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Anger from the Heart (Krad and Punk)


Jan 14, 2009
Krad cralwed into his bed and collapsed onto the matress. Going to bed was like hell, he knew he'd just lay there and think about it all, feeling the firmiliar pain in his chest. But sleep was his only escape from it, so he hated the mornings even more. Wakeing up and remembering it all again, just to eventually come back to bed and start all over.

He kept his phone by his bed incase she ever called. He'd told her if she ever needed to talk he'd be there to listen, but he didn't expect anything tonight.
Nicole sat on her bed, sighing. She picked up her phone and scrolled through the contacts. She found his number. She hadnt called him in a long time. She puts the phone to her ear and lays back on her bed, waiting for him to answer.

Her and her new boyfriend had been having some problems lately. She just couldnt get close to him, always thinking about her best friend, making it hard for her to get close to her new boyfriend.
The phone lit up and vibrated, slowly sliding accross the table. He rolled over and picked it up looking at the name. He felt his heart twinge, wondering if she was ok. She only ever called if she really needed to talk.

"Hey." He said gently, suspecting that she might be crying.
She smiles lightly as she hears his voice. "Hey, I just wanted to talk to you. I hope Im not bothering you." She lays back on her bed and plays with the leg of her jeans. "How are you?" She talks in a soft light voice, slightly sexy with out her even trying. "What have you been up to? Heh, I feel like I havnt talked to you in forever." She giggles softly and pauses for a moment to hear his answer.
"No you're not bothering me. I'm alright." He said, but in his mind he was thinking otherwise. "You ok?" He asked wondering why she called.
She clears her throat and plays with her jeans, listening to him. "No, Not really." She mumbles. "Me and T.J. arnt really geting along..." She closes her eyes and lays back, thinking about her new boyfriend;T.J.
"How come?" He asked folding his arms. He didn't like her voice like that, it made him sad knowing she wasn't happy.
She looks up at sighs softly, griping the phone tighter. "Honestly. I've been thinking about you..." She listens carfully, waiting to hear his answer.
She smiles lightly. "Yea," She mumbles and sits up some. "Do you think I can come over tonight? I dont really want to stay here right now, alone..." She listens for his reply.
His blood was rushing and he felt like his heart might explode. Did she acctually want to come over, it was late... "Yeah no problem." He said getting up and pulling on some pants.
she smiles and sits up. "Okay, I'll be over in a few." She mumbles. See you in a minute. Buh Bye." She hangs up and gets out of bed, pulling on some clean jeans and a black tanktop and makes her way over to his house.
He said goodbye and hung up, and started quickly moving about the house, picking things up and making it look presentable. After he thought it looked good enough he sat on the couch and waited for her.
She smiles and gets in her car before driving quickly over to his house. She hops out of the car and walks to the front door, knocking on it and fixing her long light blonde curly hair.
He went to the door and opened, it standing aside to let her in. "You alright?" He asked, concerned for what reason she'd want to get away. He'd told her if she ever needed something she could come to him, but never expected her to. She was usually strong enough to handle herself.
As he opens the door, she gives him a large hug and walks in. "Hey, Nothings wrong, I just wanted to see you, is that a problem?" She giggles and walks over to the couch and sits down, looking up at him with an innocent smile.
"Well alright." He said and sat next to her. "It's just kinda late... I thought something might be wrong." He said folding his hands infront of him as he sat on the edge of the couch. He tried to breathe to calm himself, excited and nevous that she was here.
She smiles and sits back. The way she was siting, made her shirt exspose a large amount of cleavage, even some of her black and pink lace bra. She looks over at him. "Do you think I could sleep over? Just for the night, for old times sake?"
"N-no problem." He said his eyes flashing to her chest then back to her face. "This couch folds out." He said standing up and removing the coushions. "I'll get you a blanket in a minuet."
She gets up and smiles brightly. "Thank you so much!" She leans over and hugs him tightly. "Your a good friend." As she pulls back, her lace shirt gets cought on his shirt, stuck on a button, making it rip down the middle as she pulls away, showing him her black bra.
He put his arm around her as she hugged him. "Anything for you." he said. As she pulled away he herd the rip and tried to untangle it, but it was to late. "Oh god I'm sorry." he said feeling embarassed. "Uh.. hang on I'll get you a shirt." he went to his room and found one for her and brought it back.
SHe blushes and holds the ripped shirt over her large bust as she watches him run to get a shirt. She takes the shirt from him and quickly pulls it on. "Thanks." she mumbles and looks away, still blushing.
He took the last of the coushins off and unfolded the bed inside. He went to a closet and got a blanket and two pillows, laying them on the bed. "Ok, all set whenever you're ready." he said, looking at her wearing his shirt, oversized on her. It made him feel happy seeing how cute she looked in his shirt.
She smiles and walks over to him, looking at the pull out couch. "Thanks." She smiles. "Oh!" She jumps up and moves her hands over his shoulders. "We should watch one of those cheesy old horror movies, like we used to!" She giggles. "Sound like fun? We can get the popcorn and everything!"
He felt his brain swim as she put her arms around him again. "Y-yeah, sure." He said, the feeling of her touching him keeping him from talking right. "What do you want to see?"
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