that as this is laid out this would be a romance between brother and sister; but they dont' know that they are related until later on, if at all. But if this is not something that you are comfortable with, then things can definitely be changed up; you just need to communicate that with me.
The Last Dragonborn has accomplished many feats during their time. They defeated not only the World-Eater Alduin but also Miraak, the First Dragonborn. They stepped up to become leader of the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, the Companions and the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. They became a member of the secretive inner circle of the Thieves Guild, the Nightingales. Even became apart of the Dawnguard, and blood-kin of the Tribal Orcs. These were just some of the feats but there are so many more that they have accomplished. After the defeat of Alduin and Miraak, the Last Dragonborn finally settled down and got married. They had two children, twins, a boy and a girl. But before the birth of the twins there was a scary omen from a travelling prophet.

Twins born in Sun’s Dusk.
Light and Dark.
Yin and Yang.
Life and Death.
Together they will save….
Or destroy.

After the prophet gave his prophecy he just seemed to vanish into nothing, leaving the Last Dragonborn and their spouse to wonder. So to be safe the twins were separated. The male was sent to the Dawnguard while the female was sent to the Temple of Dibella. All in hopes of preventing a prophecy from occurring that would end up occurring in the end.

Years passed and during that time the parents of these twins end up passing away. Not that the children ended up knowing of this event. The male had become a very skilled member of the Dawnguard, probably one of the best. The female was the Sybil of Dibella, otherwise known as the prophetess or leader of the Cult of Dibella. Their two paths cross when the female is taken hostage by some vampires while travelling to one of the Shrines of Dibella to speak with a follower of Dibella.

Twins reunited at last, but this only brings dark tidings. Sealed deep within the Ghost Barrows, a place that had seemed to harmless except for the bandits that had been there, lies a greater evil. One that may even rival that of Alduin and Miraak. And now it has been awakened. Darkness sweeps across the land, the sun slowly fades behind blackening sky. The only ones that can save the world, or even destroy it, are the twins of prophecy. But first they must find ancient weapons that were long sealed away. Archon’s Dream and the Sword of Aeons. These ancient weapons were sealed away due to their power, and how unstable it was. They both seemed to have a mind of their own, and could compel their wielder to do dark things.

What will happen? Will the twins manage to save the world? Or will they be compelled to destroy the world? Only time can tell.
There is another god that the other Daedra and Aedra never speak of. A god that was sealed away within the depths of Snow Veil Sanctum. Of course not many know about this since the dragon claw used to access the inner chambers had been lost long ago. But things changed when Mercer chased Karliyah there with the Dragonborn. This was a number of years ago. And since then, the seals that have kept the god bound have weakened enough that he was able to get free. The big thing to know about this god... he is more dangerous than that of Alduin and Miraack combined. So in order to combat this foe, the Aedra and Daedra have teamed up together and have named champions to deal with this thread, and protect Nirn.
Cross Academy.
A school in which vampires and humans co-exist, despite humans not knowing of the existence of vampires.

They are separated by the Sun Dorm and the Moon Dorm, the Day Class and the Night Class.
The only ones that keep the humans from learning the truth are the Guardians, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu.

At least that is how it had been last year, things changed after Yuki discovered the truth of the matter. That she was in fact Yuki Kuran, the daughter of Juri and Haruka Kuran.
Everybody knows that the Kuran Family is an ancient pureblooded family said to have been the first vampires, but that is not the truth of the matter. Nor is Kaname and Yuki truly the last pureblooded vampires.

There is another family that were truly the first vampires to have been born. The very first purebloods. The Asais. And the last living members have decided to finally come out of hiding and reveal themselves to the world. Sisters, ones that were prophesied long ago to save the world from certain destruction, a destruction that only they know about. But there is one thing strange about these sisters.... one is a pureblooded vampire, while the other is a pureblooded human.

Little do those at Cross Academy know is that their lives are about to get a whole lot more hectic.

All vampires know of the existence of Level E vampires, ex-humans who were turned and have gone made with blood lust. But they can be stablized by drinking the blood of the one that turned them. What the vampires of Cross Academy, not even Kaname Kuran knows about, is that there is a sixth type of vampire. A very dangerous vampire.

Level Z.

Level Z vampires are similar to that of Level E vampires, but they aren't just ex-humans. They are also vampires. Level Z vampires have gone made with blood lust, they have lost their sanity completely, and there is no reverting back. The only way to cure to kill them.
It has been discovered that vampires are being infected through the blood capsules that they drink, which has resulted in many of the common vampires to change. Now it will take all of the strength of not only the vampires but the hunters, and the now aware Day Class students, to find out what is happening, so that they can stop it. Before the world is destroyed.
Over the past few years the crime rate has gone up dramatically. To the point that jails are overflowing. So the government decided that they were going to ship the more dangerous convicts to an abandoned island in the middle of nowhere. One such convict was released due to good behavior after a few years in jail, weeks before they were ship off to the island. A game show was started. A show that he called Survivor. The show is about a group of people who are sent off to somewhere remote where they have to survive for a certain amount of time. Sometimes a week, sometimes a month, sometimes only a few days. What people don't know is that the show isn't what they think. That people who are on the show actually get killed, it is all faked and screened. Nor do they know that a number of the children that are sent onto the show, their parents had been paid large amounts of money to send them. So what will happen to this new group of contestants when they are shipped of to the Convict Island?

I'm sure that I'll come up with some more plots at some point in time, although this is all I have for right now.

If anything at all catches your attention be sure to sent me a message. Also.... because I am truly curious as to if people are actually reading stuff. Please start your message by telling me your favorite color.

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Wow it has been a while since I've bumped my thread.
Anyways I've been pretty busy with work recently but I'm still looking for some new roleplays!
I haven't been as active recently due to work, and real life, but I'll try to be more active.
I suppose I'll give this a bump now that things have calmed down a bit.
Also hoping that everybody has a Happy Holiday for those that are online!
So it is definitely been quite some time since I've bumped this (honestly forgot about it for a bit) but... I'm in need of some new threads.
So bump!
Seeking new threads - especially since I'm about to be on a mini staycation away from work (and recovering from getting my wisdom teeth removed) so I'll need something to bide my time and keep me entertained.
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