This thread is simple: share your weirdest and/or hardest kink.
If you want, you can state why you like that particular hard/weird kink. It's also always interesting to see why something unappealing to some can be arousing to others.
One rule: No shaming!
This means making a blatant criticism of, or personal attack on someone for having a particular kink.
Any form of discussion is otherwise very much allowed.
This thread could be a place to discover more extreme things, reminiscent of that glorious first time you read through the full list of f-list kinks.
Maybe you'd even find something new that you could like.
We either need reassurance that we're not that weird or depraved after all, or reassurance that we
are correct about ourselves and hey, that is pretty weird/scary (but we use even that as praise here anyway). Or we could find other people into the same stuff we thought no one else was into. Hey, who knows.
Happy sharing!
I'll start.
Hardest - Probably extreme bloodplay or swallowing blood.
This is the one people usually DM me about and tell me they won't do. I'm attracted to the pain that can come from cutting or drawing blood; its violence and brutality; the smell/taste; the sense of danger from the threat of diseases/infection; and of course, the most generic reason for liking bloodplay is for the look of blood itself. I'd that if it's used for smearing/painting the body that's also a kind of violent degradation.
Weirdest - I've been thinking about it for a while before I added
oculophilia in my f-list today.
I'm particularly into having sharp or threatening objects/stimuli around the eyes. Less extreme play would be things like touching, stroking, kissing etc. On the extreme side would be oculolinctus or "worming" (I thought that was a disturbing word for it the first time I looked it up): the paraphilic practice of licking eyeballs for erotic gratification. I was just talking to a roleplay partner about oculolinctus, to do in a pirates roleplay, and I said, "that could explain a pirate's eye patch". Yes, I have this kind of humour. You can laugh now.
Eyes and lashes always look incredibly pretty to me. It's also a particularly sensitive + vulnerable area; and an easy spot to target for stroking fear too, since sudden or jarring stimuli around the eyes often invoke the most reflexive physical reactions from a person. On the less extreme end of the spectrum, something like stroking eyelashes or kissing the eyelids can be very intimate because of how gentle you'd have to be.