RP Thread
OOC Thread: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2812&p=74845#p74845
The Plot:
The Green Family are just another product of our crumbling society. Ever since Francis Green left his wife and kids for his mistress the Family has struggled to stay together. As their Mother struggles to cope the children run riot, indulging in all things sinfull; Sex, Drugs, Alcahol, Violence, Abuse, Gangs and meny other dirty deeds that bring trouble to their door. Liveing in their run down family home in a bad neighbourhood we will tell their story as the madness unfolds.
The Family:
Son 1: Derek Green (22) xMILENKOx
Son 2:
Son 3:
Son 4:
Daughter 1:
Daughter 2:
Daughter 3:
Daughter 4:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
Family Freind:
How to Join:
Simply send me a PM entitled Broken Home, in the PM please tell me about the role you wish to play and give me abit of a story of your character. No profiles required just give your character a decent introduction post explaining their appearnace ect. YOU MUST PM ME TO JOIN, ALL ACCEPTED CHARACTERS WILL BE ON THE ABOVE LIST!!!
Here is a Example/My Character:
Derek, a 22 year old Neo Nazi Skinhead (inspired by the character Derek in American History X) he is a drug addicted, alcaholic, sex addicted, extremly violent and hate filled young man. His extreme beleifs lead him to bring alot of trouble to himself and his family from both the law and those he considers scum. He will be one of the oldests children and be a tough guy and bully his siblings. He will also be violent towards the mother and be just like his Father a vicous drunk. Derek will be invovled in a local skinhead gang who he will treat more like a family, this gang will also bring trouble to the family. Derek stands at around 6'3" with a strongish build, his head as expected his shaved as is his face. His arms & torso are covered in Nazi related tattoos also his neck and face are tattooed the most noticeable being the swastika on the centre of his forhead. He vary rarely changes his clothes and tends to wear millitary clothing consisting of steel toe black combat boots which have black combat pants tucked into them, a white vest and a black bomber jacket.
Just to make things clear I am not a Nazi, infact I am very much the opposite. The reason for this character is he is a brilliant example of an absolute evil fucker!
I would like it if someone could play a female equivalent to Derek who could be his girl freind, also if some of his siblings could have interacial relationships it would make for a awkard atmosphere that could turn violent!