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Poke'mutation (me&crimson moon)


Dec 7, 2009
A pair of big brown eye's opened up. An Erie white light flooded the room. He pressed his hand to his head. He could see his appearence in the reflection of the glass tube he was in. He had a long orange tail a pair of small, but powerful wings, and a pair of antenea sticking from his head. A doctor in a white lab coat entered in with a grin. She knocked on his tubing filled with liquid that kept him sedated, and under control. He looked to her. She was the woman who had been doing experiments on him for months. He use to be a human boy. He was a dragon pokemon trainer. It was during his journey's that he'd come up on Team galctic working with team rocket in order to form the perfect human/pokemon hybrid.

Team rocket thought it would be powerful. Team galactic said pokehuman metamorphasis was the next step in the human evolutionary chain.

The woman knocked on the glass again causing him to become alert. "Wake up Zentite. His name was Zentyu...or at least it used to be before they spliced his Dna with his poor dragonites. The experiments they did to dragonite were cruel, and inhumane the constant blood, and tissue sample they took all without aestetics. All the while telling him if he didn't endure it his trainer wouldn't survive. However Zentyu didn't learn this truth until they were spliced together, and he was able to access dragonite's memories.

"Look alive Zentyu. You have a new friend. Another one has survived." He couldn't see well from here, but it was definately a female. He couldn't see what pokemon she was spliced with though. He had seen many half pokemon half human failures that by the end looked like neither, and so many of those that were transformed were all to ready to serve there new masters.

"You know of all of the splices you are the only one that won't comply." Zentyu or Zentite was the first experimentation. The tests he was forced to endure on his body were nearly mind shattering. but when they thought they could control him, and tried to give him to a rockett trainer to control him he rebelled, and destroyed half the building. Since then they'd become more efficient with wiping away resistance to listening to the trainers, or at least in most cases. They had thought many times of just killing him, but the head professor wouldn't let that happen. Each time they requested it she denied it saying that he would be hers without any drugs to manipulate him. He had been her first ever failure in the scientific field, and she had grown quite fond of seeing him she saw him as something like a tarnished trophy..., and an unruly pet that she planned to tame.

He hated these people, but this liquid kept him from getting free. If only...He'd make them all sorry especially that woman the things she'd done to dragonite were unforgivable, and that lustful look in her eye's when she turned to him always made him feel sick. She walked over to the girls case knocking on it. "Hey you get your trainer." A skinny grunt looking rockett walked into the room to see the girl. The professor smiled. "So what do you think of her?" He looked pleased. "I won't know for sure till i put her through her paces, by the way...we can use them however we see fit correct?" Th professor grinned. "Oh you mean...i see...honestly how you decide to train her is up to you..., but she should be obedient..."
When the eerie bright light filled the room, a pair of green eyes struggled to open as the girl groaned quietly. She was slightly smaller than the boy that was in the same situation, but it was more apparent who she was spliced with. Her cream colored wings, large blade like extensions on her forearms and her green hair and eyes showed that she had been spliced with a Scyther, but not any Scyther, it was her sister's and it had refused to evolve into a Scisor.

Hearing the loud yet muddled knocking on her tube's glass made her whimper slightly. When she saw the trainer that was slightly distorted her head lowered slightly. Her Scyther was not as lucky as the Dragonite. After the splicing had been done, it got eliminated by Team Galactic because it was causing too many problems. The girl had been just as unruly until the pokemon was eliminated, then she somehow slipped into a subservient state that seemed to lighten the mood of the scientists.

When the words in between the scientist and Rocket reached her ears, her eyes closed as she visibly shivered. When she made a move to try and brake the glass, an electric current was sent through the liquid shocking her making her cry out in pain. It was apparent that she had tried attacking before. The voltage was not a mere shock but more like a Raichu's Thunder attack. Even now, the current was still running through her body making her whimper slightly.
Seeing her move the rockett's gaze shifted to her. "I thought that liquid was supposed to keep them sedated. " He said looking back at the professor for some kind of explanation. She tilted her head. "It usually does. You know only one other experiment managed to even move a muscle while in this stuff before her and that would be." A very mischevious twinkle gleamed in her eye as she looked at Zentite. "What you mean him..." He had heard the stories of how powerful, and how much rage he released. "Will...she be just like that incident?" He asked a little nervously. "Don't compare this low grade specimen to my precious Zentite." The grunt merely looked at her strangely. "We made sure to take the life of her scyther in front of her in the most pain staking way possible we first clipped it wings, then forcefully removed his blades, and just for a moment we let it squirm on the floor as it bled before we decapitated it, and let a houndoom hybrid come, and eat the remains." The grunt felt a little sickened. "Hm..." Her eye's veered to the grunt. "You don't have the stomach for such a thing i take it. Well that is why you are an unimportant grunt, and i am a lead scienctist that makes in a day waht you make in a year. It is important to completely break there spirit's a failure." She began to walk off. "I will send her to the training grounds. you can test her out there." The grunt looked at her body. It's not as if they clothed them while they floated about in the tubes. He shot her a lewd stare.

Zentite watched as the man looked at the girl. He had seen that look in many male trainers eye's when given a young female hybrid. He summoned all of his strength. He forced his mouth open. Small paritcles of light began to gather, and a powerful hyper beam blast from his mouth shattering the glass. The entire lab freaked out. He took in another deep breath, and released a powerful screech attack shattering all of the glass, and freeing the scyther girl. He immeadiately began to have trouble breathing he hadn't been out of that tube in months his body felt heavy, and everything seemed to hurt. It had been but a few seconds before the alarms went off, and the room was sealed shut. The rockett member looked at the door then back to the two free hybrids. He clawed at the door hoping for some miracle to be free'd.
Thankfully her eyes had been closed when the grunt gave her the lewd stare. Though before she could open them, she heard the commotion coming from Zentite and then she felt the glass in her tube shatter causing her to fall to the ground. Quickly catching her breath, she looked up at the trainer at the door. She was just out about a week ago when the scientists decided to give her a final test to make sure she was ready for a trainer. Slowly she managed to stand, "They killed him to make me submit to a low grunt like you." she murmured as her eyes hardened. Turning to Zentite, she lowered her head slightly, "Thank you." she murmured before she started walking towards the door where the grunt was trying to get out, her c-cup breasts barely moved with each step she took.

Once she reached the grunt she tilted her head, "How should I kill you? Should it be the same way they killed my sister's Pokemon? You do not deserve a swift death..." she added. But she didn't move, she couldn't. No matter how angry she was she could not kill him, it just wasn't her. Even the part of her that was the Scyther was nice.

"I want to kill him...shred him to little threads but I can't." she murmured as she stepped back slowly, almost afraid that the grunt would try to attack her or rape her instead.
Zentite would surely had swiftly killed the man if he could get his body to respond. "I see..." The grunt stood up against the door trembling. "They really did a great job making you submissive didn't they." He cleared his throat trying to sound confident. "I am your trainer, and your master..." His voice was still very shaky. "and you will do as i say." He pointed to Zentite. "Start by ending that rejects life." Zentite tried to force himself up, but his body was too weak. He looked at the girl. He wasn't sure if she would listen or not. He didn't dare call for help. He knew that's what the grunt would want.

"use slash attack." The man called out. Zentite forced himself to his feet it was all he could do to keep himself from blacking out from the pain that was surging through his body. "I won't let you live..." He uttered out panting speaking to the grunt. He felt his body just wanting to collapse. The grunt grinned feeling more confident. "Look at how pathetic you are. I don't even need her to do this." He walked up to zentite boldy. Zentite used all his energy to turn around hitting him as hard as he could with his tail. The grunt when flying backwards. Zentite collapsed to the ground again. He didn't have any strength in all of his body. He was sure this would be his end. The grunt got up rubbing his head. He had a small splatter of blood coming from his mouth. "Didn't i tell you to use slash attack." He yelled. "Kill him now!"
The girl's eyes closed when she was ordered to attack though she did not move. When he ordered her to kill Zentite, her eyes shot open, "I said I could not kill you. I did not say why. You will never be my master and I will never listen to you. The one you are ordering me to kill is the one that saved me. Order me to do something like that again and I might have to break my promise to my family and I will kill you." she said quietly as she walked over to Zentite and knelt down next to him.

Slowly, she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't move around so much. There is a reason why we were kept in that were just exposed more to it than I was." she murmured softly, "It doesn't help that we are not made to do a powerful hyperbeam." she added calmly, not even looking at his body. Leaning down, she kissed his cheek gently before she stood up and turned to the grunt, "Why are you still here? Are you so weak and pathetic that you cannot even open a simple door?" she asked the grunt almost mockingly.
He chocked a little. It seems like she wasn't broken after all. She seemed very much in control of herself. The man watched as the girl joined Zentite. Zentite was still struggling. He began to cough violently eventually coughing up a glob of the thick fluid. "You are a coward..." he said looking at the man. "Killing you would be an insult to my dragonite." He was able to stand up again though still wincing. He looked at the wall in front of them. "Stand back" He took in a deep breath and released a powerful flamethrower melting the wall.

"You should go..." He said. looking to her. "My body is to weak I can't get free. You should just go without me." He said convinced that there was nothing he could do at this point, but slow her down. He wanted to save someone. He wanted to do something after all before he was killed. He was sure that after a stunt like this he would most certainly meet his end. His body trembled lightly.
When Zentite started to tremble, she instantly had her arms around him being surprisingly strong for a girl her size. "I cannot and will not leave you. I owe you more lives than I can give. We're getting out of this together." she said gently yet confidently. Once she had a comfortable grip on Zentite, she slowly started walking towards the hole having most of his weight on her.

Though looking at the hole she turned to the grunt, "How tall is this lab?" she asked in a tone that said do not lie. Perhaps they could fly out if they were not that far. A few small hyperbeams mixed with a few blade slashes might do the trick if they were close to the roof.
He looked at her surprised. He hadn't expected the offer to help. Had he been able to push her away he would've, and would've told her to save herself yet again, but he didn't have the energy, and he wanted the pleasure of bringing rocket down to the ground himself. He smirked. "At one point they used to keep experimentations on the top floor, but after the incident i caused last time they realized a lower floor would cause less casualties. We should be close to the first floor." He said. The rocket grunt watched as the two began to escape.

The head scientist heard the alarms, and looking up she smirked. "Ah...trying to escape my pet...well you know what they say if you love something set it free...if it's yours it'll come back." The grunt who delivered the news waited for her orders. "Ma'am what she would do?"

"Hm...." She thought for a moment. "Let' it a day for today everyone has worked hard." She said smiling before walking away from her chair. The galactic grunt looked dumbfounded at the chaos around them, and she just wanted to call it a day. "ma'am with all due respect we have other hybrids here." She stopped in her step, and turned to him. A scary look on her face. "I said call it a day if even one hybrid or squad is sent after them...we won't have to look far for our next human specimen." The man gulped, and nodded.
When they got out of the room, the girl was planning on seeing some sort of resistance, but there was none. "Trap?" she asked quietly as she looked over at Zentite, "She seemed too interested in you to just let us walk out." she added as she looked down. Even with her helping him, she did not have much energy left. If the guards did what they were told and left the two alone then she might get them just outside of the property...but that'd be pushing it.
"I wouldn't put it past that evil woman." He struggled. "I might be able to help fly a little if you can just get us a started. We just need to get away from this place." He began to flap his small wings as fast as he could. 'Please dragonite give me strength...' He thought to himself. He was pushing his body far beyond what it should handle. He looked to her flapping his wings, and breathing heavily. "Let's hurry."
Without hesitation, the scyther pokegirl started working her wings, wincing slightly at this being the first time she had used them in months. When she looked at him again, she looked down, " should rest." she murmured, "Leave the rest to me. You have done enough, you need to regain your strength." she murmured quietly. She was worried about him, he was pushing his body too much and if he continued then it could take weeks or months to recover.
He didn't stop he kept on flapping as hard as his tired body would allow before they jumped from window. He began to flap as hard as he could till suddenly his wings gave out. He felt himself blacking out. He whispered. "I'm sorry..." He released his grip from her as not to slow her down, and began to fall toward the ground. As his eye's closed he saw a strange glow.' It was his dragonite. He took in a deep breath, and his eye's suddenly opened. There was a strange glow around his body. He was beginning to feel better. "recover..." He questioned before stopping his descent. His body was still far from 100%, but it was better. He rejoined the scyther girl in the sky. "We need to keep going." Through a window high in the team rocket base a pair of eye's watched as they raced away with a smug smile.

Seeing a river after a bit of flying Zentite suggested they rest there. He was better, but he could still feel his body was very weak. He looked to her. "Are you ok?"
The girl freaked out when she heard Zentite apologize. When he let go of her hand she was frozen in shock, she just hovered there for a minute until she turned and dove down towards him. Though before she could reach him he had already recovered and was flying back to her. As they flew away from the lab, she felt uneasy about how easy it was to get out. When Zentite suggested that they land at the river, she nodded and slowly started to descend towards the earth. Though once she got near the ground her wings had locked up and she fell the rest of the distance of about twelve feet.

"Zentite..." she murmured quietly as her eyes closed slowly as she tried catching her breath. She was worn out and probably could not move until after she had rested. "...Where's your Dragonite?" she asked quietly.
Zentite was tired, but he was able to soften her fall with his body. He was just as tired if not more so. He shyed away from the question at first, and turned away from her for a moment. He pointed to his chest. "He's here with me..." He said with a sad smile. "We should both rest here for a while." He picked her up, and carried her to the shade of a tree. He allowed her to rest her head on his lap, and leaned up against the tree. It didn't take long before he fell asleep against the tree.

2 days later...

Zentite woke up tired, and hungry. He quickly began to search for the scyther girl. He had no idea how long he had been sleep. "Wh-where are you?" He asked in a groggy voice.
The girl gave a sad smile at his answer before she blacked out. Not knowing that she had moved. She had woken up in the early morning two days later and at first was hesitant to move, she was comfortable where she was until she noticed that his lap was the comfortable pillow that she had been using. She had traveled to a river that was near by and had taken a plunge to clean up both physically and symbolically. Sure, she was cleaning off the chemical residue that she lived in since she had been forced in that tube, but it was also like washing away the life of being held captive and beginning a new life with Zentite.

She was heading back slowly when she heard her new friend start to move. When she heard him ask where she was, she hurried up and ended up behind him. There she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder, "I'm right here. I just went to the river. Thank you for making sure I was comfortable." she said softly before she leaned up and kissed his cheek before she stepped back with a small smile. "There is a berry tree by the river. I can pick some if you want to go clean up." she offered.
He blushed when she kissed his cheek. It was just so sudden. For a moment he felt human all over again. "It was really no problem..." He said with a nervous smile. He gave a large stretch, and yawn. "That would be really great. It's been a very long time since i've been able to shower." He got up. His body still felt weak, and he stumbled backwards. He leaned against the tree, and grinned. "I'm fine don't worry." He made it to the water, and washed himself. The cool water felt good on his skin. He released a satisfied sigh. A lot of his muscles still felt sore, but now he felt as if he could move them. He returned back to the tree.
The girl let out a small giggle when she noticed the blush. When they went to the river, she started collecting berries for them to eat until they could find real food. She had returned to the tree before he did. When she got there she sat down against the tree and closed her eyes as she tilted her head against the trunk. "I failed my promise to her." she murmured quietly as a tear fell from her eye.
He sat down near the small mound of berries, and began to eat one at a time. They were quite sweet, but to him they tasted wonderful. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had real food. He did his best to control himself from eating them all. Only once he'd had a bit did he notice her sad expression. He didn't know why, but he imagined it might have to do with her scyther. However having just escaped he didn't want to talk about that at least not yet. "May i ask your name?"
"'s Cho." she murmured as her eyes opened, "Eat as much as you want. I can always get more." she said softly as she reached over and grabbed a berry before eating it, though she made a face that said she did not like them, "Eat all of them if you want. I don't care for them...they're too sweet." she added gently with a small smile.
He smiled nervously. He wasn't sure if he was eating alot. He thought he was pacing himself, but maybe he was hungrier than he realized. He continued to eat however as he saw her pull away from them he thought he might be eating to much. He pulled back as well. The berries were good, but he stood to his feet. He wanted to see how his body would react. With food in his stomach he felt a bit of energy. He hadn't been free in sometime. He slowly moved his wings, antenna, tail, arms, and legs. "Thank you Cho, So...where do you plan to go from here?" He asked looking to her.
The girl watched Zentite as he stood, her eyes followed every single move he made. But when she heard the question, she looked down, "I...I don't know." she murmured, "I can't go home and I can't go back to the lab. No matter where I go I will not be accepted." she added. "What about you?" she asked curiously, "Are you going to go destroy the lab?" She asked curiously. She would have loved to stay with him, but she'd only go if he asked her to.
He had no intention of returning home as well. He had been gone for months now he figured he'd been considered dead by now. He wouldn't put his whole family through seeing him like this. "Yes, that is what i plan to do, but i've heard from that woman talking that this isn't the only one it's just the first. I plan to take down both organizations even if I'm alone...,but you..." He wasn't sure if he planned to be soft. He had a murderous intent inside him that he planned to let loose, and wasn't sure if she would be ok with seeing that. "Cho...i'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to follow me."
"What happens if I follow you?" she asked as she stood up, walking over to him. Looking down at the ground, "I want to help you. You will probably need help after destroying each lab...with us being like this, hyper beam takes out too much." she murmured before she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, "I don't care what you do. I know the good side of you and will always see that when I look at you. But not leave me alone." she murmured quietly.
He looked at her unsure why she would want to travel with him, but she seemed dedicated to the idea. He didn't want to put someone needlessly in danger, and all things considered she seemed especially soft even though she was spliced with a scyther. He was surprised when she pulled him into a hug, but to be hugged felt better than he remembered. He looked down at her and nodded. "If you really wish to stay with me then i will protect you, and we will take down team rocket, and team galactic." He planned to go in kamakazi style, but he couldn't if he had to protect someone. He was surprised that she could still look so attractive after being spliced. "Well we need to come up with a plan. There are other experiments in there if we try to attack head on we will be caught. In fact this one...knows what we are, and are capable of they've probably even made defenses against us...I don't think we should attack the one we escaped from just yet. Let's start with the one in jhoto. Do you have enough energy to fly?"
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