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Sexy Turnabout (Candira & Decadence)

She chuckled softly and stopped unbuttoning the shirt once it was down to his collar bone. Her eyes looked back up into his and she shook her head. "You'll never convince the judge with that kind of answer," she said with a smirk. "Be confident, Phoenix. Make me believe you or tell the truth. I thought you'd gotten better at bluffing." She was only teasing, but she wondered what he would do. "Just relax and let it happen," she said with a smile, her lips gently brushing against his neck, her kisses gently trailing up and down as he held her close. He was so cute when he was flustered.
He uttered a small cough, clearing his throat. He loved how little she made him feel, while instilling him with confidence. It was like a sexy teacher going down on her student as a reward. They said dogs learn better with rewards, rather than punishment, and people weren't so different. And my, what a reward this was.

"How is this for conclusive evidence," he said, gripping the large purple ribbon tightly wound around her waist. He pulled at it, undoing the knot. As he did that, his lips returned to hers, kissing them with added fervor.
She hadn't been expecting him to rise to her challenge just yet, but she couldn't deny that she was pleased. She moaned softly as he kissed her again, more passionately this time. She kissed him back and closed her eyes, her heart racing as he tugged on Maya's obi and it came undone with the top portion of her robes, her soft, firm breasts more exposed as she pressed against his chest. A rush of excitement passed through her as she kissed him back, responding to his hunger. Her arms went around his neck as she longed to keep him there as long as she could.
Phoenix was full of surprises--his reputation was built around it in court for the most part, but in bed, he would have to let things unfold since he wasn't quite sure. What he was sure of was the sheer weight of Mia's (or was it Maya's?) large breasts pressed firmly against him, ready to spill out of that robe. He was already hard by the time he heard her moan, his erection pointed tall from behind the rise of his zipper, and her heavy bust wasn't helping with the suppression of it either.

His hand felt alongside the small of her back as the rest of the purple sash fell away to the ground. His hand trailed down the curve, and then up the soft bump of her ass, traveling until he reached where the robe ended and the skin of her thigh appeared. It was more like a mini skirt now with Mia wearing it, as compared to before, when it nearly reached Maya's knees.

His fingers curved around the shelf of her round cheek and gripped her there, grabbing both skin and fabric. He wondered about what she wore under, and whether or not Maya was wearing anything down there at all. He also began to question whether the underwear was able to accommodate the extra size Mia put into it. Wasn't she constrained, or did it already rip?

It only brought along more excitement as he pondered the thought while coiling around her tongue, feeling her hot saliva melt him like candle wax over a fire. Phoenix groaned, hugging into her, moaning like a little boy as he felt her chest flatten against him. Did he long to suck on them. Those teats of lawful majesty and magnificence. There would be no objection to that, your honor.
Mia pressed against him , letting the thick sash fall to the ground, the robe she wore on top slowly falling open the more they moved together. Her tongue battled with his and she moaned softly as his hands traveled. His touch sent a hot pulse of need shooting into her stomach where it coiled. And then he had her ass in his hand. She shivered a bit as she pressed against him, so needy. She knew the effect she was having on him, and she was thrilled to know that he was every bit as magnificent in court in size.

Maya, as it turned out, did not wear panties when she was practicing channeling. Now, was no exception. That left the lovely Mia completely defenseless beneath her first later of clothes. Her body was hot and the cooler air of the office soothed it little as her fingers worked feverishly to finish getting him out of his shirt. Despite the fact that she was ready to tear it off, she held herself in check--not wanting to rush things or scare him. She let them unfold as she pulled on the white material until it was out of his pants and slowly working down his arms, which she spent some time getting to know in the process.
He mumbled out a series of moans as he felt her press into him. Phoenix just stood there as their tongues danced, smacking his lips against hers. His hand remained where it was, gripping half the garment and the skin of her thigh at the same time. The once-solid wrapping of her kimono was now loosening away, feeling more like a curtain draped over her than the tightly-wound garment it once was.

His other hand slithered up her side and felt against the side of her breasts as they were flattened against his chest. He pressed his thumb against the soft flesh, pinching the excess boob bulging from the right side. "Oh, Chief. You're so...large," he said, blushing from his rather daft description as he gasped for air from their kiss. He didn't know what to do at the moment--all he wanted to do was wait for what the Chief wanted to do next as he continued to enjoy the moment. He couldn't imagine what she would have in store for him.
Soft strangled groans escaped her as he kissed her so passionately. She rubbed against him a little more and, her soft skin pressing against his hard chest. As his hands cupped her ass, Mia grinned and shivered, his other hands ran up and down her sides, and then up and down the sides of her breasts. she chuckled at his comment and once her lips were free, she kissed down to his neck, enjoying him, her soft hands running up and down his back. "Mmm, well I hope I can say the same for you," she teased.

Her lips traveled up and down the sensitive skin of his neck to his earlobe, which she nibbled lightly. "I've wanted to do this for awhile now. I'm going to enjoy it." She smiled and kissed his lips one more time before kissing down the other side of his neck and to his collar bone, rubbing her apprentice's shoulders.

((Obi is the name of the sash that would hold Maya/Mia's acolyte garb in place.))
He could only utter a small cry from the excitement of feeling the Chief rub her sexy body against him. She accompanied it with her warm lips, and if he could, he wouldn't have minded if they continued to do this until he'd orgasm, but that wouldn't be fair. He could feel himself blush from her mention of size. He was shy about how big it would get when he was aroused, much like how he was now. It was now very apparent how much it stuck out from between his legs as he felt Mia's soft curves against him. "I don't know," he said. "You might want to find out since my pants can't contain them anymore."

Phoenix could only stand there and shiver as he felt her lips work up the neck towards his ear. He closed his eyes, groaning while he grit his teeth to remain calm. He still could not get over the fact that this was happening. "Please, Chief, don't enjoy yourself too much," he said, feeling her teeth against his earlobe. When he felt her hands against his shoulders, it relaxed him, elevating him from the thought of her actually biting his ear off. It reminded him of being at the barber and feeling those thin, sharp scissors snip around his ear.

(Of course! I knew that. :mrgreen: )
Mia thrilled in the way his erection fit against her soft curves. He was impressive, as he was in most ways. It became apparent that he was just as happy about this situation as she was. She continued on her journey down his body, her lips traveling along his collar bone down to his chest, rubbing his shoulders again. "Mmm, don't just stand there, Phoenix," she groaned, sliding down his body just a little. "Touch me."

Her delicate, clever fingers reached down between them and undid his pants to give him some relief.
His hands shuddered to life, tentatively reaching up with palms stretched wide open. He pressed them forth into the soft expanse of her breasts, squeezing them in unison, twisting his grip around as he held her from over the wrinkling robe. Those same fingers--one of which he swung at prosecutors whenever he felt a need to make an objection--lost themselves in the sheer weight of her chest. He began slowly at first, nervously, before losing himself in the utter joy of massaging the Chief's breasts, watching the bumps of her nipples poke through the sheets of her kimono, disappearing from a wrinkle and then reappearing whenever he stretched the cloth over them.

Phoenix was so stiff that by the time she undid his pants, he was afraid she'd have trouble pulling them down. He was jutting up in such a way that it looked embarrassingly obvious. He was used to suppressing his male urges. His shirt was oftentimes tucked, leaving his groin area in plain view of jurors whenever he was defending his clients, so letting himself go like this wasn't something he was used to, and it showed...both in the force of his erection and the redness blushing its way across his cheeks. He was still technically working at the moment, and the door to the office was unlocked, so doing this while anybody could potentially walk in felt so risque.

"Chief..." he said, his eyes nearly lost in a trance. " whatever you'd like to me." He wanted her to do those naughty things he fantasized her doing to him whenever he had the time to put them together. Mia was always on top, and he was her subordinate and protege. It was a stark contrast to his relationship with Maya, which was in some ways, the complete opposite. With Maya, he was always in charge and was the big brother in the equation, but right now, he wanted to surrender to her mighty big sis, his dignity be damned.

He took a few slow steps forward, nearing them towards the chocolate, decadent couch, before turning so his back faced the soft, brown leather. He nearly tripped from his fallen pants bundled around his ankles.
Mia intended to take her time with Phoenix. After all, she didn't get to spend much quality time with him outside of court. Now, she decided, was her time to reward him for all his hard work defending her. Time to pleasure him and let him do the same for her. She moaned softly as his hands ran over her large breasts, shivering as he played with her from under the robe she wore. It thrilled her to see him taking initiative as well as he moved them toward the couch. His desire to let her have her way with him seemed contradictory, but she knew he really did want her to do things to him. He would have his wish. She pushed him down onto the couch with relative ease, his pants tripping him up. She saw him straining the material of his pants and even that she'd made him blush.

Apparently it was her lot in life to always get her way with men. Then again, she was dead, so it might have been a frustrated Phoenix's fault that he was such a pushover. She smiled at him and leaned down over top of him, kissing his lips softly before they started on a slow journey down his body.
He could only groan in a glory of pleasure while sitting back on the smooth couch with this goddess leaning over him, kissing her way down. He wanted to feel more of her; her weight on top of him, so he brought his hands up to grip her around the waist, pulling her down over his lap.

"Mia," he moaned in between their smothering lips. His eyes closed as he arched his neck back from the feel of her puckered lips moving down him. His bundle of pants laying beside his ankles felt like shackles. It felt so appropriate for the situation.
The sound of her name did something to her when it came from him. She shivered a bit and kissed his neck, nipping and suckling there as she moved down. Her body moved down on top of his as he pulled her down. Mia licked him as she nipped at his shoulder and then his collar bone and continued down. "Phoenix," She said softly. He'd come a long way from just being a client, and now her protege. He was an accomplished lawyer. He wouldn't need her much longer, and she wanted to leave him with something to remember. Something more pleasant than her death.
The feel of his name brushing against his skin caused goosebumps to rise, accompanying the cold shiver she brought out of him. He really did miss her. There were times when the cases would back him into a corner, and he would feel so alone and overwhelmed. It was the memory of Mia's words which brought him to the light in the tunnel, and Maya was the link which kept her close. Now, she was licking and teasing him, leaving more than just a passing impression. He not only needed Mia, he simply wanted her as well. The last thing he ever needed was to see her for the very last time for sure.

He spread the skin of her legs over his exposed thighs, meshing their softness while the rudimentary miniskirt slipped up, exposing more of Mia for him to feel. The hem rose, like a curtain, and Phoenix could only anticipate what he'd see next of her.

His fingers went up and combed its way up her hair, hoping to undo that knot Maya always kept her hair up with. Her silky strands felt warm and welcoming to his fingers. He could only want more.
She shivered a bit, the mini skirt riding up and baring even more of her creamy thighs. She kissed down to his boxers, her fingers playing with him through the light material. Her lips and tongue stayed teasingly at his waistline. Her hands ran up and down his stomach and chest, enjoying every minute of it. Mia had always wondered what it might be like with him, and now that she had the chance to explore, she intended to leave nothing unexamined. He would know all of her before tonight was over and vice versa.
He pulled that knot out of her hair, slipping it free so he could watch her hair fall down like how she once looked. Now, she was missing her black suit, but Phoenix could settle for the summoner's robes instead.

He couldn't take being teased for long. His nipples stood erect for her while he felt her hands smooth over his chest and belly. His breathing grew ragged as he looked down at her. With one hand, he reached over and explored the contour of her ass, sliding down toward the heat from between her legs. There, he peeled back the robe to expose her behind before sliding his fingers down, exploring her nether region, finding her forbidden lips. He prodded at her, rubbing his fingers against where her slit may be, spreading two fingers apart and swirling his fingers around its surrounding area.

He slipped down his boxers at the same time, causing his elongated member to swing back and slap him against his navel as it got caught in the hem of his shorts. Uncircumcised and extra sensitive at the tip, he was nervous what the Chief had in store for his impressive length. The tip was jacketed in a thin layer of skin, and she was free to pull that layer back and play with the shiny bulb of a head any way she pleased. He was baring himself to the Chief now, and he was willing to accept anything she had planned for him.
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