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Draw your own conclusion (for Tarrakhash and Blurugirl)


Oct 25, 2019
Shahlah Jacobson thought she had a perfect life. Mostly.


Granted, her life hadn't started off perfectly, mostly or otherwise. Her father had become enamored with an Iranian man, and Shahlah had been the result of the romance. But the romance quickly devolved into abuse and control from her biological father, who left her mother and her when Shahlah was five,

No problem. When Shahlah was nine, Shahlah's mother would meet the man who would become Shahlah's stepfather.


Shahlah loved her stepfather. But she loved all her family. Shahlh's stepfather was a commercial artist who still kept tabs with his classical roots. He was successful enough that he could run his own business out of their office. But he also taught an art history class at the local college, and drew "non-commercially", as he called it. And though Shahlah had no talent of her own, her stepfather made sure Shahlah was still introduced to his world. He had not only taught her about different artists and artistic movements throughout history, but also how to appreciate and critically analyze art as a whole.

Shahlah had a good relationship with her mother. Mostly. Well, Shahalah's felt her slightly nerdy mathlete daughter should be outgoing, and she definitely did not appreciate the mostly frumpy, form hiding clothes her eighteen year old daughter wore. But Shahlah still appreciated her mother. Well, things had become strained between Shahlah's mother and stepfather, and she knew her stepfather spent some nights on the couch in his office, but he always said that was because he was working late. And if the two were having problems, they were going to great lengths not to expose their kids to their marital strife.

And Shahlah adored her little five year old brother. Mostly.

Hunter was blonde and blue eyed (the same as everyone else in the family except Shahlah) and was just as sweet as he could be. He would sit by Shahlah on the couch, cuddle up to her, and ask her for a story if she wasn't busy. Or just sit there and be sweet and good if she was busy.

Hunter was perfect. Mostly.

Except Hunter would draw on anything if given a chance. In response to Hunter's artistic exuberance, the walls were painted with wipeable paints, Hunter was given special crayons, and anything you didn't want drawn on, was locked up and put away. Because Hunter would listen and obey about everything except drawing.

Which is where the story begins.

Shahlah's stepfather would keep his office locked, to ensure that Hunter didn't draw on any of the more expensive books he had on his shelves. In addition, all important papers were kept locked in the bottom drawer of the office.

Shahlah and her mother had keys to the office, and Shahlah went into the office one to use the family printer. While she was printing out a paper due on Monday, she noticed the bottom drawer of the desk was ajar. She was about to close the drawer when a folder in it caughter eye. It was titled "Life Drawings." Shahlah immediately knew that meant Nude Sketches. Although she was a modest young woman (overly modest, in her mother's opinion), Shahlah wasn't shocked about the idea of her father making nude sketches. That's what artists did, after all. She would have been more shocked if her father made landscape paintings. He did have curt words about that sort of thing.

Curious, Shahlah pulled out the folder and began flipping through it. She didn't recognize some of the models, of course, but assumed they were student models her father had met at the college. One of the models, though, looked familiar to Shahlah. It took the teen a few minutes to recognize who the nude woman was in those sketches. It was HER!

Shahal was more than a little shocked that her father has been imagining her nude. Well, he had not only been imagining, he had been mentally airbrushing the nude mental image of his stepdaughter. The young woman in these pictures was gorgeous! It was sort of like the optimized version of what Shahlah thought she could ever aspire to.

Probably the only thing her stepfather had not improved on, Shahlah though with a self-conscious smirk, was the size of Shahlah's breasts in the sketches. But then she couldn't really fault her father on that. After all, with the frumpy clothes she made sure she was wearing any time she stepped out of her room, he had no idea on how to guess. The breasts in the sketches looked to be about a cup smaller than Shahlah's D cup.

Still, the part of Shahlah's mind that her stepfather had trained to look at a drawing analytically thought they were good, if woefully inaccurate. So Shahlah took a couple of post its from the desk, wrote some critiques, attached it to the drawings, then returned them to the bottom drawer. This time, though, she made sure the bottom drawer was locked. Hunter definitely didn't need to get to those pictures!

Chuckling, Shahlah locked up her father's office, headed to her bedroom, did a few things on the compute, then called it a night. At ten o'clock on a Friday night, Shahlah was happily asleep in her own bedroom.
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Something in her voice drew Stephen's attention and he looked at her closely, his eyebrow arching to match as he tried to figure out where this was going,"No...not usually, but if you want to be accurate it's always better to have a live model. You can guess on a lot of things, but you can never be sure if you've got it right. The human body is an amazing thing and the arm could bend in away you don't expect......why do you ask?"
"Just curious," Sarai said, as she turned her attention to the Greek drawing. "Just curious."

"Snacks are ready, if you two are ready," Shahlah said, putting her head in her stepfather's office.
Stephen was going to ask some more direct questions when Shahlah put her head through and spoke and he smiled,"Excellent, come Sarai, you can ask any other questions while we eat. All this drawing makes me somewhat hungry." Chuckling he got up following Shahlah to the kitchen to enjoy the snacks, he was sure he'd get plenty of time to complete the latest of his drawings while the girls were watching Television and doing whatever it was they planned on doing.

He could draw, and tonight he would be able to go to sleep without fighting, even if it was still alone. He knew he drank to combat his growing frustration, both at the situation and his lack of sexual activity but he really didn't have a choice and his wife...well....she was being difficult.
Sarai and Shahlah attacked the snacks Shahlah had made, seemingly forgetting the fact they were both still dressed as 1954s bathing beauties.

"You know, this has been fun, but we're going to have to skip next weekend," Sarai announced.

When Shahlah sent an inquiring look at Sarai, the blonde teen announced, "Shamira."

Shahlah nodded sagely and repeated, "Shamira." She snacked a little bit then said, "So, amy preferences for the movie tonight?"
Stephen smirked and shook his head,"That's fine, girls, I don't mind....but who is Shamira?"

He blinked in response to the next question and chuckled,"Wait, I'm invited to movie night?" He chuckled,"As long as Sarai doesn't get to pick I'm okay, I'd prefer to watch something after I was born." He gave the blonde girl a wink, clearly teasing her since he was way, way older than either of them,"Seriously, I don't mind, although looking over the Greek picture makes me want to watch Gods of Egypt, the story is pretty bad but I do enjoy the animation of the Gods...and anything Marvel works as well." He paused and gave Shahlah a look,"Or we can watch Wonder Woman...because you know we aren't watching Green Lantern."
"I always thought it was cute that they had an ending that set themselves up for a sequel," Sarai laughted. "As if that movie could have a sequel. But I'm curious what the DCU Justice League will do with Green Lantern."

Shahlah's phone buzzed at that moment. She picked it up and had a slight frown on her face as she read the text message. "Mom says she's going to be home ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Sarai shrugged. "We'll have the place picked up and the costumes put away by then. Promise."

Shahlah smiled at Sarai, then added, "I'm good with Gods Of Egypt. Or anything with Gerard Butler in it."

Sarai leaned over and whispered something in Shahlah's ear. The darker teen shrieked and blushed, saying "Sarai!" This sent the two teens into a giggling fit, before they settled down on the floor next to each other and brought Gods of Egypt up to play."
Stephen noticed they didn't answer his question about the other girl, and he chuckled, let them have their secrets, and then the phone buzzed and his smile dimmed just a little although he nodded to Sarai,"Good, thank you, we don't want her asking questions. She already has some strange ideas in her head."

Shaking his head he smiled,"Yes, Gerard is pretty great in most anything he does....although I'm partial to 300 because....Sparta!"

A few moments later he was sitting in the couch watching the movie he had chosen and he couldn't help casting fond glances to his Stepdaughter and her friend, they made his weekends so much better he'd miss them next weekend. The movie was great, but he had watched it before so he was half dozing by the time it ended and he stretched, yawned and looked at the time,"Well girls, usual rules apply, get ready for bed and make your way to Shahlah's room, stay up as long as you want but keep the noise down to a dull roar, got it?"

He stood and stretched again, before stroking his mustache a little,"I'll be in my office if you need me, okay?"
"Okay Dad," Shahlah said, giving Sarai, who was in a half doze, a little shake. Sarai yawned, stretched, and nodded as she headed up to Shahlah's bedroom.

As soon as the blonde headed up to her room, Shahlah turned to her stepfather. "Sorry I didn't answer your question about Shamira. It's, uh...well, Saria won't talk about her because she doesn't want to be disloyal to me. She's a friend of ours, same classes and everything, but where me and Sarai will talk to people in our own little interest clique, Shamira has a problem with talking to anybody. It's like...hey, do you remember that bearded character from Drop Zone, that old movie Wesley Snipes made before he went to jail or disappeared or something for tax evasion or whatever? Sorry, movie trivia is Sarai's thing, not mine," Shahlah said with a laugh.

"Anyway, there's a character in the movie, Sweep or something like that, who won't talk to anyone he hasn't skydived with before. Shamira's like that. There's like a very, very small group of people she will talk to. That's why she only does half a day at school for the AP science and math classes, with me and Sarai in them, and then does home schooling for everything else."

"Anyway, a few months ago, when you were out of town a week for a job, Shamira came over with Sarai. She and Hunter got along great, but all my girlfriends love my little brother," Shahlah gushed.

"Mom..." Shahlah paused. "Well, you know Mom wants me to be more like her than like me, which is okay, I guess, and I don't think she approves of Sarai. But I think she saw Shamari as sort of a challenge, and kept on trying to force the issue, and even was like touching her shoulder, and Shamari doesn't like being touched unless she really, really REALLY knows you. Well, Shamari was hyperventilating within an hour, and had to go home, and she won't come back, since she doesn't want to encounter Mom again, and Sarai won't talk about this, because she feels like if she gives details, she's being disloyal to me."

Shahlah took a deep breath and ended, "So that's who Shamari is. So we need to spend time with her because she is our friend. She's just a friend who has...I don't know, call it special parameters."
Stepehen listened carefully, but Shahlah knew she didn't have to explain more about half way in as his features softened and by the time she was done Stephen looked, well a little mad.

"Yes...that does sound like your mother. You're fine. I won't mention it again.", he leaned forward and stroked Shahlah's cheek,"And I'm proud of you for having a kind heart and the patience to work on a friendship like that. I know they can be difficult initially but they can be so rewarding!"

Smiling softly he nodded,"Goodnight, my girl. You are turning into such a great woman, and I think your friends are wonderful, just like you."
"Good night, Dd," Shahlah said, giving her dad a bikini clad hug without a hint of self-consciousness.

Before she headed up stairs, she added, "Maybe if Mom isn't here, we might be able to get Shamila over here. You'd like her, artistically and otherwise. Her mother is Chinese-American, but she has these big blue eyes she inherited from her father. Just...well, if she does come over, make your inquiries indirect, like "What are you girls doing?" and stuff like that. And don't touch her. That's a big important rule. Anyway, good night Dad."

And with that, Shahlah headed up the stairs to rejoin her friend Sarai.
Stephen returned the hug, bikini clad or not she was 18 and he'd take any affection she would give, teenagers were notoriously bad at showing affection he had learned.

He nodded at her as she mentioned her friend and chuckled,"They are your drawing sessions, Shay, you're in charge....just understand there is a limit to how many people I can draw in a day." She was obviously enjoying them if he was becoming such an attraction for his friends...he felt a but like a freak show attraction but it was fine, it made her happy.

With her upstairs he headed to his office and a drawing of girls in bikinis that had been in fashion when Stephen was in diapers...if he had even been born. The irony made him smirk as he settled down to draw, for a change in a very good mood.
"Oh Em Gee, Dad, I wouldn't even think about inviting Shamira over for a drawing session." Shahlah answered. "She'd absolutely freak! But when I say no touching, I'm just talking about everyday touching interaction. In fact, you could treat her as one of those mythological creatures you don't make eye contact with or you turn to stone. So, if I do invite her over here, and if she shows up, you can consider that a no drawing Saturday or weekend. Anyway, I know you won't freak her out like Mom did."

And with that final admonishment, Shahlah left her stepdad to his drawings.

"You know, holding a pose is a lot harder work than you would think it would be," Sarai said as Shahlah entered the room. "Hey, do you think your Dad could do cover art, like on some of the Steampunk novels? In oil or whatever?"

"I don't know," Shahlah said as she plopped down on the bed. "I have to be honest, I know more about his academic job than I do his commercial one. So I couldn't tell you what medium he could or couldn't do." Shahlah laughed as she added, "I mentioned Shamira to him, and he thought I was trying to suggest her as a possible drawing model!"

Sarai looked thoughtful, then said, "Well, under the precise and exact circumstances, I think she might do it, but she'd have to get comfortable with your Dad. Just as a first step. He couldn't---"

Sarai froze mid sentence, realizing what she was going to say, but Shahlah finished her friend's sentence. "He couldn't do what Mom did. Try to force his presence into her zone of seclusion. It's okay, Sarai. I think Dad would understand the Shamari's royal rule, not to speak unless spoken to." Both of the girls chuckled at that. "Anyway, I don't think Mom meant any real harm. She was just trying to solve them her Mom way, with her Mom rules of the world."

Sarai wasn't quite willing to consider Shahlah's mother completely innocent of malignant intent, but she kept her opinion to herself.

"Well, let's get out of these bikinis and get some pajamas on. Unless you want to show me what your mother bought you from Victoria's Secrets?"

Shahlah blushed red in response.

For the next hour, giggles, shrieks and quiet conversations emanated from Shahlah's room, until both girls ended up falling asleep
Stephen smiled at his daughter and nodded,"Whatever you say, I'll treat her carefully."

He went to his office, and he drew and drew way past when he should have but he was carefully enough to lock everything away this time before heading to bed.

He set his alarm early to make breakfast for the girls this time, and to get his mind ready for the return of his wife.
All things considered, Shahlah's mother's return was, if not a happy occasion, was a benign event.

Shahlah's mother was pleasant to everyone, and even complimented her husband for the breakfast he prepared. Hunter, of course, was thrilled to see his sister, as well as Sarai.

As Shahlah's mother made dinner that night, cooking a shrimp and rice dish that was a family favorite, she told the family of her plan to be gone next weekend. Just her. Hunter would be staying home. Shahlah's mother even suggested that Sarai come over next weekend, which little Hunter was thrilled with the prospect of.

After dinner was done, Shahlah's mother advised that she had a headache and was going to sleep early. She made a point to look directly at her husband when she would see everybody tomorrow morning.

Sarai made her goodbyes to everybody and promised to see them next weekend. Shahlah and Hunter both seemed to be happy, either ignorant of or ignoring the turbulent undercurrents that still existed between their mother and father.

"Hey Dad," Shahlah asked, her little brother happily curled up beside his sister, "Since mom...I mean..." Shahlah paused, trying to think of how to ask something without speaking critically of her mother in front of her brother. "Hey, Hunter, do you remember my friend Shamira?"

"Yeah, she was neat," Hunter said. "She plays Jenga better than anyone."

"What would you think of her coming over next weekend? If Dad's okay with that?" Shahlah said, looking over at her father.

"Hey, Dad, could she?" Hunter said, looking over at his father excitedly.
Stephen enjoyed the remainder of his Sunday and even as he got sent to his office in a less than subtle way it wasn't an arguement and, more importantly he got to actually see Hunter for a change. Although he did find out where his wife was off to.

Shahlah's question made him smile, he had thought he wouldn't get to see Shahlah that weekend but now he'd get to see both his kids,"That's perfect, we can have the whole group can give me a refresher on her rules on Friday, okay?"
"Dad!" Shahlah said, rolling her eyes. "I know you're not getting so old that you're turning senile." Hunter thought that remark was funny as heck. "And Hunter is so cute, rules don't apply to him." Shahlah set on her younger brother with a tickle attack, which had him squealing with delighted laughter.

"Okay, Dad, we'll see you in the morning." With that, Shahlah and Hunter left their father in his office.
Stephen chuckled at her comment, grabbing Hunter to give him a big hug before settling down to do some actual work since he was banished for his office again tonight, but it was becoming old and he had just stopped fighting it at this point. He would go on and deal with what he had to deal with, and make the peace.

The week flew by, with little drama for a change, Stephen didn't even try and get into his bed with his wife, and by the time she was getting ready she was pissed because he wasn't trying, but he had accepted that it didn't matter what he did he was in shit, it was just a matter of how deep.

He was rather interested in meeting the newest of friends, although he had to ask Shahlah if she had any friends whose name didn't start with an S. He smirked, remembering that his name was also an was, an interesting coincidence.
The week went fairly fast for all concerned. Shahlah's mother was fairly cordial to all, though the master bedroom was still off limits to her husband. At times her mother would stare off in the distance, a secret little smile on her face, but when she caught someone watching her, she would just shake her head, smile, and go about her business.

Then Friday arrived, and Shahlah's mother stayed at the house long enough to make sure that her husband would be home when their son got home. She told him Hunter's soccer team was having an overnight party at an indoor inflatable park, and one of the soccer mothers would be by on Saturday afternoon to pick him up. There was no other discussion; Stephen's wife told him what was going to happen and then left for the weekend.

Hunter was home soon afterwards, telling his father excitedly about what had happened during the week, and the "bouncy" overnight the soccer team was going to be having on Saturday.

Soon thereafter, Shahlah came home, with Sarai and another girl in tow.


The other girl looked to be about the same height as Shahlah and Sarai, and with the same long hair, though she had her head hanging down, with her hair covering her face. She wore the same loose, baggy clothes that Sarai and Shahlah always wore, though there was a hint of a shape inside those loose fitting clothes that suggested her body might be just as enticing as that of the other two teens.

When Hunter saw the third girl, he shouted "Shamira" excitedly and run toward her. The other girl finally looked up, out of her hair, and it was like the sun appearing from behind the clouds. Though the features of her face were East Asian, Shamira had the deepest, most open blue eyes one could ever hope to see.

Shamira knelt down and let Hunter throw his arms around her, returning the young boy's hug. He talked excitedly and she just nodded and said something quietly back. She said something and Hunter nodded, heading toward his room.

As soon as Hunter had left the room, though, it was like someone turned off a light behind Shamira's eyes. She stood up, eyes cast down, with her hair covering her face.

"Hey Dad, I'm going to take the girls upstairs and get them settled in, okay?: Shahlah asked. "I'll be down in a little bit and I'll get supper started." Shahlah didn't wait for an answer but led the other two young women upstairs. Sarai gave Stephen a wave and a smile, bt the third girl kept her eyes down as the three teens headed up to Shahlah's bedroom.
Stephen was pretty sure something was up with his wife, and his heart feared to even ask once he started seeing that secret smile, he would never admit it but he had seen that smile the start of their relationship, but Stephen was well buried in his denial that something was happening with his relationship with his wife and he spent a little more time alone in his office trying to avoid the obvious conclusion, it was very strange for his wife to go off on her own, particularly since she wouldn't tell him why.

When Shamira arrived Stephen studiously looked at everyone but her, gathering details of her appearance out of the corner of his eye and with quick glances. It made him smile to see how she reacted to Hunter and his breath caught in his throat when Shamira opened up and hugged him, she was a stunningly distinctive girl, he couldn't help wondering if she would come out as distincitve if he drew her. He was pretty sure that was the case but he wasn't going to even mention it, he had seen how protective Sarai and Shahlah were over her and so when Shahlah said she was going upstairs he nodded,"Sounds good, Shay."

He was responding to the back of Shahlah's head as she walked up the stairs and in the end he simply smiled. Once the girls were gone he busied himself packing Hunters bags and getting him ready for his early departure the next morning. He then got his son, watched a short show with him and read him a book while waiting for supper, the two of them curled up on the couch in a rare moment alone without his mother hovering over them.
Sarai came downstairs shortly, smiling at Stephen and tousling Hunter's hair. "Shahlah and Shamira are working on a school project, so I'll take care of supper."

About the time Sarai stepped into the kitchen, Stephen's phone rang. The Caller ID identified it as Max, Stephen's personal banker.
Seeing the call Stephen smiled at Sarai,"Thank you, sweet heart, let me know if you need help."

Stepping into his office he shut the door and answered the phone call,"Hey, Max, what's up buddy? It's late on a weekend...something going on?"
There was a pause, and a grim note in the tone of a voice that was usually jovial.

"You better sit down, buddy," Max began. "And take this call into a room where we won't be interrupted."
A chill ran through Stephen's spine, moving to his desk he sat down,"I'm sitting...what the fuck is going on, you're making me start to panic." What could possibly have happened? Something must be going on and he didn't know what....what had he missed?
"Well, the bad news is, Max, your wife just tried to drain all your banking accounts," Max began. "She was fairly smart, and tried to do it when I was out of the bank. Went to one of our junior banking associates. If she hadn't gotten greedy, she would have gotten away with it. But she tried to get into your commercial account, which is registered to your name alone. And since I handle that, along with the rest of your accounts, the junior associate called me. So the good news is, I kept her out of everything that either requires both of your signatures, or just yours alone. I also got a freeze put a freeze on all the credit cards that draw on joint accounts, so she can't run up credit card debt and dump it all in your lap. The bad news is that, even though I got most of your financial assets secured, she got away with a good chunk of your joint savings, and they're in an offshore account now, somewhere down in the Caribbean, where I can't get them back for you."

There was a pause on the phone before Max continued. "If you know a hacker or someone, maybe you can get the money back, and make the bitch have to go through divorce courts to get at your money. But I'm sorry to have to tell you this, buddy, but it looks as if she's left you, and tried to drain you dry when she did so. As I said, most of your accounts are still intact, but I wasn't able to stop her from getting to a good chunk of your money."
Stephen's blood ran cold...that bitch...she wasn't coming back after this but the kids? Was she leaving the country? Leaving the states? He just sat there for a moment trying to make sense of it all,"Fuck...Max....has she done anything illegal, can I press charges? I need as much evidence as possibly she's lost her fucking mind...I want to make sure I get the kids." He frowned, he didn't know a hacker....what did Max think he was a mafia king pin he snorted,"I don't know a hacker...but I'm going to make her fight for every fucking cent.....Thanks for calling, Max, I got to get a few things done tonight."

Standing he moved quickly, shooting his lawyer an email, giving him some of the details of what was going on. Next he called a locksmith to come and change the locks, he didn't give a fuck how much it cost he wanted it done tonight. Finally he went up to their room, somewhere he hadn't been for awhile, and looked to see how much clothing she had taken and if she had left her passport in the safe...where the fuck was she going?

Finally he pulled out his phone, half in a daze and dialled his wifes number...
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