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The Candy Shop of Erotic Delights(Now Opened. All Welcomed)

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She mmmmed, moaning softly. "What else can i do for you?" She pressed her naked body against his, lifting one foot up, kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
She moans a bit, giggling more as his hands grope at her body. she then jumps up, wrapping her legs around him, holding on to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She began grinding her hips against his, rubbing her slit along his shaft, moaning softly.
His hips rocked in reply as he stumbled forward, pressing her body between his own weight and the wall. Kissing her furiously, he took his member in one hand and slowly guided it towards her wet pussy.
Juli moaned soflty as he pinned her against the wall. She kissed him back, her moans grew a little louder as he pushed deep inside of her. "Oh Prat..." she gasped and gripped at his back, her nails digging into his flesh.
He tilts his head back bored now, there seems to be no costumers, or anything at all going on right now, the maid in front of him was gone. He thought she was a sweet girl and the other that where in here seem to be doing there wolf, or doing each other from what his ears was picking up at the moment. He laughs to himself thinking a bit right now, before tilting his head back now "Well, when will it ever get exciting here? Will there be anyone that comes in?"
A young girl walked into the store and walked up to the desk. She brushed her long black hair over shoulder as her bright blue eyes focused to the light. Having never heard of this place she had wanted to check it out. It seemed normal from what she could see. But some things can be deceiving. This was probably one of them.
Anic looks at the young woman as she walks into the store now, he smiles to himself now "Finally, someone came inside the store. Now, this will be fun." He gives her a smile, before tilting his head back to the side "Just don't cause any trouble, or you will force me to take action and all I want to do is have fun." He gives her a smile as his wolf tail wags a bit now.
Pratorr grinned at her, nipping gently at the soft skin of her neck while he thrust his manhood into her. "Having a good time, Juli?" he growled amorously, one hand squeezing her left breast as if trying to pop it.
She gasped, moaning louder. her nails dug deeper into his flesh. "Y-yeah...." her hips pushed against him, allowing him into her, deeper.
(Argh, teh speedyness of group rp is so confusing. I might double as a female to fill in the sub boss position. I just can't get myself to play my current character as bi for the purpose of testing.)

Riona Cortez said:
She moved back to Zero. "So, may i ask what all a maid does here?" She looked at him curiously. she looked around the shop, and noticed all the candy. "Oooh... we have a candy store too? my favorite kind of candy is sour patch kids..." She smiled.

"Maids generaly serve our customers and any of our staff who aren't on duty at the time to basicly anything they desire to have you do."

lightJason said:
Soon the door swings open and a boy who look a little younge for his age came in. "Ed here!" called out the boy talking in third person. He looked around with a puzzled look as he scratched his head. "Who does Ed go to get job as a test test?" he asked the people in the room.

Watching Ed come in, Zero smiled and got up to greet him. "That would be me. It is a pleasure to have you aboard our staff." He smiled shaking hands with Ed. Once the greetings were done, Zero turned his attention to Minako and said. "Well Minako, if you're so bored, why don't you come into the back room with me so we can get you going on doing your job."
"Of course, I'm really glad you hired me." She reinforced her feelings about getting the job, not wanting to miss a job that entailed eating candy. She approached Zero standing near him. "So what part of the store do I work in?" She looked at the back door assuming but given the nature of her job made no sure guesses.
"Just the testing facility. I'll take you there now." He lead her into the storage area, then through another door inside. This new room was empty, save for two chairs and a table. Zero came in a moment after she entered holding a box of candy. "Well, I don't have much in the form of new candy, so I'm going to have you Would you take a seat, as well as remove all of your clothing and jewelry?"
"Oh, is this really necessary?" She asks as she slips off her clothing, setting her blouse, skirt, and her purple bra and panties to the side. She really needed to keep this job. "So is there anything else?" She felt silly getting naked just to eat candy.
As the girl nodded to the shopkeeper she decided to look around. Most of the candies here had such weird names. She wondered if they really did what they said they did. If so this was a strange shop indeed. Biting her bottom lip she looked around some more trying to decide what to get if anything.
Julie House skipped into the store her scarf and hair flying with her bounce "Hiya!" she called out to the person that was at the counter at the moment, slowly walking up and looking at the candy. Her head turned to look at everyone else in the room... not a lot of people right now, She just shurgged and contuined to look over the candy.

This was her second time coming here although last time she was quite and almost no one noticed her, she planned to change that this time.

"How's bussiness?" she asked her eyes gazing up to the person at the counter, before turning to the person beside her, it must have been her first time in the store, she looked werided out "Hiya I'm Julie House" she said to the other girl holding out her hand for a hand shake.
(Note to all test subjects: All candy that I will be testing on you will already be listed on the front page, so if you need a reminder of what a candy I'm giving you does, it should already be on the list for reference.)

"Yep." Zero couldn't help but chuckle silently under his breath. This girl was absolutely clueless to what his candy really was. "Don't panic. Here." He offered her a small box containing 4 kinds of milkyway candy. Once looked to be made of white chocholate, one of dark chocholate, and the other two appeared as regular chocholate but one was tinted green while the other was tinted pink. "Pick one and eat it. Don't be shy." He smiled innocently enough.
Minako stared at the candy a moment. "So just one?" She asked as a formality but was primarily repeating it to herself. She puts a hand over the dark chocolate but changes her mind picking up the strawberry one. She pops the candy in her mouth, chewing and tasting the smooth strawberry-chocolate flavor. She finally swallows the candy, taking a moment. "It tastes fine actually, better than most flavored chocolate, the taste of the strawberry isn't overbearing." She starts critiquing the candy as she expected to in her job. As she says all this she shifts in her seat. As she continues critiquing the candy she feels a strange sensation in her nipples but does her best to ignore it given she thinks it would be rude on her first day. Her breasts noticeably larger and pink drops start to form on the tips of her nipples.
He licked her neck gently, hands wandering her body and squeezing eagerly as his thick manhood pounded into her. "You've got a great pussy," he whispered in a nearly breathless voice, "I don't know how much longer I can hold back..."
(Lyn, your completely naked, you mentioned that in your last post. Would you please edit that? If you really want you can leave your undies on :3 )

Zero smiled "I'm glad it tastes good." He wrote down her comments on a notepad. "Now, how do you breasts feel?" He paused for a moment as he looked at the flesh tone of her breasts. He got up to examine them closer and figured out what was weird about them. "Huh? They turned noticeably pinker."
"They started feeling weird an-" She stopped, how did he know her breasts felt weird? She glances down noticing pinker flesh and a larger valley of cleavage. She grabbed her breasts startled and then jumped a little checking her hands, a pink drop sliding down one of her fingers. "They're..... lactating? It feels really weird I don't now what's going on...."

[[I fixed my post]]
"Yes, just as the candy was made to do. However." He ran his hand along her breasts lightly, barely touching the flesh of it. "The candy wasn't suppose to make your breasts change color. I'm curious to see if the other candies do the same." He suddenly reached out and gave her nipples a firm squeeze, letting the pink milk squirt out onto his fingers. He brought the milk on his fingers up to his mouth to taste it. "At least there's nothing wrong with the milk you're making."
perriq said:
He licked her neck gently, hands wandering her body and squeezing eagerly as his thick manhood pounded into her. "You've got a great pussy," he whispered in a nearly breathless voice, "I don't know how much longer I can hold back..."

Juli moaned more, gasping, clinging. she was fighting to hold back, having too much fun with her new friend. "I... i cant hold back any longer either..." She cried out, hitting her climax. she gasped and panted, whimpering.
He groaned as their bodies writhed against each other, plunging his hot manhood deep into her while his body convulsed and writhed against hers. "Oh god, yes!" he exclaimed as he felt her vagina clamp down around him, drawing long spurts of his hot seed into her.
Juli moaned and clung to him, her nails digging into his back as she finished out her orgasm. she panted hard, against his neck. "Oh Pratorr" she groaned softly as her body came down from the intense pleasure.
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