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the unexpected hero! (me and lan moore)

she smiled at his words but her breath caught as he moved closer and cupped her cheek. "oh....ummm" she blushed deeply but couldnt take her eyes off of him. "well perhaps if it company like mine that will make you more comfortable in a home then i shall have to take every measure to ensure that there is always such company for you." she giggled softly but stopped short when his lips touched on hers. she moaned softly and moved her body against his fully, she wanted more but was so afraid of asking for it.
Lan pulled her a bit closer, deepening the kiss softly. The feeling was amazing, his lips rubbing against hers, his hands wrapping around her, making their bodies come closer together. He wasn't sure why he was doing this, other then the fact he was liking this girl more and more. He wondered if she would hate him for this.
she groaned at the touch of his soft lips against hers and let her hands roam up and over his slender frame. her body was reacting of its own accord and then she felt the door to her home at her back. pulling back for a small breath, her lips still brushing his she whispered, "perhaps it would be in our best interest to continue this...inside?" she smiled but blushed deeply.
Lan smiled as he whispered back, 'Yes I see your point, I would love that." With that he kissed her neck softly, pulling away enough for her to open the door.
blushing still she unlocked her door and stepped inside. "its not much, but its home." she murmured to him as she looked around her with a smile. the room was spacous but not very large,and her favorite part was the skylight in the celing. her bedroom was off to one side and the small kitchen was to the other. giving him a bit more room to step in she back towards the middle of the room slowly, her eyes never leaving his.
Lan walked in with her and took a look around. He smirked a bit then looked to her, "Where shall I sleep tonight my lady?" He was unsure of where she would want him to stay or even how he would be treated.
she grinned at his reaction and crooked her finger at him when he asked where he was to sleep, she walked backwords towards her room hoping that he would follow. she chuckled and took in his georgeous form "mmm...let me show u"
Lan smiled as he stayed behind her, fallowing her. He loved the look she had in her eyes, though not completely sure what she was up to. His trail moved back and forth, wanting to be close to her still.
she smiled in spite of herself as she watched his tail move and his eyes follow hers, "dont worry...i think youll like it" she told him. she made it to her room and waited by the bed for him,"ok this is it." she giggled and held her arms out to him, she wanted to hold him, for him to kiss her like he had outside.
Lan smiled as he went over to her quickly put his arms around her, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. He laid her down on the bed with his body, his tongue trying to find hers.
she got out a small giggle before he had her lips locked in a deep tango from which she never wanted to part, his tongue fighting for controal from hers and her body trying to get as close as possible to his. she moaned out and wraped her arms around him and her legs spread slightly as he layed her down on the bed.
Lan kisses her more, his hands going to her breast and rubbing it softly. He loved the feel of the elves by what he'd tried so far, pressing his body close to hers.
she smiled in the kiss and let her hands tangle in his hair as she pulled him closer, her needs getting very great at the moment. she gasped softly as he toyed with her breast, he had very gentle hands that made her want more, to have him touch her everywhere. "mmm...i want you to explore me" she whispered in his ear as she nibbled on it.
Lan smiled at her request, his hands moving up her legs softly, his finger tips just slightly touching her, heading towards her inner thighs as he sucked softly on her neck, 'Yes my little elf."
she felt his hands so gentle and soft on her skin that it made her shiver in pleasure,and as she lay back for him her leg went around him to pull him closer. " delacate." she murmured and kissed him deeply, her tongue dancing along his lips.
Lan kissed her deeply, his tongue playing with her, his hands traveling up her sides, going up and rubbing her breast softly.
she groaned softly as he teased her breast only arousing her more. "mmm....are you always so sweet?" she smiled and nibbled on his lip. she wanted him to trust her and not think she was going to leave him the moment she had him.
Lan kissed her neck softly and smiled, "I'm not sure, but I will be this sweet for you." He then began to untie her corset, smiling up at her, "mreow."
she blushed deeply at his words and giggled as he unlaced her. "mmm....that is so delisciously kinky" she admitted. she began to wonder what he could do with that wonderful tail of his. "so tell me...have you done anything before?" she asked softly as let her hands roam over his chest and down his arms.
Lan went red and shook his head, 'No, never had any one to do any thing with." He then began to take his own shirt off, throwing it away before taking her corset off and licking her nipple with his cat like tongue.
she nodded at his words but blushed lightly as he lapped at her. a soft groan escaped her and she pulled him closer to her. "mmm...for someone who dosent know what their doing...ur very good at it." she chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair.
Lan smiled and sucked at her breast before stopping to speak, "Maybe it's instinct nya..' Not sure why he was getting a shy feeling from her.
she moaned softly as he continued to gently caress her body, when he stopped she smiled up at him and murmured, "are you ok?" he seemed hesitant, she wondered if he had changed his mind,and as much as that dissapointed her she would deal with it.
Lan shook his head, "Just want to make sure, are you sure you want this?" he asked, only having seen her naked a raped some time ago. His hand then began rubbing her pussy, wanting her badly.
she nodded hurridly as he began to rub her core, she wanted him so badly and he was teasing her mercilessly. she whimpered, "oh yes! please!" looking at him with pleading eyes.
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