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[WB] African fantasy and the lack of it.

Just going to throw some into this cause I often find new horizons an interesting proposal, some small issues with African culture is lack of universal knowledge which many have pointed out, and I would bet is the biggest contribution.

It kinda makes me think of running say a dark sun campaign in DnD if anyone knows that with the two main geographic locations (I know little of African geography it is just what I think of right or wrong.) being very different as well as difficult deserts, and rainforest tend to be very difficult settings as well as the mythology in the area being rather bazaar. By no means bad, but look up African monsters for some nightmare fuel. Just think of what little western culture teaches you of Voodoo it's a rather hard shift though could be quite fun.

Does not help that then you slice through the number of people who only do modern roleplays, and you cut your options short, though in my opinion those who do it right will have an amazing story together.
Just going to throw some into this cause I often find new horizons an interesting proposal, some small issues with African culture is lack of universal knowledge which many have pointed out, and I would bet is the biggest contribution.

It kinda makes me think of running say a dark sun campaign in DnD if anyone knows that with the two main geographic locations (I know little of African geography it is just what I think of right or wrong.) being very different as well as difficult deserts, and rainforest tend to be very difficult settings as well as the mythology in the area being rather bazaar. By no means bad, but look up African monsters for some nightmare fuel. Just think of what little western culture teaches you of Voodoo it's a rather hard shift though could be quite fun.

Does not help that then you slice through the number of people who only do modern roleplays, and you cut your options short, though in my opinion those who do it right will have an amazing story together.
I think you're overestimating African monsters:D!
Want real nightmare fuel? Look up the original pre-Dracula vampires. Then re-read a RP on this site with sexy vampires, preferably one of yours or another that you found enticing.
I guarantee it'd seem quite different after that read:cool:!
Want another option? Go read Philippino myths.

Also, you can set up an Africa-based RP in modern times. The monsters are still there and people still believe in them - and hey, you can even have them crossing the Atlantic (there's your free plot)!
The problem would be to persuade anyone to play in a game with authentic monsters. I've found people often prefer "Disneyfied" monsters as I call them (though to be honest, MMORPGs are probably equal contributors).
I think you're overestimating African monsters:D!
Want real nightmare fuel? Look up the original pre-Dracula vampires. Then re-read a RP on this site with sexy vampires, preferably one of yours or another that you found enticing.
I guarantee it'd seem quite different after that read:cool:!
Want another option? Go read Philippino myths.

Also, you can set up an Africa-based RP in modern times. The monsters are still there and people still believe in them - and hey, you can even have them crossing the Atlantic (there's your free plot)!
The problem would be to persuade anyone to play in a game with authentic monsters. I've found people often prefer "Disneyfied" monsters as I call them (though to be honest, MMORPGs are probably equal contributors).
Well if you want a romance story it's kinda hard with a monster that kills on sight anything with a pulse so disneyfied/monster boy-girl makes a lot of sense. However if the base monster is so ghoulish it makes it difficult to see a good way to make it viable unless you wanna do an almost slasher film style RP which is a thin slice of the market. Some regions are just harder than others to do.

Also yes I know Phillppino myths, also a region rarely reguarded as a setting for stories as many of their monsters are grotesque, and strange. Though a good rule 34 artist, and a few ideas could change this before long. I mean there are skeleton monster girls just you're gonna have fewer, and fewer people willing the more bazaar the creature.

Which all lends it to my point that this is a possible source for why the setting is sadly not used. It is far to easy to return to the known than to step into barely charted courses.
Well if you want a romance story it's kinda hard with a monster that kills on sight anything with a pulse so disneyfied/monster boy-girl makes a lot of sense.
Except that's not what original vampires are, which was my example.
They're just un-sexy to the vast, vast majority of people. But killing on sight? Come on, there's a reason "sons of vampires" are part of the folklore...sorry, Blade ain't original at all:devilish:!

However if the base monster is so ghoulish it makes it difficult to see a good way to make it viable unless you wanna do an almost slasher film style RP which is a thin slice of the market. Some regions are just harder than others to do.

Also yes I know Phillppino myths, also a region rarely reguarded as a setting for stories as many of their monsters are grotesque, and strange. Though a good rule 34 artist, and a few ideas could change this before long. I mean there are skeleton monster girls just you're gonna have fewer, and fewer people willing the more bazaar the creature.

Which all lends it to my point that this is a possible source for why the setting is sadly not used. It is far to easy to return to the known than to step into barely charted courses.
"Grotesque and strange" is the issue, indeed. Many/most monsters don't kill on sight.
But then they are monsters. They're usually not meant to be sexy, quite the opposite...they're there to present a warning against certain behaviours - at least in the original tales:cool:.
@RedRose I have a couple recommendations. Check out Tail of the Bluebird by Nii Ayikwei Parkes, it's a murder mystery bathed in folk lore and fantasy. The written aesthetic is beautiful. One of those books where a passage slips into your heart.

Also take a look at Rosewater by Tade Thompson. It doesn't rest easily in sci fi or fantasy, but it's worth a read for anyone who likes genre fiction that involves suspension of disbelief.
Thank you!
I want to suggest/add: The Rock of Tanios (though not African but Lebanese) and Leo Africanus (African obviously), to the list.
African history is some of my favorite stuff, so just wanted to shout out that if anyone wants to write a Shaka Zulu, Wagadou Empire, Swahili Coast, Aksuman, Egyptian, or post-colonial story in Senegal or Nigeria especially, hit me the eff up.
The issue is, we are not taught anything about Africa like we are Europe, especially here in America, where I live. The other part is, most american who do not have European ancestors and don't know where we come from in Africa, are just considered "black" which is not a race or ethnicity, it's just a color. We don't know shit about our ancestry and it's so sad. We can't even really relate to Africa cuz even Africans don't see us as them. You really see how we treat each other ans how we got to this point of being a lost people. That's why we don't write stories centrally around ancient Africa because we don't know it like we know Greek, Roman, Asian culture. And then you consider that places like Eygpt which is in Africa has been culturally appropriate by Whites/European descendants and Hollywood, maybe the most ancient and advanced culture we know of, and it is not even considered African today. Lol ita a shame and a sham
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