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Island of Monster


Jan 10, 2009
The group thread

The theme of this group is there a boat that is traveling along the seas, until this boat is catch in the middle of a storm that comes out of nowhere. There boat is toss ashore of an island that is not on there maps and for good reasons. There's a magical barrier that protects the island from the naked eye seeing it out in the water. Why, would that be? The island is contently moving around all the times, so it's never in one place for long. The inhabits of the island are monsters, monstrous humanoids, demons, and etc they are not happy about those whom wash up being here. There's one good thing the island magical properties has giving the ship wreck people one power to defend themselves one special ability. The monsters are control by there king of the island and he doesn't much care what they do, as long as they aren't breaking one of his laws there allow to do whatever.

Pm me your profile, or post them here it matters not either way just as long as I get them.

Ship Wreck Profiles

Looks: (Pic or description.)
Pref: (Bi, straight, lesbian, gay.)
Ability: (Fire starter, flight, super speed, and etc. This means you can have only one.)

Monster Profile

Pref: (Bi, straight, lesbian, gay.)
Abilities: (Fire starter, flight, super speed, and etc. This means you can have only three.)


None, for now, because I thrust you all to act accordingly and you are mature enough to know better anyways.
You're good hai hai and go ahead and join in again chienchan. So, I still find it more female interested in this then males.
No, tis alright
I have this:
*pulls out the Pink Fuzzy Vibrating Dildo of Doom*
A full 2 feet long, a foot wide!
Then the vibration is something to be scared of as well.
Oh, I see you want more hotdogs? Well, that can not be helped my friend especially when all that play here excepted for a few females are lesbians. There are nine females all together 5 of them being lesbian 3 of them being bi and 1 being straight.
Hence making a monster that hunts lesbians to "remind" them why they are lesbian :D hahaha evil?
Yeah, I know but hey that there choice to play or not. Can not force people into something they don't want to do unless you are making them a slave lol.
Don't mind me having a second, do ya?

Name: Metaru Chishio
Race: Entity
Age: N/A
Gender: Female

Pref: No Preference
Bio: Having been spawned at an unknown time, Metaru has hardly any clue of who she truly is, and lakes most mortal emotions. She tends to mimic others to either understand them, or just plain out tease them when she doesn't like what she sees. It takes a while to get on her good or bad side, but once a person makes it there, they tend to stay there. She also ends in absolutes. If she likes you she will die for you. If she hates you, she will hunt you down until you are dead.
Abilities: She can manipulate her own blood into any form she wishes, accelerate the rate of her body functions(e.i. cell division, movement speed), and she is able to manipulate metals.
Stalking: Noone.....yet
Well I'm not entirely sure. perhaps setting up a kind of story behind everything and gently nudge it ther eor have something happen.
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