- Joined
- Oct 15, 2019
- Location
- The Northern Lights
Heyo! I'll keep it simple and easy!
First things first.
- I'm not here right now for a deep story roleplay, so all my plots will be pretty sex-driven. If that's not a thing for you, then perhaps another time.
- I try to keep replies frequent, many times a week or if I'm very into it, couple times a day! I hope to get frequent replies as well, but understand that sometimes it's not possible. ( Life or health can happen and prevent me from replying, but I will let you know if that's the case!)
- OOC chat is awesome, let's do it, let's talk about the naughty and sexy scenes so we're both on the same page.
- I consider myself literate, I have over 10 years of roleplaying experience thus far and hope to get an equal amount of effort as I put in. Sometimes one just can't get much content out and that's fine and understandable. Also if you're stuck somehow with a reply, let me know and I can try to help out!
- Quality over quantity, but there has to be something to work with or the RP will not last long.
- I ONLY roleplay in PM, for the sake of keeping track of them easier!
- I will mainly play a female, but I CAN play a male or herm if need be. MxM scenarios I can play anything but right now would be looking to be a sub if that is something that is fancied
- I love to play a respectable/honorable woman who turns into a real slut and/or nymphomaniac
Now then since that's out of the way.
The actual GOOD STUFF:
I'm ALL for Fantasy, Sci-fi, all non-human, I want them in, typical modern Human scenarios are 60% of the time hella boring and if I want to have a normal slice of life, I will go outside and have a slice of life from my own life.
HOWEVER, that does not mean I don't play or don't accept human characters in a fantasy or sci-fi setting! I may be persuaded for a modern human scenario roleplay if it's made fascinating( or naughty) enough.
That being said, things that I love include in any plot and pretty much will get you plenty of interest from me:
- Ferals ( animals, creatures, whatever )
- Any fantasy creature/alien race/made-up race/monster x human/elf/fairy/werewolf/vampire/whatever, includes escaped experiments etc.
- Size differences! For example, an orc and a human, or a huge demon and a fairy, you get the point
- Breeding or the attempt of, I do not enjoy kids in any shape or form in roleplays so those will be kind of brushed off quick if there will be any.
- Corruption ( for example a demon corrupts a nun )
- Ahegao (aka. fucked silly)
- Horned characters
- Sweet lovemaking, passionate, loving with kisses and praise, perfect when done right
- Multiple orgasms/longer sessions
I had an f-list but it's simply a huge list and a bit outdated, so I'm simplifying things out. Unless something is mentioned below in my NO-list, then ask about specifics. Don't be afraid! Worst that can happen is that I say no. I still have the f-list if you want the link.
What I wont do (main things):
- Humiliation/Extreme humiliation
- Degradation
- Physical or verbal abuse
- Ageplay
- Fandoms (excluding Pokemon and even then No Canon characters)
- Scat
- Watersports
- Alternative pregnancy nor Male pregnancy
- Fisting
- Petplay, parent and child play etc. similar things
- Anal (in FxAny scenarios, MxM it's fine. I can be talked into it, but usually prefer not to)
- Play women who have extreme proportions, i.e. an extreme hourglass body with huge breasts, tiny tiny middle and then huge ass that can't fit through the door. Don't be silly.
HOWEVER, This does not mean there cannot be large insertions or that everything must be realistic. Ultra realism is boring.
Thank you.
Please note, that all pairings and ideas can be FxM or FxHERM or MxM!
Okaaay... So any ideas? Pairings? Something?:
- Demon x human/elf/angel (corrupting, mostly but can go with other ideas as well!)
- feral creatures x some poor woman of any race who gets in their horny way
- mating seasons ( of anthros, ferals x humans, you name it )
- vampire x any
- science experiment/alien/other x doctor/scientist
- Werewolf x any, haven't had any in a while!
Some more specific? C'mon I read a lot to get here... (These are not set in stone and very flexible!):
As for more specific ideas, I tend to get my inspiration from pictures. I will always look for a face claim of my character and they are mostly artistic, drawn images of various qualities from realistic to anime. I very rarely use real images, but sometimes the look or aesthetic is what I'm looking for and thus I might use a real image. Ideas vary from vague ideas to a bit of a presenting the character possibilities and we can figure things out together from there, which scenario fits us. Note: All images are safe for work.
SO. I present you some images that I would love to have as my characters mainly, and what their possible scenario could be:
A human woman who is part of an expedition crew which has been sent onto a new planet in order to see if it's possible to inhabit it after Earth grows full. They don't know anything about the planet, so they are sent mostly to investigate and study, though they know that there is a chance they will not return if something goes wrong, since they will be too far from any form of communication with their mother base. But desperate times require desperate measures, they are sent out anyway. By "they" I mean a single woman as they have limited funding and thus only a small ship enough for one person to operate.
She's a determined woman for her cause, however, her experience with alien species is limited as she hasn't actually met any unknown species yet during her deployment. Some might say she's gullible since if she is told doing something will help her cause or her mission, she will most likely do it. Her altruism is also at times a problem as she does want to give a good impression of humans to extraterrestrials, thus she will help them if they seem to be in the need of it. However, at times she probably puts too much good faith in strangers. Of course, if they show hostility, she will not hesitate to defend herself with her weaponry.
This idea would feature an alien or about any kind as your character, can be human-like with different abilities or features, etc. Can include aphrodisiacs(from say plants around the planet) or breeding, size differences, ferals, and other stuff! dub-con to con or con from the start. It can turn out to be very smut heavy depending on what aliens show up. They could be looking at Earth as a way to repopulate their own kind, or they can simply want to take over Earth and this human coming to see them proves a useful subject to test fertility with them, for example. This would feature futuristic tech, so would be in that setting. How advanced your aliens are, up to you. TAKEN!
A woman of high profile and power, and she knows it. She has money, influence, and enemies. When she gets a hold of what she wants, it's hard for her to let go no matter whether it is land ownership, position of power, influence over people, anything. As such, she is also prone to showing up at different parties, for the higher classes of course, and by showing her face in such places, she will always leave with more following than what she came in with. Whether people are allured and tempted by her due to her looks, determined attitude or simply her social status, she turns heads where ever she goes. She uses these temptations and connections to get what she wants.
An invitation to a late night party, a masquerade even, is sent to her from a person she has never heard of before. However, the invitation mentions names she does know and the language used makes it evident that this person is no lower class hobo. This mystery person intrigues her and thus, she decides to arrive to the party the next night, wearing an intricate black and white mask, as is appropriate. However, the mask of course would not fool anyone as her presence alone is quite striking. She is approached by who is undoubtedly the host as she cannot recognize their voice and they seem to be oddly... Alluring.
In no time she's simply fascinated and tempted by this mystery person, dying to know who they are, and where did they come from. Of course, such questions aren't appropriate in a masquerade where the idea is to remain anonymous. So unlike her habits, she remains till the end of the party, until others have left already and it's just the two of them and the servants. Needless to say, she has never felt like she wanted something this strongly as to know this person better, in more than just social way. A strange want to say the least for her as usually she is the subject of such wants.
They end up leaving the ball room and heading to a more private room, where they don't need to remain formal, but instead she gets given permission to give in to her growing temptation. The past day, little did she know, would end up as her last.
For this idea, the main setting is that your character is a vampire, the host of the party, who could be someone seeking to take the top dog spot in the high class circles or simply wants her. They may or may not turn her to a vampire also, or they may keep her as a human to feed on them, perhaps slow her aging to keep her around for longer. They can be something else than a vampire as well, but preferably not a simple human. A demon, a magic user of some sort, werewolf, whatever goes really as long as they have a way to blend into the human society. This is a sort of a 'show her her new place' kind of a thing, I think. Again, can become very smutty.
She's a scientist, true to her work and dedicated to see it succeed. Calm and collected in public, in private a passionate and loyal to her partner. Alas, she doesn't have one right now. Last one broke up with her as her work took her time more and more. However, it's important to understand and to see if it is possible for the supernatural to live alongside humans. That is her topic, what her whole career revolves around. All sorts of creatures started popping around the human societies, vampires, werewolves, elves, tieflings, merfolk, shifters, you name it. Even some that they couldn't even categorize as they were simply unique to begin with, some thought they were aliens even. After all this new ideas of living alongside these creatures, there began to form interracial couples. However, they couldn't reproduce naturally. This is what she works on. Finding a way for these pairs who really would like to have children to have them naturally together. She herself hasn't had such a partner, but she has never been against it either. SO who knows, she could be working for herself as well.
A program of pairing humans with these different creatures is started, asking volunteers to participate. At first, as it is just her on this field for now, the sample will be only two people, a human and a non-human couple. Strangers to each other, but who are willing to join for this experiment to try and find a way to reproduce. She has different substances to use as aphrodisiacs for said couple as it is a bit hard to have sex while observed even if it is behind a one way window. From the results of each attempt, she will make a substance that could possibly work in their endeavor.
It is the first day of the project and she is waiting at her laboratory, which is built into her home, or more her living quarters are in the laboratory, as well as facilities for the participants to live in for the duration of the project. The non-human participant arrives on time and after introductions, she shows them around the lab while they wait for the human female to show up. However, even after an hour, she does not show up nor does she answer any messages. The scientist has let the non-human go already to get comfortable in their room and with what was to come. As the time goes and the woman doesn't show up, the scientist decides to set everything on record and instead go and take the participant's spot herself as the non-human is certainly alluring to her. She wouldn't mind getting closer to them in more than just scientific way.
This idea is probably most smutty of the three of these, but it also has a purpose. What you want to play as the non-human is up to you completely. Their features and everything is up to you, but as some ideas if the difficulty of choice hits, a werewolf, some sort of a shifter or an alien, for example could work fine here. This does include some aphrodisiac at first if they are rather awkward with each other or can't get things going,but not at all mandatory if they are equally attracted to each other. Whether the project succeeds or not, that's up to us.

She's a determined woman for her cause, however, her experience with alien species is limited as she hasn't actually met any unknown species yet during her deployment. Some might say she's gullible since if she is told doing something will help her cause or her mission, she will most likely do it. Her altruism is also at times a problem as she does want to give a good impression of humans to extraterrestrials, thus she will help them if they seem to be in the need of it. However, at times she probably puts too much good faith in strangers. Of course, if they show hostility, she will not hesitate to defend herself with her weaponry.
This idea would feature an alien or about any kind as your character, can be human-like with different abilities or features, etc. Can include aphrodisiacs(from say plants around the planet) or breeding, size differences, ferals, and other stuff! dub-con to con or con from the start. It can turn out to be very smut heavy depending on what aliens show up. They could be looking at Earth as a way to repopulate their own kind, or they can simply want to take over Earth and this human coming to see them proves a useful subject to test fertility with them, for example. This would feature futuristic tech, so would be in that setting. How advanced your aliens are, up to you.

A woman of high profile and power, and she knows it. She has money, influence, and enemies. When she gets a hold of what she wants, it's hard for her to let go no matter whether it is land ownership, position of power, influence over people, anything. As such, she is also prone to showing up at different parties, for the higher classes of course, and by showing her face in such places, she will always leave with more following than what she came in with. Whether people are allured and tempted by her due to her looks, determined attitude or simply her social status, she turns heads where ever she goes. She uses these temptations and connections to get what she wants.
An invitation to a late night party, a masquerade even, is sent to her from a person she has never heard of before. However, the invitation mentions names she does know and the language used makes it evident that this person is no lower class hobo. This mystery person intrigues her and thus, she decides to arrive to the party the next night, wearing an intricate black and white mask, as is appropriate. However, the mask of course would not fool anyone as her presence alone is quite striking. She is approached by who is undoubtedly the host as she cannot recognize their voice and they seem to be oddly... Alluring.
In no time she's simply fascinated and tempted by this mystery person, dying to know who they are, and where did they come from. Of course, such questions aren't appropriate in a masquerade where the idea is to remain anonymous. So unlike her habits, she remains till the end of the party, until others have left already and it's just the two of them and the servants. Needless to say, she has never felt like she wanted something this strongly as to know this person better, in more than just social way. A strange want to say the least for her as usually she is the subject of such wants.
They end up leaving the ball room and heading to a more private room, where they don't need to remain formal, but instead she gets given permission to give in to her growing temptation. The past day, little did she know, would end up as her last.
For this idea, the main setting is that your character is a vampire, the host of the party, who could be someone seeking to take the top dog spot in the high class circles or simply wants her. They may or may not turn her to a vampire also, or they may keep her as a human to feed on them, perhaps slow her aging to keep her around for longer. They can be something else than a vampire as well, but preferably not a simple human. A demon, a magic user of some sort, werewolf, whatever goes really as long as they have a way to blend into the human society. This is a sort of a 'show her her new place' kind of a thing, I think. Again, can become very smutty.

She's a scientist, true to her work and dedicated to see it succeed. Calm and collected in public, in private a passionate and loyal to her partner. Alas, she doesn't have one right now. Last one broke up with her as her work took her time more and more. However, it's important to understand and to see if it is possible for the supernatural to live alongside humans. That is her topic, what her whole career revolves around. All sorts of creatures started popping around the human societies, vampires, werewolves, elves, tieflings, merfolk, shifters, you name it. Even some that they couldn't even categorize as they were simply unique to begin with, some thought they were aliens even. After all this new ideas of living alongside these creatures, there began to form interracial couples. However, they couldn't reproduce naturally. This is what she works on. Finding a way for these pairs who really would like to have children to have them naturally together. She herself hasn't had such a partner, but she has never been against it either. SO who knows, she could be working for herself as well.
A program of pairing humans with these different creatures is started, asking volunteers to participate. At first, as it is just her on this field for now, the sample will be only two people, a human and a non-human couple. Strangers to each other, but who are willing to join for this experiment to try and find a way to reproduce. She has different substances to use as aphrodisiacs for said couple as it is a bit hard to have sex while observed even if it is behind a one way window. From the results of each attempt, she will make a substance that could possibly work in their endeavor.
It is the first day of the project and she is waiting at her laboratory, which is built into her home, or more her living quarters are in the laboratory, as well as facilities for the participants to live in for the duration of the project. The non-human participant arrives on time and after introductions, she shows them around the lab while they wait for the human female to show up. However, even after an hour, she does not show up nor does she answer any messages. The scientist has let the non-human go already to get comfortable in their room and with what was to come. As the time goes and the woman doesn't show up, the scientist decides to set everything on record and instead go and take the participant's spot herself as the non-human is certainly alluring to her. She wouldn't mind getting closer to them in more than just scientific way.
This idea is probably most smutty of the three of these, but it also has a purpose. What you want to play as the non-human is up to you completely. Their features and everything is up to you, but as some ideas if the difficulty of choice hits, a werewolf, some sort of a shifter or an alien, for example could work fine here. This does include some aphrodisiac at first if they are rather awkward with each other or can't get things going,but not at all mandatory if they are equally attracted to each other. Whether the project succeeds or not, that's up to us.
None of these images/scenarios are the only things that I'm up for doing with said images! If you got ideas, shoot them at me.
Did any of these spark an itch for something sexy and smutty? PM me and we can chat more about some of these, or if you have your own ideas, I'm all ears! I love to hear others' ideas!
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