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How would you like to be approached?

Some people, when first reaching out to me, have implied that they felt obliged to immediately offer a plot idea in the first correspondence out of fear of coming across as "low-effort". I've honestly never expected that from prospective partners. I'm perfectly fine with being messaged just to check if I'm still looking for a new RP with a polite invitation to brainstorm together if so. If the person is contacting me shortly after I'd bumped my RT, I'd appreciate naming at least one plot they liked in my thread which we could tinker together. I'm also okay with cold-calls; as in, an out-of-the-blue PM from someone asking for an RP despite me not having bumped my RT recently.

What I'm not okay with is people crossing lines. I've blocked people for creepy flirting and being rude. I also find spamming insanely annoying. If I told you last week I'm not looking for RPs and I haven't bumped since, its highly likely that I'm still not looking for RPs. I've been told I come across as intimidating on site but really, all I ask for is common decency.

If your RT isn't linked in your signature, it would be a nice thing to include it in your PM but its not a requirement. You could also talk about things you saw in my RT that made you think we'd get along (posting schedule, frequency, style, plot preferences, kinks, etc..). Pizza is always welcome too.​
To show they read my RT.

I always have an "Important deal breaker I am only looking for RP involving This Thing" and had several people still somehow miss that, and they aren't into it.

Also put me in the "What are your kinks" department, because as above, Thing is a requirement. Most people aren't interested in it but don't list it in their limits so I have to ask, and would like to know that before even starting. Going to a lot of effort with an approach and then be told "I'm not into that" burnt me out quick.
I'd say definitely people that read the thread and read it fully. I don't get too many misunderstandings but it seems like it happens from time to time. I also will admit I'm pretty picky when I'm approached, I don't need walls of text but I also want at least a few paragraphs or some way to gauge who you are.
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