So I'm just gonna put this out there right off the bat: this idea is not meant to be for a very serious or complex game. I'm expecting it to just be a fun, smutty romp without much in the way of heavy drama or tension. Nor do I see it including much of the usual D&D adventuring fare--combat, dungeon-crawling, and so on. The D&D game will play a part, but mostly just as a backdrop, used only as much as we all feel like it creates new opportunities for fun scenes. If that's not your cup of tea, then I don't want to waste your time.
Now, if you're still here, let's talk about what this game is. One of my favorite things about D&D and similar games, and one that I think gets overlooked a lot, is exploring the adventuring party as not just coworkers, but friends, and seeing how they are in the more relaxed moments of their lives, when they're not crawling around trap-infested tombs or fighting monsters that want to eat their faces. So, I want to run a D&D game that follows an adventuring party who's just made their latest big score, and are now on their way back to the capital to spend their gains (ill-gotten or otherwise) on a few months of easy living before they have to go out and do it all over again. I'm picturing an atmosphere like that of a group of friends on a road trip--not a lot of danger, plenty of supplies, and little to worry about beyond enjoying the sights of the countryside and finding comfortable campsites.
I don't want to go into too much detail about the setting, since I want to leave everyone the freedom to define elements that pertain to their character as they like. What I will say is that it'll be a fairly low-magic, low-supernatural world--your characters can totally be magic-users, but magic and monsters and whatnot are generally quite rare for anyone who's not an adventurer. There might be races other than humans, but I think they tend to be weird and alien and mostly keep to themselves, if they exist; if you don't want to play a human character, I'd suggest either playing something like a half-elf, or perhaps fluffing something like a dragonborn or tiefling as a human with magical influence on their bloodline (tieflings are already basically that, I guess). The culture and technology of the local region will be broadly late medieval western/northern European, but you're welcome to say your character is from any kind of culture in another part of the world.
Because this won't really be a high-stakes scenario, and balance won't be much of a concern, I'd like to run a DMPC. I feel like playing a female human wizard with a hedge witch kind of flavor. I'm also very much open to this having a pretty cooperative style of DMing, where anyone who wants to do a certain kind of scene or encounter is totally welcome to suggest it, and either I'll run it, or they can step up and do so themselves.
Like I said, I want this to be a smutty game. I don't think the world at large will have a sexual tone, but aside from any hirelings or retainers we decide to have with us, and any strangers our characters meet on the road, the PCs will have all the privacy they want. I like the idea of them all being close and comfortable with one another after all the time they've spent together, though of course not everyone has to be sexual with everyone else. We can also involve NPCs and outside encounters in smutty scenes, if people want to.
I think 4th level would be a good choice for this game--not legendary heroes who go around saving the world, but experienced and accustomed to the adventuring life. If you're interested, feel free to go ahead and make a 4th-level character as per the normal rules. I don't think we need to worry too much about detailed gear tracking; if there are any magic items you especially want to have, go ahead and just grab them.
Anyone want to give this a shot? Pretty please?
Now, if you're still here, let's talk about what this game is. One of my favorite things about D&D and similar games, and one that I think gets overlooked a lot, is exploring the adventuring party as not just coworkers, but friends, and seeing how they are in the more relaxed moments of their lives, when they're not crawling around trap-infested tombs or fighting monsters that want to eat their faces. So, I want to run a D&D game that follows an adventuring party who's just made their latest big score, and are now on their way back to the capital to spend their gains (ill-gotten or otherwise) on a few months of easy living before they have to go out and do it all over again. I'm picturing an atmosphere like that of a group of friends on a road trip--not a lot of danger, plenty of supplies, and little to worry about beyond enjoying the sights of the countryside and finding comfortable campsites.
I don't want to go into too much detail about the setting, since I want to leave everyone the freedom to define elements that pertain to their character as they like. What I will say is that it'll be a fairly low-magic, low-supernatural world--your characters can totally be magic-users, but magic and monsters and whatnot are generally quite rare for anyone who's not an adventurer. There might be races other than humans, but I think they tend to be weird and alien and mostly keep to themselves, if they exist; if you don't want to play a human character, I'd suggest either playing something like a half-elf, or perhaps fluffing something like a dragonborn or tiefling as a human with magical influence on their bloodline (tieflings are already basically that, I guess). The culture and technology of the local region will be broadly late medieval western/northern European, but you're welcome to say your character is from any kind of culture in another part of the world.
Because this won't really be a high-stakes scenario, and balance won't be much of a concern, I'd like to run a DMPC. I feel like playing a female human wizard with a hedge witch kind of flavor. I'm also very much open to this having a pretty cooperative style of DMing, where anyone who wants to do a certain kind of scene or encounter is totally welcome to suggest it, and either I'll run it, or they can step up and do so themselves.
Like I said, I want this to be a smutty game. I don't think the world at large will have a sexual tone, but aside from any hirelings or retainers we decide to have with us, and any strangers our characters meet on the road, the PCs will have all the privacy they want. I like the idea of them all being close and comfortable with one another after all the time they've spent together, though of course not everyone has to be sexual with everyone else. We can also involve NPCs and outside encounters in smutty scenes, if people want to.
I think 4th level would be a good choice for this game--not legendary heroes who go around saving the world, but experienced and accustomed to the adventuring life. If you're interested, feel free to go ahead and make a 4th-level character as per the normal rules. I don't think we need to worry too much about detailed gear tracking; if there are any magic items you especially want to have, go ahead and just grab them.
Anyone want to give this a shot? Pretty please?