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My Naughty Journal (NSFW)

Our winner is hard to decide...Funbrooke...your first gif was the hottest i.m.o. (and no I didn't do it unfortunatly last night)
But bodman you really covered both themes...

So I'm going to reward you both 3 points each.

Funbrooke: 3 points
Bodman: 3 points

Anyone up for a new round?
Haha no problem, a new round will be a fun one...
One in which you'll have to guess and predict ;)
Exact rules will soon follow.
Cryptic indeed...

What I am looking for, and challenging you guys to try and post MY favorite (type) of porn to watch...

You can upload up to three guesses, point will be rewarded for my top 5 accordingly.
Cryptic indeed...

What I am looking for, and challenging you guys to try and post MY favorite (type) of porn to watch...

You can upload up to three guesses, point will be rewarded for my top 5 accordingly.

Well, if people know you a little bit *and* have been paying attention, this shouldn't be all too difficult.
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