To Bunny's Heart and Mind,
Hello. My name is BlisteredBlood, one of the mods here at Blue Moon. However, I'm casting that title off to the side for a moment and speak as a friend.
I've been analyzing you both over the course of a few months now, and I gotta say this to each of you. Why are you so divided? You should both be united to the very person you both dwell inside of, for you only got this one life to live. This might sound extremely harsh coming from me, but seriously. What the fuck is the matter with the both of you? You're both acting like immature children arguing over an expensive toy.
Of the things I've heard the both of you say, I am honestly appalled at the fact that you are forcing this young lady to become so god damned polarized behind either one of you like she was nothing more than a mere sheep. Well guess what, Heart and Mind. While you both have points that can be argued about from here until Doomsday, remember about the girl you're both inside of and you are hurting her to a great extent. Either get it together or shut the fuck up, you both got that?
Because let me break this down for you both. At some point in both of your lives, all of this arguing is going to lead her to do something incredibly stupid and the both of you are going to live to regret it with every fiber of your being. This is not a mere threat, mind you. This is going to turn into a certified promise or - god forbid me from even saying this - a guarantee. Have you not listened to the words she's written? Have you not listened to the words of a nineteen year old whose heart is essentially broken or her dreams dashed upon the rocks?
All I can say is this. How dare you. How fucking dare you bend this young and most certainly beautiful woman against your will. You should both be grateful she hasn't turned to something like that and be damned thankful that she is still alive if it hadn't been for any one of you!
I apologize if I'm angry, but I am. I am flagrantly pissed off at the fact that you both are saying something that isn't even either one of you. Pull your heads out of your collective asses and listen with both ears to what the girl has to say for a change, will you? Maybe she's wanting to do things for herself instead of acting on your whims like she is a slave. Well guess what! She's not a slave and she can't live without one or the other. Without the mind, she will only lead herself down a pathway of recklessness. Without the heart, she becomes secluded or worse yet, she'll become a nomadic creature that despises everything that has to do with life, love and happiness. Without the both of you... She will become a mere shell of a human being.
Once again you two, I deeply apologize if I'm coming off as an asshole, but I feel this has to be the only way to get the both of you to listen. This isn't some Catholic guilt trip, either. What this is is a young man that is trying to reach out to the both of you and listen to what I'm trying to say, because I can sense by the words she has written hat she has had an extremely difficult life. I don't know the details about it, but I can tell that it must have been something that was deeply traumatic. However, I can thank whoever it was that has allowed me to look past the trauma and see the person within. I'll say it again, she is a beautiful young lady. Sure, she's got a few deficiencies, but who gives a rat's ass? I like what I see. She's smart, funny, full of piss and vinegar, and most importantly, she's honest to herself and what she believes in. I know I haven't spoken to her long, but I still stand by what I say.
Now, she might use this journal forum as a means of entertaining her mind, but what she doesn't know is that there are people much like myself who pops into this every now and again and peeks in on her. Sometimes, they laugh, sometimes they cry. Sometimes they leave words of encouragement. Sometimes, they even leave something goofy behind in a post to cheer her up and brighten up her day.
You know why they do this, Bunny's Heart and Mind? It's because they care. They care for this young lady who's basically pleading her case before a court of her peers. The only thing of it is, there is a litany of people who listens. Much like me, for example.
So in conclusion, I ask the both of you to listen to what bunny has to say. She really isn't all that bad of a person. Granted, we all have our faults, but the issue here is to try to look past those faults and leave out the negativity. Focus on the positive aspects of what you're both good at and never stop there. To quote former Prime Minister Winston Churchill some years ago...
He said this. "Never, never, never give up."
Here's an interesting story I have that ties into this. There were two frogs that were hopping along one day through someone's backyard up until they stopped in a barn. They continued hopping along until the both of them slipped into a butter churner. From there, these two frog are kicking hard and kept at it for about 20 minutes until one of the frogs looks up and says, "I can't kick anymore. I'm just going to drown." and he did once that bugger's head sunk below. *makes a slashing motion near his throat* Dead as a doorknob.
Now with the other frog, he says, "I am never, never, never giving up!" And he kicked. He kicked so hard that he wound up churning that butter by himself! About five minutes later, here comes a farmer into the barn and he sees that frog up on the butter churner... Taking a nap!
He didn't quit and neither should either of you.
With Regards,