- Joined
- Sep 22, 2018

Jinaagi Academy, Day 1
08:52 AM – Main Assembly Hall
The banner over the entry to the assembly hall reads, in big bulbous hand-drawn lettering, “WELCOME THiRD YEAR STUDENTS!”. It’s all in uppercase, except for the ‘i’ in THiRD, where the dot has been replaced with a pink heart symbol. A cheerleader is on a ladder fiddling with the mounting, adjusting it to be just perfect, something that is taking longer than expected as she has to scramble down the ladder every time it looks like someone might actually enter the assembly hall. After all, Jinaagi’s cheerleading skirts don’t leave much to the imagination from lower angles.
But finally, after taking a few steps back to inspect the banner, Fuleiko pumps her fist, “Perfect! I know everyone’s gonna feel so welcome, it’ll be great, especially when they see the donuts, oh my god, did they put out enough napkins?”
Forgetting to put away the ladder, the cheerleader buzzes off into the assembly hall to check on the long table up front with nametags for all the students. Cups and a punch bowl with some sort of electric pink liquid and a bunch of ice sit on the table. A couple boxes of assorted donuts are out, opened and ready to serve, next to a sign “Refreshments courtesy of the Jinaagi Academy Student Council - Fuleiko Magara, representative”. There is a pile of napkins, but just to be sure, Fuleiko crawls underneath the table to where the stash of napkins is hidden and pulls out a bunch more. It’s probably overkill, and when she pulls out yet more, it’s definitely overkill. After deploying the small tower of napkins, she rushes up to check the microphone on the stage, in front of the faculty chairs.
“Umm, check, check! Sibilence! Sssibilence! Oh! Uh! Heya, everybody, if you’ll just come in and get your nametags and maybe a donut or two – there’s plates and napkins – oh, and punch! With cups of course! Anyway, once you get settled in and have a seat …” presumably she’s referring to the several rows of chairs in front of the stage. Jinaagi being well funded, the student chairs actually are padded and recline – slightly, this is school after all.
“… and once everyone’s had a chance to eat a little, courtesy of the JASC – that’s Jinaagi Academy Student Council for you newbies – then Principal Utame will be able to get the school year started!”
A few students are already moving into the hall (walking around the ladder that’s partially blocking the entrance), and one or two of the staff are here early. Mr Takahiro, looking dapper in his business suit, peers through his square rimmed glasses at the arrivals. A smaller woman, also bespectacled, but this time with round rims in front of big, wide eyes and beneath pink bangs of hair, fidgets in her staff chair. The pink-haired teacher gives a cry of “Woo!” at talk of getting the school year started. Mr Takahiro’s head turns slightly as he briefly studies the smaller teacher, “Ms Olemko, is it? Poetry and Music, I believe.”
The pink haired woman flushes a little at the businessman’s more restrained response – she might have let Fuleiko’s energy infect her a little. “Ah, yes. Suegi, that is, Suegi Olemko.” She extends a hand over the intervening empty chairs. Takahiro takes the hand and shakes it briefly with a hint of a polite nod, “Takahiro. Sky Helix Corporation. I’ll be mentoring the students on business administration this term.”
Takahiro’s eyes briefly turn to the boulder of a man – not especially tall, maybe even a bit squat, but bulging with muscles – attempting to squeeze himself into one of the staff chairs, before finally moving it several inches away from the others to accommodate his sheer size. “And that must be the coach.”
No sooner does Coach Mokwon get seated than he is standing again, nodding respectfully as his bass voice rumbles, “Ms Yagumo. Pleasure to see you again.”
Eichiri Yagumo smiles as she slides her short – yet quite curvaceous - form past the bear of a man, “Likewise, coach. Got any star prospects this season?”
“A few, a few. We’ll have to see how things go.”
Ms Yagumo nods and slides into her chair, looking out over the students that have already arrived, “I’m sure it will be an …” her lips quirk up in a grin, “… interesting term!”