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The Candy Shop of Erotic Delights(Now Opened. All Welcomed)

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Jan 13, 2009
Welcome to my Candy Shop of Erotic Delights, founded by Zero_Rader1(That's me) and Mislead Prophet. Despite the name, It really is a cross between a store and an inn. Any form of intimacy, no matter how dirty, is welcome with open arms, you just need to get a room first. Aside from that, I sell candies of many kinds, some having special effects on the consumer. Just make a request and I'll see if we have that type in stock. If not, I'll get to work on making one immediately. Oh, and for an important notice: THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE THREAD! YOU DO NOT NEED TO PM ME TO GET STARTED, ONLY IF YOU WANT A JOB! IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE, JUST POST AND JOIN IN ON OUR FUN! :XD

Here are some rules to follow by. Failure to comply will result in restricted access to certain areas and products and at the worst, dropped into the celler where I keep my candy tentacle monster.

*Update on rules*

~All are welcome. You need not be shy.~
~Everything is allowed, but any form of violence must be taken outside. I will not tolerate anything being broken.~
~Not putting down others. Let's keep it a friendly environment in here~
~If you want to do something with me, you may have to wait. I can't go having fun whenever I want.~
~I shouldn't have to mention this but people don't understand which areas are off limits. Unless you are an employee and accompanied by me(Zero), the storage room, the test room, and the basement(Special rules may apply to basement only) are off limits to customers.
*~At anytime should anyone wish to make any interactions with me for whatever reason that might be, note that I, as the boss and founder of this store, do not have the time to wait around for you to post. I will, at the very least, allow one week for you to reply before I disengage our current interraction and move on to those who need me more. This rule is subject to change depending on how active this topic is at the time.~*

I will add more rules if needed. Now, I am in need of people to fill out a few job positions. Ask me about a job and I may hire you. Here are the lists or current jobs in the shop:

Test Subjects-I need people who are willing to do anything sign up here. I need to make sure my products do what they are suppose to do. ;) Do not fear, all effects are temporary. :lol:

Maids/Butlers-I will not be able to serve everyone at once, and therefore I require aid. I must be able to trust you to complete your tasks. Failure to due so will result in punishment of my choosing. Such tasks may involve engaging in erotic activities with our guests and the like, which is permitted, as it's part of the job.

Bouncers-If someone tries to start a fight or argument in my shop, I need selected individuals to 'politely' escort them outside the building. You will be gifted to be able to escort them out without resistance. Also, if some one with another engage in sexual activities in public area's, you must request that they continue in a private room. :XD :XD :XD
Re: The Candy Shop of Erotic Delights

This is my big fat List o' Candy. Enjoy the selections available to you.

Toys and Tools:
~"Nerd rope"© Extra strength rope(For binding.)
~Jawbreakers© pacifiers
~Bubble gum body Inflater(Comes in ballon, breast, belly, and butt inflation varieties)
~Jolly Ranchers© Dildo
~Twizzler's© Slave whip(Leaves cherry scent on struck area)
~Ice cum (It's like ice cream. Comes in a variety of flavors)~Neko-chans idea
~Gummy Bear© Living sex doll(Comes in two vareties: Pink(Female use ony)/Bue(male use only). Licking these bears will cause it to rapdly grow into a life-size living sex doll for your personal pleasure. Nibbling at it will cause it to shrink back to normal to be eaten normaly)-Firetyrants Idea
~Candy clay(Putty like substance that is really a fruity candy when cunsumed. Used to bind limbs together or against a wall)-Firetyrants idea?
~Life Saver© Cock Rings-Sweetnecters Idea
~Laffy Taffy© Sexy clothing(one size fits all. Just lick and stick it to your body, and it'll grow into desired clothing. Panties, Bra, whatever)~Lenaby's idea
~SlimeBalls (Lick them, and they break down to a slimey substance. However it is alive and will proceed to arouse you until you feed it your cum. There will be ones that'll even explode and leave you covered in cum.)
Erotic Gummy Works© (Lick them, and they grow large and seek out your pussy, where after crawling inside they will begin to wriggle around wildly and give you immense pleasure)

Special effect Candies(All effects "TEMPORARY"):
~"Milkyway"© choclate/strawberry/vanilla/mint candies(Females only. Cause a small growth in breast size and lactation of specified flavor according to candies.)
~Sexy "Red Hots"© (Causes heat and increases sensitivity.)
~Very Creamy Vanilla/Choclate/Strawberry "Twinkies"© (Males only. Causes cum to change flavor according to the twinkie.)
Flavor Ball(Changes cum to a new flavor related to the candies flavor.)-Firetyrants Idea
~Cock Drops (Cause a females clitrious to transform into a cock.)-Shadows Idea
~Cum "Gusher"© (Male use only. Increases the endurance level of ones cock, allowing it to cum more often without tiring too quiclky)-Firetyrants Idea
~Gender Changing Lolipops (Cause the consumer to change into opposite gender. Girl-boy and boy-grl)
~Mini Cum "Gushers"© (Works at a lesser degree then the normal one, but also works on females as well. Increases the amouth of cum ejected upon orgasim by an additional 50%.)
~Altered "Animal Crackers"© (Gives the subject certain animal features depending on what animal cracker is consumed)
~The Loli-pop (Alters age and appearance to resemble that of a child.)
~Mike and Ike's© Cock Enlargers~ Lenaby's Idea
~Goody Goody Cum drops~ <Male only> Temporarily prevents orgasm during intercourse, in other words a male can not cum. Comes in three varieties: Red-lasts 1 hour; Orange-lasts 2 hours; Blue-lasts 3 hours. (Sasuke_Uchiha_Uke's idea)
~Angel mint~ (Female only) Restores a female's virginity. (Chesire's Idea)
~Demon mint~ (male only) Restores a male's virginity. (Offspring of Chesire's Idea)
~Dots~ (female only) Enlarges a female's Clit or nipple to unnatural sizes. (Fated_Vengeance's Idea)

:idea: FORBIDDEN :idea:
These candies, under any circumstance, will NOT be consumed. However, you can obtain and try one out, if you can.

~"Willy Wonka's 5 course gum"©
The prototype gum made to give you the taste of a five course meal in the form of a gum ball. Production has ceased since test result turned all consumers into 'blueberries'. However a few prototypes got filched from the factory, so for those that come in possession of this, please be cautious.

~Beauty Stone~
Though not a candy in particular, but it is an edible item that, when consumed, will make the consumer more beautiful then she already is, though not without it's side effects. The subject will fall under intense heat of hormones at a certain time of day and it will not where off until the subject is relieved greatly.
Re: The Candy Shop of Erotic Delights

Room Layout of The Shop

The Main Lobby
Restriction Levels: Pg-13 and under
The primary gathering area of all customers and employees. This is where refreshments are sold to willing customers, including our fine selection of exotic candy. This is a public area, however, so sexual activities have been restricted.

The Inn
Restriction Levels: None
Traditionally the area with all the bedrooms you can use to appease any and all of your sexual desires in. No, none of these rooms have and sexual devices or enchantments in them(unless you specifically request for one). There are no restriction on sexual activities here, so long as it's in the room and not the hall way.

The Basement
Restriction Levels: None. -No entry without authorization-
The basement is off limits to all but the boss himself and anyone caught doing anything illegal or criminal wise(stealing, loitering, etc.). Though dark as night with only a 60mw lamp hanging from the ceiling, one will first notice a very sweet smell in the room before discovering the source is a monster born of liquidize candy and various other sweets. This monster takes the form of a tentacle monster, and does not play nicely with anyone, be it male or female. Anyone caught entering the basement without authorization...well, actually, I don't keep track of the basement too much unless I know someone is in there. If you happen to go in there, you may not be coming back out for a long time :twisted:

The Storage Room
Restriction Levels: PG -No entry without authorization-
Simply a room to keep extra reserves of candy and various ingredients so the sales shelf can be restocked on a regular bases. Only the boss and maids with authorized access may enter this room. Anyone caught inside or breaking into this room will be put in the basement for an hour.

The Hot Springs
Restriction Levels: R
A place to relax and flirt(I say that lightly) in a soothing enviroment. Bathing suits are supplied, but you can choose not to where one if you are feeling strongly flirtatious. The spring is one huge pool of water, separated into 3 zones. One for Males exclusively, one for Females exclusively, the last for both to mingle. Though it may seem close to being as open as the rooms, restrictions are still in place. You may only flaunt your sexual appeal here. You may not have sex or use any form of exotic candy while in this area. Those caught doing so go into the basement for an hour.
Zero finished stocking the shelves with the boxes of candy he had finally assembled. At last his shop was open to the public, but if he was going to serve anyone he'd need his staff here as well. He hoped they would come soon. "Thank god I had enough money left over to hire help in furnishing everything." He took a seat at one of the round tables and waited, sipping from a glass of water he poured for himself.
There was a loud thump against the ground outside. If, anyone look they would see Anic standing there in front of the shop now, he opens the door as the person on the ground runs away with his buddy "That right, you better run." He turns to his boss and simply shrugs to him "Well, well you know these punks nowadays. What are you going to do with them?" He begins to laugh as he walks in and takes a seat on the chair near the door. He takes out a bottle of grape soda and begins to drink it "If, you need me then please call for me boss I'll be right here waiting for something to happen, so I can break it up."
Minako had been standing across the street, she waited a moment for the men running away from the store to be far enough away. Bracing herself she crossed the street, coming into the door behind Anic. "Hi, I'm here about the "test subject" position." She giggled slightly to herself, they called it a test subject when she thought taste tester might be more appropriate.
Juliana brushed the wrinkles from her skirt as she moved towards the building. she was arriving for her first day of work. she had been hired as a maid for the inn. She looked at the being at the door. he was very curious looking. she smiled at him. "Hello, i am a maid here." She handed him her paperwork. "I hope you can help me. i'm not sure where i go, or who to talk to."
Anic watches as Minako comes inside of the shop, his eyes watching her closely as she stood there around the door "Well, you're going to have to talk to the boss man over there." He points to Zero's direction now, he tilts his head back, before taking another sip of his drink now "Mm, that was good grape." He had a weakness for the stuff and you could get him to do almost anything for it. His tail begins to waggle slightly now, before licking his lips "You two look good." He had notice Juli come in the door.
Juliana giggled and reached out at Anic, slightly, wanting to pet him. "So, where do i go? Oh, my name is Juliana, by the way."
"Ummm thank you." She brushes her black hair out of her eyes. She passes Anic over to Zero, "I'm here for the Test Subject position." She felt silly saying it like that. She leaned against the wall as she scanned over the front of the store,
Anic tilts his head back, before chuckling slightly he had saw her hand reaching for his head "So, you want to pet me huh? Not to many people want to do that anyway." He tilts his head back now, before finishing off his drink of grape soda in front of him "Well, they call me Anic. I'm the bouncer here, so don't go stirring up trouble for me to handle ya hear." He smiles at her tossing the bottle into the can from where he was sitting now "How long have you been a maid?"
"I've been cleaning house for years..." She gently petted him, quickly, smiling afterwards. and then she looked at him. "Oh, i dont cause trouble, Sir, or Anic..." She watched him toss the can. "Would you like another grape soda? i dont know where they are, but if you tell me, i will get one for you." She smiled, always wanting to make people happy.
He sighs contently as she pats his head. His eyes where still on her now, before he nuzzles into her hand "Well, either way is fine with me, so call me whatever out those two." He listens to what she say, before shaking his head no "I don't know where they are, but I also don't want another one right now, so it's okay." He yawns slightly showing her his bag that he had near him. It was filled with grape juice and grape pop "Beside, I can get my own, if I want another one of them." There was also, a few other things she could have saw in his bag and that was a pair of bronze knuckles.
"Well, Anic, how long have you worked here?" She giggled a little as he nuzzled her hand. "So cute..." She coo'd at him. sometimes, she didnt... think before she spoke. she didnt think that it might not be a good idea to call a bouncer 'cute'. "Well, Sir, if you need anything, i will do my best to do it." She smiled at him. she really just wanted to hug him and snuggle with him.
Anic laughs at her because of her short term memory "Well, duh as long as you have. Which is just today because this place has just open up today." He laughs a bit more, he had place his hand onto his forehead scratching an itch on his head "Well, that's very nice to hear my dear." Anic sighs again looking around there had to be something to do right now, he was a bit bored "I really don't need anything, so just relax sweetie."
She smiled. "Do you know what all the maids do here?" she asked, curious. "I know that you just started too, but do you know more about this than i do?" She laughed a little. She scratched his head some, cooing at him some more. "You're so fluffy."
He immediately came to attention when three of his employee's came through the door. "Awesome. Almost one of every kind is here." He smiled as he got up. The two girl's were the first to approach, but the maid seemed to have gotten distracted by the bouncer on the way, leaving just the test subject. "Minako right? Yes I did hire you as a test subject. Though I have some things that I need testing at the moment, I believe we'll wait until we are all better acquainted with first."
A car pulled up slowly in front of the shop. A man came out and he entered the shop wearing a long techcoat and pants and a white shirt. Aurae came in on his first day on the job. He was hired as a scientist and had plenty of new ideas to suiggest to the boss.''Im here boss'' He commented as he walked through the shop and closer to his boss with his hands in his pockets.''Ready to get started when you are''
"Oh wow. Now it's a complete set." He laughed watching Aurae come in. "I'm glad you could make it. We'll get started with our jobs in a moment. Why don't you take this time and introduce yourself to everyone?"
Juliana excused herself from Anic, and smiled at Zero. "Hello. You're Zero, correct?" She extended her hand, to shake his. Then she introduced herself to Aurae. "Hello, I'm Juliana. I'm a Maid here."
"Nice to meet you Juliana." Zero smiled and watched her go off to meet everyone else. Zero took a look at the clock and thought. "Hmm, I'd probably start with business if one more would show up.
She moved back to Zero. "So, may i ask what all a maid does here?" She looked at him curiously. she looked around the shop, and noticed all the candy. "Oooh... we have a candy store too? my favorite kind of candy is sour patch kids..." She smiled.
''Nice to meet you miss juiliana my names aurae nice to be working with you'' He gently shook her hand then shortly after his hands returned to his pockets.He realized that she didnt know what the candy did.It was very far from normal .
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