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Mx F or NB Furry LT RP's (Craving Pregnancy)


Apr 9, 2015
Hello there, it's been some time since I've been on a forum. I'm in my 30s and I've been RPing around 17 years.

I'm not a English native speaker, but I think I can handle grammar and post length. My post length ranges from 2 to 4, depending on the situation and the plot.
-I prefer Long-Term Roleplays, but I enjoy Short-Term as well as any other.
-Romance is something that I enjoy, but I've been enjoying other kinds of plots as of late.
-I can do doms, but I enjoy doing subs.
-No one-liners.
-If you get bored or think that something is missing on the RP, tell me. I'm a big boy, I can take it. I'll see if there is something that we can do to spice up the RP, try to change it into something else, or drop the RP entirely. But please try and communicate, I've been hanging on the air in some threads that I've been enjoying a lot, but the person stops answering.

My characters

I tend to use male Anthro/Furries most of the time. It would take a good plot with some of my kinks and favs to convince me otherwise. For now, I'm searching for furry pairings only. My characters tend to have a bit of conflict inside them, I love character drama and development. I can play against NB as long as they have a pussy.

My types of RP

I enjoy smut as any other, but I prefer story-driven RP's. Right now, I'm searching for an interesting plot about breeding and pregnancy.

This is my F-list. If you cannot find the kind of kink that you're interested in, ask! I'm open to pretty much anything interesting.

-Slice of Life

Hard No's
-Toilet Play
-Excessive Gore
-Realistic Faceclaims


I will add more plots in the future. Feel free to PM me with your inquiries or ideas.
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