Honestly our newest member put me up on a huge challenge. Admittedly I won't have time for it today, yet neither do I wish to put it in a single post.
A good girl as you say consists of many things...and the perfect one is always up for discussion. But since we our going personal taste, I will make several posts about them in the near future.
For now though, I want to leave you with this as an opener;
Kneeling on the floor, I squirm. I'm fully naked, and I'm squirming for it!
I know I can easily get my release from you, I know I can easily bring the pleasure you so badly deserve.
But I'm not squirming for that...
Those words, those two words are what I'm after. And you haven't wiped that smile off of your face since you caught onto that.
Now we play this game...I'm not asking you to say it. But you're not getting away without it either.
As our anticipation both builds, you open and close your mouth multiple times. Teasing me! My aching soul, body and heart longing for the sweet and nasty things we are about to do.
But I need to hear it first.
Finally you cave, making me more of a bad girl getting her wishes than a good one. But you still call me a good girl.
But you're rewarded, as I get up from my knees you see the fire burning in my eyes. As my hands reach out to you, you know you're in for a treat. You gave me something, now you lie back and let me proof why you called me a good girl. By being very, very bad.
Just a little opener to the topic