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To New Beginnings (1x1 w/PoisonousIvee)

She would sputter off some trivia about the different flora that they passed, cooing gently at the little greens as they went. It was kind of cute.
He smiled to himself. He made sure the path ahead was clear, grunting as he had to clear branches and fallen trees occasionally.
"Poor things..." She muttered, "Such is life...this one lived a long time, see?" She beckoned him closer to show him the many rings from one of the fallen trees, "Look...he was well over eighty years old.."
He made a noise and nodded. He saw them as just plants, things that were everywhere, and grew without much impediments. But, he knew she liked them a lot. He tried to usher her along to the designated spot so they could set up camp before it got too dark.
She set up her little cot, preferring to sleep outside of a tent. She liked being out with her plants and with the lesser fauna.
Theo pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his pack and pulled the cork out with his teeth before taking a swig.
"Oh, nothing..." She muttered, "You should probably eat first? The alcohol will filter faster on an empty stomach."
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