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[OOC, possibly NSFW] Maid RPG: The Maids of Primrose Manor


Digital Bohemian
Sep 29, 2019
Your darkest fantasies
This is the OOC chatter thread for my Maid RPG game, so, players, let me know if there's any issues or if I forgot to type something up or just generally make plans, fool around, etc.

Other thread links:

Main Thread:


Rules (lightly abridged):
Last edited:
OOC: How do I roll?

Find a dice roller online that gives the results as a linkable record, then link it in the thread with your post describing what you're trying to do. Though, come to think of it, I think I'll actually make the difficulty numbers public for any tasks assigned, so you can narrate success/failure yourselves if you choose.
Cool. I'm trying to make the master's breakfast by the way so I rolled a 4 on skill (I didn't add ant modifiers so I guess the total is 7? We add the points in the skill to the roll right?
Oh right. I was half-way done with editing when I saved the draft to roll. I'll do that from next time. As for what item I'm going for: It's the bacon.

So uh... can you let me know if a 12 is enough to make the bacon?

nvm. I'm dumb. I just now noticed that the difficulties are listed.
Also a heads up: Whenever I put dialogue in Italics it means that it's something that my character is thinking instead of saying.
Just so I'm clear on how the rolling process is supposed to go, which of these is correct for trying to wake the master? Do I put the roll in my post, or on here?

And what about other rolls? Should the attribute used be greenlit here before the post, or should we post and then you greenlight or reject it afterwards?
Put the roll at the bottom of your post in the main thread. In the event I think your approach isn't properly indicative of the attribute you're using, I'll just have the results reflect that afterwards, but I'm planning to be fairly permissive on that front, so as long as you make an effort to make your actions look like the attribute you want, you should be fine, and I don't really expect it to come up. If you're not sure how to describe a certain action with a certain attribute, feel free to ask in here for advice. Keep in mind that one's chosen approach may affect the outcome beyond just the dice roll (for example, using Athletics to get the Master out of bed has a decent chance of inflicting a little stress).
Yes of course. Also sorry for the shorter responses. I did not know what else to write up. So... what's the stat to resist seduction?
As mentioned in the rules post, you choose what attribute you use, like with most other rolls. Just describe how a given stat is being used. You can also choose a low attribute if you want to be seduced.
^ What they said.
Also, no worries, fren! o3o My own post lengths vary with the circumstance!
Right thanks. I think I'm going to go with what my character would want and what makes sense than choosing a deliberately low or high stat.
Seeing as this is a group game, it would be kind of silly for us to get hung up on posting length. Just write the amount that feels appropriate to respond to current circumstances, and it's probably fine.👍
Oh wait a sec, I didn't see your latest post! o3o'''
That kinda changes things: if Kiera seems like she doesn't want it, then Suzu will stop. Soooooooooo no seduction >3>''
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