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Opradnine, Academy Of The Arcane (DigitalSiren x Staine)


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Staff member
Jan 8, 2020
Cassandria had never known magic beyond the showy magicians one saw on the television or at a show. The ones that sawed women in half and pulled rabbits from hats. Sure every child at some point had pretended they had powers, but she had also pretended to be a mermaid. That was no closer to reality than having magical powers.

If asked about her life, if she had felt magical Cassie would have said no. Lucky maybe, very very lucky.. But magical? Odd things sometimes happened, sure.. But everyone had that sort of thing happen, right? Like wanting it to rain so bad and having a freak storm sweep through. Nothing more than happenstance, coincidence. At least.. That was what she thought until a peculiar woman knocked on the door one sweltering summer day.

Her name was Estelle Morelli. Her short, elegant hair was silver, tinged almost pale pink had been pristine despite the heat. Her clothing prim and neat. Her jade green eyes shrewd. Her tone was that of the ideal teacher, sharp and no nonsense if slightly accented. May she come in, she had matters to discuss. A creamy beige envelope of parchment hand been handed over. The scrolling font on the front readOpradnine, Academy Of The Arcane In a deep blue.

As one expected Cassie had simply stared at the woman, her mouth slightly agape. The look not changing as Professor Morelli went into further detail. Had Cassandria never wondered about certain things. Had she not found this or that odd? The questions met with a non pulsed shake of her head, cornsilk yellow hair swaying heavily. No, she hadn’t. Why would she have? Magic.. Wasn’t real. The soft smile on Professor Morelli’s face had been sympathetic, and then she had said a few words in a language Cassie didn’t know. Cassie was left staring at a squirrel. It’s fur was the same pale silvery pink, the eyes the same sharp jade. Cassie didn’t faint.. But she had squeaked and felt rather ill.

It took Professor Morelli a few hours to convince her that this was all real.. And a few more hours for them to convince her family. Next year she wouldn’t be going back to highschool... She’d be going to the Academy. There she would be trained into a fine witch. Molded and shaped to help better both worlds. Professor Morelli would come back in a week’s time. She would guide them to the Eotaris Bazaar and then leave them to do the shopping before escorting Cassandria and her familiar (who she was to try and find at the Bazaar) to the school for a quick orientation and tour.
The Bazaar was unlike anything they had ever seen before, Cassandria and her family stood in the ornate entryway. Cassandria gasped softly, her smaller hand finding solace in Nathan’s broader one. He had always been her rock and it took a lot for her to not cuddle back into him for security.
“Look at this...”
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Had Nathan been jealous? Maybe a little, if he was honest with himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t want this for his sister, or that he would rather have it instead, he wouldn’t, but they had always shared things like this. Sure, he was ten years older than her but ever since she was young they had watched movies together, read the same books, and fantasy was a probably their favourite thing they had in common. They had even played the same games together, she would be the magical caster and he would be the brave knight or the warrior, her protector. When this ‘Professor Morell’ had shown up and explained to him and their parents that Cassie was going to this magical, hidden school to learn magic and become a witch, he felt left out. The Professor had made it quite clear too, humans without the magical affinity naturally gifted to them at birth were not allowed on school grounds, they had to get special permits just to visit certain places that the magical community had claimed for themselves.

So there was this whole world, with magic and strange creatures and the most amazing things somebody could ever witness in their lifetime, and he was happy for her, so happy, but...this would always be a ‘her’ thing now. Something she might tell him about but he would never see, never do. He felt he had at least hidden his feelings well from her, he had made a conscious effort to not mope and to throw himself into his enthusiasm for her instead. He’d told her how incredible he thought it would be for her, he had told her how he couldn’t wait for her to get home and tell him everything she had seen over her first year. When the time came to go to the bazaar and pick out the things she needed, buy her supplies he had been genuinely excited. If this was all he would see of the magical world for now, he would take it all in, and be happy. He wouldn’t bring her down. He was holding her hand as they waited for the professor, squeezed it firmly to remind her that he was here with her when she seemed overwhelmed.
“It’s incredible, Cassie...just think about everything you’ll learn. Aren’t you excited?” It took about 5 minutes for the Professor to appear, and she handed Cassandra a small notebook. “Here you go, dearie, this is your allowance for this year. Take your time and look around, there is a store for you to find your robes here, one for supplies that you can have delivered straight to the academy in your name, cauldron, broomstick, books, everything you’ll need or want and even a bank to swap your local currency for ours.” The Professor seemed rather proud of herself, if not a little rushed, and she continued to speak. “You’re lucky, just two years ago this would all have been supplied for you at the academy but we convinced the council that it’s better if we let our new students buy their own. Helps you feel more at home. Well, you see the tall tower way at the back? Meet me there in two hours, alone, and I will be taking you and the other students on a quick tour of the academy. You’ll be starting in a few days and it will be best to learn where to go, yes yes? Good, I’ll see you soon then! Oh, if you find a familiar you like, there is a store here but any animal you feel a bond with will do, you may bring it with you on the tour. Toodles!”

With the strange woman gone, leaving the whole family looking rather dazed as they took in all the information, Nathan was the first to recover as he watched another family go by. They seemed much more familiar with the bazaar then they did, one of them dressed in much less ornate robes than the Professor had been and carrying an assortment of strange gadgets and books along with him. Looking in the direction they had come from, he guessed that was as good as any. If they only had two hours to look around before she had to go, he didn’t want to waste any time. “Cassie, this way, just look over here, this store says it sells spells, actual spells! And look, that one just says ‘magical conveniences’, what does that even mean? Oh wow, I think there is a show of magic going on too, like a demonstration!” He started to pull her towards the stores in question, more to get her started than anything. He never once let go of her hand, losing her in the middle of all this he knew would scare her.
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He was right. If she was to get lost, she would likely panic. Cassie was okay in a bad situation, but she always had Nathan to fall back on. The shield that protected her from the scary things, both in and out of the virtual world. Her hand tightly wrapped in his she let him lead her to the first store. She knew this was hard for him, she didn’t know how.. But she did beyond his happy face. She let him do it though, knowing it would mean a lot for her to believe the facade he put up.

The first shop they found was for her school uniform. Measured this way and that by a little magical tape measure that flitted around her in a dizzying display while the plump little witch merrily chatted her ear off. She was new at school, how exciting! She’d need to be sure to check out such and such shop and after here it would be important they get her books. Had she found a familiar yet? Cassie couldn’t help but smile and answered all the perky witch’s questions. Her own excitement building up inside.

Her new robes, books and other bits and bobs would be sent to her dorm. She’d have a room to herself, so Professor Morelli had told her. It was getting late into the second hour when her parents claimed they needed a bit of a break and on the way to the menagerie, Cassie spotted a potion shop. She bit her lower lip wanting to get Nathan a small gift to take back with him. Maybe something silly to remember her by.
“Come on Nate! Let’s look in here first!” Hand in his she tugged him playfully into the shop.

It was well lit, if not a tad bit dusty, bottles of all shapes and sizes filled shelves. Inside them no two were alike. Neat little labels sat beside most bottles describing what they were for. Chuckling like the school girl she was she pointed out the love potion. Though this one read more like lust than love. It was said to make the person who drank it unable to say no. To be the willing sex slave of the other for 48 hours. Constantly ready, needy and roaring to go. Wiggling her brows at him she kept browsing.
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While Cassandra was getting measured for her uniform Nathan was looking around the store, at least he was once he had grown bored of watching the tape measure fly around his sister. If there was one thing he was grateful for it was that he wouldn’t have to wear any of these...but he didn’t want to be a witch anyway, he just longed to be a part of their world. He prodded a pair of shoes with odd wings fixed to the back only to watch them run away towards the back of the store, he found an empty hanger that when he reached for it, suddenly a robe, almost invisible, sheer and sparkling, appeared, disappearing again once he moved his hand away. He laughed and pointed it out to his sister. “So how do you think that works? Why is it invisible, it’s clothing!” Turning to face her she seemed distracted by the witch measuring her and bombarding her with questions, so he busied himself in the store until she was ready and then took her hand, letting her lead him around. Eventually she dragged him into a potion shop, wiggling her eyebrows at him and pointing at a potion that most men would kill for. “Hehehe, sounds fun but seems a little rapey, don’t you think?” He had always been able to at least talk to her about things like this without feeling weird, a sign that they might be a little too close, but he was happy, she was happy and nobody was getting hurt.

There were many other potions too, one that allowed the user to fly but came with a lot of warnings on the bottle, way too risky. He found another that turned the drinker invisible, some boring ones that cured various weird ailments he had never even heard of and some that just had nothing but warnings. In one corner he found a cabinet filled with potions with pictures of animals on the bottles, inspecting them closer he saw they were transformation potions, 6 hours in the form of the animal on the bottle. There were birds, fish, cats and dogs. He picked up one that looked like a wolf howling in front of a full moon and showed it to Cassie.
“Hey, look at this one! Don’t you think it would be fun being able to transform into an animal?” He was about to put it back, noting they only had about 15 minutes left until she had a tour. “We better get going, you still might want to pick out a familar, right?”

No sooner had he said it than he had a thought. It was risky, and he didn’t want to get her into trouble but there would be no way they would know, right? “ you think I, nevermind. Come on, let’s get going.” He was slow to put the bottle back, the thought still in his mind but it felt selfish of him to risk her place in the school on one of his whims.
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She had been browsing on her own when he called her over. She put down the bottle that promised the ability to breath under water. “Hmm?” Cassie turned towards him lifting a brow. “Yeah, we do.” She crossed the small amount of distance between them. “No.. what?Cassandria crossed her arms, her form leaning to the left a little as her right hip jutted out. This was a pose he’d know too well. His baby sister wasn’t going to move until he told her.

She waited a handful of heart beats before her foot began to tap.
“Come on Nate.. spill!” Cassie sighed and switched tactics batting her lashes at him. Soft cute little puppy whimpers came from her and she lifted her hands up in the ‘begging’ pose. Whimper, little pant, whimper.
There was little chance of him resisting, but he tried anway. “No Cassie, it’s a silly idea anyway, we should just get going.” He reached for her hand but she was already in that pose, the one that always seemed to sway him despite him being the much older brother. Sighing, he shook his head. “You know this really isn’t fair, right? Really, I just thought that maybe I could, ummm...pretend to be your familiar, just for the tour with this potion here, that’s all, but it’s way too risky!” He moved in closer to her, a soft smile on his face, trying not to laugh at the coercive ‘begging’ she had been doing. It might look funny, but it was a deadly, effective ploy.

“I just want to see it, you know? We always played those games and read those books, I just wish I was there to see it, just once, but it’s not worth you losing your place in the academy, Cassie, not even a little bit. You’ll just have to tell me all about it when you get home for the summer, okay? Details, I want to know everything!” He reached out for her hand again, ready to take her to pick out an actual familiar she could take with her, then go wait with their parents. He had seen a sort of cafe and at least he would be able to try some weird witch food, the thought made him a little happier.
Cassie tipped her head to one side, a heavy fall of golden hair slipping over her right eye. His idea.. While risky wasn’t a bad one. It had merits and it would allow him to see things he’d never be able to otherwise. She knew he wouldn’t risk her future in this world, but for him? Her best friend, confidant and protector? She would. She gave him a sweet smile, reached past him grabbed the bottle and danced out of reach before he could stop her. “We’d like to buy this” They hadn’t seen anyone when they entered the shop.

A grumpy looking wizard appeared, his clothing disheveled. Frowning at them, he told them how much and accepted the coins she placed in his hand. With a grunt he vanished. Shrugging some, Cassandria grabbed Nate’s hand and pulled him from the shop excitedly. He had protested the whole time, but as she had placed the coins in the man’s hands they had gotten weaker. He wanted to do this. She was just helping him along!

Pulling him into an ally she shoved the bottle into his hands. Cassie was still bouncing with excitement “drink it!” She made a come on come on motion with her hands and beamed at him “No one will know and I want to do this so don’t even think about what you were gonna say!” Her eyes hand narrowed and she pointed a finger at him sternly, eyes dancing with mirth.
Nathan had groaned once she had taken the bottle from the cupboard without even talking about it. She had always been like this, used to getting her way, often able to just sweet talk him into whatever she wanted. He could never say no to his little sister, and he knew full well that she took advantage of that every time. Dragged out and into an alleyway he was left facing her with the bottle in his hands, and looking down at the smaller print on the side. It was then that he blushed, looking around. There was nobody else, nobody but the two of them in the alley and it seemed unlikely anybody would see them, but still… “Ummm...turn around then.” He had thought about arguing with her, he really didn’t want to get her in to any trouble but he had been through this song and dance before and it always ended with her getting what she wanted anyway. “I’m serious, look the other way. I can’t be wearing clothes when I take this, they could fuse into my skin or....fur.” He was blushing now, he didn’t really want to strip in some alleyway in the middle of the day, especially not with his sister there with him.

He turned away from her too, as though that would make him invisible, and quickly took off his clothing before pulling the cork from the bottle and drinking the whole thing down. At first he felt nothing...then a strange tingling as he looked down, watching first his hand and then the rest of his body start to morph and change. As soon as his feet started to change shape he fell down to his knees, stopping his face from hitting the ground with his new paws. Actual paws. Within a couple of minutes he was different, the world looked strange as he saw it through different eyes and from a different height. He turned to Cassie and tried to say something but it came out as a canine whine. His fur was a light grey, almost silver with hints of black around his feet...his paws. He tried walking, it felt alien, almost like crawling but almost...not. His legs had to move in different ways and he found himself going in circles as he learned how to do it naturally. It was going to take a lot of getting used to.
Cassie gave an exasperated sigh and spun on her heel to face away from him. His reasoning made sense, and this way she could watch the open end of the alleyway as a scout of sorts. Arms crossing it was an effort to not tap her foot in impatience. It didn’t honestly take long for the soft whine to come from behind her.

Turning Cassie glanced down at the wolf before her. He was handsome, that was to be sure. Moving around him while he tried to learn to walk, she picked up his discarded clothing and slipped it into her purse. Turning to find him walking at lest normally now. Chuckling she came to stand beside him, her fingers brushing through his fur.

Nate’s fur was soft, which had honestly been unexpected.
“Who is a handsome boy?!while her tone was teasing and bright she smiled and stroked her hand down his back. “We need to head out, try and stay close..” She started to head out of the alley, trusting he would follow her. She still checked to be sure. She slowed her walk, so he’d have more time to get used to his new form.

As they walked she sent her parents a text. Running late,heading straight to the tour. Nate said he wanted to look at some shops at the other end of the bazaar. Love you!
“I told them you would be looking at other shops Nate..” Her hand reached down and she brushed her fingers over his head. Comforting oddly to her, she hoped to him too.

She slowed further as they arrived at the gate, other witches and wizards waiting with their own familiars. Most if not all of them were dressed as most of the Bazaar had been. Cassie felt a tiny bit out of place but she refused to let it get to her. She walked over to a group of girls and smiled brightly, introducing herself. She had never been shy.

The girls Alice and Hannah had been very welcoming and were eagerly chatting her up when Professor Morelli appeared.
“I see everyone is here! And not single late student! Splendid. I also see you all have familiars!! That’s wonderful!” Indeed birds, rats, frogs, cats, lizards and dogs lingered on or near their owner. Alice had a beautiful tawny owl that hooted softly and Hannah had a unique lizard. She had had told Cassie it was an Agamidae. It’s head was a starling orange that blended into a deep almost navy belly before ending in a magnificent teal tail. “If you will follow me, we shall begin the tour!”
Nathan shook his head from side to side as she teased him, and if he could blush he would have done that too at being called a handsome boy. He knew she was just playing with him but he was finding his emotions were a little out of balance as a wolf too. The stroking had felt incredible, the way her hand had slid over his fur had sent tingles down his spine and for a moment his tongue had started to loll from his mouth and he had started to wag his tail before he caught himself. It wasn’t a conscious thing either...knowing nothing about animal transformation Nathan had no way of knowing that the form dictated some of the behaviour, and while he had control over his actions some things that came naturally to the animal would be transferred to him as long as he was in the form, even more so the longer it lasted. He stayed close as Cassie led him to the meeting area, finding that the more he walked like this the easier it became to keep up to the rhythm. Her hand on his head again and this time he almost leaned into it like a dog would. The whole perspective was different as well, he could hear better, see better, he could smell things he had never caught the scent of before and he wasn’t practiced at all. Every person they passed smelled different, including his sister. She smelled almost like...chrysanthemums. Not that he had spent a long time around them but that was what she reminded him of, mingled with other less familiar scents. Before long they were there and he was sitting down on the ground, looking up curiously as she made new friends as effortlessly as she always did.

When the professor arrived he was a little scared, okay he was very scared. Not for himself but for Cassie, he really didn’t want her to get in any trouble and the only way he knew how to do that was to act like an animal was supposed to. When she finished speaking he started to walk forwards with Cassie, then suddenly the professor stopped and turned round again, a big smile on her face like she had some kind of surprise for them.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Silly me, okay students, I want all of you to place one hand on your familiars and look down at them okay? This is very important, we don’t want anybody to get hurt now, do we?”

He felt Cassie’s hand on his head again, and he leaned into her. He was worried this was some kind of test, that the professor would do something that made it clear he was an imposter and she would be kicked out of the academy. His fears grew worse as he watched her move down the line of students. She had pulled out a strange looking stave from a bag that looked way too small to hold it, and was waving it around the familiars and students while speaking in some strange language. Each time she did so with a new pair, links of golden light had appeared around them, then grown closer and tighter, connecting the hand to the animal for a moment before fading away. When she came to them he wanted to run, but if he did then they would know for sure that he didn’t belong so he stayed still. His hairs all stood on end as the spell, whatever it was, affected them, his whole body felt strange and he was worried he would transform back, naked and on the floor as himself in front of them all but that never happened...instead the links appeared, and faded, and she moved on to the rest. Once she was done, she put the stave away as though nothing had happened and moved back to the front of the party.
“There we go, now your familiars are all bound to you, and will be able to enter the academy housing area itself! I almost forget that every year, it would be terrible, absolutely terrible if one of your poor animals were to be hurt trying to go somewhere they don’t belong. Okay then, on we go!”

Without any further explanation the professor started to lead them all towards the academy and through the gates, leaving Nathan confused. What had just happened? Why did he suddenly have a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach? He looked up at his sister, unsure of what they had just gotten themselves into.
Cassie was worried but still quite excited. She had wanted to share this experience with her brother, but if they were found out… things would likely not go well for them. Even still she counted down slowly in her head from one hundred. It helped soothe her nerves as did the touch of fur at her fingers. She let them curl into the softness, reassuring them both she hoped. All standing together in a loose line she bit her lower lip, worrying at it as the Professor asked them to touch their familiars. She was already but she spared a glance down at him before looking down the line.

The appearance of the staff didn’t unsettle her nearly as much as the chains that seemed to bind around the first student and his peregrine. It was lovely to look at, had a sinking feeling not been settling in her stomach. How would she explain that she needed a new familiar? Or why suddenly hers couldn’t get in places it should be allowed? It wasn’t like her brother could stay as her familiar… Full blown panic was setting in and she was trying hard to not completely freak out as the professor came to stand in front of them. What if it turned him human again? What if this meant he was always a wolf. In her head cassie repeated a steady stream of fuckshitfuckshitdamnfucksit. She felt the spell as it curled around her, warm the feeling not unsettling but rather comforting to a point. And hey, he didn’t turn back into a man… all things could be figured out in time, yeah? She let out a breath and followed the professor as she began to lead them further into the school.
Nathan looked up at Cassie as the teacher moved away from them and on to the next students. He wanted to say something but instead of words, as he opened his mouth all that came out was a little whine. Whatever had just been done to them, the ‘binding’, was something they needed to find more information on but they couldn’t just ask the teacher, he couldn’t ask at all. When they began to move further into the school grounds and he didn’t erupt into a ball of fire, at least he knew that it was safe, that he could at least enter. He hadn’t liked the way the teacher had implied that without the spell it would be pretty bad for the familiar. He also hadn’t thought about what Cassie was going to do without him, she would have to somehow explain how she had a new familiar and needed that binding spell again. Problems for the future though, right now he wanted to see the academy, it was why they had risked this in the first place!

The professor led them towards a large building, spires reaching up into the heavens and huge wooden doors guarding their secrets. It looked like it had just come out of a fairytale, to think she would see this every day, this magnificent palace of magic and knowledge.
“And here we are, my eager little students, the Academy of the Arcane itself, Opradine! Have you ever seen such a beautiful sight? After all these years it still takes my breath away every time.” Professor Morelli was a bit of an odd person but she wasn’t wrong, Nathan couldn’t imagine ever getting bored of seeing this, though the thought only reminded him that it would be the one and only time. Leading them inside it was no less impressive. The hall seemed even larger in here, pristine, marble looking flooring with pretty, intricate patterns stretching out as far as the eye could see. There were people in robes working, waving wands and staves to hang up fancy decorations that seemed to move as though there were a breeze in the closed off room, fairytale scenes hanging in portraits and landscape pictures on the wall which moved, animated by some strange spells and cleaning implements scrubbing the floors and dusting the antique looking grandfather clock and polished oak dining tables which spanned the hall. “This is the grand hall, this is where you will all meet every day to eat, for school assembly and even the occasional lesson, the hub, if you will, of our humble academy.” Nathan looked around, wolfish eyes wide, tongue hanging out of his mouth as though he was panting, and he might as well have been. His tail was wagging furiously, he didn’t even know, like it was doing it on it’s own, and he followed as the professor led them towards another part of the academy, up some of the winding staircases at the side of the expansive hall. Even as they were climbing the stairs and he was carefully trying to figure out how best to get up naturally with four legs instead of two, the words ‘Student Living Quarters’ appeared in the air in magical purple letters. Even the signs were incredible!
Cassie couldn’t believe that she would study here for years! She wondered as they followed professor Morelli if it was not more cruel than kind to expose him to this world that he could only see the once. Pushing it from her mind, she followed the group the lilting voice of the professor drifting back to even the back of the group. “Now! I know you’re all quite eager to just start conjuring and spelling your socks off!” She paused to chuckle at her own joke “But, we will need to test your aptitude first. Clearly you all have the magic within you, which is why you’re all here to begin.. But there is more than just having the magic in your veins. Everyone will excel in at least one are, the rare few in several. That will help us guide your curriculum in this first year and hone it further in the latter ones. That will take place tomorrow however. And those who are the first of their line to have that magic, don’t worry!” She smiled at Cassie and a few other in a reassuring way. It helped but only just.

They were lead through the areas they would most be in their first year. The library, potions, charms, green houses and so on before heading back to the grand hallway they had first entered.
“Now, leave your familiars here and go say goodbye to your family. You will be allowed to go home or stay here for holidays as you choose, but until then you will stay in the freshman dorms. You will have an hour to make your goodbyes! Now famillars follow me!” Snapping her fingers she turned and headed away.. All other familiars turning to follow her as if she were the pied piper.

Wringing her fingers together she looked down at her big brother, whispering “Go! We will figure it out later” Before she turned to follow her fellow classmates out. Oh they were so screwed. Outside in the bustling Eotaris Bazaar. There she found her parents, to whom she was forced to lie and say that Nate had been too upset to stay and had left her while she had been getting her school supplies. She figured he could just go home later and act the part of the sulky jealous boy and it would all be okay.

Inside Opradnine, Cassie looked around before letting out a started squeak as a small furry cat like dustball appeared on the banister beside her. Its tail curled up much like a chameleon’s might, it’s large ears twitching as a voice spoke in her mind.
Hello miss! Please follow me to your dorm. My name is Nuacarr, I will be your guide for the next few days. As it spoke it bounced up the spiral case checking every so often to make sure she was following. Nodding to a door This is your room miss! Opening the door she gasped and looked back at Nuacarr but he was already gone.

She had no idea what sort of room to expect, but the two story apartment like room was not it. The room was built of pale cream colored stone that time had aged in an appealing way, the edges darker. The floor was cold marble in a similar color to the walls with bold dark gray patterns lined through it. On her immediate left was a ceiling to floor bookcase. On it were books and other things she had bought that day along with various other little nick-nacks and books. To her right was a large fireplace and a plush sofa, off to the side closest to the glass double doors just ahead of her was a weathered but elegant desk. Just beyond the doors she could see a blur of colors and shapes, likely a garden. Also to her right was a wrought iron staircase that spiraled to the second level. She could barely make out the edge of the canopy bed.

“I wouldn’t… have expected this.. I wonder how they can afford to give such lavish rooms.. With so many students.. Magic obviously.. But how?” She had completely forgotten Nate and the fact he was currently her familiar her mind trying to work out the how..
Nathan was awestruck with every single part of the academy that they visited, lost in a world of wonder. Sure, maybe it was a little much to see all this knowing he would never be back but at least he got to see it...that was his reasoning, most humans would never lay eyes on something this fantastic, never even know it existed. Those that did know about it, probably family to the lucky, select chosen few like Cassie...they would hear about it and maybe see pictures but what good was a picture? He could get pictures of something like this created by Disney but to see it in person, to feel the flow of the magic even in this unfamiliar body. It was an experience he would never forget and he was so grateful to his little sister for it. He was broken from his musing as the professor started to talk, and he knew his time here was up. He looked up at his dear sister while he listened, sitting on the ground much like any canine would as he slowly got used to movement in this body. It was just as well, the potion was meant to last 4 hours and it had almost been 3. He didn’t want to change back here so getting out would be for the best. He suddenly snapped his head back in the direction of Professor Morelli...did she just say what he thought she had? Leave him here? They had expected that he would be going back to say goodbye, that’s how he planned to get out of here, now he didn’t know what to do. He looked up at Cassie who whispered instructions to him. He didn’t want to follow the Professor, he wanted to go with her, he didn’t want to be left here alone, discovered...but as soon as she had said it he started to follow. No hesitation. He looked back over his shoulder at her as she turned to follow her classmates. That was weird...why had he done that? He trusted her completely, he would have done it anyway but the way he had reacted to what she had said had felt off.

The Professor led them all one by one to the individual rooms, she didn’t say anything, didn’t know their names he assumed, just pointed to a familiar, then to the room. He watched as one by one they all walked, or flew or otherwise entered the rooms and were shut in until it was his turn. He expected magic, like she was using some spell but when she pointed at him and then the room, nothing happened. He looked up at her for a moment before his mind realised it was his turn, then he padded into the room. He could have sworn he had seen her frown when he hadn‘t moved immediately, but nothing to worry about. He would be sneaking out of here come nightfall anyway, for sure. It was another half an hour or so before Cassie entered the room. He had already spent over fifteen minutes gawking open mouthed, an odd look on a wolf, at the huge bookcases and just the scale of this for a private room and spent the last fifteen on the upper floor, laying on the soft, luxurious bed. He could see her from up there, and opened his mouth to call out to her...nothing happened. He growled softly to himself...he was so over this animal thing already. He did the only thing he could, barking to get her attention. Had she forgotten him already? He was due to change back pretty soon, he needed his clothes and stuff and they had to figure out a way home for him. He carefully climbed down the staircase towards her, much more difficult as a wolf than it had been climbing up, scary even, and stopped at her feet, looking up at her with a panicked look on his face...or maybe not. Did wolves look panicked?
Looking up at the barking she frowned as she was pulled back into their troubling reality. She watched as he made slow progress down the spiral staircase, holding back the grin that wanted to start. He looked silly. She tipped her head to one side and let the rush of blonde hair sweep over one shoulder towards him. “You should be okay to change back soon, but I have no idea what I will tell the Professor about what happened to my wolf. I am not quite sure familiars can break their bond.. And I think they are supposed to be clever enough to avoid silly deaths..”

Sighing she paced away from him, curling up on the sofa she frowned into the empty fireplace. One nail tapped at her lower lip as she tried to think her way out of this mess. It wasn’t like she could google it, for all she knew if the familiar died it would effect the witch it was bound to. She also couldn’t just go asking questions or even looking for a book in the library without raising suspicions, especially cause hers was going to have to vanish.

Shifting on the couch she stretched across it and groaned.
“Think if we just came clean.. I’d get off with a slap and the wrist?” She didn’t honestly know what they would do to her, to him. They had been sneaky.. Broken rules.. And the first day of classes hadn’t even started!
Nathan had an annoyed look in his eyes, if a wolf could even manage such a thing, not because of the situation they were in but because she seemed to have forgotten about him! He’d always been close to his little sister and now he felt closer than ever, they were in this trouble together and more than that...he didn’t know. He just felt like he wanted to be near her. He followed her to the couch and stayed by her feet, looking up at her as he sat back on his haunches. The closer he got, the more at ease he felt. Like he belonged...was this a product of being a wolf? He made a whining noise at her question, frustrated that he couldn’t actually give her an answer...when suddenly he felt his reality shift. He felt the breeze coming through an open window more keenly on his bare flesh, he felt like he was in a strange position where moments before he had been comfortable and he felt a tingle down his spine.

It took him a few moments to realise what had happened, then he blushed and quickly moved his hands to cover himself. He’d turned back, right there, and of course he hadn’t been wearing clothes when he had taken the potion, they were in her purse!
“Woof!! I mean, Cassie, my clothes!!!” His voice was raised into a panic as he looked for something to properly cover himself with, pulling a cushion from off the couch for now. “I don’t know if coming clean will help, I don’t want you suspended...we should find a book or something, there are lots of books here, one must have information on the binding spell.” He waited for her to help him, give him his clothes at least so that he could change and start looking for something.
Cassie blinked large blue eyes at him as he shifted back to his human form. When he had changed the first time she had looked away.. But now he was on display before her. Closing her eyes, though after a full stunned moment of gaping she shoved her purse at him. Blush flamed across her pale cheeks and she rose from the couch skirting the other way around him. “Good idea..” She only opened her eyes again once she was sure to be facing away. Some of the books were in different languages.

She finally picked an old leather book with the shape of a cat embossed on it’s spine, the paint having long since faded.
“Are you decent now?” Had Cassie been asked she would have died looking at him for far too long or what the sight of him had made her feel.. He was the first naked man she had seen in the flesh.. But he was her brother! Shaking her head she rested her chin on her shoulder, eyes still closed while she waited for the okay to turn around. “And I would very much like to avoid being punished if possible. Or expelled… So hopefully we can find an answer. Mum and Dad will worry if you don’t show up soon anyway…”

Nathan himself was still blushing as he fished his clothes out of her purse to dress himself. He knew she had seen him, he hadn’t been very quick to hide himself but it had been an unexpected transformation! He tried to ignore how he felt about it while he sat down on the couch. His body felt weird now, he had gotten used to being a wolf, now he was a human again.
“I’m decent. Did you find something? I would rather you didn’t get punished for this either, so let's get this figured out. We can consider it homework, though it isn’t even your first day yet.”

He took the book from her, placing it on his lap as he started to read. He could do this all think he wouldn’t have access to this stuff soon, maybe she could bring him some back? He’d love that, just having the books so he could read about the world she got to live in would be something, wouldn’t it? At least this book was in took a while but finally he found a section on familiars and the binding in particular.
“Cassie, I think I found something about the spell, at least we might be able to figure out what the professor did to us. Here, I’ll read it out to you.” And so he did, carefully reading out each word.

Familiars are often just regular animals, it is through the spell of binding that they become attuned to their owners. The spell instills intense loyalty in a familiar, the creature soon finding it almost impossible to resist any command given. The familiar themselves might never realise this as their feelings towards their owner grow stronger and stronger. A bound familiar finds themselves most comfortable when close to their owner, finds pleasure when they are happy and discomfort when they are upset. The further apart they become the more keenly the need to be closer is in both familiar and owner, and it isn’t uncommon for familiars to develop stronger feelings towards their owners, lust, affection, even love, not creating them but rather strengthening those already there. For these reasons the practice of allowing human familiars was abolished long was considered bad form since the human couldn’t disobey or leave their owner.

There was more, things about specific cases but he didn’t need to read any more. He looked up at his sister, wondering what they were supposed to do now? He had already felt that he was comfortable when he got close to her, and the arousal he’d felt when he thought she had seen him...this couldn’t end well, could it?
She blinked as he read and frowned. “Okay while that all makes sense.. What about breaking the bond. Is there a way to.. If so, are there side effects?” A small little part of her was sad at the idea of having to break the bond. Having a willing toy to play with might have been fun. Do her laundry.. Rub her back.. Paint her nails.. She gave a small sigh pushing the thought off. It was a nice little thought but just that.

She came to sit beside him and peered over the book, that small frown still in place
“I know it says you can’t leave, but surely I could discharge you from service, right? Like what if you had a human familiar back whenever and they wanted to jump your bones but you were gay? That couldn’t end well..”
Nathan had no idea if they could break it, he was still staring at the book but his mind kept going blank. What if he was stuck like this? If he went home how bad would it feel, would he long to be by his sister’s side? He already missed her when they weren’t together, they shared a strong enough bond and this was meant to make it so much stronger. “I don’t know, I’m, I think maybe...oh.”

The bonding spell, once completed, is only broken upon death, another reason why it is unwise to have a human familiar. Familiars with the ability to shift form, be it by natural means or augmented will find it easier to slip between them according to their owner’s wishes, indeed owners can force a shift if desired. Familiars can sense even at a distance if their owner is troubled or elated and may share the same feelings by proxy.

The book went on a lot longer, but most of it didn’t seem to matter. He sighed softly...before putting on a smile and looking up at her.
“I’m sorry sis...there doesn’t seem to be a way to break it, not without one of us dying and I’d really rather not...I guess that’s why you’re not meant to have a human familiar, for things like the reason you just said! The owner could just tell them no anyway, if they are really so loyal they wouldn’t force it, would they?” He was calling them they, Nathan still wasn’t ready to admit he was actually one of them already now.
Cassie swore. “Well… Fuck” What were they going to do now. She also doubted she could have more than one… so she couldn’t even get a proper one and have him deal with the need to be close.. Not that that sounded even doable. “No.. I doubt the could” They seemed stuck.. So Cassie decided to test it, suddenly annoyed at him. This was his fault anyway! “Put the book down and stand up. Then hop on one foot while touching your nose and rubbing your stomach”

She all but pouted at him as she issued the order. Arms crossing under her breasts. Had he not been so jealous she wouldn’t have felt compelled to force him to take the potion! This was ALL HIS FAULT! She openly glared at him, a pout on her lips.
“This is your fault! You were so jealous… I just wanted to help. Don’t even deny it!” Her voice rose an octave and her eyes narrowed. We are stuck like this! Mum and Dad are gonna freak! You will have to come up with a good reason as to why you’re leaving because I can’t very well go to school without a familiar.. There is a reason we were required to get one! And I am not backing out of school So you’re stuck, I am stuck and we will have to make this work. We are gonna need rules….”
Nathan could see the worry in her face when she realised they were stuck like that. He could see the only option before them was to come clean, maybe one of the professors could fix this or maybe she could be home schooled? To deny her this life though...he frowned. “Cassie, I’m sorry, maybe if we just come clean a…” He was cut off by her order, was she serious? He felt a sudden ache, a pull to do what she had told him to despite how ridiculous it was, and he’d already put the book down before he could protest and was climbing to his feet. “Cassie no! I d…” Again, she beat him to it and the words just wouldn’t come out! He started to hop, one hand rubbing his stomach and a finger pressed to his nose. It wasn’t easy to keep his balance like that, and he couldn’t even deny what she was saying.

She carried on speaking and it seemed like she was going to make him stay like this, but it was insane, wasn’t it? He couldn’t be a familiar, he had a life of his own didn’t he? It didn’t seem to matter…
“Cassie please, let’s talk about this! I don’t want you backing out either but there must be some way to...rules? What rules?” He’d seen her get angry and unreasonable before, just how far was she planning to take this? Was he really going to live life as her familiar?
“Rules like not being out of that wolf form except in this room.. Or” She paused and tapped her shin lightly with one finger “ I suppose unless given specific permission. No drawing attention to yourself, like trying to alert the headmistress or a teacher.. Or anyone for that matter.” She paused and nodded to herself. She turned to see him doing as she had ordered and nodded again. “This could work.. I hope having a human familiar will not make me weaker than the others..” She waved a hand behind her as she turned away. “You may stop”

Muttering to herself she headed up the stairs to the bedroom. The bed was a large four poster bed with a fluffy and rich scarlet quilt covering it. She stroked her hand across it as she looked toward the fireplace. It dominated the one wall and she smiled to herself. It would help keep her warm. It wasn’t so large really as intricate. On either side of the hearth were to large pale grey stones, they swirled and dipped into holes or shelves on each side. Crystals sat in the holes, glinting brightly and work tomes sat on the self. Above it stones swirled into one large center geode. It was magical.

Cassie yawned and stretched sighing. Maybe a nap would be good? She would have to go down for dinner later, but she had a few hours to spare.
Nathan was finding it hard to keep his balance doing so much at the same time, and harder to process what was happening. He really couldn’t stop doing it...or rather he could, but as soon as he attempted it he got a deep ache somewhere inside him that grew until he started again, not a physical pain but a...longing? It was hard to describe even to himself in the confines of his own mind. “Wolf form? You mean to have me drink more potions?” He looked at her like she was going mad, thankful as she told him he could stop. “Wait, Cassie, we can talk about this!” He really didn’t want to leave her without a familiar but this really couldn’t work, could it? He followed her up the stairs to the bed he had been curled up on earlier as a wolf, partly to continue the conversation and partly because he just didn’t want to be apart from her. It crossed his mind that might be one of the side effects of the bonding…

The room really was fantastic, the entire academy was from what he had seen, he knew he couldn’t deprive her of this...would staying be so bad?
“Cassie, please...I’m sorry okay? I know this is my fault, you really think we can do this? I...I don’t even understand that second rule, why would I try to alert anybody?” He wrapped his arms around her from behind, squeezing her. She clearly was upset, he could feel it...and she was always there for him. “You don’t have to force me to stay, but...can we at least figure it out together? You know I love you, but I don’t want to get you in any more trouble than we are already in.”
She didn’t really want to talk about it and while she fought the urge to tell him to hush. She leaned into him and the warmth his body raidated, sighing. “We don’t seem to have much choice do we? If I tell them what we did, we will likely be punished. I don’t know how badly.. But there is a reason the family wasn’t allowed to come see the school as well. That and it seem human familiars were outlawed. So it’s not just school rules were broken but the rules of the magic world as well.. Which means it’s not likely to be a light sentence.. And I will not lose this chance. ” She turned in his arms and looked up at him with those startling blue eyes. “And the second rule is to keep you from blowing this. You might be willing to play nice.. Now.. But later? You might decide that you’re done or you don’t want to do as your told like a good boy. And well, that just will not do big brother. Therefore, the second rule.” Leaning up she kissed his nose. “And I love you too.. But like I said.. This was your fault. You have to live with the consequences!”

Stepping from his arms she pulled back the covers of the bed before she started to undress.
“And clearly you will need to drink more potions silly.. You can’t run around as a human… So potions or spells… But we will figure something out.”
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