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Fighting Evil by Moonlight πŸŒ•
Jan 20, 2013
Gaming Chair
Hello. I doubt this is the actual term for it. But I call shorter RPs, with a particularly limited story to tell, a One-shot. Girl get's kidnapped by her stalker (gettin' dark) he has his way with her. She plans to escape somehow, and fools him into thinking she wants to be with him. She catches him off guard, hitting him over the head with and object, and runs away. She tells the police about him, but he is gone. Nowhere in sight. Weeks later she receives a letter, marked with cryptic initials.

One-shot, over.

Do other people do these too? I find them quite fun, and when you are really feeling like just hopping right into something, it can feel nice to finish it within a couple of days, if that. Doesn't even have to be sexual.

Two warriors who grew up together and made the royal guards face the biggest threat of their lives. A succubus elite has taking the young princess to the roof, monsters filling the kingdom's streets. The king is dead, and the princess will soon have her soul drained. Other royal guards have gathered, leading to a massive battle. Many characters die, but at last, the princess is saved. Holding her hero tightly, the princess smiles quietly, her eyes glowing violet.

One-shot, over.

Does this sound like something some of you would enjoy? What is this actually called?
That's what I've always heard them called. My RT contains multiple one-shot RPs. I haven't updated it in a while. I like leaving RPs open as one-shot and if they evolve into long term RPs then great ^^ I've let my short stories fall to the side since I've decided to only take one RP partner at a time to focus on the story aspect. I was doing multiple one-shot RPs that left me ragged.
I too would use the term one-shot to describe relatively more easygoing short-term stories that are mostly played to realize a specific craving or a certain idea. I can’t say much about the examples you gave here, but yeah, I’d say short term RPs are rather common. They can evolve into long term stories, but surely can end when the initial premise is fulfilled. In the past, there even used to be a subforum to post request threads for short-term RPs.
I generally want to explore the character more than one scene, so I would do this only as part of a long RP
I'd imagine one-shot RPs allow you to experience a craving sooner rather than later whereas long term RPs may take time to get to your cravings.
That's very interesting. I've used this concept in cases where I wanted to play a very specific situation with perhaps very specific characters. Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 getting a bit drunk and wobbly. She's lonely, and the only guy around is Barrett. I wouldn't see a reason to do a full on well-planned RP for just that amazing (to me) scene. They could do their business, and the next day just chalk it up to drinking, and have Tifa greet Cloud that same morning when he arrives on his bike. Stuff like this really works for me.

I NEVER thought of using it as I'm going to say episodic, or shorter stories to build up a character. That's a good idea, and I may try that with my only real recurring character. She's not really a loose cannon though, and sharing her with so many partners isn't what she's about. I see now where this episodic theme falls apart unless it's with the same partner, or I refresh her history after every story. Still interesting.
I'm interested in both one shots and episodic to try and account for my need to change things up once in a while. A shot for the sake of scene and character in the moment, as well as to explore an 'image' that comes to mind. Maybe just an old fashioned home invasion with no actual meta stuff expected or given... unless it turns episodic. In that case the pairing and scene can be reviewed often. It's not an obligation to the same path - rather an easy method of going to scenes that legitimately catch interest, moved on from either to the next thing in sequence or a jump if that's necessary. Or exploring something else altogether. I haven't done it as much as I like, so it's mostly theory when I say it could be a way to create something long term without being stressed by the 'long' part of it covering stuff that just isn't as interesting, or hitting possibly fatal dry spells in creativity.

The above's mostly for the sake of one partner though - one character across multiple players hasn't worked out great for me. Once I settle on who they are, 'blanking' them just doesn't feel good - and a person is built by their experiences as much as anything else. Sometimes I sprinkle it in, though. I've done it a couple of times with characters where I adjust the roleplay they came from so they can fit a new scenario with that experience still in their lives. I've especially done it on characters I feel, but one way or another never finished the roleplay they were made for. So I summarize what would happen next and give them another chance. It's a big part of where my worldbuilding stuff came from - enough plots and background made that it seemed like a waste to throw it all away.
I prefer one shots. Long term roleplays can get stale. In every long term RP there comes a point when there's five other things I'd rather be doing. I end up staying for the writing partner rather than the actual RP.
Very new to this. However, I'd imagine that a one shot would likely be easier when you are doing an RP with an established fandom, universe and characters? A lot of the heavy lifting in regards to characterisation and world building is done for you - so you can short cut a lot of stuff? Sounds almost like TV - some things are serial and designed to be wtached/binged over multiple episodes and some are stand alone. Both can be awesome, just depend on the kind of impact you want to make and the story you'd like to tell....
I like long term better, but one-shot is the best way I know to get comfortable with someone new. If we can get through that, we can get through more - add an 'episode' on top, or continue, or start something else. Either way, I rather put my heart into something that can finish rather than jump in bed with a long term roleplay that will die on page three a few months later...

Very new to this. However, I'd imagine that a one shot would likely be easier when you are doing an RP with an established fandom, universe and characters? A lot of the heavy lifting in regards to characterisation and world building is done for you - so you can short cut a lot of stuff?

I would disagree and say it depends. Fandom can just as easily be where you get into your own characterization of an existing character, or make something new in the rules of a setting. But there's enough common ground for one-offs that don't have a clear setting to do the same.

It's more about what gets you going than what's easier... one-shots might take a lot of work in a short time to do in detail, after all. Long term, you can talk as you go!
I agree with Trussed. One-shots are perfect to get to know new partners.
I'm surprised people ask for a long-rp from the get do you know if you'll like what the other person writes to want to commit to a longer story?
I agree with Trussed. One-shots are perfect to get to know new partners.
I'm surprised people ask for a long-rp from the get do you know if you'll like what the other person writes to want to commit to a longer story?
If they're not someone you wish to write with, it is no different than finding out when you start a one-shot that they're not someone you wish to write with. In either case, you'd end things before the story really goes anywhere.
If they're not someone you wish to write with, it is no different than finding out when you start a one-shot that they're not someone you wish to write with. In either case, you'd end things before the story really goes anywhere.
Ah, that makes sense. How many posts does it usually take for you to decide to cancel?
Ah, that makes sense. How many posts does it usually take for you to decide to cancel?
For me, personally, between a total of 2-6 posts to the rp. I usually write the openers for my rps, so, second post would be my partner. If there are big problems with compatibility it should be clear in their first post to the rp(post #2). If there are smaller, subtler issues, sometimes we both get used to each other and the problems will be ironed out after a little back and forth. If the problems persist by the third time they post to the rp(post #6) then it's likely a consistent issue.
For me, personally, between a total of 2-6 posts to the rp. I usually write the openers for my rps, so, second post would be my partner. If there are big problems with compatibility it should be clear in their first post to the rp(post #2). If there are smaller, subtler issues, sometimes we both get used to each other and the problems will be ironed out after a little back and forth. If the problems persist by the third time they post to the rp(post #6) then it's likely a consistent issue.
That's a great litmus test.
I almost wish there was a way to see a sample post of a writer you're interested in (esp for PM-only or Discord-only folks). I'm the type that likes to get a sneak peek...but that's only because I would feel bad cancelling. (sigh)
That's a great litmus test.
I almost wish there was a way to see a sample post of a writer you're interested in (esp for PM-only or Discord-only folks). I'm the type that likes to get a sneak peek...but that's only because I would feel bad cancelling. (sigh)

Why not ask them for a post sample? I do when someone comes to me with no history ^^ Saves us both time. I can see how they write and if I feel they would be a good mesh with me and I would offer the same if I did not have only thread RPs, which they could easily find and view. Cause it goes both ways.
Why not ask them for a post sample? I do when someone comes to me with no history ^^ Saves us both time. I can see how they write and if I feel they would be a good mesh with me and I would offer the same if I did not have only thread RPs, which they could easily find and view. Cause it goes both ways.
I think I'll definitely adopt this. Would it be a good idea to put a sample of my writing in my request thread?
You can for sure! It will provide people with an idea of how you write. ^^ A better sample, with consent of a partner would be like a few posts. It gives a wider sample and shows how you respond to your partners as well. But don't forget consent from your partner! I know a lot of people can be very private with what they write.

My own partner, Staine pointed out to me that writing samples can be cherry picked, which I understand. You want to put your best foot forward, which is why I think a small collection of posts might be the best bet. But even one is a great way for people to see your style!!
Yeah, cherry picked examples can be an issue when asking for a sample, and when providing one some might look and wonder if it's really an example of what you would normally write or your very best post that you want to share. I always try to look to see if a prospective partner has an RP I can read a few posts of on a thread somewhere myself but sometimes you need to take a leap of faith too.

One shots in general I think could be very fun though, in all honesty I would do some of them but I just...don't. And I don't know why. Something to think about I guess :p
DigitalSiren: I'm on the fence about putting that writing sample now haha... Maybe I'll ask for them via PM

Staine: I definitely agree there will be some variability (everyone has that super amazing thread they're proud of), but I think it'll also be helpful to get an idea of one's baseline writing level. Nothing's more off-putting to me than posts that are 50% typos

And one-shots aren't confined to a single scene are they?
DigitalSiren: I'm on the fence about putting that writing sample now haha... Maybe I'll ask for them via PM

There is no wrong answer! It's just something I find helpful when looking for a partner if they don't have anything easily stalkable ^^;;;;
DigitalSiren: I'm on the fence about putting that writing sample now haha... Maybe I'll ask for them via PM

Staine: I definitely agree there will be some variability (everyone has that super amazing thread they're proud of), but I think it'll also be helpful to get an idea of one's baseline writing level. Nothing's more off-putting to me than posts that are 50% typos

And one-shots aren't confined to a single scene are they?

Aye, and that's one of the reasons (not the only or even the main reason, mind,) that I like writing in threads and do it almost exclusively. If you want to see how I write, it's out there to see and there is no way you can miss it by poking my history. Though I only realised last month my profile was hidden from most people, so it hasn't always worked out. Fixed now though, so back on track. Anyway, I am much the same, too many typos can be bad but I think we all do a few, I'm sure I manage to average one or two per post.

I think my definition of a one shot is a single scene or very short idea. For non-con for example, home invasion, rape scene, dastardly moidah, villain gets away. They could be more though, it could be just a short one or two page story. I'm thinking man meets girl in a bar, they share a passionate night of fun, man (or girl) goes to work the next day as a police officer, interrupts a robbery in progress and *gasp* It's him/her! Chase ensues, capture is inevitable, more passion. Do they let them go? Do they escape after appropriating the handcuffs?

And it ends. That could be the last time they ever see each other or maybe, if you and the partner get along, you now have a backstory for a brand new tale.
Aye, and that's one of the reasons (not the only or even the main reason, mind,) that I like writing in threads and do it almost exclusively. If you want to see how I write, it's out there to see and there is no way you can miss it by poking my history. Though I only realised last month my profile was hidden from most people, so it hasn't always worked out. Fixed now though, so back on track. Anyway, I am much the same, too many typos can be bad but I think we all do a few, I'm sure I manage to average one or two per post.

I think my definition of a one shot is a single scene or very short idea. For non-con for example, home invasion, rape scene, dastardly moidah, villain gets away. They could be more though, it could be just a short one or two page story. I'm thinking man meets girl in a bar, they share a passionate night of fun, man (or girl) goes to work the next day as a police officer, interrupts a robbery in progress and *gasp* It's him/her! Chase ensues, capture is inevitable, more passion. Do they let them go? Do they escape after appropriating the handcuffs?

And it ends. That could be the last time they ever see each other or maybe, if you and the partner get along, you now have a backstory for a brand new tale.
One or two typos are expected and absolutely fine -- I mean the 50% typo posts where they're so distracting that I spend more time trying to decipher the meaning rather than reading for enjoyment.

I was under the impression that a one-shot was a single scenario type of deal. I guess I would fall under long-term(?) rp instead. Multiple scenes are necessary to me for me to get that satisfying build up between characters.
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