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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

As he promised, Agaruk called up everyone she requested, delivering the news in the same jovial tone he always used
"What?! She gave birth already?!" Bold yelled from the other end of the line, "Kira and I will be there soon!!"
"Thank you so much, Agaruk!!" The triplets cheered in unison when he called them, "We'll be there!!"
Kimia slept soundly in bed with their son against her chest, her ears drooped in her exhaustion.
She shifted gently but didn't wake otherwise. Bold, Kira, and the triplets all showed up a couple hours later, all crowding Kimia as she slept.
"Look at him," Kira held her cheek gently, "He's so cute, how precious."
"He certainly takes after you, brother...!" Bold grinned, clapping Agaruk's shoulder.
"Kawaii ne...~!" The triplets swooned.
Kimia woke slowly and made a noise, "Wha..."
"Hello, my darling.." Bold smiled, moving to nuzzle her gently. She smiled softly and nuzzled back.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you and mom sooner..."
"Nonsense, sweetheart, we're glad everything went smoothly." Kira said.
"Um..." Keily stepped forward nervously, Kamilah and Kiyomi behind her, "We, uh...we brought someone with us who..."
"Who really wanted to see you..." Kamilah added.
"Wanted to make sure you and the baby were ok..." Kiyomi finished. Kimia stared at them before her eyes moved to the door, Kit stepping in slowly. She squeezed Agaruk's hand tightly as she kept quiet.
"You doing alright...?" Kit asked softly. Kimia made a noise before nodding.
"Yeah...I'm feeling a little better..." She answered. Kit nodded before looking over at Agaruk.
"Is that him?" He asked. Kimia looked to the baby and nodded.
"Yeah, that's him..." She replied softly. Kit moved over slowly and stopped in front of Agaruk so he could see his nephew.
Things were rather pleasant, Kimia's family all taking turns catering to her so she and Agaruk could rest. Bold and Kira tried to help her think of a good name for her son, trying to find a good way to combine human, Tabaxi, and Orc naming schemes. It was tough, to say the least, but they finally came up with something.
"Gnoth Merry Beast Ren..." Kimia said softly, petting her son's head gently.
She nodded, "I think so, too.." She agreed. After recovering fully, they returned home from the hospital, where Kimia spent a good bit of time caring for Gnoth. Which Agaruk understood, but with the excitement now died down, he was pent up.
He was doing his best to ignore it, to give Kimia her rest and learn how best to be a father. But when he was out and about, at home alone, or just letting his mind wander, he was reminded that now, it had been a good while.
"How have you been, Agar...?" Kimia asked as he came back from class, "I know we haven't had a lot of time together...but I'll make it up to you, I promise.."
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