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The Old Motel ( demy x DigitalSiren )

"Ah, yes.. How could I forget the option of death." Her own voice dripped with sarcasm, "It is tempting, I'll give you that" It wasn't. She'd worked too hard to fix herself.. It hadn't been easy, it was why she was in this shit hole and this current predicament.

Looking up at him, she frowned. She did have the hots for Arthur, he wasn't wrong. She was cracked, clearly.

A hiss left her as he caught her nose between two knuckles.. She cared not for his opinions on Arthur. Not like she could help her feelings.

Rubbing her nose, careful cornflower eyes watched him. Bree was damaged.. She wouldn't deny it.

She tried to sit up, not enjoying being pinned to his bed. if he'd let her, she would curl near the wall, legs tucked to one side.

"I think I understand the reason why." Had Martin been a friend and not a likely unstable vampire on some level, the vampire responsible for all of this, she might have flicked his nose, called him a dummy. Bree was brave, but she hoped she wasn't stupid. "You are responsible for me being Arthur's whatever I am.." The words softer, a frown on her lips a sigh leaving her.

"Are things normally this... exciting?"
"O really." Martin snapped back sharply. "None of the blames lies on you for nosing around or maybe gramps for being off his rocker enough to imprint on same little druggie like a fucking duckling." He punctuated with a sharp stabs into the mattress. There had been no effort to stop the young woman from sitting up.

The vampire bounced his knee seeming to fill up with energy.

"I need to kill or fuck something." Martin seemed to have switched to talking to himself, a low growl in his throat. His dark eyes flicked toward the door.

How far could he get before Arthur come knocking?

Would a tussle with the old man at least take the edge off?

If the interruption wasn't fucking guaranteed the vampire would have picked one and taken his time. A quickie wasn't going to do it either way. It had been a drop in the well the other night. What Marin was experiencing was not uncommon for fledging vampires but there were simply limited options for his inclinations.

"Hey chicky." He whistled softly like one might to a dog. "What I kept you instead of looney tunes." The vampire leaned forward tilting his mouth towards her ear. "I'd at least make sure you'd cum." He murmured revealing her little session with Arthur had not gone unnoticed by the other vampires'.
There should have been fear, or a least enough to stop her from snorting softly and saying "I wasn't nosing around. I was going for a walk. You decided to have your snuff film meal out in the open," again, she wanted to call him a dummy, but almost affectionately. She was broken. "As to Arthur.. I don't understand it. I didn't then and I don't now. I am however.. thankful. Even if I don't get the why, in regards to why I am still alive."

Blinking she edged away from him, just a little. She wasn't ready to provide him with either. The growl and the flick of his eyes towards the door.

The whistle made her eyes narrow, the implication of the sound not lost on her. She bit back her own growl. Fucking vampires... She wasn't a damned pet.

Martin leaned into her, his mouth closer to her ear. She didn't think it would fly.. At the very least Bunny would need to okay it. A line from a movie popping into her mind. She bit back a giggle. What is it with this chick, she have beer flavored nipples?

The next words from her made her blush and she shook her head. "I like Arthur. Whatever the reason.. cracked or not. I am not a slut and you have done very little to make me want to let you touch me.."

It wasn't that Martin wasn't cute.. but he was the reason she was here. If her choice was death or fucking him though... Could she do it?
Martin snorted.

"Snuff film." The comparison tickled him a little. It had been fucking a good time. Bunny never let them kill anyone (bossy little bitch) only anything. It was difficult to constantly be biting down the urge when every instinct screamed for the rush of blood and a slowing heartbeat.

It was an addiction.

The vampires were really no better than the little druggie girl. Martin knew it. The others seems to know it to other than the one with a stick up her ass.

Bree was lucky Martin had gotten a good fix. It was how the unstable male was able to have such a "pleasant" conversation. A itch was a little easier to resist.

"Too bad." He mused, pulling away slightly.

There was a flash of teeth and Martin playfully snapped at the girl.

"and what exactly has the kook did to get you so interested? Bunny sent him to kill you and if Arthur would have normally done it. You are not the first mess that had needed to get cleaned up."

Martin cocked his head.

"Should I act a little more crazy," He moved pressing her down into the bed, hand flat on her collarbone. The pressure brusing. ",Is that what you like?" Martin snickered. "Or maybe if the old man joined in that would get your pussy wet enough?"
He pulled away and for a moment Bree breathed a breath of relief. The snap of fangs made her smile slightly despite herself. "Honestly, I don't know." The answer was offered, though even Bree knew it for the lie it was.

Arthur had saved her. He'd refused to let Duke near her and she was still breathing. She should have been dead already. Breeanna understood that. A part of Bree wanted to ask were the other messes his fault too, but poking the slightly insane vampire seemed unwise.

This was theory only probed as he pinned her to the bed again, his hand causing her to wince. She'd have a bruise of his hand soon. "Think he'd take kindly to your touching of me?" This was thrown out with angry eyes and she inhaled, eyes closing for a moment.

Bree wasn't stupid and neither were they. They'd kidnapped her when Arthur wasn't around. They were afraid of him.

"He was... sweet." This was finally offered. "Okay, yes, a bit broken.. but he was still kind and no thanks to you, he is the reason I still draw breath."

She lifted her hands and pushed at him hard, unsure if she could dislodge him.

"Being an asshole can't get you a lot of pussy." Glaring at him, Bree was quickly losing her patience.

If this was to be her life, was it worth it? A yoyo of emotions from a vampire who both wanted her and wanted nothing to do with her. The vampire responsible for her predicament asking if he should he be more crazy. This was fucking normal?

"Nope." Martin whistled softly. "Might actually get pissed for once." Vampires could be territorial in nature, even someone like Arthur. Her pushing did nothing. His teeth flashing at her rather sassy demeanor, girl should really be a little more scared. It was only proper. A short barking laugh. "It's gotten me enough."

He leaned in, close enough to almost kiss the squirming girl. The crazy fucker might have if moments later a strong hand yanked him back by the collar.

Arthur had been quiet.

A shadow slipping into the room.

Martin actually let out a surpassed squeak before lashing out. His hand left the young woman and in movements faster than Bree would watch the two vampires upending onto the floor.

It lacked the grace one might expect.

A tumbling brawl which ended quickly. Arthur on top of the younger punk, his hand pressing down like a vice. Martin was clenching his wrist tightly. He was grinning. Might have been chuckling but his throat was being crushed.

"Π½Π΅ΠΏΠΎΡΠ»ΡƒΡˆΠ½Ρ‹ΠΉ" Arthur muttered, black eyes glittering.

Martin gave him the middle finger.
Hissing she pushed at the unmovable wall of Martian's chest. She'd not seen any of them angry, not really angry. Bree was almost positive... She wasn't sure she wanted to either. The flash of fangs made her growl softly and she shook her head. "Not getting you any tonight!" The words were still hissed and angry.

His face got closer and for a moment, Bree wondered how biting the vampire would work for her...

She never found out as he was yanked backwards.

Bree hadn't heard him enter, hadn't seen the door.


While Martian squeaked, she gave a soft cry and as Martian released her she backpaddled, pressing herself into the corner the bed sat nestled in. It was like she blinked, whatever transpired between the two missed and the result of the pair on the floor in a heap of sorts.

The fighting was not quite what she would have pictured, but it ended with Arthur on top, Martin pinned beneath him, his throat held beneath a vice-like hand.

More Russian.

Slipping from the bed carefully, Bree reached out towards Arthur, hand hovering for a moment, before touching his shoulder. "Arthur.."

Did he care if she was hurt? Bree wasn't sure she wanted to make that assumption and be wrong, it would hurt and more than she cared to admit.

Her hand fell away and she looked away from the pair, her voice soft. "He wasn't the one who took me, just who I was delivered to."
There was a growing tension between the vampires, a deadly one, the hand around Martins throat getting tighter-

Her soft voice was enough.

The older vampire pulled his gaze away from his prey. Dark eyes looking at the gentle young woman who was chirping sweetly. A slow smile crept along the older mans sharp features. A strong arm wrapping her middle, pulling her close with one smooth motion. The other hand still a vice pinning Martin to the floor.

"Милая малСнькая ΠΏΡ‚ΠΈΡ‡ΠΊΠ°." He murmured, nestling before press a gentle kiss along her temple.

Martin gagged at the honey tone and affection. His form growing slack in defeat, submissive to the stronger vampire. A moment later the pale column of his throat was released and Arthur tugged the human girl closer with his free hand-

Incidentally still straddling Martin.

"Π’Ρ‹ Ρ€Π°Π½Π΅Π½Ρ‹" Arthur murmured kissing her neck, nestling.
Dark eyes were pulled away from Martin and met her cornflower blue ones.

His mood had shifted again. Any time she was in danger, this softer, sweeter Arthur came out.

Rollercoaster be damned, Bree couldn't help but smile back at him. Damaged as she was, she truly liked Arthur. Both sides of him, which was just as puzzling.

One arm slid around her waist, tugging her into him, she slipped an arm around his shoulder. Concerned eyes flickered to Martin before the mummer of Arthur's voice caught her focus once more.

Lips pressed against her temple and her eyes closed for a moment.


Bree was getting used to it and while she couldn't understand a lick of beyond bird, the affection was hard to miss.

The gagging sound Martin made, drew her attention to him. "Let him go," she urged softly.

She doubted she had much to do with his hand leaving Martin's neck as Arthur pulled her closer still with his now free hand. Her fingers brushed against his hair, the touch tender.

Standing now, between Martin's legs, she tilted her head with the kiss placed to her neck.

It was foolish, perhaps, but that trust she had in Arthur was hard to shake. Besides, he'd fed recently, right?

Her lips brushed his forehead before she shifted, looking down at Martin.

Though she said nothing, concerned eyes searched him. Even as she was checking him for injury, she answered, unknowingly, Arthur's question. "I am okay, just a little bruised. We should go back to your room."
There was a teasing amused little smile tugging at the older vampires pale lips. An expression that was without a century of burden. The turbulence of the situation something unconcerning to him despite her gentle urgings. Arthur did stand up-

A smooth motion, where he stepped away from Martin, smoothly taking Bree with him in what could have amounted to a gentle lead.

The punk on the floor rolled over before plunking on his ass. His hands tossed over bent up knees. He looked up the two with a disgruntled expression. The little game losing its appeal quite quickly in the aftermath of his lesson.

Arthur pressed another kiss along Bree's own forehead before hustling her towards the door.

"You're welcome back when he loses interest." Martin remarked idly. "Or when you want to actually cum-"

A shoe lashed out-

Something Martin barely dodged this time.

Arthur had attempted to kick his head in.
His smile made her smile. While the grumpy, almost older side of him was still liked, Bree adored this side of Arthur. Led away from Martin, she looked back towards him as he sat up. His look was almost petulant.

The kiss distracted her and she turned away from him, letting Arthur hurry her from the room. It was for the best, wasn't it?

She heard the idle comment and she blushed brightly. Arthur however reacted violently, though the younger vampire dodged the attack, if just barely. Bree bit back a sigh and looked at Martin. The look in her eyes asked why he couldn't leave well enough alone.

A part of her though, still wanted to play with Martin. Tease him... Goodness she was broken.

"If I want to cum I am not sure if you'd be of much help."

The words were almost playful and had he been human and not a vampire with the ability to easily throw her around, she might have stuck her tongue out at him.

The words though did make her shift closer to Arthur. It was bad enough everything said could be heard by the others, but for everyone to also know she hadn't gotten off. It didn't change her own frustration as distant as that feeling was at the moment. Bree wondered if the grumpy side of him would surface again if that need arose. Bree knew he'd enjoyed himself, as she'd touched him, even if at some point he'd been unhappy about it at the same time.

She could still remember his fingers in her and her hand on him. Bree shook herself some mentally.

"Arthur." His name was said softly and she lifted his hand to her mouth, kissing the back of it. She wanted him to focus on her, not Martin. To what end?
Martin had moved up smoothly this time, stepping away from the vampire. A dry humorless chuckle slipping from his lips. The young woman seemed a bit more confident in the company of her moldering boyfriend. There was a feeling about her, and he wondered how much of a push she would need to tumble into his bed. Less than one would think?

His teeth peeked out from a sly grin-

Someone was done with the continued interaction. Arthur peering down at the soft creature beckoning his attention. Her lips warm, inviting. A slow blink was the only warning she received before the old vampire swept her up into strong arms.

Her rump settled under his crook as Arthur ducked them under the door and back towards his bedroom.

"Yeah, fuck you too." Martin called out from behind them.

The hallway was still empty but held a silence as though many ears were pricked towards the interaction. They kept to their own business for the time being. Arthur set her down once they were back, his attention drawn to her bag.

The intent vampire walked over, opening and rooting through her selection of clothes.
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