Mx Male A Little Bit of Excitement, A Little Bit of Adventure (NSFW Links)

Ideas and Jazz Part 1


Sack of Potatoes
Sep 27, 2018
Under Renovations
I'm gonna be trying to clean this up. Please do your best to ignore the mess between this threadmark and the next. Things will be relocated, removed and added. The edits will be scattered but I'm still trying dammit.

Alright, so, I will admit this is just a half-cocked effort of me trying to get back into my passions. I've been so tired lately that I haven't had much time to write solo on the side, but that hasn't stopped my mind from running practically 24/7. Some ideas I have are probably a little odd, attract only a select group of people, or might not even interest anyone by myself. But I'm still here making an attempt. Lemme just lay out the important notes of roleplaying with me first, then we'll get to the real meat of this thread. I'd appreciate it if you read it all, but considering I know not everyone as the patience for that, I've bolded the most important parts. If you have any questions about anything, don't be afraid to ask me.

  1. First and foremost: I do not have a consistent posting schedule. My work schedule sucks ass. Plain and simple. Yet I do tend to have many days off — but what happens during those days off is up in the air. I may be in a writing. mood, I may not be. And going from there? I am a mobile user. Meaning I’m stuck using my phone. With this in mind, please do not contact me if you are somebody who wants multiple, constant replies within the same day. Especially if you want a long-term roleplay. I try to give multiple replies, but sometimes I just can't do that. Pressuring me will only chase me away. Don't pressure me, and I won't pressure you. You'll never see me badgering anybody for a reply. That makes me a bit drop-friendly I suppose, but that's beside the point.
  2. I can do both long-term and sort-term. The length of the roleplay doesn't matter to me. Do you just wanna do a quick oneshot? Cool, we can do one. Are you interested in a long-term one? I'm down for that too, especially since a lot of my ideas will probably lean more long-term anyhow. That doesn't mean they have to be long-term--I can do a oneshot with these ideas. I'm cool with it. Both are welcome here. And going off of that, if it is long-term, the amount of story to smut doesn't matter to me. So long as I can get the best of both worlds, I'll be happy.
  3. I'm not looking for the bad end of bad ends. We can go dark. We can have non-con, blackmail, kidnapping, drugs and their usage, death if there's a means of reviving, etc. Maybe even some minor mind breaking. But all in all, I don't want it to end like that. I want it to end on a lighter note. Make it lima/stockholm syndrome if we can. Even if they can't escape whatever situation they're in, I'd like it to become at least as livable as we can manage it. Like..."yeah, this sucks, but at least they're treating me like a person now." Something like that. Does that make sense?
  4. I can play top, bottom, switch, dom and sub. Fantasy/Mythological characters and monsters are included. I can mix and match them all. However, I do not want to be a constant dominating top for every single roleplay. While I have nothing against playing as a top, I just found myself in roleplay after roleplay where I did nothing but play as a character with that role. It gets boring after a while for somebody who enjoys writing the other roles as well. If I decline, it's simply because I am already playing as a top in some other roleplays. It is nothing against you or the roleplay idea. As of now I've only got some roleplays where I'm playing as a switch, so I can go either solely top or bottom as of this point in time.
  5. My F-list. Here you will find my Yes's and my No's. My No's are final, no but's about it. My Maybe's however are free game, as it entirely depends on the context they're being used. So long it's happening to an NPC in terms of mutilation(or if recovery is possible we can use the MCs) or so long as we leave the toilet/hygiene play out of it, I'm pretty much good with it. I already mentioned Death up above in 3. So yeah, there's the gist of that.
  6. previous thread. Some ideas on it were fairly decent I think, but oof is that thread a mess. I do not have the drive to completely revamp it for the sake of better writing and execution like I attempted to in the past. But nonetheless I will still leave the link for it here, because whatever plots and ideas that are there are still up for grabs as well. Maybe one of those will be interesting.

That's it. Just those six points. It was kinda long, but it all needed to be said. Now for those who those numbered bullet points didn't chase away, let's move on, yeah? For the time being I'll have whatever few ideas I have in separate spoiler tabs for the sake of saving space, but I might change some things with time. I don't really know yet. Like I said above, this is all actually a half-cocked attempt. I haven't thought it all out yet. But I'm still trying.

And as a heads up, so far all of these spoilers just have basic ideas/background for the plot, and no actual starters for anything. Some aren't even full ideas, just suggestions. I'll eventually get around to adding some actual starting points for some of them, but later. Until then, let's see if we can't cook up anything based on what little is here.

The somewhat cliche of a house being "haunted". As in...there's demons living in the house a human(or two) bought. Could be just the regular run-of-the-mill demons that like to cause some mischief, could be a little nest of Incubi, could be the Seven Sins themselves. Maybe they just want to have a little bit of fun, could be they're grumpy and want the human(s) to leave, maybe they're just flat assholes or evil. Maybe the demons aren't even trapped, and simply worked in the house like servants or something if the house was inherited instead of sold. Which would you prefer?

Meanwhile, the human(s) could be a variety of things, just like the demons. Maybe they're looking to start a new life--could be they just moved out of their parents' home, maybe they moved cause they got a new job/transfer, maybe shit went south back in their old town and they needed to get away. Or it could be they inherited the house with no idea their deceased family member had a bunch of demons either trapped or working there, and don't have the slightest clue until weird shit starts happening and they "conveniently" find a note or a demon outright tells them. Or again, maybe the demons are just assholes or are plain evil. OR, we can go bout it in that the human(s) happens to already be aware of the demons' existence and are 100% exhausted and done with this shit.

There's really a lot of ways we can go about this. Shit, just like with the Alice suggestions, we can use something from the below ideas as well. Even the characters I have listed in this thread could be used for this idea as well for the non-demon role, be they the twins or the angel. Hell, maybe it's not even demons. Maybe its ghosts, monsters, aliens, or a mixture of the bunch. Let's get creative.
And I can play as either the demons or human(s), top or bottom or switch works with me. Maybe have a good ol' fashion harem/gangbang going on. I really don't mind.

Pirates. It always comes back to pirates one way or another. And like always, I'll go down with this ship because I'll never get tired of pirates.

As it stands, there's a total of two pirate crews, plus a pair of bounty hunters, leading to a grand total of twenty-two characters. Intimidating? Yeah, probably. But if it helps you don't have to match that number at all. Not to mention one crew has sixteen characters, which takes up the majority, so it's heavily tilted to one side of the scale if I'm being honest.

The crew, by the way, can all be seen here. A wonderful merry band of misfits for your viewing pleasure.

I did initially plan to have this separated in two parts, but being that it all takes place in the same world, I changed my mind on that. So instead I'll provide a rundown of the world I have envisioned and RIP the amount of creativity and brainpower I'm pouring into this.

It was startling, the fall of the empires across the land. One by one, like a tsunami washing, the kingdoms that prospered where slowly scrubbed down to their bare bones. The nobility didn't stand a chance against the rise of the corruption and demon armies. Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Lords and Ladies. The majority were either annihilated, or took a turn for greed and power for the worst. Those that survived have done so just barely and face the growing threat of death with each passing day, never knowing when their kingdom may fall as well.

I've had a vampire boy, Red, on this site for a while, and was actually the first character I brought over here. I haven't used him for anything lately, and now I find myself wanting to do something with him again. There's also some other characters that'll can be involved with this thing, consisting of: another vampire, a half-vampire, a human, and a demon. Do I have to use them? Nah, but in any case they'll prolly be mentioned(So for reference they can be found here). But the main star of this show is found down below.

Anyway, there's a couple of ways this can go, a couple of different ideas that can be used. This can just be a quickie, or a more long-term thing. I'm cool with whichever.

1: At Each Other's Throats. I'm starting right on off with a bang. I won't lie, I've found myself thinking about this one from time to time. Red doesn't get along well with vampires outside of his little circle, and when those other vampires start a fight he doesn't back down from it even 98% of the time he gets his ass kicked. Even though his demon, human, and full-vampire buddy have full control of the vampire coven to keep them from kidnapping humans, the coven and Red still don't get along. He's always been the punching bag when he's pissed them off, and that hasn't changed even with the change of leadership. So this could either be a specific vampire or a group of vamps against my guy. This could be a hate-to-love kind of thing, starting off with angst and abuse-related stuff. Or it could be a darker take involving a non/dub-con sort of relationship. It's up for debate
1-A: Alternatively, this could also be used with werewolves, some other supernatural, or a hunter of sorts. Chances are Red is bound to butt heads with them. Maybe they're just not happy with the presence of vampires, or potentially in the hunter's case they might seek to weed out the vampires, things will get heated when Red stumbles into the picture. He's a fighter, so something is bound to go down.
2: Savior. Taking a nicer turn with the beatings from 1, it could be a vampire takes pity and decides to step in; or somebody else who has no idea what's going on happens along and decides to taker a stand. Maybe Red gets swept off his feet(could e literally or not) and in the company of someone he didn't expect. Or if he's not swept off his feet and the vampires are chased off, chances are Red can offer drinks on the house since he owns a bar and things can go from there -- or if malicious intent is an interest, he's "persuaded" to offer something else. Either way.
3: Savior 2.0. Believe it or not, there's also one where Red could play the part of hero. Not a very good hero since he gets roughed up to Hell and back, but hey he at least manages to help out whoever needed the help in the first place and that's what matters. I don't have much for this one past this point, it's merely just food for thought right now.
4: All With The Job. As it stands, Red's demon buddy is a mercenary -- or rather, was a mercenary, if you read the link I added up above. But depending on the timeline(cause I had an old plot for these boys), certain problems get sorted out, he becomes less of the "bad guy" and more of the "good guy" in terms of work, and starts helping people and supernaturals out instead of killing them. Naturally, Red and rest of his pals get involved in it. Think of the show Supernatural, just without all of the doom and gloom for a change. Think of this like an addition/alteration to the above suggestion. This is kinda open for a lot of things to happen, so like many other things, I'll leave this to interpretation.
Or, alternatively, thanks to Red's other buddy Dix, Red's bar is also a hotspot for potential clients looking for more underground related affairs. Such as wanting someone found without the law getting involved, for a minor example. There's potential anywhere depending on if you're willing to look close enough.

That's about it for right now. If I think of anything else or come up with something to add to the preexisting points, then I'll add to this. I won't even add a select starter or any kinks since this section is a very open one. If you've got any ideas of your own feel free to share, just be sure to keep in mind the character in mind and all of our personal preferences.

"Are we acquainted enough for you now, or are you gonna keep me here all night?"


Alias: Red
Name: Adam Collier
Age: Forever 22
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Top/Bottom: Switch, but more than capable of keeping to one end of the spectrum.
Dominant/Submissive: Switch, could be swayed to lean more to one side of the spectrum depending on the situation.
Appearance: Standing at 5'8, Red lean and fit having average muscle-mass. His skin is a borderline sickly pale white, occasionally making those who neither know him or what he is concerned as to whether or not he should be working. His hair is styled much like in the reference above, though is actually typically longer and is half shaved on the left side, that side being black. Normally, his eyes are a golden brown, kind of like honey, however there are instances where his eyes turn a brilliant red--his eyes haven't been blue since he was turned into a vampire. His fangs are not his canines, and instead rest up in his gums(think of Supernatural, but with two fangs instead of an entire mouthful). He doesn’t have much in the way of tattoos, though he does have one on his chest that resembles this one. He also has multiple piercings, each one colored black: a stud in the each side of his nose, a snakebite on the right of his lower lips consisting of small hoops, one bar above his left eyebrow, two piercing in his left ear with three in his right ear, and finally a stud in the middle of his tongue. His style of dress is all-in-all a punk, nothing more and nothing less. His signature jacket is black leather with a bit of studding around the shoulders and stops just below mid-stomach length, with a phoenix design on the back colored in the various hues of red, orange and yellow.
Abilities: For normal skills, Red knows more than a thing or two with a saxophone and a guitar, and knows how to play piano. Whether or not he likes to admit it, he also knows how to dance as well--mostly ballet, to be more precise. For supernatural skills, he can turn his nails into small yet sharp claws at will. He does technically have enhanced healing and super speed, but there is an issue with this that will be explained in the roleplay.
Occupation: His main thing is working as the bartender for his own bar, but often tends to take commissions online for digital designs and animations and various other forms of art. Quick little things for some extra income on the side.
Personality: Red is hard-headed and headstrong. He hardly gets along well with most others of his kind aside from few exceptions and it's very common for a fight to ensue because of it even though often times he's sorely outmatched; it requires very special circumstances for him to turn tail and run instead of fight. He hates the way most others of his kind behave, he hates what they do. He hates himself for what he is and he doesn't keep it a secret. He can't stand the way he needs the life force of others for his own survival and to be completely honest he's disgusted with himself — and deep down he's terrified and it brings him down just thinking into it(especially when it comes to his past), he's just real good at not physically showing it. But Red's not all hateful, spiteful and filled with self-loathing. He is quite the spitfire and will never let someone just walk over him without some form of snarky comeback with a pinch of sass; sarcasm is basically a second language for him. And although he's a little brash and seemingly prickly, he's actually pretty easy to make trustful and more friendly. He's got one squishy heart so to say, and it's not at all difficult to make him lighten up around someone unless they have proven to be a dick. He can be quite the dedicated and loyal friend, and he'll sure as shit take more than just a punch for someone. Though it is a little bit more difficult to get with him relationship wise, as that would be when he becomes a little more reserved and made uneasy. He can easily flirt back on a dime and isn't afraid of branching out with a possible(first time) one night stand. But the moment it seems to become more official and genuine? He balks. He's a vampire after all. One that's been through a lot and has constant poor self-care. Red isn't ignorant to what could entail a relationship with him. Especially if he's involved with a mortal.
Bio: Red is the oldest of four children, his siblings being three, five and ten years younger than him. Following that order, his siblings are Matthew, Katie and Lily. He was just like every older brother, caring and protecting over his younger siblings. Was he irresponsible? Oh, plenty of times, and there were more than enough instances where he caused trouble. But that didn't stop him from taking care of his brother and sisters. As they got older, the more he would do for them. A bully harassing one of them at school? He would get involve and teach them a lesson. A bad break-up happened? He was there as a shoulder to lean on and as the muscle to beat the snot out of an ex-boyfriend or two. Not only that, but he was there to encourage and get involved with each of their interest: band with Matt, dance with Katie and furthered music in the form of piano for Lily. Art was his own interest, along with English and History. He was pretty much the definition of a grade A student aside from the troubles he would occasionally cause, always getting good grades. Then once he graduated, he wound up moving just a few hours away to attend college, majoring in different Arts and even Mythology. That covers Red's school and family ties. As for relationships, there's not much there that's meaningful during his high school years. While he'd had a girlfriend here and there during that time, none of them ever went anywhere and he'd never slept with any of them, considering the relationships themselves never lasted long and he wasn't about to make some high school mistake. Though when he got to college, he wound up meeting someone. It was his second, to be more precise when the other man had transferred school and everyone around them would swear that it was a match made in heaven. They couldn’t have been more wrong even if they tried. It all happened so fast in Red's eyes: he'd been stupid, gone out to some frat for the first time against all better judgment. Drunkenly he left himself open and defenseless, easily lured by his charmer of a boyfriend right into a den of vampires. He distinctly remembers how it felt, the first bite feeling indescribably wonderful and then it being near instantly washed away with each bite of fangs that sank into his body. It was a distinctive feeling, the hands molesting his body while his life was drained from him until he was barely clinging to the faintest shreds of life. And the change itself was horrible, the unforgettable taste of the vampire blood being forced into his system and the agony of his body's organs slowing til they worked at just the slightest fraction of a normal person. His heart near stopping of the worst of it. The hunger that ensued almost instantly was unlike anything Red had experienced and he hated it. He wasn't given a choice and was unwillingly integrated into the group of vampires. He had next to no time to grab sentimental items before he was being carted off a few cities over where everything was just awful. He was relentlessly pressed into doing everything vampiric: hunting, stalking, feeding...he couldn’t bring himself to do any of it. And worse yet was how his now ex boyfriend — the one who played back him for a fool and turned him — tried everything to get Red into his bed, whether he was willing or not. It didn’t take much for Red to quickly decide to get the hell out of dodge, leaping for the chance to leave the second he got it and moving to the opposite side of the states. As far as he could get from his personal hell with what little money he still had.

As of right now, it's literally just a partial -- one out of may -- rework of the two twins I've been carrying around for years. There'll be another version in the next threadmark when I get around to it, for I'll officially be posting two versions with these boys: The original, and their AU. The original take place here, and for now will be lackluster and otherwise empty. The AU will be down below. For anyone curious, think of the idea that will be here as a twist on The Little Mermaid. The Sea Witch is a(very emotionally constipated) good guy along with his eel buddies. When it's finished I'll post more here. For now? Unless you're super curious, it's prolly best if you move on for the time being. Cause the form for this section isn't even halfway complete yet.

Anybody know of or played the game GTFO? The super hardcore horror multiplayer? I'd love to do something similar to that, but not necessarily taking place inside of some infested facility. Why condense it to an underground place when we could have it around the majority of the world? Nasty glowing monsters, creepy gooshy things, even creepier tongue/tentacle things, and the rest...let's have that shit cover the globe and have more of the populace instead of just prisoners dealing with day-to-day life in that Hell.
Could be something like a group of military people that are designated to travel between the few still-running cities to ensure important supplies are delivered. Maybe a lone wolf(or a pair) dares to face the risks of keeping away from civilization, dealing with the infested monsters or rogue bandits/mercenaries on their own. For any of the freaks out there, perhaps someone gets cornered by the aforementioned monsters? Maybe the aforementioned loner has bad luck and winds up in the company of bandits? It could be any scenario, really.

Or maybe there was a nuclear fallout, an it's more like the game Fallout? Monsters, ghouls, and mutated animals.

Or if monsters aren't your thing, we can go with actual zombies. L4D style, Resident Evil style, Walking Dead style...whatever the case, it's zombies. Rotting, flesh-eating zombies that want nothing more than to devour any and all living creatures they can get their nasty hands on. It could start with characters that are already in a group, or we could make them meet. Maybe we could have multiple characters, only we have them separated in scenes: meaning for one bit we roleplay as these guys, then move on to a different pair who are doing their own thing. Maybe there's an actual civilization that's managed to survive the outbreak so far, and the goal is for people to get there? Maybe they're trying to get the cure to permanently stop the zombie apocalypse?

Or if zombies aren't what you're looking for...then maybe aliens? Turns out there was life outside of what was on Earth after all, and they were very...not friendly. Kidnapping people to kill, mutate, or do whatever with them? Maybe they didn't even bother kidnapping and went straight to razing the planet? Maybe they started taking Earth's resources, and the humans(and other creatures, I still like the fantasy/supernatural elements) have to fight back?

Or maybe it's that age-old thing of machines turning against the humans. Do I really need to specify with this one?

Or maybe it's more of a Mad Max/Borderlands feel? Desolated lands but there's a cruel and twisted hand of power out there that's only adding to the misery.

I like to think most these ideas could work with either modern or fantasy-based elements. In any case, these are just a couple of ways we can go with an apocalyptic idea. If any of these might interest you, well...I think you get the gist by now.

As the spoiler hints, this section is fandom oriented--and the ones I currently have an interest in. I'll try to be more on track about updating this section, but we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, the few fandoms I've found myself practically obsessed about lately.

Dragon Age
Devil May Cry

What can I say? There's bit of a theme going on here. Fantasy, supernatural and mythical stuff seem to have my attention right now. For most of those fandoms I'd highly prefer using OCs unless you so happen to want to play as a canon character. However seeing as it might be a bit difficult to use OCs for Hades, I could go canon(What can I say? I love Zag, Than and Hypnos.) As for DMC, I could probably cave for playing as canon characters as well, but I still lean more towards OCs.

As I said above, I don't intend to play canons. Just OCs. For Skyrim, I don't necessarily mean the Dragonborn either. I mean, I could play the Dragonborn, I just didn't include them in my incomplete list of OCs on that chance somebody else might be interested in playing them. I dunno. Point is...Skyrim. I'd like to do something with it. I'm willing to go FxF as I do have some female characters, however I am still mainly looking for MxM. My list of characters can be found here(please keep in mind that it is incomplete, a project I started last year before I fell out of Elder Scrolls. However I still know these characters, and can use any of them). I also do have ideas for it, however I currently lack the time to sit down and type them out. I'm hoping to get the time this weekend, though we'll see about that. In the meantime, I'm open to almost whatever with this.

Just like with Skyrim, I have a list of OCs as well. The only difference is that this list is actually complete for a change. The OC list for DA is found here. While they are all set for the Inquisition time-frame, only the first twelve are meant specifically to be used in the Inquisition itself--though I lack the Inquisitor, in case you might want to play that character. All the rest are free game as to wherever they can be used. Hell, I even have four where we can do Origins instead of Inquisition(I will state that I did take the Grey Warden this time), and one character that can be used for DA2. And if that's not doing it, I can make more characters. I don't have to use these premades. Much like Skyrim I can go FxF as I have more females on this list than I did Skyrim, but again, yeah, I prefer MxM. This one will take discussion for sure, cause I suck at organization with my guys and gals and I'm sure there might be some confusion, but I'm up for it if you are.

For DMC and Supernatural, naturally, I already have some OCs(and for DMC I might go canon. Maybe) that I can use. I just don't have a list for them as I do for Skyrim and DA. Hell, I can draw from the pool of characters I've made on this site to use if needed. I'm a pretty open-minded gal here.

Needless to say, for all of these we can either go basic one-shots or long term. I don't entirely have a preference here. I'd just be happy to do something along the lines of these fandoms.

This is a mish-mash of things to maybe offer something if the above ideas don't happen to spark anything. From random pairing suggestions, to songs(including some music videos and GMVs, because what better ways to help motivate?), to pictures, I'm sure you get the point. Something is bound to hit and stick, yeah? Let's see if anything here can catch anyone's attentions.

Some songs to hopefully inspire and get those cogs turning.

Ava Max - So Am I

Tungevaag & Raaban - Bad Boy

Chelsea Lee Greenwood - 1,000 Light Years Away

Unlike Pluto - Wishing Well

Unlike Pluto - Life In A Hole

Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other

Alec Benjamin - Must Have Been The Wind

Chase Holfelder - Animal

Rynx - Want You

Ke$ha - Supernatural

Myah Marie - Candy From Strangers

Bohnes - Middle Finger

Hearts & Colors - Lion

Dead Posey - Freak Show

The Siege - I Am Defiant

Nina Chuba - I Can't Sleep

Major Lazer - Be Together

MILCK - Devil Devil

More To Be Added...

Let's just start with the basics here. Actual pairings and dynamics. I have no preferred role as to who plays what--chances are, I have a character or two that I can use for either side. It doesn't bother me any. And by all means, feel free to mix and match among the pairings and dynamics. This is a free world--er, thread? For any current favorites, I'll italicize it.

Angel x Demon
Person(doesn't have to be human, i.e Elf) x Demon
Person x Angel
Werewolf x Vampire
Hunter(doesn't have to be human) x Supernatural/Mythical Beast
Cop/Hostage/ Whoever x Mafia Boss
Mafia Boss x Meaner Mafia Boss/Monster

Criminal x Criminal
Cop/Corrupt Cop x Criminal (could be a more playful thing than bad)
Prisoner x Prisoner/Guard (could go multi-pairing with this one)
Person x Alien

Alien x Alien
Ghost x Non Ghost
Brother x Brother
Priest x Unholy Creature(s) (demon, monster, alien--whichever)
Priest x Angel/God (could be a sacrifice or marriage thing, maybe it's payment for their devotion)

Colossal Idiot x Colossal Idiot

Chaotic x The Only One Who Can Keep Them Grounded
Literal Ray of Sunshine x Bad Guy/Ex Bad Guy/Tired Man in General
Pessimist x Optimist
Pure x Playboy
Smol x Tol
Proud x Shy
Hardworking Commoner x Rich Prodigy
The Love Triangle(so much yes if threesome)

Two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart BECAUSE THEY WON'T CONFESS THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER
Crime Fighting Duo
The Rivals

More To Be Added...

So pictures here will range from basic scenarios, to wallpapers, to NSFW, to little comics, and the like. Some will be about certain fandoms, others just normal artwork. Whatever the case may be, the purpose is all the same: Inspire. Ideas don't have to based entirely off the image, like say if it's from a fandom. It's just to act as a guideline.

Alright, that does it for now. Some of these will be edited whenever the mood or inspiration strikes me. But if any of these don't strike your fancy, feel free to take a gander here, a small collection of some of my characters to see if any of them might interest you. It's collected dust on my old boys for a little while, but they're all available to be used and abused/do the using and abusing. Three boys aren't complete yet, but they're still available for the taking, so don't be afraid to ask about them.

And again...if you have any questions, or see a plot on my old thread you'd like to do, just hit me up. Or maybe even hit me with an idea of your own. If it's anything relating to the genres I've got here, chances are I'm going to be interested in it. Be there humans, supernaturals, monsters, deities, whatever -- there's a 99% chance that I'm going to be into it.

All-in-all, that about does it. If any of this interests you and I haven't chased you away with my neediness or weirdness, then by all means send a message my way. I may not respond right away, especially when I'm babysitting, but I will try to reply within the same day(not counting time zones, because those are a thing. Mine is EST, if it's important to anyone). Ta-ta for now.
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For now here's where my darker plots are going to be. Until I finish sorting everything through that is. And it is very safe to say that the first two presented on this most are the more fleshed out ideas. The rest are officially a WIP and you may indulge in the trash at your own risk.

This technically branches off of an idea on my old thread, "Tangled in the Web".

Here's the rundown: Yulily is a company that's dedicated itself to making breakthroughs of science that better all of human life. Curing terminal illness, doing away with cancer, expanding the lifespans of humans, making the biologically weak stronger...etcetera. It's became a well known and popular pharmaceutical-type company with numerous supporters as far as the eye can see. There's charity events, consistent donators, and all around world-wide support. It's such a perfect, pretty painting. On the outside.
On the inside, however? It's nothing but Hell. The majority of subjects they use are tricked into signing a contract that puts their life into Yulily's hands under the pretty promises of being treated for whatever ails them/the promise of pretty cash to get them out of whatever dump they were in. "They'll become a new person", they're told. And sometimes? It's taken literally--and they're not always human afterwards, let alone anything humanoid. The rest of the subjects? Acquired illegally. Sometimes kidnapped, sometimes brought in dead only to be revived. And they don't always come back alone, either. The experiment is nothing short of inhumane, and it's not unheard of for some subjects to go completely insane. And sometimes? It's not even humans who are tested on. Just creatures that are snatched up, unaware of the Hell that awaits them. And even then? Sometimes the things they create are just a bunch of different parts sewn together.
Anyone in the criminal underground with ties to Yulily truly know what a horrific place it it. Yet they benefit from it, capable of hiring mercenary-like teams of various subjects for whatever dirty deeds they need done. Or if it's not a mercenary, it's another subject meant specifically to hunt any escapee, sent to bring them back either dead or alive. While there are some that thrive in such a setting, there are many who would undoubtedly call Yulily Hell on Earth.

For the record, this is a supernatural/mythical/etc. based roleplay as well. Demon, vampires, angels, aliens, monsters...the whole shebang, not just including humans. And the existance of pretty much everything non-human is well-known by humans. It's the desire to match these creatures that spurred on this company's goal of better humans.

It's prolly confusing, I know. But this is the basis for that plot on my old thread, and so here I am adding on to it with a different thing. If there's any questions feel free to hit me up. And with that said, on to the starter/introduction idea I had. Buckle up and prepare to be assaulted by the longest stretch of story text you'll ever see on this thread, alongside picture link after link, because I have many characters that I've made for this idea as a whole that will be mentioned in this. The only links not included is one for Nico -- only because his profile is here on BlueMoon already and he's got a plot of his own -- and the subjects that are considered unstable and not allowed to mingle freely.

Quick Edit: Yeah, the links for the pictures got fucked. You won’t be seeing the character when you click them. But if you happened to be curious enough, send me a message and I’ll get you the pictures and whatnot.

The aches clung to Cain's back as he stepped onto the elevator, the taste of blood lingering on his tongue from another successful match. His inner Monster -- Brute, he called him -- growled in triumph, the beast's pride nearly suffocating the male. But he had a smirk stretched across his face, his red and black eyes glittering in an equal amount of pride at the massacre the pair had left in their wake. He leaned in close towards the metallic doors, using his reflection to find and dislodge the small piece of flesh that stuck itself between his canines, swallowing it without a second thought. He rolled his shoulders to relieve the tension and lifted his hands towards the "sky", his oversized coat pooling around him as the muscles in his lower back shifted from the slight movement of his kagune before everything settled once more. With a content hum he waited for the elevator to reach his floor, eyes shut as Brute's deep purrs rumbled in his mind.

As the lift came to a stop Cain reached for the mask that sat on his hip, setting it in its rightful place before stepping out once the doors opened. He glanced around the corridor, flinching slightly from the assault of the hospital-white walls that were nearly blinding compared to the dark floor that was The Arena. He saw only a few doctors and a handful of patients, catching sight of the famous little gremlin that favored the head doctor turning a corner off to the right. With a 'hmph' he turned and went left, following the signs that led to the area that served as a common room and small cafeteria for the subjects that were allowed to wander without supervision. Subjects that were "trusted" like him. What a laugh--nobody should ever trust him.

The commotion that greeted him as he stepped through the double doors was loud for the first time in a good month or two. With a snort of disinterest he opted for heading towards the concession to grab a quick energy boost before dealing with whatever rowdy crowd awaited him. He didn't even need to open his mouth to tell the cook that was behind the counter what he wanted--people like him were already in the system, and the system provided all the need-to-know information on what he was, what his body required for nourishment(if there were specific requirements), and where he'd just come from. With a nod towards the man he waited patiently, bristling when an arm was slung around his shoulders.

"Hey B-man, great job on the match! Really tore that monster into a whole feast, didn't ya?" He didn't need to see the face to know the arm belonged to the resident lamia. With a glare he turned towards
Mosias, the man either too stupid or uncaring to be perturbed by the vicious look. The look would've been much more effective if his snarl wasn't hidden under his mask. The mercenary was lucky he was protected by his status, or he'd no longer have his arm -- or any limbs, really. "But that's not what I'm here for. Didjya hear? We've got a new sucker in town! How long d'ya think they'll last? We've got bets goin' 'round with actual cash as the pot this time around. Wanna join in on the fun?"

Cain hissed, turning away to instead focus on the tray that was set down in front of him, the lump of raw, bloodied meat looking all too enticing. "No." With that Mosias pulled away with shrug, yet an annoying grin was on his face as he did so.

"Well, suit yourself. Can't say I didn't offer!" The lamia called as he walked away, waving over his shoulder.
Cain merely rolled his eyes, scoffing. He would've won the bet, he was certain.

As soon as the mug of coffee was placed down next to the tray of raw meat, he snatched both of them up and went to the first table he saw that didn't have anyone else around it. Setting the tray down on the steel-grey surface he pulled back the chair back and sat down, propping his feet up on the table without hesitation and leaned back. He removed his mask and slipped it into an inner pocket of his coat, bringing the mug to his lips. After taking a generous chug he finally took the time to take a gander of the large room, pinpointing every source of the obnoxious loudness that grated his ears and had Brute growling with discontent.

It seemed all of
Maxxon's group was present for a change, scattered throughout the room but seeming to hover around the center of the room where the more plush furniture sat along with soft a rug. The man himself was in one of the chair, a bandaged stump in place of where a right hand should be -- that was new, and Cain briefly wondered what had to have happened for a responsible and careful man such as Maxxon to become an amputee. In the seat next to the blond was Arion, the man's horn glowing along with his dark hands as they hovered over Maxxon's new stump. The space-man was apparently trying to heal it, but unlike the alien(a space unicorn, who would've ever thought?), the leader of the mercenary couldn't just regenerate limbs.

On the floor between them sat
V, the horrid amalgamation of a once dead man and usual fighting machine that was as vicious and ruthless as Cain himself. However, even from this distance and the face mask covering his mouth, Cain could tell the living affront to God was upset. His head was leaning against Maxxon's leg, a hand tugging at his leader's pants as various noises in place of words came out, sounding almost sad and apologetic- ah. So that was what happened to Maxxon's hand. Maesil, the literal angel of the crew sat just next to V, a head on the technical zombie's shoulder as Maxxon's remaining hand ran through V's hair as they tried to comfort the poor thing with a joint effort.

Cain scoffed. V didn't need comfort. The man the company had in charge of them should've known better than to employ the living dead. For days now it had been obvious that he was going to snap and fall prey to his anger and senseless state of being once again. And Maxxon seems to have paid the price for it. Foolishness.

Digging his fork into his meal(the raw meat) Cain let his eyes wander to what the rest of the mercenary crew was up to. His eyes landed on
Eto who sat on the right side of the room, the demon-hybrid eyeing the black and starry mist that weaved through his blue fingers. Evash sat next to him, the wind sprite's hair flowing slightly as an invisible breeze swirled around him. His dual-colored eyes were focused solely on Eto's magic, entranced by the night-like fog that mimicked the night sky. Just across from them sat Cerez, the demon swordsman thoroughly unimpressed by the so called "show" happening before him.

Cerez was perhaps the lone one Cain felt the slightest pinch of pity towards. He couldn't imagine how it must feel to be micro-chipped into obedience. To be forced into feeling next to no emotions. For someone so naturally attuned to trouble and violence as himself, it sounded like a horrible fate. He was glad he was smart enough -- no, patient enough -- to read through the contract he'd been offered and take notice of the questionable details. If he hadn't, chances are he wouldn't be able to enjoy the taste of the bite of meat he placed in his mouth, almost purring while Beast growled his approval. Cain had been competent enough to spin a contract to his favor, which made him better than most others with the special permissions he held in the palm of his hands.

Further back at a table behind the group of three he found Mosias again. This time he was pestering the final member of the band of mercenaries.
Kena looked agitated by the lamia's presence. The way the Ifrit's eyes glowed made it seem as if he were on the verge and decking his comrade in the face. Not that Cain could blame him. It seemed that not many could tolerate much of the ex-showman's personality in one sitting. Mosias was just far too loud and talkative.

It's just a shame Mosias would just laugh instead of learning how to not to be annoying. Cain knew that fact from personal experience.

Off to the left side of the room a loud yet familiar clattering side caught his attention. Trays and silverware had met with the floor, a pair of bodies rolling around as they playfully tussled.
Rojo and Azul -- not their real names, of course -- were at it again with their play fighting. Their rabbit ears flopped free of their confining hood and hat, bouncing as they struggled back and forth between who had who in a headlock. Remy, who was just a few seats away from the rabbit twins, hissed at the disturbance as his wings twitched in annoyance. The half-draconic male stood up and to find a different spot away from his previous table-partners, taking a seat next to a blue-haired man instead.

It seemed
Azarius had the spot light now, as otherwise, he and his unfortunate body-partner would be locked away. Collin was much less pleasant company, and with how unstable he was, it was rare he was let out to socialize. Cain supposed he was lucky he and Brute got along the way they did. Two beings sharing the same body could be disastrous, as was proven by the entwined existences of Azarius and Collin, a faux God and a human driven to insanity crammed together. Shame. There had been so much potential for them.

Picking up his mug again, Cain couldn't help but be curious as to how Nico was. He was the only one that wasn't present, that was because the lad had gotten out. With his help of course, and nobody -- from the subjects to the scientists and the higher-ups -- was none the wiser to it. Nico had the talent to make things or break them. And after being holed up in this Hell for so long, Cain, ever the guiding hand for chaos that he was, just had to see what direction the outside world would lead him. If Nico ever took a dark turn, the destruction would be glorious.

It was then he finally noticed another figure, behind where the two brothers were wrestling. That was a face he hadn't seen before. It certainly wasn't any face belonging to those that were forbidden from running freely -- the twin Wraiths and corrupted wood sprite being freed from their bonds were result in nothing more than a massacre. No, this face wasn't any of those three that were locked away on this floor. 'Must be the newcomer Mosias mentioned.' Cain thought with a tilt of his head, Brute grumbling in agreement. For a moment he wandered who they were, what they were, and what reason they were here for. Were they as gullible as many others who entered Yulily, or had they been smart to read through their contract and spin up a better? Or were they unlucky and had been simply snatched up by the unforgiving interests of the place. Whatever the case, Cain was curious to know. And so he was compelled to call out. "Hey, new blood!" His voice was loud and easily caring, causing a few heads to turn his way in shock for he never spoke to others unless he was prompted first. He raised his cup in a mock toast, eyes full of mischief as he grinned wide enough to show off his canines that were slightly bloody from his food. "Welcome to Hell."
For anyone who was brave enough to read all of that, fucking Kudos to you and you honestly deserve a medal. If I had one, I'd send it to you. Nevertheless, you should definitely pat yourself on the back, because holy hell that was a lot.

I'm not going to lay out a list of kinks, because A: it entirely depends on who exactly you want me to play as(it doesn't have to be Cain, or even one select person); and B: how deep you want to dive in the dark and gritty nature that is Yulily and the people within it. Not all people are "bad"/freaky and are actually pleasant, but there are plenty of twisted souls there that ready to sink their fingers/claws/fangs into whatever form they can. Any monster fuckers out there? That fits in here too. It all depends and is completely open for discussion. I have tops, bottoms, switches, subs, and doms. Just ask and I can tell you who is who--and the unstable people/creatures I vaguely glossed over.

Not only that, but I've got yet another group as well. A group on the outside of Yulily, hidden whilst also acting as a mercenary band with the purposes of slowly destroying the company bit by bit. Feel free to DM if interested. Especially since it's not as big of a group of misfits as the one listed above.

So for this one, I'll go ahead and say that I have a set character for this one: Verchiel. Your character can be anything you want, but let's mention the story before we get into that, yeah?

For centuries, Angels have been the designated guardians of mankind. They've been there, watching over the beings their Father had helped to create. It has been their duty to protect the humans and heal them. To guide them towards a healthy and prosperous life and lead them to the light. They've done their best to keep Demons from preying on their souls, and keep who they can safe from the other monsters that would otherwise prey on humans. They worked to keep the Scale from tipping too far in favor of either dark or light. A broken balance could threaten all of existence in the human realm, and Angels help to ensure the balance stays even.
But as time went on, the views of some Angels --powerful Angels, given the title of Archangels-- began to become twisted. Slowly but surely, they began to eschew from the original purposes, their beliefs and actions turning more and more drastic as time ticked forward. They increasingly became more fanatical. They obsessed over their goals, doing whatever they must to eradicate the evil that plagued humans and themselves. These Angels dove into just plain extermination with whatever creature they had to fight, overzealous and without mercy. Eventually they began to see humans as just a hassle. Mankind was in constant trouble. They were either unknowingly hunted by the monsters not many believed in, or they were at heartless war with each other. No matter what it was, the Angels were always there to protect them. Surely there had to be a better way? There was, those few Angels decided: eradicate those other creatures and keep the humans under wraps, and if there was anyone who opposed...then they would be broken or destroyed.
The rest of the Angels were against the idea. They didn't believe that was the way. They were supposed to protect humans. The Archangels insisted this would protect humans. That they could ensure safety of Mankind through this method. Eventually, most Angels began to agree. They "saw the light" the Archangels preached. And those that didn't agree disappeared or were hunted down.
Verchiel is one such Angel. He was the only Archangel who disagreed with the newfound belief. He insisted that there were other ways. And then his Brothers and Sisters turned on him. He was forced to flee Heaven lest he'd be killed, and for the sake of his own survival he fled down to the Human Realm. He went into hiding, to avoid being found by his Family. But that was the least of his problem, for living as a human brought forth new challenges other than trying to stop the Angels from committing genocide on top of genocide. Being discreet was difficult, every fiber in his being urging him to answer the prayers and calls for help he could hear from humans. But doing so would only be a beacon for the Angels to find him--and it was difficult enough trying to hide from demons and the other creatures that would make a feast out of him if he was careless.
Currently, Verchiel has found him under the guise of Vergil, blending in with the humans as he tries to find a way to stop the war and bloodshed that's on the horizon. He's found himself as an EMT, the only way he can help people without exposing himself to those that hunt him. But he knows it's only a matter of time, and soon enough, something is going to happen, and it's entirely up to fate if he'll be able to stop it.

Okay, that came out much longer than I meant it to. But yeah...that's the gist of this one. I play as the angel Verchiel, who can be seen in the spoiler down below, and you can play as...virtually anyone you want. It could be a human, demon, angel, vampire, etc.. Whatever fits the bill of what you want, cause I'm welcoming it all here. Could be another angel that ran from Heaven or an Angel that's hunting mine, could be a demon who found out the truth behind Verchiel by chance, could've been a human or whatever that got in the crossfire of something dangerous and my boy winds up saving them. The possibilities are endless here. And as for how the story unwinds, that's up for discussion as well.

As for the sexy bits, cause I for sure want smut involved in this one, I'd like for it to get pretty kinky. Maybe start of small, but then definitely get real heavy the further it goes. I want for the sweet Angel boy to turn naughty, not evil.

"They have turned their backs on our Father, and I fear I am the only one who can stop them from destroying everything."


Alan Walker, Ava Max & K-391 (ft. Julie Bergen & Seungri) - Alone Pt. II x Ignite (Remix Mashup)

Name: Verchiel, but currently goes by Vergil.
Species: Angel--Archangel, to be more precise.
Age: He's a good couple millennia old. He is an angel, after all.
Power(s): Verchiel is gifted in the ways of Light or Holy magic, whatever you wish to call it. He can heal any wound on another being and even bring them back from the brink of death(or if they had recently died, he can bring them back so long as they were in possession of a soul). He can expel demons and other angels from the area and keep them away with the proper wards. He has strength and speed that's rivaled only by other angels of his caliber, powerful demons, very few other supernatural beings and even less humans. He can sort of "teleport", though it's more like really, really fast flying. And finally, he can hear the thoughts of others--mostly prayers, but if he focuses enough he can hear almost any human's thoughts.
Skills/Hobbies: Verchiel is skilled in a variety of things. Combat is the main thing, as he was created as a Guardian/Warrior angel. Be it with his fists, a spear/lance, or a blade, he's exceedingly skilled with it. Healer comes second, knowing both basic and advanced methods of applying healthcare should he find himself in a spot his powers are useless or dangerous to use--which comes in handy, for his current occupation as an EMT.
Positions: I'll label him as a switch. I mean he'll be bottom/submissive, at first as least since he is a virgin. But when it delves deeper into everything then yeah, he can be a switch if it's wanted/needed.
Appearance: In human form, Verchiel stands at 6'2 with a tall, lanky build. His hair is snow white and his eyes are the brightest of cerulean blue. His skin the palest ivory, completely unblemished and free of any scars/birthmarks/beauty marks save for a tattoo on his back consisting of various interlacing lines that spiral to make a borderline hypnotic circle design(a design that acts as a sigil to keep his fellow angels from finding him). He has a kind look to him accompanied by an even kinder aura. Even though his human form is diluted compared to his angelic form, Verchiel is undeniably pretty, easily considered "pure" thanks to his angelic heritage and it's honestly quite the miracle it only seems to attract the eyes of humans--for the time being. As for his Angel form; take all of his "human" qualities and amplify them to make them even more beautiful and enticing(as well as make him maybe a foot taller and his hair much longer). Add on two sets of wings that are as equally white as his hair and a halo that's visible to only demons and other angels, and you've got yourself a bonafide angel.
Personality: Verchiel is an absolute angel--and not just in the sense of his species. He is quite possibly the kindest person anyone, human and non-human alike, as ever met. He sees the light in everything and cherishes life itself, no matter what it is. He can't find it himself to ever hate anything, no matter how "evil"--not even demons, for it's simply their nature to act as such, and how can he hate something for doing what it was made for? He can't. He's incapable of it. Verchiel wants nothing more to help. He stands firmly with the core belief of Angels, and nothing can ever sway that. Hearing prayers go unanswered saddens him deeply, and his need to help is what drove him to be an EMT--that way he's doing something to ease the pain of others. He can't stand the thought of killing anything, even despite being a warrior Angel, and he certainly can't stomach the thought of felling his Brothers and Sisters for their misguided ideals breaks his already aching heart. But he doesn't know how to free their minds after the brainwashing his fellow Archangels have placed upon their minds. He's at a loss and filled with so much struggle, but he's so incredibly determined to see it through. And above all else, Verchiel is afraid of the ending that awaits them all.

If you came from the post above, then welcome! It's not much, but there's more in this section than in the previous threadmark. Currently I have no ideas, but I can post what I have of my beloved boys. It's very incomplete as I am once again rewrite them, so patience is key for this one.


“Hah! You guys suck, and I’m not even warmed up! And to think, you guys were supposed to be embarrassing!”
“Tch...this world hasn’t wanted me in it since the moment I was born. It hasn’t been able to get rid of me, so what makes you think
can do it?”
“Yeah, I admit, this is all a wild ride. One I don’t think I was ready for...but I don’t think anyone could’ve been ready for this. And it...feels nice, knowing it’s not just me and Vee anymore.”
“I...this whole situation feels like a croc of shit. There’s so much at once that I can’t keep up, and yet it’s not enough at the same time...what am I supposed to do?”
Bea Miller
Enemy Fire; Araki - Again

Name: Kaerius on the left, and Veeios on the right
Species: Human, though may be different depending on story elements
Age: 27
Power(s): None, which may change depending on story elements.
Skills/Hobbies: Kaerius is a professional hand-to-hand fighter. He’s been trained in the basic street fighting, to the more complex martial arts. He’s a natural athlete and kick-boxer to his very core, with stamina and endurance on his side for days.
Positions: Vee is a bottom, starting submissive but gets incrementally more dominant and may potentially top as time goes on(entirely depends on how the story pans out). Kae is a switch all around, ready and willing to try anything.
Relations: Prism is their adopted brother, Selby and Dace are their blood brothers(younger by three years), and Malik is their blood father. Zend and Edal are just friends. Wesley is biologically Vee’s son.
Appearance: Kae hasn't grown since he was 17, so he remains at 5'10. However, his body has filled out more from the amount of exercise he's committed himself to. He has an athletic body, perfect for the amount of fighting, climbing, and running he does, but Kae still maintains the 'pretty boy' trait he's always had. Think exotic dancer of sorts, if you will. His hair has actually grown out some, extending past his waist now, and there are now more red highlights present among the waterfall of silver. He has less piercings before, now having three simple studs in his right ear, his snake bites, and his belly button piercing. He has three tattoos in total: the first is this one here in the same placement(though with the gray being black and the black parts being a dark red), the second is this one on his back (though done in a beautiful array of colors, starting with ruby red at the cross that branches off into a deep amethyst color further out in the wings and ending with sapphire), and finally the third and final one is the name Prism which is done in bold yet intricate lettering that travels vertically down his right bicep (an homage to the younger brother he and Veeios lost). His eyes are still yellow, but are a tone brighter now and pop even more thanks to his use of eyeliner. He has plenty of scars, but those can be explored later.
Although Veeios stands at 6'1 1/4, he's been prone to slouching a bit so he appears shorter. Much like Kaerius, his hair has grown out some(mainly that of his bangs), though his has darkened over the years. And contrary to how he appears in the image, he doesn't dress as fancy or professional anymore due to the injury he sustained. His choice of clothes are more casual now and mainly dark colored and form fitting. Though his shirt is almost always tucked into his nice jeans and he always looks clean, rarely ever having a speck out of place much like before — he can often be seen with glasses when he's reading or looking closely at something. His fancy suits come out to play only for the real important shindigs. He also has his own fair share of athletic muscles however not as much for the fact he can't quite exercise the way he used to. As for his injury, it is a terrible burn of varying degree, covering a majority of the entirety of his right arm including his hand, leading to limited mobility and causing pain if used beyond certain limits. Usually he'll keep the appendage wrapped from just beneath his shoulder down to his fingers, supporting it with a sling. He has scars that can be further explored later and he has a lone piercing in his right ear, along with a few tattoos of his own. The first one is this one here, however minus the cat on his ass. The second one is the same tattoo Kaerius has of Prism's name, however it is located on his left bicep due to the burn on his right one. More often than not, he has prominent dark circles under his eyes(which are also sharper and more golden than Kaerius').
Personality: Kaerius is easily the more open and amiable twin.
I know, the main selling points happen to be blank. Provided I have the motivation they should be finished relatively soon. As for the others that are mentioned in their Relationships slot? That's it's own story that I'm more than capable of filling in. It's relatively a big "what the fuck-!?" kind of situation for them all. Dark secrets and more things than just humans roaming around. More to the secrets than what's just on the outside of them.

Like the title suggests, this one is sci-fi centric. Futuristic cities, advanced technology, robots, A.Is, hedonistic life styles -- the whole shebang. I want it all. Like...Saints Row 3+4 meets Detroit Become Human meets Cyberpunk 2077 with some Tron thrown in there. Is that a good enough example to get the point across? Not enough? Too much? I don't know. Believe it or not I'm very uncultured in the way of many games, books and movies. But for the sake of things, I'll go into a deeper explanation of what I'm looking for. Don't worry. Just be patient with this nonsense I'm about to spill out, I'm super heckin tired and starving.

Basically, it's a little dystopian but not to the point where everything is miserable. Crime is still common, and the authorities(the kind where only results matter, not the process of getting the results) and the "Elites"(the higher-ups, the top of the hierarchy, the people owning/tied in with the big corporations that practically rule the world with their technological advancements) of living obviously have the most amount of power than everyone else; however, it's not like the poor people are out dying on the streets because they can't afford homes or health care. Even with the lower districts/slums that are graffitied and littered with loose trash, the city is clean as a whole(though what the inside of a business looks like is entirely up to the owner) and everyone is relatively taken care of. The buildings aren't dark and ominous during the day, staying a nice silver color. Things are relatively calm and the majority goes about their daily lives. Then when night falls, the buildings turn black while the neon lights turn on and the criminals come alive. Gangs come out of the shadows to play around in their claimed territories. So long as nobody tries to start a fight, the police generally stay away from those areas unless there's a real murderer, cartel, or an undermining of the Laws concerning robotics and A.I--the big corporations thrive off of their creations, they can't have someone making their own instead of spending their money.
In this place, virtually anything is possible. You may change your appearance(you can change your hair, eyes, body type, go kemonomimi, even change your skin color) and gender as you please, dress however you'd like. If you aren't born with special abilities from the get-go you can have special implants put in your body, or even replace limbs with robotic ones. So long as you have the skills, you can just about get whatever job you want, maybe even catch the eye of an Elite. There is no age limit for drinking. There's no issues with whoring yourself out, no matter what your gender is or what anyone else's gender is. You can take and deal as much drugs as you want. As long as you're old enough, you can party however hard you want. Street racing is legal, and is in fact extremely common. Video games aren't frowned upon. Looting is even fine, so long as it's contained within certain parameters. But the moment you pull a trigger is pulled on a bystander, create an unlicensed A.I, affiliate yourself with underhanded implants, you purposefully aims to be a thorn in the corporations' side, or do something of a similar nature, you instantly become a person of interest/are labeled a criminal. Unless you're good enough to keep yourself hidden, if you lack the skills or simply roll with the wrong crowd, you won't be able to hide from the police force consisting of highly trained humans and state-of-the-art A.I. And if you can't hide, well, it's jail time for you. Unless you were the worst of the worst, but nobody talks about that. Mainly because nobody knows what happens.
My characters are considered the best of the best. Consisting of humans, to cyborgs, to the very unlicensed A.I that are hunted down, and even two of the very policeman meant to track them down(sh, I like corrupt cops and rogue A.I, sue me). They're a rather well-known gang on the streets. They partake in deals, races, "games", gang riots that occur just at the edge of their territory, and even intervene in the work of both the work of the authorities and Elites just for the sake of fun. Yet nobody knows their real names or faces as everything they do in unregulated and unlicensed, therefore untraceable via the common networks. Authorities have gotten close, but are always too far away to catch them. They're always one step ahead in the grand scheme of things.

I'm not really intending for this to be a "oh shit it's time for a revolution", but if that floats your boat we could totally darken this roleplay. Really though, it's more light-hearted than that. I mean yeah there'll be some stabbing, shooting, drugs and a lot of fucking, so it's not exactly pretty, but I digress. Anyway, yeah. I've got a total of like...13 characters for this thing, one of which owns a club where some(or most, depending) will take place. It's not necessarily a whole idea, but I've couple of things we can do with this if you don't have any ideas of your own. And like some other things, I can go FxF with this as well as MxM--I've even got one non-binary/genderfluid character who employs the technology to constantly change their gender, so yeah.

For kinks, because I fully want this one to have some heavy smut in it, I'd like to teeter towards the less famous kinks(or less famous kinks of people I've talked to before, and no I don't mean anything with toilet play. Sorry). And yes, they're all optional. I'd love to have most if not all, but I'm not pressing anything. Especially since it is a lot of kinks this time around. Or if there's something you might want add, do feel free to hit me up so long as it's not in my limits.
Again, these are all optional

A.I, Cyborgs, Robots (lil' bit of a duh here)
Anal Fisting/Handballing
BDSM (can discuss whether it's light or extreme, but preferably both)
Both muscular characters and twinks (either mix n match or have two of the same together)
Club settings
Consensual (could be discussed with non/dub con if you have an idea)
Crossdressing, Traps and Strippers oh my
Cum (ranging from a lot, to facials, to enemas(again, not including toilet play), to sweet tasting cum...whatever)
Dirty Talk
Discipline (maybe do the multi. penetration here, see how much can fit/be held? Not necessary though)
Double/3+ penetration
Drugs/Injections/Aphrodisiacs/etc. (maybe it's what makes people sweeter?)
Multiple partners+gangbangs
Orgasm and Pleasure control/denial
Piercings and tattoos (both casual and sexual)
Praise and Reassurances (especially for the virgins)
Sex Toys: both normal and creative (maybe a prosthetic or A.I come with special built-in additions?), involving gags and dildos and the like
Sensory deprivation/removal (like legit temporarily cancel out one or more senses)
Small dom/big sub
Slutty clothing
Virginity (for both oral and anal)

It's very cliche, yeah I know. But I had a dream a couple days back about this idea so just bear with me for a bit here.

You know the whole underground thing, the black market and slave trading and various other highly illegal shit--y'know, that whole shebang? Now just imagine there being a literal underground. Like, cities that lie underneath cities with very few who know about them. And they're not filled with people, either. Creatures from all around live there: ranging from vampires and werewolves that thrive in the dark, angels who've acquired a taste for sin, demons who run rampant with their debauchery, elemental beings who can let loose with their mischief, and actual monsters who use their monstrous abilities to rule their side of the streets. It's a life of chaos, but it's a living for these beings.
Not many humans know about The Underground. Simply because those who make it down there have no way of leaving. Not without strong help, and only few humans have that. Some know of this through their "special" contacts they gained through their line of seedy work above The Underground. The rest? They were unlucky souls, falling a long and hard way down away from the life they knew and into something they never knew existed. Some are strong and can fend for themselves, making choices they never would've thought they'd have to make in order to survive, but are otherwise capable of making a new life and name for themselves. Those who can't fight? Well...they get devoured, one way or another, be it by the inhuman inhabitants or their fellow humans.

I'd like for this roleplay to have multiple characters, but we don't have to play them all at once. It can just sort of be a collection of instances. Or if you want to stick with a solid set of people, that's fine too--we can work something out. I'd like to see how this thing can develop. And I don't mind playing either humans or creatures. Hell, I can play a bit of both roles. I really don't mind.

I would like to say that these are all optional. They're just suggestions. Don't have to use them all. I just know that this idea will have plenty of smut involved in the story, and given the parameters it can get pretty kinky.

Double/3+ Penetration
Multiple Partners/Gangbangs
Dub/Non con to full Con (or maybe start off full con depending on the scenario)
BDSM//Suspension Play
Monsters and Tentacles (includes plat creatures)
Stomach Bulging
Aphrodisiacs/Other Drugs
Master and Slave/Pet
Maybe some eventual power-bottoming
Soft Vore

I've got a space mercenary crew that I've been holding on to for a little while. I've got a Cyborg; a human with robotic enhancements; an alien who can shapeshift into literally anything and anyone; another alien with super strength, electricity and invisibility; and an A.I. The human is technically the "leader" of the crew, though since they're using the cyborg's ship the cyborg gets dibs on making some of the decisions. The cyborg and the super strong alien boys are wanted by the space government(the unnamed government for now) for "betraying them". The A.I was created by the cyborg and technically runs a lot of the ship, so he also gets dibs on the decision-making. The shapeshifting alien is along for the ride because their home got fucked up by the previously mentioned government and is out for some blood.

The quirks with this merry crew? The cyborg and the strong boi alien are a thing(open to a third member); the human has split personalities; the shapeshifting alien continuously changes between male, female, and in-between; and the A.I is probably one of the sassiest A.Is you'll ever see.

I don't quite have a plot laid out yet(it's a WIP for a reason), just the barest makings of a plot: space revolution, mean government/just douchey government while there's a different Big Bad, mercenaries...basic stuff. If any of this interests you, feel free to send a message and we can flesh it out.

Well, I guess it's not really Alice in Wonderland, since it's MxM here. I think this is the part where clever people would say a pun and in general use some good wordplay. I'm not those people.

Anywho...yeah. Alice in Wonderland. I have come to find out that I am a slut for symbolism, and in my time away I have reignited my love for the American McGee's version of Alice. I'm not saying any roleplay we do based off Alice has to be like that nitty-gritty series, of course not. It can be anything Alice-based, including but not limited to the movies and any other works that have incorporated the Alice system. Insanity and angst and redemption arcs? Yeah, we can take that road. Mafia "Alice" with his Hatter Gang? I dig it. Normal "Alice" that falls down a rabbit hole and ends up in a whole new world? Yeah sure, we can take a crack at that.

This one is open to any kind of interpretation. I can play "Alice", or I can play someone else. It doesn't matter to me. Entirely depends on what path we take, be it something like the live-action movie Alice to something like Alice in the Country of Hearts(if anybody knows that manga, that is). Hell, we can take an idea from down below and twist it into a version of this. That'd be an interesting twist. Let's just brainstorm, yeah?

New Note: I know what I said above, with all the different things we could do with this. But I'm legit in the works of a Alice Madness Returns spin-off, and goddamn I'd love if we could do something based off it. Hell, maybe you might be the person capable of helping me get over some the road blocks I've got for this. I've already got two characters for this, a bottom and a top-switch, and I'd like to play both. You, however, will not have to play multiple characters if you don't want to. It'd be great, especially I intend on shouldering like 90+% of the NPCs, but I'm not forcing you to double or anything. The only thing I ask for patience since the layout of literally 50% of the layout I've typed up is hella scatter-brained and most likely confusing.
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Oh, would you look at that, I seem to have crawled out of my grave. Let’s see how long this lasts, yeah?
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