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Fx Male [Sub F] Snowy's home of dark and delicious stories. Craving realistic medieval or low fantasy tales!


Nov 22, 2016

| Multi-paragraph | Semi-paragraph | OOC approach | IC approach | Non-con | Consensual | Long Term | Short Term | PMs | F-list |

Alternate worlds | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Dystopian | Cyberpunk | Historical | Medieval | Post-Apocalypse

Hey there, welcome to my little RP home!

I'm always looking to craft exciting stories and build believable worlds. I'm someone that enjoys a great deal of detail and depth in my plays, with meaningful characters and impactful events. I do have a preference for the darker, more extreme kinks, but none of that is essential! Honestly, I enjoy a good story and engaging writing above any particular kink, so please don't feel that you need to include anything (or really anything) from the below trove!

If you're looking for a detailed roleplayer, or a submissive victim who enjoys the darker side of life,
we'll get along famously!​

Current craving authentic feeling medieval settings or low fantasy lands

My current craving isn't so much a specific plot or pairing, it's more of a longing for a certain kind of mood. Think the lonely fields of an old world farmstead, or the sleepy ideal of village nestled on the edges of a forest. You can keep your fancy castles and sprawling palaces, I'm looking for the comforting quaintness of a peasant village and the quiet but treacherous roads that surround it. Whether we're looking at something slice-of-life or at an event that disrupts the serenity of everyday life, I'm looking to play the role of a pretty peasant maiden and I hope that you'll join me to craft something wonderful together. Whether it's as simple as playing a serving girl in a humble tavern, or being forced to flee in the wake of a marauding army, I'm sure there are plenty of stories to be shared!


Sarah is an attractive young woman in her early twenties or late teens. With expressive silver blue eyes and skin as white as fresh as virgin snow, she has the sort of look that make men want to protect and defile her in equal measure. Although she could never be considered voluptuous her petite form has undeniable charm to it, lithe but well toned none-the-less. Standing at a modest 5'2" she has light brown hair that is often pulled back into an unassuming ponytail, leaving loose bangs that frame her pretty face.

Story ideas

A snowdrop amidst the stars

If space had a smell, then to Sarah Ashbridge that smell was oil. The bitter tang had permeated the station corridors of her youth and had followed her out into the stars themselves. That, and the animal heat of recycled air that could be so unwelcome in its' intimacy.

"Ugh," She sighed, as she removed the borrowed helmet with a hiss of decompression. She let it fall from her hands and it floated away lazily. Pinching her nostrils Sarah rolled her jaw as she let ear ears pop. Like black ichor, Sarah had inadvertently just smeared burnt oil over her pretty white-skin. The scent of it welcomed her back to ship that had been her home these past six weeks.

Alone inside the airlock, Sarah pealed the bulky EVA suit off her slender frame. She had the willowy physique of one that had spent her entire life in space, with skin like milk and eyes that were as bright as distant stars. For some, life in the asteroid belt left them plagued by ill health, but not Sarah. She wore her background with an elegance unbecoming for one of her kind, as she pirouetted out of her space-suit like an underwater dancer. She effortlessly pushed herself out of the airlock and glided along to where her mag-boots waited. Slipping into them she heard the familiar click that fastened her to the ground, but her hair clearly hadn't gotten the memo. Her loose ponytail drifted up above her head, as mousy brown locks fluttered in her wake.

A message came through on her holo-band which flickered orange on her wrist. She dismissed the message with a gesture, yes, the comms were now fixed, yes they could finally dock at last. She rolled her eyes with the petulance of youth, for she was all too ready to leave this decrepit cargo-hauler behind.

Station-leave at last, the chance to stretch one's legs and enjoy some much-needed relaxation. A little excitement perhaps in one of the many bars, and maybe a fresh opportunity or two. Anything to get her that step closer to her goal of finally taking the helm of a ship. Cargo, transport, salvage, hell even pirates or mercenaries would do, so long as they would have her. Her contract was up and it was high-time she found something new.

The only problem was, Sarah Ashbridge was a 5'2" bundle of insecurity, bound up in a thinly veiled visage of toughness. A station-rat like her didn't survive without at least some wits about her, even though in her heart she feared this life was far harder than she was cut out for. Only time would tell whether she would find her peace, or whether harsh reality would catch up to her at last. Space could be so unkind to a pretty young thing like her.

The City at the end of the world (post-apocalyptic)
A thick white mist hung above the streets, blanketing the detritus and making the world seem that less rundown. It might have been beautiful, had it not been so bitterly cold.

With firewood tucked under her arm, Sarah was making her way back to her tumble-down shanty, but she paused besides a burning oil-drum. The two strangers that were already stood there paid her no heed, for they too were warming their hands upon the flickering flames. Like her, they were dressed in multiple layers of mismatched clothing, all of which had seen their best days long before the world had ended. None of them, Sarah included felt the need to make idle conversation. Instead, she idly listened to the raucous sounds coming from the Sanctuary Inn pub, nestled at the corner of the street. It was midday but that didn't stop the place from being as bustling as ever, and Sarah knew that it would be busier still by the time her shift was due to start later that evening.

Having warmed the chill from her bones, Sarah braced her head against the wind and set off once more. Through the winter howl she though she heard a gunshot, followed by a shriek but she paid it no heed. Any semblance of law and order had long since been forgotten, in this city that was built after the world had ended. All that mattered was that walls stood, keeping the poor and dishevelled masses at least somewhat safe. Hunters and scavengers kept the place alive, and in doing so they had become the closest thing to a government that this place had known in years. Thugs in reality, little more than a couple of rival gangs. Still, Sarah wasn't one to question that hand that feeds her. She simply kept herself to herself amidst her little shack and served drinks, with a song to earn her keep.

Sci-Fi settings have always captured my imagination, especially those that are filled with all manners of curious aliens dangerous monsters that are just waiting to prey upon a pretty human like myself. From the dark industrial corridors of some far away station, to the wind swept tundra of a far away colony. From the gothic hive cities of Warhammer 40k to the seedy nightclubs of Omega Station, I have a special place in my heart for gritty and squalid environments.

For a ready to go background set within a Sci-Fi background: Sarah was born upon a human colony far away towards the furthest reaches of known space. Scantly populated by little more than dozen families, Sarah's life had little in the ways of excitement. So it was that at an early age she had been captivated by the idea of escaping to find herself a new life amongst the stars. Struck by wanderlust Sarah reached out not long after her eighteenth birthday, having traded away her life savings for passage aboard a starhauler. The Captain was of course only too happy to take her coin, but soon enough his promises proved to be hollow. Sarah was dumped the first space station they came across. Trapped within one of the most dangerous sectors of space, with no money and no marketable skills, it wasn't long until she was left begging on the streets. With nowhere to go and no one to turn to, it is only a matter of time before poor Sarah finds herself the victim of one of the many predatory gangs that stalk these foetid corridors.
Bonus points for aliens.
We are not alone
They came one night out of the blue, shattering all of our illusions in a deluge of violence. There was no warning, no time to prepare and no hope of fighting back. Disorganised and caught completely by surprise, the armies of the world stood little chance against the invaders. Although many fought valiantly the writing was on the wall, humanity had lost. Great ships darken the skies, as swarms of drones and merciless foot-soldiers sweep the lands. Most of our cities lay in ruins, with survivors scurrying through through the rubble like rats fleeing a storm. No one truly knows what the aliens want from us, or why they came to our planet. Rumours exist that they have started to round up survivors; that they are taking them to camps and are forcefully resettling them. Some say that they wish to enslave us, others that they are simply here to exterminate us. Whatever the reason, survival is now a daily struggle. We join our characters as they cower in the ruins, scavenging for supplies and trying to stay hidden. Will they find themselves captured by the invaders, or are they foolish enough to try and fight back?

The Tavern Girl
In an age were knights crusade through the lands and ladies dance at court, Sarah the humble farmer's daughter has finally flown the roost. Having saved all the coin that she could, the pretty young peasant had hitched a ride with a passing merchant, destined for a new life in the big city. Yet wide eyes and hope filled dreams can only carry one so far, and sure enough Sarah's coin had run out long before she reached the city. Having been dropped off at a crossroads tavern, Sarah found herself working behind the bar to earn her keep. It is a quiet life out in the middle of nowhere, but a life she has come to love. From listening to the tales of adventurers braver than she, to lazing about in the sun, there's seldom a thought given to tall tales travellers. Yet deep within the forests that surround Sarah's new home, terrors of an unknown quantity lurk. Whether it's the goblins of the deep caves, the ratmen lurking by the brook, or the Orcish hordes, there's scant protection to be found by this forgotten crossroad.

The star gazer
Born on a backwater world, out the far reaches of colonised space, Sarah had always longed to get away from the claustrophobia of her home and venture out into the stars. Dreams of adventure and romance has driven Sarah to learn all that she can about fixing up and maintaining just about every machine she can get her hands on. Despite her skill, Sarah is still a doe-eyed colonist, unaware of the true dangers that lurk amongst the stars. All of this would soon change however, just as soon as she can find herself passage off world.

The tribal toy
How she ended up here, Sarah can barely remember. Dressed in revealing silks and jewelled chains, Sarah has found herself enslaved by a hissing race of chittering kobolds. As small and dainty as she might be, even Sarah towers over her reptilian captors, yet their numbers ensure that escape is not an option. Beneath the jabs of crude spears and snapping jaws, Sarah is forced to serve her hissing masters, lest she find herself as their next meal. So she dances and smiles as they roam their hands all over her soft and supple flesh, before once more laying down to satisfy their insatiable lusts.

The girl next door
In a world not too dissimilar to our own, Sarah is just another face in an endless crowd. Yet life was not kind to poor Sarah who is once more down on her luck. Forced to make difficult decisions, Sarah feels uneasy about the paths that lay ahead of her. Indebted to the wrong kind of people Sarah finds herself scraping by day by day in the rougher parts of town. For a girl like her who lacks both the qualifications or experience to find a stable job, making money isn't going to be easy. Whether it's the lecherous landlord, or predatory gangs, trouble is never far away for a naive young thing like Sarah.

The slave
Some might say she was born into this life, others might say it was a cruel trick played by fate. Either way, there is no denying that her slender white neck looks so bare without that heavy iron collar. Sarah's soft and submissive nature makes her the perfect slave, whether she's warming her master's bed or serving in the kitchens. Yet despite a face that could melt a heart of stone, Sarah's lithe form and meek nature so often mean that she is over looked by the strong and noble. Sometimes poor Sarah finds herself at the very bottom of the food chain, thrown to the dregs rather than kept as a prize possession. If she fails to capture the heart of her captors, Sarah can expect nothing more than a life chained to a barrack's wall, destined to satisfy the lusts of the most lowly of creatures.

The City Elf
Life is never easy for an outcast, and our heroine is no such exception. A wood-elf orphan, born and raised within the slums of a human city, she has known a life of hardship and constant racism. Her enchanting beauty attracts the eye, just as surely as do the pointed tips of her ears. Humans regard her with suspicion and distrust, even though her enchanting looks often leave their eyes lingering longer than they ought to. To survive the elf does her best to hide her identity, when she is not pick-pocketing to earn her next meal.
The Conscript
The world has torn itself apart once more as war sweeps the lands. Desperate times call for desperate measures, which is where our heroine enters. On the verge of defeat the nation must scrape the bottom of the barrel to survive, calling up all able bodied women to fight alongside their male counterparts. Taken from a life of simplicity, Sarah now finds herself thrown onto the frontlines of a war she is woefully unprepared for. Will she surrender to the pillaging hordes? Will she be left behind? Or will she find some scrap of mercy amidst the protection of her comrades? Prisoner of war, causality of war, spoil of war.

The Conscript (sci-fi version)
Earth has fallen and the human race has been subjegated by a vast an unfathomable alien empire. As a condition of their continued survival, mankind is forced to give up a portion of it's youth each year in the form of conscripts. The unwilling victims are then forced into uniforms and carried away to fight on behalf of their conquroers on far away worlds. Little more than canon fodder, the life expectancy for these halpless souls can often be measured in days.
This is where our unfortunate heroine enters. Poor Sarah is anything but a fighter, but when her name came up she had no choice but to serve. Thrust into a terrifying world of harsh discipline and savage violence, whether she finds herself fighting against hate-filled alien brutes, or tied up in the barracks serving as a comfort-girl, you get to decide what trails she must learn to survive!

A police-state nightmare
The world had changed decades before Sarah Miller had been born, long gone were concepts such as liberty and freedom, now all that anyone knows is the will of the state and day after day of hard labour and merciless oppression. For an unskilled and friendless young woman such as herself, life was a struggle for poor Sarah and even food was hard to come by. Guards and gangsters alike had propositioned her far too often for her own liking but she had always rejected their advances, ever fearing the day when she would loose that pretence of choice. As she left for the day Sarah wondered how she was going to pay this month's rent and how she could avoid that particular touchy Guard that the local checkpoint.

Here's a few of my all time favourite scenarios:
- Flung into a post-apocalyptic world where life is worth less than water my character is prayed upon by a savage male, forced to satisfy his whims to earn her survival.
- Lost in the dark depths of a Forrest my character is prayed upon by a horny pack of rabid wolves and turned the bitch of the pack.
- Life in a dystopian police state in which the lower-class citizens live in perpetual fear of the corrupt security forces and higher class citizens who are free to pray upon all those below them.
- Having fallen on hard times a sweet innocent young woman is taken advantage of and forced into a life of prostitution.
- A scout taken prisoner by a rival army, tortured and interrogated they decide to keep her around for her body.

I like a wide range of genres I'm happy to play with established universes or ones of our own making.

Fandoms & Historical settings

- Medieval
- Ancient Rome
- Vikings

- Mass Effect
- Cyberpunk
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- Warhammer 40k / Fantasy
- The Expanse
- Blade Runner

- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Skyrim
- Halo
- Fallout
- Alien
- The Walking Dead
- The Last of Us
- Nineteen Eighty-Four

And as for my kinks (None of these are essential):

-Body writing
-Forced prostitution
-Object insertion

-Gore during sex
-Boring settings

(Be sure to check out my f-list for more: Oh and finally my full f-list: F-list - Warning)

If you've come this far I hope you've enjoyed it and I can't wait to hear from you!
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Back from a long hiatus and looking again with a brand new story!
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