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Young Gods ( Cyrano x Daleeria)

When your father was an outlaw who had bastards from Vancouver to Veracruz and the woman he was married to was not your mother, you were bound to come up with some issues here or there. Call it operator error. That part didn't bother Jaide as much as it used to, because when she really, really needed her daddy he had shown up. He'd not just shown up, he'd taken her strung out and half-sober as she was, brought her back to his own home with his wife and her daughters, put his own money up to put her through rehab (more than once) and even when she still wasn't fully clean he helped her get a start out on the Street out in Jeffersonia and the Rez. When a parent stepped up in a big way like that, the only thing there really was to do after that was to forgive him for being shit before.

Her moms though, that was where Jaide got really fucked up. Cause, Jaide had had a choice on who her moms was. On one hand, you had her birth mom Bri. She'd been a stripper, a homewrecker, a dealer and a pimp at different points in time, always looking for that paper and bumping uglies from Mr. Wrong to Mr. Wrong on her way towards finding Mr. Right. It turns out 'Mr. Right' was an officer in the Coast Guard, one of the guys whose specific job was busting up boats that were smuggling drugs, guns and people into the US for groups like the Regulators. Obviously, falling in love with a stripper with a Regs' brand on her ass and a nice little rap sheet of crimes and alleged crimes in a file in a bureau in some police office somewhere was a big no-no for the Coast Guard, so a lot of shit had to change to make it work. Jaide's Mom had needed to stop stripping, stop slinging, and stop associating with criminals. Worse though, to marry Commodore Cock-Nose they had needed to change his posting to San Diego, and move there full time.

Jaide hadn't been about to pile up in a minivan with three new step-siblings and leave 13th Street and everything she'd ever known. That just wasn't who she was. She wasn't 'hey yinz remember Jaide from back in the day?' and there was no damn way she was going to leave before she got to watch Jax grow up into the handsome and powerful man he was destined to be. Girl had been nursing that crush since pre-k and wasn't about to let all that time go to waste.

So she'd run, and hid a place where only mom option #2 could find her. Jax's mom was a drunk, a gunrunner, and a murderer- though the last one was never proven in a court of law. Kathryn Ramage was a lot of things with a lot of flaws that most people would have argued made her a bad mom. Those people didn't say that in front of Jaide though. Kate had raised her to be a survivor in a world that seemed made to grind you down and tear you apart if it didn't kill you outright. She'd taught her how to cook, clean, sew, everything you needed to know in order to one day be a Queen who ran these streets. Jaide's choice had been San Diego, her mom and the Coast Guard and Jax, Kate Ramage, and the Street.

It had been no choice at all.

Her combat boots stopped clicking on the sidewalk looking at the cozy, two bedroom one story house that had been the Jackson home for twenty-three years at this point. The green, fake grass of the porch was peeling at the base to reveal the unpainted concrete beneath. There was no garage to match the driveway, A little awning leaning over the porch, new roofing probably down thanks to the Ortiz family, besides that the house wasn't that different from how it had looked the last time she had been there, tossing together her shit and climbing onto the back of her father's bike. It had been nice of Kate to let Jaide go in herself to get what she could take, even nicer that she had left her gun drawer unlocked.

The revolver she had stolen had served her well in Jeffersonia, but when it had become too hot she'd tossed it like any other weapon was supposed to be. It's twin was currently tucked into the back of Jaide's jeans, handle rubbing up against the starts on the small of Jaide's back.

She waited at the top of that driveway for a long time, looking at the house, but also looking for any of the signs that Kate was peaking through the window. If she saw those then she'd immediately start moving to the front door like she'd only been there a second. Her last piece of gum was taking a beating like a good bitch in her mouth as she worked up the nerve, worked up the energy, to walk forward into her real home. Finally, with the sun going down over Sunset Blvd way to the west, Jaide strode towards the front door with no confidence whatsoever, gum tasteless in her mouth, and opened the door without knocking.

The smell was the first thing that hit her, but the memories came in with a good one-two punch that nearly set her on her backfoot. Crying to Kate in her bedroom because the girls on the corner had mocked her for not having her period yet, then crying in the bathroom while Kate held her hands because it had finally come. Sobbing and ugly crying because Jax had come home with a hickey that Jaide hadn't given him, celebrating after Jaide won her first fight. The first meal she'd eaten after telling Kate she was pregnant, and the first meal she'd eaten when she came home, eyes the size of dinner plates with JJ in her arms. They all came running back to her so fast that Jaide didn't even have time to glance at the couch where she had OD'd and her life had taken a turn for the worse.

Garlic mashed potatoes, you fucking cunt. Jaide thought to herself in pleased disappointment. Now she knew that there was no way Kate was going to put a bullet in her head, which meant she was going to need to feel things. The fucking worst. There was a box for shoes by the door, but Jaide just kicked any dirt she'd tracked off on the mat, couldn't run if you needed to with your boots on could you. Then she said a quick prayer that her voice wouldn't crack too much as she stepped fully inside and said hello.

"Hey, M-mom, I'm home."
Once in a life time you had a person whirlwind into your life who could finally match you on an energy level that no one else in your life had before. It wasn't that Kate didn't love the girls she had grown up with; Joan was still her closest female friend and the one person she trusted with even her darkest and dumbest of secrets. Kate could get away with pretty much anything around Joan, and Joan would barely lift a finger to stop her. Gayle had his attack dogs, Joan had her feral stray Maine Coone with the raptor talons and who looked fluffy and a little matted but was most certainly not friendly. Gayle had spent a pretty penny on a security system that Kate had found every way to subvert. Originally, Kate hadn't even realized there was a security system until her second or third 'casual breaking and entering', until Gayle had made a complaint on the fact he had spent so much but "any dumb hoodrat with criminal streak could circumvent it."

Monica was who she went to when she needed real advice, the one person that Kate really had a firm respect for. At any hour Kate could pound on her door with a blood alcohol level of a woman who was gunning for early liver disease, and Monica would have a blunt and some wise words for her. Any time Kate needed a moment of peace from the chaos and the responsibility she had placed upon herself raising a king and his queens, Moni had her back. Not to mention in any fight she could count on Moni to make sure no one got arrested. Monica had stopped fighting years ago when she realized it was easier to bail the bitches out if there was someone left to actually go bail them out. And don't even get Kate started on the level that Monica took edibles to! Kate relied on Monica way more than she'd ever properly acknowledge, because Kate was a shitty friend in that regard.

Jaci was the person she could count on to help her drink the night away with the best margaritas and food a sad bitch could ask for. There was little sentimental talking outside of the nostalgia of the 80's and the 90's, or the moments they'd get a little too lit and start crying over baby pictures of their boys. She was the best drinking buddy any single mom could ask for. Everyone knew that a woman who's man spent a solid stint in prison was essentially a single mom. It didn't matter if he was making money up the coast or not; everything fell on Jaci to keep Javier on track in school and in life. She had to work hard to support herself because prison money didn't make up for the loss of income whether dirty or with the landscaping and construction businesses that Hernan and Javier now ran. Kate admired her ambition with the food trucks. Turning a skill into a business was impressive considering Jacinta barely graduated.

Lina had always helped Kate keep a hold of her faith, even in moments where she was doubting God's existence. She brought food to Kate's dad when Benjy died, made sure the old man ate half way decent at least most days. When John had died, Lina had showed up every day to check in on her friend and Jacob. Whenever Kate needed a reminder that angels really did live on Earth, Lina showed up and showed her wings. It was even Lina's suggestion to go find another church when Kate got jaded with the Catholic existence. Because she had, Kate had found a church she really loved, and one that loved her family and their eccentricities. It helped that Kate and Scar were fairly generous donors of their legally gotten gains. Lina breathed light into all of her friend's lives, even as her own fell apart at times.

If Kate needed a fight with someone she knew she could make up with later, Kate stepped to Brandi. If Kate had ever had a half-sister, Brandi would have been as close to matching Ramage energy as any black girl could have. It was a love-hate relationship from the start. They were always throwing hands and attitudes, challenging each other. Thus far Kate had won every physical altercation they had ever had. Brandi had won one single battle of wits. And they were 50/50 on their rap battles. Damn Brandi could spit a rhyme when she was on a good day.

And Kenji? Well her oldest friend was her humanity. In times where she felt that monster boiling under her skin ready to explode in a shower of blood and felony-level horrors, she could always call Ken to stabilize her. He always knew what to say, or when to shut the fuck up and just let her vent it all out. They had been through so much shit together. Ken was the one person she'd never hesitate to let see her cry.

And every part of Kate was happy and proud of Ken for finding Rory and not settling for anything less than a five start badass intellectual bitch like he deserved. At some stage in their relationship, Ken and Rory had sort of become one being. Very rarely did Kate go to one without also going to the other. They had a higher level of logic that Kate couldn't get out of the others. Ken reminded her of when she was whole. And he was the man who had trained her son how to fight. Rory was good at reminding her that she was leaving behind a hell of a legacy with Jax, and with all the things she had been building up for her grandchildren. Together they showed her that she was still human enough to love and be loved.

Jaide's mom, Brianna Diaz... well she had been something very different. Kate's first impression of the bitch was her on the back of Che's bike looking like a piece of Latina trash, granted Kate hadn't been kind on the day that they had rolled down the roads of Oak Hills for the first time. A few months later Bri had walked into the store pregnant and miserable, and they quickly bonded over guns and commiserating over morning sickness and old men. These days Kate had heard the term "platonic soulmates" coined for what transpired from there. Poor John and Che, chasing after crazy pregnant bitches and the damage they could cause with their bratty attitudes and the hormones rushing through their bodies. That summer had been fun though. Kate felt different... initially she had tried to blame the pregnancy and the marriage and all the Big Girl Things she was doing before her senior year, but one day in August while sweating their asses off shooting bottles up on the ridge, Kate had realized Bri was her Best Friend. The person she could be everything with, and who could be everything with her.

Honestly, Kate had hoped that Jax would be a better man than his Uncle Benjy, but that ship sailed the moment he realized that there were too many pretty girls in Haven City and beyond and that variety really was the spice of life. It helped he had his father's smile, and while she'd never even attempt to imagine it, genetics were on his side in the cock division. And Jaide had been smitten with him since being reintroduced to him at four years old, the day Jaide gave him the name that the Streets would call out when talking about him. And with John's death she lost her chance at a daughter of her own. So Jaide had become a key part in keeping Kate whole, even back then. Seeing her and Jacob's friendship blossom and deepen helped heal her heart.

Taking Jaide in had been a no brainer. Fuck Bri for abandoning her, but there was no way Kate would let her take Jaide away from Jax. It had caused a rift that wouldn't be healed until years later when Jaide OD'd and Kate had shown up at her door begging forgiveness for failing to protect Jaide as a mother.

Kate set down the parts of her gun as the door opened up and she heard Jaide kicking the dirt off her boots. Smart, be ready to run just in case Kate decided she didn't like what Jaide had to show her. It was good to know that Jaide had kept her lessons close. And besides, if she tracked dirt in she could just clean it up before she left. Kate wasn't above abusing free labor.

"Hey, M-mom, I'm home."

Why couldn't she come in with the Kate instead of mom?! Fuck. Was it hot in the room suddenly? And her throat... damn it was dry. Brown eyes burned bad enough that Kate had to turn away before she could find out if those were tears or not.

Kate stood up and opened the kitchen window and grabbed the ashtray off the counter and put it on the kitchen table. "Ribeyes have been seasoned already, they're setting on the counter ready to go when you're ready to cook, I got the good cast iron out already," there was a slight rasp to her voice, like she was trying to hold back some sort of emotion. Kate refused to let Jaide see her cry this soon. If there were going to be feelings felt, it could be after they were well fed. Any other mother would have been immediately hugging Jaide, but Kate knew that once she initiated that contact that she wouldn't be able to keep herself together. Hugging Jaide meant she was real. Not just another ghost. "You still smoke weed or you totally sober? Jacob and I discussed you a bit at lunch today. It's good you're sobered up and back. JJ needs his moms."

Therapy and diagnoses weren't exactly something on Kate's radar. At best you paid someone a ridiculous amount of money to smile and nod as you told them all the fucked up shit you've been through. It didn't take a person with hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt to know Kate had mommy and daddy issues, and dead husband issues, and child issues, and probably an arrangement of mental health issues that would make it look like someone butchered the alphabet with how many acronyms that would be involved. However, as she was getting older and T's weed was getting better, she realized that the disjointed thought process she had probably wasn't normal.

But that's what T's weed was for.

Kate took her spot at the table again and took a really good look at Jaide now that she had distracted herself from crying. "You look good. You've been working out, I can tell. Sit, smoke one with me before you get cooking. Got a lot of catching up to do."

The Lawrence Siblings

Streets were fucking confusing. Michael knew that he shouldn't have just bolted out like he did, with no money, no phone or protection on him. Today had been so bad though. And if he took his phone and used the GPS to find the address he had for his sister, then his father could track him. The red head limped as fast down the street as he could, his hands shoved into the pocket of his oversized sweater and bruised face covered by his hood. It was the best he could do on short notice. He didn't even have a jacket and was thankful that spring was around the corner. It was perfect hoodie weather this evening. The eighteen-year-old had never been this far from home, and it wasn't like he was studying city maps in his spare time. He didn't often leave the house outside of soccer practice and school. Then it was back home to do homework and cook for the family.

After Josie had left them, it had fallen to Michael as the next oldest to care for the family. He would never be as good at it as Josie had been, but he had learned a lot from watching her cook and clean. Even all these years later and he still put her on a pedestal for bravely filling the mother role that the boys needed growing up. She had escaped, and found herself a better life and Michael didn't hold a grudge on her for that. Who knows what she'd be otherwise. It certainly wouldn't be a happy ending.

Yes, he knew what his sister did for a living. That's how he had found her, actually. A couple of the boys at school had been watching a video in the bathroom and the voice on their phone had been way too familiar for Michael's comfort. So he had done some poking around on the internet and figured out that his big sis was now some porn star named Scar Law, and that she was living in Oak Hills still. Had a kid. Social media whore, constantly posting about her life... it wasn't hard for Michael to do a little searching. She still had her birth name as her legal name, clearly wasn't married although he had found an article in a very dirty magazine that she had mentioned a 'husband' in an interview from a few years back. And now, she was his only real hope. Sure, he was eighteen and could leave home... but he had no where to go and didn't understand the world around him as well as he needed to. A little gay kid like him could end up just another dirty body on the street trickin' for treats, but he felt like he was made for more.

The beatings were getting worse. Ever since he had been caught red handed bent over a desk for his favorite teacher, and it had become clear that his son was very, very homosexual, Joseph Lawrence had been brutal on his son. He had barely been let out of his room, Jude slipping him food at night when Joseph was too drunk to wake from his chair in the living room, and certainly his actions had gotten him expelled from the Catholic private school his father paid for. No son of his was going to turn out to be "some namby-pamby fag. Not in this household!" and apparently a good physical beating could fix anything.

Everything had come up to a head when a deacon friend had suggested to the patriarch of the family that there were camps out there that many people sent their gay kids to in order to "fix" them. A couple of months away and Michael would come back cured of his supposed ailment.

Fuck that shit.

Joseph had never tried to love the kids the way he had when Grace was alive, and even then it was the stoic type of Catholic love that an old religious man was capable of. He had turned his daughter into their mother, forced her to wait on his every whim and expected her to marry young and wealthy enough she could help continue to support their family in years to come. Legacy. That's all that mattered to the motherfucker.

Michael looked up at the street signs and let out a sigh of a relief as he found the number he was looking for: 13th Street. The young boy only knew a little about gangs because you couldn't turn three times in a circle without bumping into a Vagos boy on accident. Outside of that immediate sphere of influence, he was naive. He knew how to avoid anyone openly flashing colors, no matter what color it was. He knew that he was walking deep into someone else's territory with no clue that his very own sister and the man she worshipped were the ones that owned said kingdom. But this was something worth risking his safety for. He'd rather die in a gutter than not be true to himself. He didn't want a miserable existence devoid of joy and love. He wanted to be whole. And he wanted Jude to be safer.

The red headed boy didn't even get down the block before he found exactly what- more like whom- he was looking for. The first thing he laid eyes upon was the chubby face of a toddler that looked like every baby picture he had ever seen of his sister, poking out from a little hoodie with Regulators sprawled across her chest with tiny red curls poking out from every direction. Izzy sat in her stroller kicking her legs and humming along to the Paw Patrol theme song, even if it was a little off beat and very off key. She was the first to notice the hooded stranger too, who had come to a dead stop about half a block away from them. Next, Michael noticed the dark skin and hair of the boy walking next to the stroller talking up at his mom about his day, and the man that was walking roughly ten paces behind the family. He hadn't expected to run into them on the street... he was hoping like... hang out on the sidewalk for a minute and figure out if he was brave enough to beg her for help.

"Hold up, Scar..." Shane closed the gap and grabbed Scar's shoulder before moving in front of the family. Scar looked up from JJ and pulled her son behind her just as protectively when she noticed what Shane seemed to be worried about.

For a moment, Michael just stared openly, forgetting that she wouldn't be able to recognize him with his hood up. There was just confusion on his face. Was that her man? He had a gun. Did he think Michael was a threat? He stepped closer, pulling his hood down and letting them see his face as he cautiously hobbled closer.

"Michael?" Scarlet couldn't believe her eyes. That was a face she hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime, but she could never forget those red curls or his eyes. "Shane, stay with the kids."

Without any other explanation Scar pushed passed him and dashed towards her little brother.

Michael had hoped for a tearful reunion, but Scarlet wasn't one that met expectations anymore. When she met him half way along his path, there was rage in her eyes. "Who the fuck did this to you, Michael?! Jesus fuck, did dad do this? Your nose is broken!" Instead of love and joy to see him, there was the voice of an angry mother and hands all over his face checking the extent of the damage, her eyes shifting into a color Michael couldn't even begin to describe. That was something he had missed. He eyes. Her voice. The way she read bedtime stories to him and Jude. Even if her face seemed a little different than the last time he had seen her, she was still his perfect sister.

"Hey sissy... Sorry. Fuck I've missed you... Yeah, Dad did this. I... I'm gay, and I got caught and he got pissed and I'm just so happy to see you!" he couldn't hide the fear and shame that laced the happiness to see her in his voice. They'd have time to cry, hug and catch up later. Now, as far as Michael was concerned Jude was still in danger. "Dad's been on a binger since he found out. He locked me in my room. Today Jude let me out and I just fucking ran. I got your address a while back but I figured I'd wait til after graduation to come see you. Please, I don't know what he'll do to Jude once he realizes that he helped me escape... Please you have to help me."

Scar looked back at Shane, a darkness in her eyes not even Jax or Jaide had witnessed yet. "We're taking the kids to Kate's... Come on, Michael, lets introduce you to your niece and nephew... I'll take care of this, don't you worry. I just need a couple extra hands..."

One of the benefits of coming up in Haven City when she did was that Jaide didn't have the same type of instincts towards violence that her moms and their generation did. That same calm before the storm energy that Kate got the day after she met John, right before things popped off on 12th and Water all those years ago. Jaide didn't have that same energy in the same way. Sure, she could tell when she was about to get jumped on a corner or a cell-block, when a bitch in the locker room was about to try you out. All those things made sense to Jaide and she could see them coming from a mile away.

But this itch between her shoulder blades and the twitch in her trigger fingers from nowhere, this was new to her. The universe had fucked with her a lot in her short life, but that sense of 'shit's about to go down, get ready to get fucked in all four holes' that came just before the whole world shifted suddenly and violently, this was new to her. Which made it easy to just put it down to nerves.

Her hand nearly flew from where it hung at her side up to jam between her front teeth, couldn't chew gum while dinner was getting ready, but she stopped it by wrapping her arms were around herself and shifting her weight from foot to foot and back. "Can I smoke and cook please? I just, don't know if I can sit still quite yet." There was a weakness in her voice, in her eyes, Jaide Verga never said please, but this energy that she was feeling building up was getting bigger, and it felt like she was going to explode. Like the thing she wanted most in the world right now, to just spend time with her mother and catch up and feel her love again for the first time in forever, was about to be interrupted by something ridiculously dramatic and violent. Maybe she had been gone from the city too long and that chaos spirit of it was just finally getting back to her again.

"Fuck mom, everything is just so perfect and I feel like I''m tweaking right now." She couldn't stop it this time and her thumb went between those two incissors with a nice big jam. Finally, she just stretched her arms out really big and then stepped into Kate's kitchen without permission and started to cook. She was a girl who wanted to have it all, and something inside of her was telling her if she didn't cook and talk at the same time then she wouldn't get either.
The hairs on the back of Kate's neck tingled in a weird sort of way, electrical impulses triggering the muscles between her shoulder blades to tense like instinct was preparing her for a fight. "You do you, boo. If you feel better smoking and cooking, then kitchen's all yours, Jaide," the sensation that something was about to happen was burning in her skull again. Originally she had thought that the winds of change had simply brought Jaide back home to them, but now she was wondering if there was more afoot than she suspected. It was concerning. She'd have to go slide over to Monica's later. The woman was good at this type of shit. It wasn't that she was psychic or any shit like that; Monica was just great at reading between the lines, of seeing all the signs and everything that Kate missed in her eternal state of inebriation. "So this is all Scarlet's fault, isn't it?

Despite her statement, her tone didn't sound to accusatory, as if she wasn't mad at Scar for the power moves she made. "I'm starting to feel like I should fear her almost as much as I fear Joan's power? Pretty bitches that make men move mountains aren't to be trifled with. Trifled is my new word by the way, too much medieval bullshit shows-" her words cut off suddenly as her cat-like hearing picked up the sound of a small child. Kate stood up, as if something was on the wind that she could smell, eyes pointedly looking directly at the front door a full thirty seconds before the door swung open. JJ came dashing in first, immediately darting towards his mother and gripping her leg. "Somethings wrong, mom!" he looked so innocently confused and severely upset. The reason why would walk in a moment later, just in front of his sister.

Kate had never seen a boy look so broken and so overjoyed at the same time. His hair looked like it had seen a buzzcut in the last two months; but Kate could see the shadow of the same red curls that her granddaughter had been blessed with. Even the bruises and the swollen lip couldn't hide the happiness he was deriving from just holding his sister's mini-me. It was the same smile she had seen on Scarlet the moment Jaide had handed newborn JJ off to her. For a moment, the boy was at peace. It killed her knowing that peace wouldn't linger for long.

"Kate, this is my brother Michael. I need you to keep him and the kiddos here. Prep him for CPS questioning. I have to go pick up the youngest from my dad," those baby blues shifted to the same dark blue as a storm-bludgeoned ocean. Deep in there, Kate saw a flicker of something Scarlet wasn't known for; violence. A deep need for a blood filled revenge, not just for her brother but for her own broken soul. Kate looked over at Jaide and nodded.

Scarlet turned to her brother and gave him a half hearted smile as he set Izzy down on the ground. "I'm sorry that you were put through this, I promise I will make this right. For both you and for Jude, got it?"

"You're coming back right?"

"Of course I am, and I'm coming back with Jude," Scar squished his battered cheeks affectionately, the siblings sharing silent communication as they stared into one another's eyes. "We'll be a family again. I promise. Hey, little man, you look after Uncle Mike okay?"

As quickly as Scarlet had burst in, she left, Shane looking only mildly frustrated that she was faster than he was. Kate now knew this was an emergency level event. She turned to the new person entering the telenovella that seemed to be Jax's life. "I threatened your father once that if he ever came within five hundred feet of your sister that I would drag him and crucify him in front of the church he claimed to be devout to," there was no real threat in her voice, just simple statement. A lot of her felt bad for this poor boy, even if she had no idea why he had been on the hitting end of his father's fist. "I wish I would have put a bullet between his eyes then."

The eighteen-year-old gave a half-hearted smile. "I wish you had too..."

Kate sighed at the joint in her hand and quickly put it out as Izzy came waddling into the kitchen. "TATERS!" she screamed angrily and sniffed the air. Of course the small child had no understanding of the situation being serious, she was only considered with her personal hunger.

While Michael took himself a nice hot shower, Kate put in a phone call to the only person she could think of who would have experience in this type of situation. She knew Scarlet would want custody of the brother that was still underaged, and Rory had had her hands in the foster system since before Nicky had moved into the gym with Moshe right after Deb took off out of town. Nicky was always meant to be an only child; Ken was a responsible man, and while he loved his son and wife, he didn't have the urge to fill a house like some of their friends had. Rory didn't mind once they had figured out that fostering kids was just as fulfilling. Because she was used to one in the morning placement emergency calls from CPS, Kate knew she'd have clothes in the kid's sizes, and would have plenty of advice to give to Scarlet on the legal end of matters.

Rory seemed to understand the unspoken fact that this was being arranged because come the darkness of night Joseph Lawrence would be a dead man. Kate didn't need to tell her how angry Scarlet had looked; Rory had seen some of the things Scarlet would do for the family she had chosen... she had no doubts in her soul that she would do worse for her blood.

JJ very much did what his second mom had told him; as soon as Michael was out of the shower and Izzy was happily eating the mashed potatoes Kate had made, JJ settled on the couch with Michael and pulled out an baby album of himself and started doing the best distraction move that Kate had ever seen out of the kid. While Michael was listening to JJ and Izzy was stuffing her face, Kate waited for Rory and Ken to pull up. It was going to be a long night.

Scar was the first out the door and off the front steps, pacing the front walk angrily and trying to get her head back together. She couldn't go in hot headed and pissed off like Jaide or Jax would have. She had to get her brother out of the house first and back to Kate's without too much extra trauma. Hell, would Jude even remember her? Michael seemed to have the impression that she had never been forgotten and that when their dad wasn't around sometimes they would whisper about her.

"Jaide, I don't want Vagos thinking we're stepping on territory when this is personal, so low profile as possible. I'm going to go take care of something I should have taken care of a long time ago. And I don't want this to take long, Michael's bruises are our main proof of abuse, outside of the fact that we have records of me running away and being fostered by Kate..."

She turned then, and looked into Jaide's eyes. "I need your gun, babe. And your help. Please. I can't do this without you."
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When anyone who killed as easily and as often as Kathryn Ramage Jackson talked just to fill the air, someone who knew her as well as Jaide did could tell that it wasn't to say anything that really needed to responded to. At least in that moment. Jax did the same thing, saved up all of his words and then let them spill out whenever he was in a situation he couldn't fuck or fight his way out of. If Kate really wanted to know the answer to the questions of how exactly Jaide had ended up escaping a death sentence and reappearing in all of their lives like the bad penny that always turned up lucky then she wouldn't have moved over to the word 'trifle' like she hadn't been spending her whole life looking after 'triflin' bitches' like Brandi and Jaide.

She'd brought it up and put it down again to let her daughter know that some stories just did not need to be told in this house. Just some more water under bridges shit.

Kate always got the best cuts of meat. Bad things happened to butchers who didn't give her their best. The smoke was smoking and the beef was sizzling when Kate's eyes turned towards the door giving Jaide a thirty second warning that something was coming through. Reflex and instinct played as one as she brought the cherry of the quarter-smoked joint down onto the meaty part of her thigh. A light wince escaped her lips before she glared at Kate's until it vanished into the ashtray in front of her as well.

Just in time for JJ to come running into the house speaking three words that no child in their lives was ever meant to.

No mother ever wanted to hear her child say that something was wrong. Whether it was some minor and innocuous miscommunication between children and adults about whatever was going on with a wiffleball bat in the back yard, or something more serious like a child getting a glimpse into the real world of the adults around them. Everything that they had done, everything that they would do, was so that they would never need to hear those words.

Scar didn't say a word to Jaide when the specter of catastrophe loomed large in Kate's living room. She didn't need to. Jaide Esther Verga was A-1 from Day One, shifted the meat over to a cool burner before shutting it all down and ducking out into the hallway and side-stepping towards the door. Pausing for a quick moment to crouch down and press her lips against JJ's forehead she left her son with her own benediction.

"Everything is going to be alright. Be good for abuela. I love you." Getting to the door she pressed the ring and middle finger of her left hand against Shane's chest, pushing him back against the door so that she could get past. New guy needed to learn his place, and learn to move as fast as the locals as far as Jaide was concerned. But she wasn't wasting any time thinking about how he might feel about that disrespect. His slow feet want to take it personal they could do it on their own time.

They were doing the Queen's business today.

"Say less." Jaide answered when Scar asked for her gun, for her to watch her back.

Jaide had dropped her first body before anyone else in Jax's crew. She had dropped bodies to feed her addiction, and she had dropped bodies to stack paper out in Jeffersonia. The revolver with its barrel between her ass-cheeks had dropped six bodies in one go once out in the Street in her exile. Knocking over a card game run by a man who had disrespected Jaide and reached into her pockets. Lookout, doorman, bodyguard, and the three men at the table when she took it down. Headshots all of them.

Scarlet's father wasn't going to die so quick.

"Call Rico. Tell him to call up some friends," her friends signed two, "and meet us in front of the liquor store. Gonna spin the block and get ready for a barbecue. Coming out Jumper style heard?" Haven City Jumpers wore green and purple, their green jerseys were just about the only thing that any gangster in the city could wear and not be fronting the wrong colors. Plus, Jumper style meant bring some baseball bats to the barbecue they were cooking.
Rallying The Troops

Shane didn't take offense to Jaide's pushing him aside. He was above that, or more accurately, he understood just how below her he was. Even if Scar had a way of making him feel like a part of the extended family, he was still new enough and knew he only had some clout with the boys because of the job he was given. Not that anyone really wanted to deal with Scar's habit of somehow ditching her detail. Tyler was still handling the shit over that. How could someone lose a bitch as distinct and as loud and flashy as Scar Law?! Shane gave a grim little twitch of a smirk as he turned his ass right around and followed the women back out the door. There was no where safer for those kids than Kate's place, and that meant it was his job to make sure Scar was covered. He didn't know Jaide. He didn't know her capabilities or the history. All that really fucking mattered to him was that some motherfucker was beating up kids who didn't deserve it, and that The Queens needed backup.

Scar nodded and pulled her phone out of her bra dialing Rico. Told him the play of the day in their hoodrat coded speak, and then the two Queens and Shane moved quick. Getting changed and heading to the liquor store felt like it took a lifetime, but thirty minutes later they were standing in front of the store looking casual, a couple of bats and duffles in their hands so they could retrieve some of the boy's belongings. Shane had procured the most non-descript brown car that Scar had ever seen in her life; and considering Kate was the master of stealing cars and ditching them for purposes like this, Scar was mighty impressed by the newcomer. She even clapped him on the shoulder. "Good boy." In another world, by any other woman, Shane might have felt spoken down to. But, even a man like Shane with far simpler tastes than her flamboyancy could appreciate when a woman as stunning and potentially as powerful as Scar Law told him he was doing a good job.

Somewhere along the line, it might have occurred to one of the three main bitches involved to ring up a certain King and let him know shit was going down. Maybe, if Kate hadn't been busy trying to make sure JJ wasn't too disturbed by what he saw, and that Michael was ready for the hellfire that would come trying to keep Jude with him and Scarlet... Maybe if Scarlet hadn't been on a war path, with the only thing keeping her from speeding off the moment Shane pulled up in the car being Jaide. For the first time since coming along and Jaide bringing her into the fold, Scar didn't spare a single thought for Jax or how he'd feel or react, or if he'd even give permission to pull these moves. She just knew this couldn't go unanswered, and she was the only one with the right to answer.

Once everyone rolled up, Scar explained the sitch and the gameplan. They'd wait til a bit after dark to show up at her father's house and take care of business. She didn't want the whole affair to take more than thirty or forty five minutes tops, and someone needed to hang out in the car with Jude while she, Jaide and the others handled the rest. While Jaide wanted to draw this out, Scar had places to be and people to fuck tonight and that meant she was on a tight schedule and wanted this done.

Breaking & Entering

It was nearly dark when they pulled up to the corner that the Lawrence family home had resided on for three decades at this point. It was a coveted corner lot, two story brownstone-looking older house, small back yard and garden. Years before meeting his wife, Joseph Lawrence had bought this spot for a prime monthly payment of one of his weekly paychecks. His work had been mines at the time back in the 80's, a dying industry by the time Scar had been born. However the man knew his fossil fuels and then had found himself working on an oil rig for a good long while until his wife was gone and suddenly he couldn't spend six week spells on the rig like what was required. Maybe if he had had some family still around, there would have been a shot of him keeping that up, but instead his career was stolen from him by the three children he had so happily made at some point.

Scar looked sadly at the state of her childhood home as they stepped up to the front step. The garden hadn't been touched since the last time she had been here, and even the facade was in a state of disrepair she couldn't envision her father letting it be. Then again, she had no clue the man he had become since then. The red head rang the doorbell, her face visible while no one else's was.

Jude opened the door all too quickly, like he was waiting for someone to come. His eyes got big. "Sissy!" he whispered quietly before stepping up and giving her a quick hug around the waist.

"Jude, I need you to go with my friend here and hang out in the car. I'mma talk to dad real quick and then me and you gonna go home and get Michael sorted, yeah?" Scar didn't leave room for him to reply as she shoved him into the hands of his babysitter for the moment.

Scar heard the heavy footsteps of her father coming out of the kitchen and into the foyer, still familiar even after all this time apart and she stepped in the lit entry way to reveal herself.

"Joseph-" the old man didn't even get a shot to get out her full name before the bat in her hand was flying and she hit him straight in the gut.

"How fucking dare you?! What in this god-forsaken world did you think would happen when I found out you laid a fucking hand on my brother? Did you think I wouldn't come for you?"

Jaide had seen Scar do a lot of screaming in their time together; screaming in pleasure, screaming in frustration, screaming as someone sprayed her with cold water... through the arguments, the orgasms, the fun, the sad times, Scar had never hesitated to give all of herself over to Jaide and Jax the moment they took her in when she finally got the balls to run away from home. However, Scar had made sure to always hide the monster. Jax had once told her that she was the human part of him, and that he needed her to stay that way. So she resolved to never lose herself. To always be in as much control of her own actions and emotions as possible. That's what made her such a great actress.

Now, though, the monster was fucking out in the open as she hit him again, this time a loud crack to his knee as even Shane flinched and joined the chorus of "oooos" from the boys they had gathered.

"Boys, drag his ass to the living room, just down past the kitchen." The red head turned to look back at her girlfriend with a bit of sorrow in her eyes, as if she never wanted Jaide to see this in her. As Shane passed, she handed him her bat. "Help them, please. I need a moment."

Josie Is Dead

Josephine Lawrence had loved this house once, back when her mother was still healthy and happy. While her father had always been a hard working, stoic Irish Catholic man, he hadn't always been this big asshole that he had grown into after her passing. After all, a man like that doesn't lose a woman as gorgeous and as gracious as Grace was and remain whole. And Josie knew there was love there; why else would there still be a shrine in the living room to the beauty her mother had been in her fullest of life?

Scarlet stared in horror at the fact that looked so much like hers, yet so different at the same time. And the blown up, framed photo didn't do justice to those eyes. Eyes that shifted and changed, just like Jaide claimed that her own did. "I can't believe he's kept this all these years... Keep him quiet, I don't want to hear his bullshit right now," Scar murmured before holding out her hand for a bat. She didn't know who handed it to her, but she swung that slugger like her kid's lives depended on it, and felt something snap in her as the glass shattered half way up it.

"Josephine, what the-" she heard the distinct thunk! of Shane's steel toed work boots into her father's gut and she turned, holding her hand up to stop the beating from progressing.

Heels clicked on the tile floor as she approached him on the living room floor where the boys had dumped him and beat him back into silence, looking down at the pathetic excuse for a man. Where once there was faith, love and life in his face, now was a shell of a man that she had once thought would protect her and her brothers no matter what. What a joke that was. "My name is Scarlet. Josie is dead, and you haven't been my daddy in a long, long time. You haven't even been my father since the moment she fucking flatlined-" she pointed the bat and the cracking photo. "You failed us! You failed your daughter and your sons, you failed her only dying wish that you love and protect us unconditionally even through the hard times. But no! No.... all you fucking cared about was image, about how we made you look all while sitting in your chair after work and pretending we only existed for Sunday Mass and when it was time to discipline us."

"I'm taking Jude with me, and you will never see or hear from any of us kids ever again. You will never know your granddaughter, or any children we have. You will die sad, pathetic and alone with no one to love you..." Scar spit in his face before standing back up and looking down at him. "Shane, Rico, watch him. Me and Jaide are going to grab some necessities for the boys before we bounce. Don't kill him though."

Shane casually kicked the older man in the side maliciously. "We'll try our best. Can we steal anything shiny?"

"No. Everything in this house needs to burn to the ground when I'm done."

Scar stepped back over to Jaide and then swung another few goes at the frame until Grace Lawrence's picture hit the ground with an resounding shatter. The red haired porn star didn't even hear the cries of dismay her father let out, nor the silencing grunts that he made as the boys kept him from getting back up off the ground. Once it hit the ground, Scar took the bat in one hand before casually twisting her pinkie with Jaide's and leading her up the stairs to where all three kids had slept at one point. She handed Jaide a duffle bag and pointed to the first room. "Jude's room. Grab him some clothes and anything that looks like it might be important. We're razing this place to the ground once we're done..." Scar split off to the other room on the same side of the hall and started filling the duffle she had grabbed with Michael's belongings, though she was impressed that here was already another duffle bag packed and ready to go with all of his clothes. Obviously he had taken off in a hurry.

By the time Jaide had her bag full, Scar was across the hall in the largest of the three rooms. One obviously meant for the Princess of the family. "He hasn't changed a fucking thing in all these years..." Scar felt her girlfriend walk through the door even though she didn't quite hear her on the plush dark pink carpet. All of her dolls and the little toys and stuffed animals she had kept over the years were all exactly where she left them. The scariest part to Scar was the fact there wasn't a fucking speck of dust in the entire room, like someone had been keeping it clean this whole time. "Like a fucking shrine to a dead daughter."

This room had been her private sanctuary for so long; the place she went for comfort and to sleep and the one place she had found true peace as a teenager. There was a big bay window that looked into the front yard that would have brightened the room in the light of day. Scar had turned the light on, but part of her wish she hadn't. Dark mauve carpet, framed by four pink walls covered in pictures of unicorns and Christian rock bands that hadn't changed but had obviously been kept clean. On one wall was a four-poster bed still messily made from the last morning she had called this home. Clothes thrown about, the vanity mirror shattered... everything was the same from her fight with him that night before she called Jaide and relocated herself into Jax's bed. She frowned as she stepped over to the large vanity and ran her fingers over the candles and pictures and flowers that the family had put there, like she had died instead of just moving across town.

"Fuck him. For everything..." Scar lifted the bat in her hands and swiftly smashed everything off of the table before turning her rage to the rest of the room. Nothing escaped her wrath; every last doll was broken, she shattered the mirror the rest of the way and knocked over the books off of the dresser next to it. "Tell the boys to pack this shit in the car and get Jude over to Kate. Me, you, Shane and Rico will finish up here..."

The last thing she did before she picked Michael's duffle bag back up was to grab a stuffed teddy bear off of the end of the bed. This was going home to her baby girl.
Killing Scar's father had been a passive fantasy of Jax's for the better part of a decade now. Knowing what that man had been planning to do to her, selling her like a piece of meat to some old fuck for a little bit of money, that had put that fire in a young Jax's heart and that itch in his trigger finger that never got worked out. He knew that the week after Scar had moved into the Jackson house his mother had driven out to whatever suburb that the Lawrences were from and put the man on notice. Keep away from Scar and refuse to fight the transfer of custody and Kate would let him keep the same amount of brains inside of his head as he had in that moment.

The downside of those types of threats that came so easily to his mother, now you couldn't kill the guy until he provoked it. Otherwise you looked unjust to the Street, and the last thing that the Street wanted to tolerate was a tyrant. If you started killing people for no reason, doing them in ways that people ain't need to be done in, then everyone was going to start praying on your downfall. At some point, even cops start looking like a better alternative than the gangsters who were meant to be the alternative to the cops in the first place. Still, Jax imagined that there was some kind of fear that haunted Joseph's waking moments to know that there were people out there who paid and were paid good money to end lives and snatch souls who would gladly kill him for free.

If Jax ever had the greenlight to end that civilian's life he knew how he would have done it. First, he would have some guys snatch him up where no-one would notice. Taking a piss in the alley on the way back to his car after a night of drinking, down him in his garage when he's on the way to work before the sun rises, then drive him out in his own trunk. One moment Joseph Lawrence was a living breathing reality to every person around him, something that needed to be witnessed and tolerated - like a wart. The next, he was simply gone. They wouldn't find his body for years, but when they did the coroner would know instantly that a great amount of violence had been enacted on the man before he went. Bones and joints shattered with baseball bats, bullets in the knees and elbows once he had dug his own grave, balls crushed by a pipe wrench or a sledge hammer before what remained of him was tossed into the earth and soaked with gasoline. All of the yokels up in the mountains would just say that they heard a mountain lion, a bobcat or some fucking coywolf yowling in the night.

If there was one thing that hunting trips with Uncle DJ had taught Jax and his day one's, it was that yokels who lived in the middle of Buttfuck Egypt, Nowhere did not give a fuck about anyone or anything that wasn't them and theirs. So long as you didn't put your dick in some tree farmer's wife or daughter, they weren't going to tell anybody about the out of towners that came up to rent their cabins every once and a while.

So here Jax was, all of these plans, all of these enjoyable pastimes that he and his baby mama's father could have shared together, and Jax missed out on all of it because he was giving backshots to Melonie DI Capri on her imported mahogany semi-circle desk in the office with the blackout windows over looking the dance floor of Amity. Like he hadn't done that half-a-hundred times by now.

Now that was something to think about, as he smacked her ass goodbye and left her leaking and brainless with her face sticking to some bullshit paperwork she was supposed to review. Jax had managed to get bored fucking his plug's daughter like a cheap slut. Calli was going to love hearing about that one.

Stepping out of his 'boss's' office Jax spread his arms wide so that Tyler could see him, and then gestured to the gangster's feet. "Ya see, you stood by the only exit, and you're right there when I came out. Keeping track of one person. It ain't that fucking hard." Ball-busting was an ancient art among the Regulators, and Tyler was practically his own little brother. They were all still grateful that he had pulled through after those 5.45×39mms had ricocheted all up and down his insides. But just cause you took some hot ones in the line of duty didn't mean that you weren't going to get fucked with after losing the boss's baby mama more than once. Tyler took it in good spirits though, because he knew he'd fucked up and he knew he needed to prove himself again after that fuck up.

"Man, if Scar fucked as loud as that bitch, ain't nobody ever lose her." Tyler shot back with his weak shit and Jax just laughed it off and smacked him on the back. "Let's go." The hope was that there would be a blowjob-rimjob combo waiting for the King of Haven City when he got back to his former-trap-house-turned-home. And yet, he should not have been surprised to find chaos and bullshit waiting for him when he stepped through that front door.

Jaide looked mildly disturbed as she looked around the room. On one hand, this is a part of Scarlet she had never gotten to see before. Not just the Queen running around wrecking shit, but the girl that Josie used to be before she had come to Oak Hills and became Jax and Jaide's property. By the time they had become friends, Scarlet had introduced herself as that instead of Josephine, and everyone respected that. That was something Jaide had never understood about the 'dead naming' thing. How fucking hard was it to call someone what they wanted to be called no matter how you felt about their identity? Every gangsta from Haven City to New York knew what a fucking street name was and how much weight it carried compared to your legal name. And what about those parents that named their kid one thing and then called them a nickname that had nothing to do with their real first name? Then again, Jaide had Named Jax. Scarlet had named herself. And it was a name that had fit.

The energy of the room was weird and made Jaide squirm a little as she watched her girlfriend take that baseball bat to the little altar that her father had set up. It was almost as if Jaide could feel the ghost of all the loneliness and pain that had been felt in here. The room was very clean, the only real dust being on the stuffed animals and the dolls that were taller than either of her brothers could reach. Jaide knew that Joseph hadn't done the cleaning himself. That wasn't a 'man's job'.

"Scar, our clock is running up, and this is supposed to look like an accident..." Jaide softly mumbled and picked up the bag Scar had dropped on the floor. Even though she understood how cathartic it probably was to get all this out of her, she knew how easy it was to lose oneself in the rage and anger. And who knew if anyone who would call the cops had seen them pull up. This wasn't the most well thought out plan of their lives after all.

Scar stopped swinging and turned to look at her best friend in the whole wide world. Their bond ran deeper than lovers; they were besties and that meant that Jaide and her took turns keeping each other calm, cool and sane in equal measure. And as angry, and as hurt as Scar was, she understood that Jaide was doing her part to keep her on track. "Yeah, come on, lets head out..."

Shane and the other boys that had come with Rico nodded as Scar came down the stairs with a hard: "We're wrapping up here boys. Scatter once we get to Kate's." Rico would dump the other vehicle once he was done setting the place on fire.

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again, ooh

Joseph was looking pretty bruised by now but the boys had given him the dignity of sitting him up in his favorite chair, blood dripping down his chin from a broken nose and probably a few broken teeth. He weakly looked up at his daughter as she knelt in front of him with nothing but pity in his eyes. "I was going to let you live, you know. Give you the same threat I know Kate gave you to stay away from me. Be the bigger woman, let you slowly die alone in this house with nothing and no one who loves you... We did love you once, you know. And we would have loved you if you had just been less of a piece of shit! But then I realized, you're not worth the oxygen."

"I gave you EVERYTHING after she died. You acted like it was our fault she was gone. You made me take care of the boys by myself when I was barely old enough to take care of myself! I had to do good in school, I had to be an active part of the church, I had to raise my brothers and cater to a needy, overworked asshole of a father who was more interested in drinking his beer and staring at a picture of a dead woman than he was in loving his own children. THE CHILDREN SHE GAVE YOU, YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Scar screamed in his face, making him flinch and a tear roll down her cheek.

"Even now, on the cusp of this, you can't even look me in the eye and say you're sorry, can you? You can't apologize for the things you put me through, the ways you made me feel and the weight you had put on my shoulders. That's okay, I don't need you to, Joseph. Because those pressures and that weight and those chains you made me drag around? Those are what made me the Queen I am today. My brothers will never want for a single thing in life. Whatever they choose to do, they'll have my unconditional love and support. They'll have everything you never gave us, because I've learned what it is to be a mother now. I know what it is to grow a life and be responsible for it truly now, and I won't let them down the way you let me down."

For some reason, Jaide thought this was going to be more brutal to watch, but like Jax she had the same contempt for the shitty ass father that had given her the second best thing in her world. While Che had his faults and wasn't always the best father, he had at least shown up for her in her time of greatest need. Even when she disappointed him time after time after time, he had accepted that he was her father and it was his responsibility to at least give her a fighting chance when no one else had.

Scar looked back at Jaide. "I want your extra side arm, not your main gun, baby. Something you don't care about losing," she held out her hand.

Jaide pulled out the gun she had stolen from Kate, numbers filed off and she handed it to the love of her life. "It's one of Kate's, fully loaded."

"We only need one bullet, isn't that right dad?" Scar said softly as she took the gun and put it in his non-broken hand. Joseph's eyes met hers in an understanding of what her words really meant. There was no escape. But good Catholics didn't kill themselves; that was a one way trip to Hell even if you were an otherwise pristine person. What she asked of him was more than just his life, it was a his soul. Jaide shivered realizing where Scar was taking this.

"You're in a lot of pain without her aren't you? Always have been. So maybe it's time that you took yourself out of the world and into the afterlife? It'd be a mercy."

"No heaven, suicide," the old man mumbled through a broken jaw.

"You don't deserve Heaven, father." Scar hissed at him and then helped him lift the gun hand to his temple. Joseph shook his head but then he felt her finger slip onto the trigger with his and apply a little pressure. And for a brief moment, he wondered if it really was suicide if she was the one who forced it upon him. That was his loophole. Perhaps death wouldn't be so bad then, if he had even half a shot of seeing his wife again. He had no doubts his daughter would take care of the boys; she always had done it better than he had.

Jaide saw Scar hesitating for a moment when her eyes met his again with a different sort of calm and acceptance in them. Not acceptance for his daughter, but acceptance for death. Selfish and narcissistic until the end. She stepped forward and put her hand on Scar's shoulder and gave a light squeeze. That squeeze was all the red haired queen needed to do the deed. That bit of assurance that she was doing the right thing in the end.

Those stormy blue eyes didn't even flinch as she squeezed his finger and the trigger at the same time, blood splattering across the wall and splattering just enough to pepper her face. Jaide just smiled sadly.
When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
Then finally make me do just what my momma said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

Kate looked up as the front door opened and Shane led in another red headed kid that she had never seen before. Jude immediately rushed over to Michael and gave him a hug. "You found her!" he whispered with relief before handing Michael the duffle bags that the girls had collected for them. "Do you think they'll let us stay with her?"

Michael hugged Jude tight and turned with teary eyes to look at Jaide as she walked in. "Where's sissy?" he didn't even answer Jude's question because he had no clue how all of this was going to go down. He knew they had a lot of people trying to help them though and that Scar had a lot of people that loved her.

"She needed to walk the day off, she'll meet us at the house," Jaide assured him and looked at Kate with the silent question of their next moves.

Kate looked irritated, which meant she was probably a little too close to sober for her own comfort. "Take my car and get all four of the kids down to the house. I'll catch up in a few minutes, Rory and Ken are probably already there waiting on us, Michael will give Jude what to say to the authorities whenever they actually do fucking show up," Jaide took the keys that Kate had offered and looked at Izzy. Before she could ask: "I already put her carseat in the back. I figured there was a chance she'd be passed out by the time you guys got back."

JJ was already getting himself in the back seat when Jaide came out with Izzy and the two boys. "Someone's in a hurry to get home!" Jaide tried to change her voice from worried to humorous, worried about what level of trauma this was going to do to JJ and the baby... And if CPS got involved... Jaide shook that thought from her head for now since she couldn't easily reach her gum, even if she had any left.

Once the car was packed up Jaide took it easy getting down to the house, just to not wake the baby girl up.

Rory's car was already there when they pulled up and Rory was immediately greeting them. She didn't acknowledge the gap of time since she had last seen Jaide, she simply took Izzy from Jaide with a kiss on the cheek. "Let's get everyone inside and the little one in bed, then we'll run everyone through the gameplan. Where's Jax?" Jaide cursed when Rory asked the one question no one had thus far.

She knew he was still in his 'work meeting' and it made her grimace a little bit. It was a look Rory knew well when it came to Jax. "Right," Rory nodded and lead everyone back into the house.

If I could steal one final glance, one final step
One final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again

Scar showed up just ten minutes before Jax did, silently walking upstairs without acknowledging anyone and knowing she needed to shower off as quickly as possible. She didn't want Jaide to see her bloody knuckles. Luckily Jaide was occupied ordering pizza and trying to get the boys fed while Rory talked them through how to handle a lot of big questions that would be thrown at them.

The room felt different somehow, though as Scarlet gazed around nothing was actually out of place; the dresser was still a disaster with Jax's shit spilling over onto her side of the countertop. Laundry baskets were downstairs because Jaide had intention of doing all the house laundry the next day. The pinups of Scar and copies of centerfolds of Scar, Calli and a few other friends were all still there. The bed was made the way she had left it that morning. Everything was in its place, or at least a rough estimate of a regular spot. She wandered over to her drawer and pulled out a small vial of clear liquid, before taking the dropper and dropping two under her tongue. A little LSD would help her ease up and act normal, as insane as that sounded.

It wasn't the room that had changed, it was Scarlet herself that was no longer the same person she had been when they had all woken up that morning. A few people had told her that killing someone changed you. Some killings were more traumatic than others. Some people, like the Ramages, were just born killers. Scar was never one of those people though. At one stage Jax had expressed hope she would never have to personally pull the trigger on someone. Something about "retaining her humanity".

But some things were worth killing.

Of all those who had given her advice over the years; from experienced murderers like Kate or Gayle, to those like Monica or Ken who had only caught bodies when they absolutely needed to and to defend those they loved, or even the random Regs that told stories to pretty bitches to try and impress them... not a single one of them had committed patricide.

Her clothes were dropped into a garbage bag that Jaide had left up there so they could burn their clothes and any evidence with it, and then Scarlet stared at herself in the mirror across from the bed. The strategic placement solely for the enjoyment of her and Jax watching themselves fuck. There were a few specks of blood on her face, but other than that she looked just as gorgeous and as unblemished as ever. The absolute porn star, the absolute fuck toy for her man. Would he see this as a crack in that porcelain perfection that they had strived so hard for them to achieve?

No. He wouldn't. Because like every other crack she had hidden from him since his prison stay, Scarlet would patch it and paint over it before he ever saw her break. And this time, she would paint it better than ever, gluing the pieces back together with some better adhesive. Jax would never know what this had done to her.

Scarlet stepped into the shower and blasted it as hot as it could go. Jax and Jaide loved to joke about her scorching hot showers, but today she took it to the extreme, scrubbing her soft skin until it was red and nearly raw. Scraping off any influence her dead father had over her. Her long hair was washed twice, just to make sure there was no blood splatter left over in it that she couldn't see. Every surface, every crevice was scrubbed and exfoliated until she was brand new skin that had never known a world with him in it.

When she stepped out of that shower, she felt clean in a way she hadn't known was possible. Her limbs felt almost weightless as the drugs kicked in and she found herself smiling as she picked out a new outfit and put on a little make up. Not looking overdone, but the make up made up part of the mask she would have to put on for her family and most especially her King.

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved?
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream

Kate was sitting on the front steps smoking a cigarette in jeans and an old flannel that was clearly three sizes too large to be hers. She knew Jax was going to be pissed. Even if he had never told her, Kate knew her son well enough to know that he would have done far worse than what Scarlet did to the man. Even now, she knew that he was only honoring an unspoken code because she had made the moves she could to protect Scarlet, and her own family. That was precisely why she had made her open threat and made sure word got out about it. It forced him to hold back and not just storm over there with a bunch of the boys. Even if it was a bad idea, Nicky, Ty and the crew would have jumped in like behind Jax just to beat a man who abused his own children.

So many people thought that Kate was a dumb ass, but where it counted she had plenty of brilliance. But Benjy and John had been the better planners. Kate just did as she was told, and sometimes went rogue and needed to be reigned back in. That was the Ramage in her. And Jax's apple did not fall very far from the tree.

"Hey baby, everyone's inside. I'm heading out in a few. The bitches will explain everything when you get inside..." Kate sounded tired, the type of tired one got when they had seen more life than they had planned and more bullshit just meant more bullshit and nothing more. She stood up and did something uncharacteristic; she pulled him in for a hug, ignoring the smell of Di Capri pussy on him. "Take care of Scar. I'm going to be out of town for a couple days this weekend. Jaide said she'd run the store for me."

Inside was a different energy; Izzy and JJ were watching TV in the living room and the sounds of the Lion King could be heard from the front door. Jaide looked up at him as he walked in, sitting on the steps across from the door like she was guarding access to the upper floors.

"Fuck." Jaide cursed, staring at him like she just realized the biggest fuck up in the worst possible while shoving her thumbnail between her two front teeth nervously and staring him down. Not only had none of them called him to even get the okay for this shit, but it had taken Scar far longer to walk home than it realistically should have and Scar's entrance hadn't been rainbows and sunshine. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"That's a lot of fucks," the red headed boy that walked past casually with a plate of pizza stopped and looked at Jax before squinting his eyes. Without even a moment's worth of hesitation the kid stepped forward and puffed his chest in that way that future gangstas tended to do. "You the dude who fucked my sister?"
Two years ago this house had been a trap house, one of the most frequented ones on 13th Street. It had been a place where a fucked-up type of community had formed, junkies looking to feed their habit and drug dealers looking to make money off of that habit congregating together with little care for the structure around them. It didn't matter to them that they were destroying the walls and floors with their smoke, that they were shitting in toilets that didn't flush and just pissing in the corners sometimes. Sleeping on floors and fucking on decades old mattresses with whatever junkie whore was there for the taking while loud music blasted from a lost speaker. The man who 'owned' the house, who used to be the facilitator for the Pits, had offered his loyalty and support for Jax's kingship in return for purchasing the worthless property.

Jax had needed the support, had needed the legitimacy, and had needed a place to rest his head that wasn't his mom's house or her apartment above the store. Once the war was done, this house had become his project. Him, Ty, Javi, Hernan and his crews putting in work on the upstairs attic-bedroom, on the kitchen, on the living room. Tearing things apart and building them up again into something better like they had been doing to the Street every since Gayle got snatched up.

It wasn't ready for this type of habitation this quickly. Sure, they'd been able to throw parties here and have people in every room, but some of those rooms weren't good enough for the two new boys he saw lingering around. It was late, and Izzy already should be asleep. Yet, there she was leaning against JJ's side and watching Pumbaa and Timon lead Simba across a bridge and into his larger life.

There would need to be more repairs, more expenses, everything done fast. Putting the pieces together of everything he had missed just from the scene in front of him, Jax knew that he would need to put off those decisions until tomorrow. There were things that needed to be solved now, and that was it.

"Knocked her up too. Might do it again." Jax responded back to the smartass punk with a plateful of pizza that came up to him in his own living room. The kid had heart, and he'd decided to show it early. Jax liked him, and placed his large hand on his head to mess up his hair as a sign of affection. Jax moved across the wooden floor towards the first bitch to steal his heart, his children enraptured by Walt Disney's masterpiece. Part of him should have been enraged, hurt, maybe even a little bit broken to know that this all had gone down while he was wasting his life fucking million dollar pussy. None of that was there yet, the weight of the crown holding him down until he would be able to feel that mixture of guilt and shame.

A scarred knuckle ran underneath her chin, pressing upward with the minimum of pressure to make her gaze up into his eyes. She knew that there were fuck-ups involved in tonight, but his eyes said that he had been the one to make them. Not them.

"Get everyone to bed. It's late. Mickey and Jude can split the couch and the blow-up down here. When they're all down, come upstairs." It only took a little bit of strength from his hand to force Jaide to stand. No more words were needed, The two of them hated to talk anyway. Fight, fuck or forget about it.

Jax didn't have any fight in him tonight.

Kissing his first love on the forehead, he moved passed her up the stairs, each step feeling like his boots were weighted down with lead. Not sure what, or who, he would meet when he opened the door to the attic-room and stepped inside.
An hour or so earlier...

Jaide's left eye twitched to the beat of Kate's bouncing foot, both girls on the same tense vibration that came with someone in your immediate circle doing a murder... It didn't help that Jaide had made the questionable decision of letting Scar walk home with no escort. "Why didn't you send someone with her? If anything happens to her, Jax is going to ask..."

"I gave her an extra gun and she's a big girl, ain't she?" Jaide knew Scar would dodge any trail she sent behind her, and some things demanded solitude. If Jax wanted to beat her ass for that, Jaide would accept. "Besides, she needed space, and we don't need people getting picked up for stalking behind a pretty girl. She'll be back soon."

Jaide was on her third pack of gum in less than two hours, and whenever she hadn't had gum going she had chewed on some of her hair like a god damn kid. There was plenty for her to be worried over right now. Scar's wellbeing was at the top of it. Jaide just wasn't sure what Scar was going to need. It wasn't the same as Jaide's first kill. Silence fell between the two women. It felt like her mom had something to say, just wasn't sure how to say it yet, and Jaide didn't want to break the peace until Kate was ready to.

"I need to do a run next weekend. I'll be gone Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday. Shop opens at 7am, closes at 5pm. And don't even fucking think about taking a long ass sex lunch break, you got an hour to eat your shit and get back to work," Kate finally drained her beer, telling Jaide exactly what was going down. "I have good cameras in the store now, I'll know if Jax is there distracting you."

Jaide didn't let Kate see the emotion on her face. That simple command was the culmination of Kate's acceptance that she was back in the fold. Despite the mess that the evening had turned into, the new additions to the household, and the fear and worry in Jaide's bones... The Queen felt like she was truly back home...

Back in the Present...

Jude looked at Izzy and then back at Jax with a cheeky grin. "Sucks for you that she look like her mama and granny, don't it?" Jaide couldn't help a burst of a laugh as the boy walked away after dropping the hard truth that all of them already understood: bitches as pretty as Scar and Grace Lawrence were hell on their fathers. Izzy wouldn't fall too far from the tree unless somehow that cherub face turned ugly by the time she was teenager. Genetics were not on their sides for that happening, though.

For the last hour, Jaide had been playing back every conversation where Jax blamed her for letting Scar make such a big play on a civilian. And before that she had been stressing that Scar wouldn't come home and then those hands that she loved would be choking the life out of her before the end of the night. Those scarred knuckles under her chin did wonders to relax his first baby mama, the worries about their future melting away as Jax shouldered the blame for not being present without a single word exchanged.

Once she was standing, Jaide nodded and let that kiss on her forehead sink in and warm her body. "See you upstairs, Daddy."

And with that she got to work tucking everyone in. JJ was still taking to heart being told to watch after his newfound uncles and begged Jaide not to make him go upstairs... and if JJ was staying, so was Izzy. So once Izzy was tucked into her playpen with her favorite stuffie and blanket next to the blow up mattress on the floor, Jude turned the movie back on quietly and the youngest three of the sleepover quickly crashed from all of the excitement.

Jaide wasn't sure what she would be walking into, so she gave Jax and Scar some time to hash out whatever they had to hash out while she smoked herself a joint and a cigarette on the front porch before locking the door, and finally ascending the stairs.

Scar heard the door open but she didn't turn around; she could see who was entering through the view from the mirror. And Jax would be greeted with the prime view of her naked ass bent over the dresser. "Hey, babe! Welcome home, how was Mel's?" the tone behind the words was so casual, as if she hadn't just saved her brothers and committed patricide. The only sign something was off was that she didn't immediately turn around and walk over to greet him and throw her body all over his. Instead she just stood there fixing some unseen flaw in her lip game. It was the mess proof stuff, the good quality shit that even Jax couldn't fuck up no matter how hard he tried... and oh, had the man tried...

"Sorry about the crowd, my brothers are going to be staying with us for a little bit, if that's okay with you? Otherwise Rory said she can easily take Jude for now until the house is better set up to handle..." everyone knew that the red head had a tendency to ramble when she was upset. Honestly, it was a miracle she wasn't spring cleaning the entire house with how wound up she was, and how hard her OCD was triggering from the stress.

Still, she made no move to turn and look at him, even though she was now standing up straight and completely done with the lipstick bit. Perfectly manicured nails sparkled as she reached up and brushed a still damp curl out of her eyes, and for a moment it was a clear her hand was shaking.

"You missed some fun shit tonight, babe... You would have had fun beating the shit out of my old man," numb distance finally crept into her voice as she turned to look at him. She didn't say the words; Jax didn't need her confession. If the boys were here, she was certain her knew exactly what she had done. "I'll have to go pick up more groceries tomorrow..."

Such a mundane statement; and while true it wasn't appropriate for this situation... but it was the indication that her picture perfect planner of a brain was shutting down despite being her normal coping mechanism. A weak smile crossed her cheeks, and then the rain started falling from the blue skies he had spent his adult life cherishing, little rivers of grief running down that pale, perfect skin.
Jax never hit Scar. He had other girls for that.

There were many reasons for Jax's hesitation to visit the violence he brought to the rest of the world onto the love of his life who had ridden with him through Denne, through RICO, and through Monster. Scarlet Lawrence had been at his side for his hardest decisions, his darkest moments, and his greatest victories. She was his queen, the treasurer of his largest war chest, the mother of his children. Everything that a warlord could ask for and more when it came to sharing his life and his bed with another person.

But, she was soft, weak, bruised easily. Worse, if he struck her then her value as an earner decreased. Couldn't eat a sloppy cunt buffet if your jaw was bruised to the bone. Sure, he could bend her over his knee and spank the life out of her, but that was hardly the punishment that a good pimp slap would be. For all of the logic behind the arguments for and against that particular form of discipline - including Scarlet's own jealousy at her status as treasured porcelain - Jax had never been able to bring himself to lay hands on her in that way.

Striding into his bedroom, he had known what he was going to need to do no matter what state that he found his bitch. Either he was going to fuck her within an inch of her life as a reward for stepping into a world that he had never thought that she would be capable of surviving in, or he would find her a ruin of the intelligent woman that he had claimed as his own and he would fuck her within an inch of her life in order to restore her to proper state. At first, seeing her casually looking in the mirror and adjusting her makeup, he had thought the former was the situation. Tossing his hoodie to the ground with his shirt within it, laying his gun and knife on the dresser and stripping off his jeans he made the moves like the casual undressing before bed that they were.

Then, she showed him where she truly was.

Her words were foolish and poorly crafted, not what he expected, what he demanded from her. Apologizing to him for rescuing her siblings, suggesting that he might be so uncharitable that they could toss one of them over to Rory to handle instead. Then, reminding him of his failure to be there during one of the most important moments of her life, a moment that he had been looking forward to as long as he had known who her father was. Finally, worrying about grocery runs when they had people for that. Jax saw the glaze in her eyes, pupils moon-wide from acid showing her the world with its edges blurred and colors. He saw the blood and open wounds on her knuckles and knew that she wouldn't be stepping in front of the camera until those bleeds heeled.

At first, he just cupped her cheek as those first rivers of grief fell from her blue-green eyes. Then he struck, left-handed, back handed, his own scarred knuckles cracking off her jaw. She didn't stumble though, his gun hand grabbing a fistful of blood-red hair and pulling her upright again. The pain at her scalp forcing her mouth open he spit on her pierced tongue, I love you, his eyes said before his knuckles rapped across her jaw again. The noose-tight grip on her hair disappeared and this time the force of his blow sent her staggering into the bed with the beast she loved following after her.

The bed was low, easy for them to fall in no matter what state they were in. In truth, Jax would have preferred a hot shower to burn away the memory of Melonie before he brought the two love's his life around his arms and let them fuck him to sleep. But, king's rarely got what they actually wanted without taking it. There was no rest for the wicked, and climbing into bed he tipped her feet back until she was folded in half, toes tickling her ears and about to throw up some gang signs as his meaty cock slapped down on her cunt. Once. Twice. Thrice. He was in.

Demons danced behind his eyes as he stared hellfire into her soul, damnation the reward if she was weak again. All earthly pleasure the reward for her strength, for her loyalty, for her ability. As Jax's balls smacked off her ass and his hands bruised her calves to hold her in place his eyes never left hers. In those demon-black eyes she saw the truth about them that she would never need to speak aloud. It didn't matter how many women he fucked, he would always come back to her because only she could burn the hellfire out that raked at his heart. Only she could replace the Damnation that fueled him with something worth living for.

Only she could fuck him as stupid as he fucked her. And if she can't even do that, then what the fuck was she good for?
Just as Jax hadn't known what to expect when he walked into the room, Scar wasn't sure how Jax was going to handle what was left behind. Every part of her knew that he couldn't handle the tears, but at the core the queen knew he needed to see this hadn't taken the humanity he cherished her for. So what if he had to swallow a few uncomfortable moments while he figured out which King move was most appropriate here?

It was so Jax, that while he considered Scar the human element to his crown, he had always put her on a little shelf in a pretty display case like some sort of rare porcelain toy. Realistically, even before she was the queen she had become, she had always understood the aspect that she had far more value to him if her pretty little alabaster face was left unmarked by hand or ink. He had never been opposed to piercings, but Scar had decided long ago that she'd be discerning about piercings until she had hit a real stride and was making them real money.

This is why she had developed the masks. A King needed his main bitch to be his everything, everywhere, all at once and on his command: mother, lover, peace giver, ride or die, fuck toy, human, politician, and Scar had managed to fill every gap except for the hole Jaide had left behind. But of all the things she had ever been, cruel was never one of those. Scar had never let Jax see her capacity or need for brutality before. Jaide would tell Jax the story of the spine-chilling way Scar Law had dispatched the elder Lawrence by the next afternoon. He deserved to know what their mama bear was capable of when the people she loved were in danger.

That first pimp slap sent a shock of adrenaline through her nervous system, initiating the fight-or-flight response of someone who had never been hit like that before. Those eyes darkened for a minute as her mouth opened to give him a taste of attitude that the second backhand quickly took out of her. Despite the pain, she felt the love pouring out through his actions. Scar had enough experience to know how to move with a hit, how to aim herself at the bed so that she didn't accidentally end up hitting her head off the floor or nightstand and ending up with a concussion. Ragdolling, Callie had called it. The blonde made it look like an artform just as much as a science and conscious control of your body and awareness of your surroundings. There was no surrounding that Scar knew as well as her own bedroom.

While the Gayles were the type to have a tall bed that bitches had to climb into, almost like a throne in bed form, Jax was the type of man that sometimes needed to literally, physically drop himself into bed if he had any hope of sleeping in it that night. Even as tall as he was, there was no straining his body after a hard ass night in the Pits where a man could barely lift his own arm to drink water or help his bitch bounce up and down his cock.

The monster behind his eyes lit a fire in her soul, as if she perfectly translated what Jax needed her to know. While Scar had always been able to see the demon in Jax and his mother, she didn't have any such thing inside of her, or at least that's what she felt. That's why Jax needed her so badly, because she was the thing that purified him in a lot of ways.

That fire grew and before long she was controlling her core muscles to tighten around him, doing kegels on his dick in rhythm with his thrusts with determination. "Fuck yeah, Daddy, fuck my stupid cunt!" she whispered into his soul while she fell in love with him all over again.

Jaide smirked as she gently closed the attic door and got a moment to appreciate just how fucking great Jax looked post prison. He had always been muscular and well built, even before he had taken to fighting professionally. Old Moshe Wolfsham made sure the boys were well trained and had been coaching Jax since childhood. The regiment had always done Jax well physically... The professional fighting and the working out every day showed now though, especially with that jade necklace bouncing off of his sweat drenched chest and his ass flexing as he deep dicked their girlfriend.

Casually Jaide dropped her gun and knife next to Jax's, knocking a few of Scar's things to the side to make room for herself in their room before she tossed her clothes on the floor and sauntered over to the fucking couple. "Debbie'd be really fucking jealous," Jaide grinned to herself before she crawled on to the bed behind him and promptly introduced her tongue to Jax's ass with a proper slut moan.
Forever cursed in love are the observant. Forever a slave to the detail.​

Cunt. Tits. Ass. Ink. Metal. Mouth. Those were the only parts of Scar Law that mattered.

But Scar Law was just some bitch who Jax pimped for money. The bitch who was taking his dick tonight? Who tore his heart out of his chest all of those years ago and kept it beating when no one else could. That bitch's name was Scarlet Jackson, she just didn't know it yet.

Demon's danced with succubitches as he turned her cervix into a trampoline. Giving her everything. Taking nothing, because he already owned it all. Monopoly-cock on the world's biggest whore. That grip of hers stripped away every last taste of what's-her-name. She was still able to form words two minutes in. Impressive. Every single syllable was a gift from her king, the sweat of their bodies rolling like rivers down their ink-stained bodies. Baptizing them like no priest ever could. Memories accompanied every thrust, every smack, every grunt, every cuss. The world of them laid bare behind his eyes.

First meeting, the taste of Jaide's tongue paired with the sight of Josie's hair. Two lockers down, the perfect view of the shameless lovers in the middle of the hallway. Daring an authority figure to give a damn.

Fast friends. Shelter. Faster fucks. Pop. Passion. Halloween and Strange Love. Christmas and a pair of cherries. Birthdays. Piss sticks. 1+1+1=3. 3 + a bun and JJ on Halloween. More and More and More and More. Prison. Pain. All that Remains. A world filled with Monsters. Bullets. Bullets. Bullets.

No crowns. No kills. Nothing else in the world but the three of them. Just cocks and cunts. The drums in his ears beat louder than Jaide's boots on the hardwood. He howled down Scar's throat when tongue found taint. Throwing spit all over her pretty painted face as his jade cracked against her tit. Jax didn't take her words. Jaide sucked them out of his ass. Not his fault. He'd spank her later for all the times that she came without permission. Better idea. Jaide would do it for him. His ride or die would do anything for him. Because now he knew that what they had was worth any pain.

They'd kill anyone who said different. All three of them. Together. Forever.

Today he was an upper welterweight. This time next year he'd be lower heavyweight. The year after that? Who'd know. More and More and More and More. Nearly breaking Jaide's neck with his bounce back. Balls to taint to chin and back.

Scar's eyes rolled back for too long, so he smacked her again. One hard. The rest light. He wasn't done with her yet. Too fucking sober, Jax tagged out. Grabbed Jaide by her curls and threw her on top of a whore. Let the red head unfold if she wanted. His hand going to his dick to pinch off a load of love as he grabbed T Freeman weed from the nightstand and blazed up.

A big fat blunt between his lips when he bruised Jaide's ass. Blessing her with bliss as a warning before he climbed on top of them both and forced himself inside blind. The world shook in smoke and pussy, the bed always built for three crashing against the back wall hard enough to chip the paint. Gun hand in those black curls, pulling hard, but nothing was hard enough to pull their lips apart.

The world was gone, and there was nothing left but the three of them. Nothing. Nothing. Fuck.

"I love you."

One large breath and then she pressed her tongue deep inside of him, searching for that grunt that let her know she hit that perfect spot. Hebrew letters he probably didn't even know how to read being written out against a part of his body that many men were too alpha to ever experience. Every movement was followed with expertise, like Jaide had never lost a step on how to keep up with a pace that could break any bitch's brain.


The second her body landed on Scar's their pierced clits clacked together and his queens began to grind and writhe against each other to. A tan hand ran through Scarlet's bright red locks before she spit into her girlfriend's mouth lovingly. "You're so fucking pretty, bitch," Jaide moaned against those red painted lips. Jaide had always been jealous of how effortless make up was for Scar. Now she was just annoyed that lipstick wouldn't fucking smear again.

"Damn, Jax you need to buy this bitch different make up, I remember when she used to look like a cheap whore five minutes into sucking your dick!" Jaide turned her head to grin at her king as he crawled back in bed with his blunt and his perfect cock.


The only number that mattered to Jaide now was three. The three of them; a trio of lovers who had been through hell and back. Three hearts tangled in one bed, three bodies drenching that bed with sweat, three souls meant for each other and miserably incompletely in any universe if all three of them weren't together.

Jax made her a Queen, but she was only complete if it was the trifecta of them and Scar. Jaide didn't understand Jax's need for side bitches the way his other queen did. But also a lot of their fun came from her being the jealous, crazy girlfriend.

Cock slid into her cunt and his weight leaned over her, crushing her against their girlfriend and his gun hand gripping her hair. Nothing would pull her away from Scar though. Nothing would pull any of them apart, and hell's fury have any bastard who tried.

The only part of Scar Law that mattered to Scarlet was the part she called Daddy. Jax was her everything for so long that some days she couldn't discern him from God.

Scar was a mile high in the sky, colors and lights that didn't exist dancing across the ceiling and the necklace bouncing off his chest. Jax was the only man or woman she had ever fucked that had the innate talent to find a bitch's heart beat and sync his dick up to it. Dick good enough to get you higher, even without the extra drugs.

Jax's body felt great on hers, even after the third orgasm, but the moment Jax sandwiched Jaide between them? That was Heaven to Scar. The pressure of her forced into the mattress by the two bodies she needed most made her feel whole again, in ways she hadn't even since Jaide's return.

Bodies entwined, Scar's leg reaching up and wrapping around him to pull him deeper into Jaide while she rocked her hips up against that other pierced clit and both girls were suddenly screaming: "Daddy!!" as they simultaneously came together.
Guess whose back, back again?
Jaide is back, fuck a friend.
Guess whose back? Guess whose back?
Guess whose back? Guess whose back?
Guess whose back? Guess whose back?
Guess whose back?​
1+1=2. 2+1=3

Jax had spent more math classes with his hand up a bitches skirt or down her pants than he had really paying attention to what was being learned. But that math made sense more than anything else in the world. Fractions and percentages were naturally a part of his everyday now in a way that he couldn't quite anticipate back in the day. Eighth's, and grams and conversions came naturally, but you started talking to him about compound interest and all of that extra shit didn't make sense to him until he was up the coast listening to some econ professor give a lecture to people who were taking a few college classes to look good in front of their parole boards.

There had been something about that setting and that teacher that had allowed Jax to grasp material in a way he never had before.

While most men were fucking around with shit like 2 > 1, the Regulators' kingpin was on some next level 3=1 one kind of shit.

Jax went out of Jaide as suddenly as he had gone in, releasing his ass from Scar's death grip and pulling his curly haired goddess down the porn star's body and washed her ass-flavored mouth out in pussy. While Jaide reapplied her make-up, Jax brought her cum-coated cock up to Scar's lips and let her cock holster taste its favorite flavor.

After that it became a competition. Whcih bitch could catch more loads, which meant seeing how long Jax could go before he just collapsed himself. It they won that race, the Queens or the King, then he was their bitch.

They feasted on each other that night, howling until their bodies gave out and their minds collapsed. Scar fell between them as Jax and Jaide hit the mat on either side of her. Their fingers found each other over Scarlet's womb. His knuckles scarred and ridged, hers inked with his name. Their eyes met over Scarlet's nose, and they smiled at each other as they slept.
Load after load, orgasm after orgasm, it didn't take long until Scarlet forgot all about who she used to be. She forgot the murder she committed, the cruelty under which she had committed it, or the weight on her shoulders as Queen. All that mattered was three bodies entwined, three souls reuniting in this critical moment that would only empower all three of them farther.

Jaide lost count of the rounds the three of them went before collapseing in a puddle just like they would have in their younger days. Before all the innocence had been taken from them. All she knew was when her fingers linked with his over Scarlet's womb, and their eyes met, she knew that she had been welcomed back fully. There were no words, but every action screamed "I Love You" and that was enough for her...

Scar was awake first, as usual. What wasn't so usual was that she was the body in the center of the bed, with her two favorite people in the world flanking her on either side still fast asleep. Normally Jax was the center of their bed flanked buy beauty on each side. It made it harder to get out of bed when you were the first one up. In the end she crawled off the end of the bed trying to not disturb either of them. The LSD had worn off and in its wake there was a bit of confusion, and a lot of missing memories that came from a fire ass fuck fest that only the Trio could have. Jax and Jaide had done a great job of fucking the trauma out of her that night.

Again she found herself looking in the mirror, ruined make up and hair all sexed up, some bruises on her face which had her wondering what she had done last night to finally earn it. Nothing seemed different, and at the same time Scar felt like she was a whole new person. She was so confused though? The mystery would have to wait. Only now did she realize was it too quiet for 8 in the morning. Normally by now Izzy would be screaming her head off for breakfast and JJ would have reached his limit of how to keep her calm.

The porn star slipped herself into some loose sweats an a tank top and stole one of Jax's many hoodies to go downstairs and check on the kids, kissing Daddy before she took that fine ass downstairs. At first she was confused when she didn't find Izzy in her crib or JJ in his bed either, until she heard giggling from the kitchen. The smell of pancakes wafted up the stairs and Scarlet rushed down the last set of stairs to see what was going on. Every part of her mother brain screamed until she saw both her kids sitting patiently with Jude waiting for pancakes while coloring.

Jude sat between them, catching the crayons Izzy kept throwing on the floor, JJ being a good boy and coloring in the lines in his Avengers coloring book.

It hit Scarlet like a ton of bricks then. What she had did. What they had managed to make her forget. This time she didn't crack though, she just ruffled Jude's hair and kissed Izzy's forehead before walking into the kitchen to see her middle brother cooking.

Michael smiled at her. "Hey sis, sleep well?" there was a crimson hue to his face that let Scar know he had heard much more than he should have. She didn't have it in her to be embarrassed.

"Yeah, something like that, you good?" Scar walked over to the bruised ginger and ran her fingers through his curls. "Kids give you any trouble?"

"Perfect little angels," Michael chuckled nervously before looking back to the table the youngest members of the family sat at. Then he turned back to his pancake flipping and started plating up Izzy's favorite food. "Though you're going to need more milk."

Scar had plans upon plans to handle shopping and getting the boys into something of a proper bed instead of forcing them onto the couch and the living room floor. After all, she fully intended to keep them around and there was going to be a lot of CPS bullshit to go around for Jude at least.

Once they had all settled in to eat, Scar stepped outside to sit on the front porch and smoke a joint. Shane wasn't sitting on the front porch that morning, some other kid had taken his place after Shane had left. Scar didn't greet him. She didn't need to.

She was up in her head making sense of the world as it now was with both of her parents dead and both of her siblings under her care again, plus Jaide being welcomed back into their bed after last night was a given. Jaide had showed her loyalty to Scar a million times over while she watched Scar handle a situation that Jax and Kate should have handled long ago. There hadn't been enough money though, hadn't been enough space or spoons to handle two more kids in the Jackson house. It was hard enough keeping the family together after Jaide fell through. Everything was so crazy and so sudden, but when wasn't it in an emergency?

Scar would not let anyone in her family be taken away from her again though, not Michael, not Jude and certainly not Jaide. She didn't even hear the front door open or look up to see who it was, just reached out with the half smoked joint and offered it to her King silently, awaiting his command.
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