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Sexy Turnabout (Candira & Decadence)


May 1, 2010
The late afternoon sunset cast an orange glow over Wright & Co. Law Offices, warming the room, and basking everything with a golden hue. The chocolate, leather sofa in the waiting room remained unattended, begging to be used, without a crease in sight. Even after two days following his victory over Franziska von Karma, he could still feel the sting on his arms.

Phoenix Wright relaxed back in his chair, pretending that everything was fine. He had to, since it was part of his duty as a lawyer to look professional. Mia had taught him that, and even though she wasn't around anymore, upholding her lessons has been his way of keeping her memory strong. He grimaced as he clasped his hands together behind the back of his neck. Those damn whip lashes still hurt, though. He could sure use a back massage right now.

And then he suddenly thought of Maya Fey, his assistant. Now things were sure close a few days ago when he had barely been able to whisk her away from yet another chance at prison. If it weren't for that bullet hole in that evidence...then, he'd probably be alone in his office now. Phoenix pursed his lips at the thought. He had missed her even when she went off to the mountains, and hanging out with Ema surely didn't help either, since they both looked like twins, literally. Let's face it, he was slowly beginning to grow more fond of her. She was already maturing into a lovely young woman, and the way those lovely eyes sparkled whenever she spoke to him, clasping her hands together with that perky smile.

He shook his head. No...she was only 17, he wouldn't. Besides, who would defend him if he was ever caught? Edgeworth? That was worth a laugh. Surely, the Chief would have killed him if he ever touched Maya. Speaking of the Chief, she was surely made of busty glory--

Okay, this was too much. Phoenix took a deep breath, smoothing back his swept hair with both hands. He had to admit--at least to himself--that it has been a long time since he's had any. You'd think an ace attorney like Phoenix Wright would be swimming in ladies by now, but life hasn't been easy, especially with the way things have been after Mia was murdered. Even then, trouble always had a strong nose for Maya, and he couldn't bear with the idea of losing her, not after what they've been through together already.
It had only been a few short days since she was released from the detention center. Nick had saved her again. He always seemed to come through for her. Even when she doubted herself and her abilities he believed in her enough to prove her completely innocent. First the mess with her sister, and then this latest nightmare? He was easily the most dependable person she knew...and yet, most of his victories had been due to an extreme amount of luck. And her sister's help of course.

Maya knew that she was something of a handful, but she had gone through such intense training to become more independent and better at her trade. And she had become stronger, but something in her still doubted that she had changed that much. Despite her being so happy about being free again and being able to be close to and help Nick, she felt a little sad. It was times like this--when they had no clients and things were difficult for her big sister's protege--that she felt the most lonely, the most useless.

"Oh, sis. I wish you were still here," she said softly, sighing. Well that was enough of her pity party. She decided to pay the man in question a visit to say thank you and see if there was anything she could do to help him. When she arrived at the office, she smiled and saw him at his desk. She felt the familiar tug of her sister's spirit and immediately had a flashback to the last time she'd seen her sister and the first time she'd met the budding attorney she'd taken under her wing. He was handsome in his own way, and she liked his personality well enough. They got along so well and had such a strong friendship. She was glad that her sister had had what little time she had with him.

"Hiya, Nick. You look kinda out of it. Is there something I can do to help you out?" She asked, cheerfully greeting him, though concern worked its way into her voice at the end.
Phoenix held his composure when he saw Maya enter the room. He shook his head. "Oh, everything's fine, Maya. I've just been trying to relax after that tough case." He couldn't let her know about how he truly felt. It would just be...unprofessional. Really, he just ached all over--and it wasn't only from that damn whip either. He had been all over town gathering evidence and talking to leads, so that simply took a lot out of him.

He glanced at Maya's magatama jewel, suddenly feeling an urge to ask about it. "I'm curious, Maya. Do you feel what your spirits feel whenever you channel them?" It startled him at how abrupt his question came up, since he was usually not so prodding unless he was in the middle of a case, but ever since she's been bringing back Mia to help, he just couldn't help but feel disturbed in a strange, almost arousing way whenever she just changed before his eyes.
Though she was a bit taken aback by his sudden question, Maya was glad to try to explain it to him. Clearly he wanted to know more about her and her family and her ways. It was such a thrill to watch his face as she told him something he didn't actually know already. Smiling she shook her head. "I don't keep my consciousness while a spirit is taking over me," she said, sitting down across from him. "You see, my soul temporarily steps out of my body so that the spirit I contact can use it. I can't feel or hear or see anything they do while they're in my body."

Though she thought this had been explained at the trial, Maya was more than happy to teach him about her ways, though she couldn't share everything with him. It made her smile to know that he'd taken an interest. She was his friend, after all, and that was important to her. She liked to know about him as well. "Why the sudden curiosity, Nick? Still thinking about the case?"
Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to open up a little, he thought. He brought his hands down to rest over the arms of his office chair. "Yeah, I haven't been able to think straight after that case. That Franziska nearly tore me apart. I just miss Mia, and I'm glad she came around to help when I was beginning to lose hope," he said. That was...more than he had expected to say. Still though, he felt lonely working on his own without hearing the steady voice of the Chief. He lacked experience, and during those stormy times, he just wished she were still around to lend him that voice of reason. While it wasn't exactly stormy right now, everything was just too calm. He did have Maya here, but she wasn't exactly Mia--well, she was sometimes, but...

He suddenly had an idea. He held it in his mind for a bit to allow Maya to respond with her own input on the matter.
"That stupid girl," she said, pouting a little. Though she felt a grudging respect for Franziska for already being so mature and accomplished--so damn sure of herself--she felt a deep sense of annoyance toward her. Not only that, but she'd actually used a whip on poor Nick. Just because she was some kind of prodigy didn't give her the right...Sighing, she looked up at him for the first time with eyes that were evaluating what he needed. "At least she didn't hurt you too badly. Still, what was she thinking?"

And then her sister came up. She frowned a little and looked down. "Yeah. Sis is good about looking out for me. You too. Both of you are such good people. But she's watching over us from the other side." She smiled softly at the thought and then looked up at him. "I miss her too. I wish...I wish I could bring her back sometimes. She always feels like she misses us too when her spirit contacts mine."
He grimaced. Oh, how could he be so insensitive? "Maya, I'm sorry for bringing up your sister," he said, noticing her sudden bout of sadness. He rose from his seat and approached her. He spread his arms out and hugged the young acolyte, shrouding her in his smooth suit. "Yeah, it's been kind of rough working at it alone. I owe a lot to her, and I just hope that I've been doing enough to make her proud." He patted the back of her head. Thank goodness she was okay and here with him now. She was like his surrogate sister, and lately, it's almost as if she's become more. Phoenix had been an only child, though, but even then, he couldn't even imagine the pain Maya was going through at the moment, along with the burden she had to carry for her family line.
It was a rare occurrence, but Maya loved when the young lawyer held her like this. She hugged him back, feeling so small. In the main scheme of things she was but a drop in the ocean, and she knew it, but when he held her like this...she felt more important somehow. It was so very comforting to have someone to care about her and hold onto her like this. She took in his scent as he held onto her. She was so glad to be back at his side instead of in the detention center, worrying about whether or not she would be condemned or not.

She was safe here in his arms, and she loved it. She closed her eyes for a moment and said, "Of course you are. How could she not be proud of you?" Tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she wondered if she was doing enough herself. She kept that inside however, to ask Mia another time. Maya looked up at him and smiled a little. "You're the best, Nick. Of course she's proud." That said, the spirit medium drew herself up and looked into his eyes. "If you need proof, I'll just call her and ask her myself."
"Y-you would?" He asked, suddenly feeling a slight tremble erupt in him. Phoenix sometimes forgot that the little girl was in fact a channel for any spirit she chose to summon, and her body would change to accommodate said spirit. That made her potentially anybody, but most importantly, that also made her Mia at the same time. So in a sense, holding her was like holding Mia as well. He felt a sudden pang of ecstasy as he held her in his arms. "That, would be great if you could do that for me," he said, feeling his heart tremble. "And don't forget about yourself, Maya. I wouldn't have made it this far without you!"

He noticed the tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "Whoa, are you crying?" He lifted a finger to the corner of her eyes, gently wiping them away. It was clear to him now that his relationship with her had progressed beyond a professional, client-assistant role. In the beginning, he had found her to be so cute and adorable in a kid-sister kind of way, but after a while, it just dawned on him that she was growing up before his eyes, blooming into an attractive woman like her sister, while still maintaining that adorable innocence. It was hard to believe she was around the same age as Franziska, but Maya was far more likable. At the very least, she never carried large chips on her shoulder that she liked to coax by whipping people into submission.
She nodded, understanding what it was like to want to talk to her sister, to need to and not be able to. It was like slow torture, knowing that she would never have the same kind of connection with Nick that her sister had. But maybe that was for the best? After all, she was only seventeen. She wasn't ready to handle whatever feelings Mia had had for her protege. She wiped her tears away when he noticed them and shook her head a little, her throat tight.

"Nope. I just miss talking to my sis, that's all. I wish I could talk to her too. I can only really sense her, you know? So if I call her, you have to promise me that you'll ask her something for me, okay?" She smiled and cleared her throat. "Ask her if she's proud of me too." It was one thing for Nick to be grateful, but entirely another for him or her sister to be proud of her. That said, she left the comfort and relative safety of his battered arms and stepped away, folding her hands in prayer so that she could summon the incredible Mia Fey.
"I'll promise, Maya. You have my word."

So it was going to happen again. This time, it was going to occur directly before him instead of it being an abrupt surprise. That sense of anticipation brought along a brief shiver as he stood there and watched her summon Mia's spirit. He could only stand there, feeling giddy at the chance to see his mentor again. Was it right to feel this way? It certainly frightened him how he could be seeing this as more than just a simple, professional engagement. The Chief had a way of seeing right through him, and he was suddenly feeling guilty about making Maya go through with this. He felt like he was taking advantage of her somehow, but maybe she could sense his loneliness as well, and she did so to help him. Maya was the sweetest. If only he could repay her some way in return. He just needed to be bold, and he needed some guidance right now.

A long, flash of light blinded him. He rose his arms up to cover his eyes. They stung from the sudden glow, and after blinking it away, he saw her. His heart began beating rapidly in his chest again, picking up an even greater pace than before. A taller, slender silhouette stood in place of where Maya was, and it would take Phoenix at least a few more seconds to materialize the figure, but he could already feel her presence.

"C-chief?" He asked.
Once the light surrounding her vanished, the woman in front of him was revealed to be the very person he wanted to see most in the world. Her signature foxy grin was on her face as she greeted him, pleased to see that he had done so well. Her body always felt strange when she wore the acolyte's uniform--partially because this one was a bit too small for her bust size and a little shorter than she might have liked, and partially because of the fact that she'd forgone the uniform in order to seek out justice for her mother's humiliation. A thing that her protege had accomplished for her. He had her eternal gratitude.

"Well, it's nice to see you again, Phoenix." She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Congratulations on winning your latest case. Thank you for keeping my little sister out of best you can anyway." It was so good to see him again, but he looked so tired. She could see the loneliness in his eyes and how much this new prosecuter was taking her toll on him. She would never tell Maya about her feelings for Phoenix--they'd been budding since his first case--but deep down she wished that she could have filled that void for him. "You look tired."
Phoenix gulped. Her busty physique swelled out of Maya's robes, and by crossing her arms, she only emphasized their weight. Her legs seemed to travel forever up, until she was closer to his size--a far cry from Maya's height. Not that he liked comparing the two sisters; it was impossible not to, since it was literally Mia coming out of Maya's body. He could still not get over that idea. His face turned red as he brought his hand to the back of his neck to scratch it.

"It's, nice to see you too, Mia!" He said, feeling his arms. He always felt the Chief was way out of his league. An older woman wouldn't ever want to date a younger guy, especially her own protege. And besides, she appeared to be more attracted to the more rugged types anyway, and not someone as green and wet behind the ears as he was. But still though, Mia was certainly a sight to behold, and he had always admired her with the utmost respect. "That last case had me whipped!" He said, chuckling nervously.

Despite his desire to keep things professional, he did have a lot of feelings bottled up for her.
She chuckled at his nervousness. After all they'd been through, he was still embarrassed. She couldn't help but think him charming, despite the fact that she was a bit older than him. She took a step closer and put a hand on his arm, testing him to see how sensitive it was. She had been present for the great whipping Franziska had bestowed upon him. It was a wonder her protege was still standing at all. The fact that he'd gone down at some point made her frown. Poor guy was taking an awful lot of abuse.

"I just want you to know that I'm proud of you, Phoenix. You've learned a lot, even without my help. But you shouldn't push yourself too hard. Now and then you need to take some time to take care of yourself." She smiled and nodded, letting him go. "You've done very well. And I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me and my family." She flashed that foxy grin of hers again, wondering what was on his mind that was making him so nervous.
He grit his teeth from her soft touch on his arm. He didn't mind feeling more of that. "Maya was wondering if you felt the same way about her too. You know, about being proud of what she's done." He couldn't forget Maya--but actually, how could he? Mia was was wearing the purple summoner's robes, along with the large beads over her neck after all.

"And thank you, Mia," he said, noticing the mole beside that foxy smirk of hers. It was inviting as much as it was enticing. His heart continued to punch in his chest. This really was a first, wasn't it? Channeling Mia when they weren't in the middle of a case. He hoped she wouldn't suspect anything. But since Maya had gone through so much trouble already to summon her, it was probably best he took the risk and let her know how she felt.

"I-I have a confession to make Mia," he said. His hands closed into fists. "I've always found you very a-attractive, Chief, and that is why I wanted to see you."
Mia blinked at the mention of her sister's insecurities. Her face softened and she smiled, nodding again. "Of course I'm proud of her. She's done a good job of taking care of you for me. And she's been very helpful for you. Besides all that, she's grown up quite a bit. I'm glad she has you to keep her out of trouble, too."

Next came the "confession." Mia knew he thought she was attractive, much like she knew that other men thought so too. She often used this to her advantage, and had done it once or twice to Phoenix. She grinned and chuckled a little. "You wanted to see me just because I'm attractive? I'm not sure I should be flattered, but it's nice to hear, I suppose." Since she was here, though she may as well tell him. "I always thought you were pretty attractive yourself, Phoenix."
"You're not bluffing, are you, Chief?" He chuckled again. He couldn't really believe what she had just said. "It's one of the things I've learned from you, and it's come in handy in court." His fists then began to tighten. "Really, though, I-I really want to hug you Chief. Franziska's whips...they kind of made me think of you--not in a bad way, of course! But how I would serve under you."
She blinked, frankly shocked that the kind of pain Franziska inspired with that whip of hers would call up thoughts of her. " would serve under me?" she frowned a bit, not understanding entirely what that meant. "I'm not sure I get it, Phoenix. You want to hug me?" She tilted her head curiously. "Well I suppose that would be alright. But I'm still not sure how any of this links together."
Frankly, it didn't. It might of emphasized her role as a mentor and his sense of loyalty for her, but really, the whips had been a catalyst at most, not necessarily a representation of their relationship. However, he always felt that Mia was in a more dominant role, so that may explain things. He shook his head. "Never mind that, Mia," he said, regaining some composure to make more sense. "I've just been feeling tense lately following that trial, and I was wondering if you could help me relax." He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts again.

She could probably sense how indirect and shy he was being, and he was afraid that it would repulse her. Despite having made her proud in the courtroom, Phoenix felt a large cavity in his personal life he was finding very difficult to fill, and it seemed to only expand, consuming him from the inside.
Mia was always the initiator when it came down to it. She had been planning to set the ball in motion when she was alive, but her life had been cut short. She'd only just begun to allow herself to feel anything for her protege when it had happened. He was a promising student, and, now that he'd had some time to mature with some high-profile cases, a bright star. Despite the fact that she was proud of him, she felt a sense of longing. She knew what it was to live with long hours that ate away at you. What it was to feel alone, even when someone was with you. It was why she understood what he was asking of her, and why she'd decided to initiate something on her own.

Mia took a step closer to him and pulled him close to her in a hug, much like the one he'd given to her little sister moments ago. She had her arms around his shoulders, her eyes closed. She could feel him pressed warmly against her. The beautiful barrister took in his familiar scent and just relaxed for a moment. Mia had always hoped to spare him this kind of sadness and stress. The emptiness in his personal life. But she was dead, so now all she could hope to do was what she could with the time she had.

"You want my help relaxing?" she asked, pulling away enough to look at him. "Alright then. Close your eyes."
He gasped as she embraced him, the gesture was so unexpected and sublime. Phoenix never had the best luck with women. His last lover had been Dollie, and they knew how that had turned out. His fists softened, allowing his fingers to spread out. He rose his arms around her waist, pulling her in to snugly press against him. He could feel Maya's thick sash wrapped around there below her bust. He may have been hugging Mia, but it was still Maya's body, and he could smell her scent. It was strange, yet incredibly soothing.

After that, she pulled away, looking into his blue eyes. He nodded. And then he closed his eyes.
The absolute trust that was between them only made him seem sweeter. She smiled softly and pressed her hand against his chest, her fingers splayed out absorbing the heat there. For a moment, she enjoyed the feel of his heart beating beneath the warm, sturdy feel of his chest. It was something she'd always wondered about. She smiled and brought her other hand up over his chest, sliding up the soft shirt before she reached his shoulder. The hand on his heart followed suit. Gently she started to rub away the tension held there, still close to him. Mia had always wanted someone to do something like this for her when she was alive...but now that she was gone, there was no need for it. She simply rubbed away beneath his jacket before she slowly and carefully slid it off and set it on what used to be her desk.

He looked more vulnerable now, and she found that irresistible. She smiled softly and loosened the tie around his neck a bit, smiling at the color he'd chosen. It always seemed to be a red tie. Some things never changed. And then, because she just couldn't hold back anymore, and because it had been something she'd always wanted to do, she gently pulled his lips to hers using the silky material of his tie. It was a soft kiss at first, one that he could easily break if he wanted to.
Darkness. That was all he could see at first. Mia's presence was powerful, and he could just sense her around him, nearing him like a magnetic pulse. When he felt her palm over his chest, he shivered, keeping his eyes shut before calming down some. Then he felt her massage his shoulder, squeezing the tension away. His muscles were tight at first, flexing, and stiff, until they began to relax wherever the Chief's hand went. His heart raced in his chest, and all he could do was utter a slight moan as she removed his coat.

And then she did the unexpected. He felt his necktie loosen its grip around his neck, before suddenly growing taut, dragging his face forward. And then he felt lips. It was a light touch, but the kiss had been inviting enough to welcome more. Phoenix didn't want to go back. He wanted to fall forward into this supple wall of curves and voluptuous softness. He felt himself rising from down there, growing hot, thickening with a yearning urge for her.

His arms rose up, feeling Maya's robes, feeling the soft curves bulging from under them. She was tight, burgeoning from the fabric that was a few sizes too small. Then his arms wrapped around her, pulling her against him. He breathed out, pressing deeper into the kiss, nibbling on those soft, thick lips before tracing the corner of her mouth. He felt the mole scratch against his lip. It was a tiny, obtrusive bump, like the small rivets holding jeans together, but having it rub against his skin was a whole lot different than seeing it. He never opened his eyes throughout the entire embrace thus far.
So she'd been right about Wright after all. He'd carried a little torch for her this whole time. She sighed in pleasure as he leaned into the kiss, deepening it a bit as his arms wrapped around her. She let him nibble her lips and pressed against him, enjoying the safety and warmth of his embrace. The need and the desire he was radiating soaked into her, and she very much wanted to give him what he wished for. Mia had always liked seeing how far she could push it before pulling back, but Phoenix...he was different. She wanted to play with him a little, but she didn't want to pull back.

Slowly, she pulled her lips away from his. Her delicate fingers took the place of her lips and she smiled softly, gently sliding off the tie and tossing it on top of his jacket. Her hand slid from his lips down to his chest and then both were at his shoulders again, rubbing out the tension. She wondered if he would take a little initiative of his own and kiss her again. "Relaxing, Phoenix?" she asked, her voice a bit more husky than she had intended. She couldn't help what she felt for him. The attraction was more powerful now that the two of them weren't fighting for someone else's life.

Slowly, Mia slid her hands back down his chest and started to unbutton the top buttons of his dress shirt, happy to help him relieve his dress--er, stress.
His eyes opened after he felt her lips break away. He just couldn't believe what was happening. Before today, he could only dream of a moment like this, but here he was now, standing here with her, having kissed the woman who had occupied his dirty thoughts during those lonesome nights at home. He could only watch her with widened eyes as she removed his tie, growing more excited with every stroke of her finger.

His breathing was now ragged. He could hear his heartbeat echoing in his head as he felt his dress shirt loosen from her unbuttoning. He nodded at her. "Y-yes, I am, Chief," he said, not sure whether to address her by her name or by a more professional gesture. Actually, he wasn't sure if all of this was helping him relax more, with him feeling more nervous and tense than before. His open hands around her back were tight again, nearly sweating from her warm touch. My God did she feel so soft up close.
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