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To New Beginnings (1x1 w/PoisonousIvee)

She tried not to let her ears droop at the idea. She was starting to like him again, despite it all. But she didn't want it to end poorly like last time. "Obviously.."
He made a noise. "Well then I don't know.. You have that Field Survey coming up, and I've been assigned as your escort.. and I don't want that to be weird.." he said
"Oh I know but there is gonna be a lot of downtime.. we're gonna be out there for a few weeks, remember?" He said.
"It won't be so bad...I can show you all the hallucinogenic plants you can eat.." She told him, "It'll be just like college..."
"You'll live a few weeks," she said, "Once upon a time you would kill a man just to spend an hour with me..." Why did she sound sad?
"Not that I don't want to spend time with you.." he said. "I don't want to spend time with you when we're like this, just.. fuckin bickering with nice long breaks of awkward silence.." he said.
She gave a soft hum, "Fair..." She tied a little ribbon around the plant she was pruning and smiled softly, "Maybe one day we'll finally stop.."
"Maybe, yeah.." he said. "Anyways, go over and make a list of provisions you need for this.. then we'll pick a spot and plan everything out.."
"This your first survey? We have Acquisitions Department for that, we just give them a list of what we need.." he said
"I..." She blushed softly. She always just bought everything herself and the company paid her back, "Whatever.."
He chuckled to himself and moved to start his own list. Soon enough, all the provisions were bought, the route was planned, and they were on their way.
She wasn't in her lab coat or blousy shirts and nice slacks. She wore a breathable short sleeve button up - that honestly struggled to hold her chest - tucked into shorts. She looked like she was going on a safari.
Theo was wearing a tee shirt, that clung to him, and a pair of pants tucked into boots. He had a specially modified pack, one that could carry a great deal more than it appeared, and a hat. He smiled a bit. "I'd ask if you were ready but you look like you're over prepared.." he said.
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