You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He made a noise and finished getting undressed, moving to help her, but paused to let her take it. "So.. wha' does this one do?"
"'s supposed to numb the pain of entry to nothing, but won't hinder any of the pleasure. A succubus taught me how to make it, I just hope I remembered the ratios right." She said.
"Yea." He growled out, moving to kiss the back of her neck, digging his tusks into her back as he rubbed her clit through her panties.
"Yea..~?" He asked, trying not to shift or grind, but failing. He was grinding slowly, and his free hand moved to grab her tail.
He peeled her panties off snd pushed her forward to bend her over the bed, his cock throbbing between her ass cheeks as he pet her sides slowly, before rubbing his cock against her core slowly.
He moved and pressed his tip to her core before pushing in with a low snarl, his cock throbbing. "F-Fuck."
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