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Role Play vs In Real Life, how kinky are you?

I think several things I've experienced irl have created a number of the kinks I have listed, but there's a lot that I would either never do out of rp (like incest) and a few that I could never do (like monsters). RPing over time has probably made me more interested in a few things, but even those remain fairly vanilla by comparison to others. Short of the long, I'm kinkier in rp than irl, but even then only a few of my kinks are anything that comes close to extreme.
I think i pretty much match my rps. My fictional characters of course have more opportunity/leeway for different locations, perhaps outfits and different people (incest or fictional race/person i would likely not cross IRL) but i would do what they would do, mostly. Funny thing is though, I'd probably do the opposite of what they would do, in a sense. Most of my characters have been male and leaning toward dominant. IRL i am a woman and prefer to be more submissive.
Ohh that's a good question actually.

In roleplays it's a lot easier to try and be dominant and life out your kinks, but I tend to sub in RP and RL.

I haven't tried that much in RL. The most kinkiest I've gotten would be either being handcuffed or doing something in a public space. Being an awkard dork is my specialty.
I'm quite new and interested in a lot and try RP as well to see if I think something would be nice.
Irl I'm pretty vanilla only for the fact I dont have the partner to experiment with, but honestly if I had that I think my sex life would be alot more adventurous
I'm very open mined and love experimenting with the right partner with most things legal and safe, fantasy play however there are no or very few limits and love to go as dark as it is possible to go..
Fictional kink levels (rp, novels, fanfiction, art) all very weird we'll say a 10/10 compared to my RL 5/10 (I think the stuff I want to do RL compared to what I enjoy to read is pretty tame!)
To be honest, I'm actually quite tame in real life while my writing tends to not be all that tame. Of course, in real life I'm quite sensitive and hate even hints of pain whereas it can be a turn on in writing.

But I guess I'm weird like that.
In writing, we Don't experience the unpleasant sides, the consequences, the social judgment lol.
I think it's safe to say that my characters don't do a lot of things I wouldn't do if I could. There are a few exceptions to this, I wouldn't actually have sex with my brother or sister (less because it's taboo than because I am genuinely not attracted to either of them). But overall, IAM down for the whole torture them while you please them thing. I haven't been knotted by an animal, but I do own a knotted toy and several of the more bulbous types of toys. But yeah, I've done a lot of what my characters do, maybe not as extremely as they do, but I don't know if that was the question.
I think several things I've experienced irl have created a number of the kinks I have listed, but there's a lot that I would either never do out of rp (like incest) and a few that I could never do (like monsters). RPing over time has probably made me more interested in a few things, but even those remain fairly vanilla by comparison to others. Short of the long, I'm kinkier in rp than irl, but even then only a few of my kinks are anything that comes close to extreme.

yes well incest is illegal so I would hope not, but I have to admit I have this one cousin, she’s my father’s cousins, daughter...whatever that makes her to me is it my third cousin, or 1 cousin twice removed...Ion know, but man...I definitely thought to myself would I risk it all!? 🤔 Haha
Irl I'm pretty vanilla only for the fact I dont have the partner to experiment with, but honestly if I had that I think my sex life would be alot more adventurous
What’s the one kink that you really want to explore the most that you can’t?
I'm pretty kinky IRL, but I'm monogamous there. I'd say maybe like 70-80% of online?
Finally someone who matches their internet persona with that same energy IRL!! Have you always been that way, or was it a gradual descent into depravity Lol?
I think it's safe to say that my characters don't do a lot of things I wouldn't do if I could. There are a few exceptions to this, I wouldn't actually have sex with my brother or sister (less because it's taboo than because I am genuinely not attracted to either of them). But overall, IAM down for the whole torture them while you please them thing. I haven't been knotted by an animal, but I do own a knotted toy and several of the more bulbous types of toys. But yeah, I've done a lot of what my characters do, maybe not as extremely as they do, but I don't know if that was the question.
You definitely answered the question! Im shocked at your honesty
Speaking of incest, it's really not my thing but it might have happened. My family did want me to marry my cousin, but fortunately, I could avoid that!
Hm, I don't think I'm kinky in real life, I did have some kinky moments in my life:
  • There were probably 3 MFMs in my life (depending on how you count). Twice with an ex-girlfriend back in 2014, and once on a BDSM-Rave party with a girl I met there, which was very kinky, but only once in my life back in 2013.
  • I do an own a couple of handcuffs, they are plastic though – to make sure we can always break. But I used it probably 4 times in 3 years.
  • Spanking is fun, probably the only "kinky" (if you can call it that) kinky thing that I engage more often than once per quarter :)
Writing kink – that's far more interesting.
Thank you. Unfortunately, it's something that's still a part of some cultures. I'm so happy to have broken with all that.

Haha, cousin marriage is very common in the world! I know some cases myself.

First cousin marriage is allowed in most countries in the world, but some countries need permission by either government or the Crown to allow it. But it is most certainly not limited to 'some cultures'. In The Netherlands among the black bible belters it's very common.

Aside from that, which has got nothing to do with the OP, I am one who writes the same as I am. The man I am offline, so is my writing. I have no writing kinks that I wouldn't do in real life, if I would have the opportunity and possibilty and the other way around.
First cousin marriage is allowed in most countries in the world, but some countries need permission by either government or the Crown to allow it. But it is most certainly not limited to 'some cultures'. In The Netherlands among the black bible belters it's very common.

Yes, and I'm deeply opposed to it because there very frequently is force involved in it. I for instance wouldn't have been given a choice at all. Oh the joys of family.
My country switched marriage age from 16 to 18 because there was often force involved, but still allows cousins.
This is a question I always want to ask my partners and typically I am surprised, one way or the other! But I want to know, how kinky is your actual sex life compared to the level of kink you like to explore in your role play?

For an example; myself I said its closer than most Ive interact with! Some of my favorite kinks are Humiliating and Degrading, pet play, incest, age play, DD/lg, watersports and period sex! I actually love period sex the most IRL and when Im in a relationship its my favorite thing to do! Pet Play is one of those things that I haven’t had much experience with, I did have a girlfriend that liked to be peed on and DD/lg is a staple in my IRL sex life! Ive even had some experience with C-NC and definitely lots of humiliation and degradation
My sex life is very vanilla and no existent by now. I'd say I'm not kinky, I'm just weird and what I would like to RP ranges from weird to weirdest to maybe a bit kinky. I wouldn't say it's fantasy because I know there are other/s at the other end of the line and I try to bear their emotions in mind . I won't ever engage in torture or something too gory or too bloody just for the sake of it. Smut is ok but it's even better when mixed with smart RP. I'm very active as a writer and I want to keep my pace up, that's why most forums kind of not satisfy all my needs. I guess it's a matter of feedback, if I don't hear the applause or the rotten tomatoes crashing in my head it's most likely I would leave the stage. I'm a smart one but sometimes emotions govern some of the characters I play.
wait was this question about kinky sex? ;P
I don't think I match my rps at all. I do everything from vanilla to dying in rps, but irl I'm basically asexual and shy away from even touching people. It could be that I am just very inexperienced but at this point I'm unsure. I may actually be asexual. Real bodies don't do much for me, as the thought of real sex doesn't do much for me. I'd rather write, even if that makes me a weirdo...
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