- Joined
- Mar 10, 2018
- Location
- Hell-Also known as Bakersfield
Alright, I have done quite a lot of RPs and I have learned many things. In learning these things I have decided to make this request thread more efficient. By which I mean, I'm going to structure it in a way that filters out as many bad roleplayers as possible. If you think that you might be a bad RPer, don't up and leave this page just yet, there's still hope for you. It's the people that are bad but won't BELIEVE they're bad that are the issue. Those types who make obviously bad decisions in a RP and then blame me when their bad choices blow up in their faces. And not in the hot way. So to filter the requests I get, I'm going to just list a very simple step by step process EVERYONE who wants to RP with me MUST follow. And I'll know if you skip something. Alright, here's the process.
Ok, you've ready all those points? Ok? Ok. Now you can go on ahead. Don't ask about RPs that have been labeled as full.
Available and new, you degenerate
New RP up and ready.
New Futa plot, with a twist.
New and Freely Used
Stalk the night!
New and awaiting biggus dickus
New and for the real, well, whores I suppose. This RP doesn't break my no scat rule though. LITERALLY anything but that even here.
New and oh so horny!
Mmmmh, spicy.
At Capacity
Shiny new RP! Take it on while it's hot. For the record, you aren't just dropped into the world, you do get to actually talk to the goddess.
Contains - Twincest, other incest, 100% futas, high school, nothing extreme such as gore, toilet, or heavy bdsm.
Currently at capacity. Can be convinced if you're good with slice of lifes.
Currently at capacity
Available - For a limited time, taking this will get you a bonus augment
Brand new and available. This RP is set in a world built entirely around sex. Almost everything is related to sex in some way, and you need to figure out how to navigate it and what your place will be. This RP is in this section because it has like, everything. You can play a man or a woman, but you WON'T stay that way. At some point something is going to swap you around, several times, sometimes all the way sometimes only part way. You'll likely get pregnant, turn into a man and get someone else pregnant, then fuck a catboy in broad daylight for bread. If you just want weird stuff to happen in a fairly "ordinary" world, this is the RP for you. I suggest you start thinking of sex barters.
- If you wanna RP with me, you've GOTTA read this Haku's School of Roles and Plays. You don't HAVE to read every single one through and through, but only skip them if you're fairly certain that point isn't an issue for you. If you screw up one of these things beyond a certain degree of slack, I'll know you skimped. These lessons aren't just for RPing with me, they're just generally good things to know, so even if you're just browsing, check it out. However the first lesson, Action and Reaction, is MANDATORY to read from start to finish. This is VERY important because it's the biggest source of RPs just DRAGGING endlessly even when my partner posts once a day or even less, and puts SO much weight onto ME to hard carry everything. If we start a RP and you VERY clearly don't know how Action and Reaction works, I'll know you skipped this rule, and I'm dipping. This is NOT fucking hard to do, this is a VERY simple lesson to learn, it is what you should be doing in EVERY. SINGLE. ROLEPLAY. And it's literally the first point in my request threads, as well as the first lesson in the School. And no, I do not care if you're sorry or if you SAY you'll do it better. Nobody. Ever. Fucking. Does. It's always the same SHIT, over and over again. Learn it FIRST, then start correctly. Nobody's perfect, I understand that, everyone gets a degree of slack, but if you blatantly drag scenes out for no reason without DOING ANYTHING, that's just more bullshit I do not want to wade through. So read the lesson, internalize it, and put in some actual fucking effort, or ignore my threads entirely.
- Read the RPs THOROUGHLY. If you get something glaringly wrong about the RP, I'm not going to trust your basic reading comprehension, and that's going to spiral poorly. Read them a couple times if need be.
- If you're on a phone, or you're just that person, SPELL CHECK. Everyone makes errors, that's fine so long as I can understand what you mean most of the time. In your opening PM though, SPELL CHECK. Always prefer to take LONGER to post something than to rush through it and make a bunch of mistakes. If your initial message is a mangled mess, I'm not even going to respond.
- I'm here to ROLEPLAY, not to have text sex. Don't get confused, I want PLENTY of sex IN said roleplays, but it's not like porn where the story is just a backdrop at best and everything devolves into just straight up sex within seconds. Some of my RPs across my 3 request threads are VERY VERY heavily about sex, some of them are technically not about SEX at all, but the characters can still have sex, even a lot of it, the story just doesn't inherently DEMAND the sex. I fully desire for sex to be in ALL my RPs, if I wanted something safe for work, I'd be somewhere else. But sex isn't THE reason I'm here, I enjoy making stories. I enjoy creating a narrative. If that narrative is about having sex, there's still a NARRATIVE there AROUND the sex, and I do NOT like it when people neglect that. We both have characters, those characters should be PEOPLE that live in whatever world we're in. If the ONLY thing on your character's mind is sex sex sex then I don't want to RP with you. Not every situation calls for just sex, if your only goal is to have sex, PISS OFF. Again, not in a hot way. Which reminds me.
- Kinks, this one's important. I have ONE kink that I absolutely refuse, and it's scat. If you even tangentially bring that up, RP's done, and also I'm not talking to you anymore in general. Keep FAR away from that topic. I'm REALLY hardline about this rule, because it's my ONE fucking kink rule, and it's VERY easy to obey. So easy that NOBODY has screwed this up with me ever. Don't be the first. Aside from this, ANYTHING else is on the table, which brings me to.
- Kinks, but for you. As the previous point says, ANYTHING except the one thing is on the table, that doesn't mean I'm going to start throwing just ANYTHING at you. Again, ROLEPLAY. Narrative. Settings. Worldbuilding. There are some WEIRD kinks out there and there's loads that just don't make sense in a wide variety of situations. Basically if a RP doesn't say SPECIFICALLY that it includes any particular odd kink, just assume it doesn't at all. If you want something weird, it's your job to bring it up. You can do that in an OOC message if it's something I need to do, or you can just put it into the RP on your own, though DO keep in mind, again, CHARACTERS. If the character you decide to piss on doesn't appreciate the surprise, don't get mad at me. Now I've talked about my absolute no, I've talked about how you might get the kinks YOU want. Well.
- Kinks, but for me. Honestly, just scroll down, you'll figure out what I generally enjoy. The School will go over some shit you just shouldn't do, particularly about Free Use, but to summarize, if a RP clearly involves a character being fucked by multiple people, DON'T send me a message asking if you can monopolize her. Now the kinks I enjoy are generally spread out, though once again any kink that makes sense can be introduced in any RP, it's all a matter of interest. So to be efficient, in your message just tell me if you do or do not approve of Yaoi (that's "Boy's Love" for the uninitiated). Since nearly every RP CONTAINS guys, it's therefore possible for almost ANY RP to therefore have gay guys. So if you aren't interested in that, simply let me know and I'll not have any of my characters pursue your characters. Not seriously at least. Again, narrative, so if it makes sense for a character to flirt, he still will, just like, say no. You'll never be forced to fuck a guy. Which actually brings me to.
- No, I will NOT "just delete men". If you don't like fucking men, don't ask for a RP where fucking men is specifically stated to be highly relevant, such as Sexpocalypse. NO, I'm not going to change all the men into Futas, I'm not going to just remove the men entirely, and no I'm not going to let you play that RP if you don't like fucking men. The RP is about fucking EVERYONE, so if you're not willing to do that, it's not for you. Find another one. I'll make changes to RPs, but small details, not massive thematic alterations. So basically if you're a lesbian that doesn't like dudes, don't pick the RP with lots of dudes. I'm not changing them. Changing the gender of a specific romance target IS fine though.
- This one's just a bit of a tip. Roleplay, use it to ask questions. I find OOC chatter can get annoying when my partner is trying to plan out TONS of stuff. We're weaving a narrative, not co-writing a book. If you want to know if my character likes anal, have YOUR character ask about it, don't just message me separately to ask to magically provide your character knowledge from beyond the 4th wall. The only questions you really need to ask out of character, and even then not always, is like worldbuilding stuff. Things your character should already know, like if Ogres exist in this particular fantasy world for example, or dragons or elves and so on. Trying to plan out a whole scenario doesn't work though, if you have an idea for what you want your character to do, just pursue that goal IN THE ROLEPLAY! That's what it's for! Don't message me saying you want to learn fire magic, ASK AROUND ABOUT FIRE MAGIC! Then voila, I will know "Oh. I should make a fire mage." If you feel the need to message me because you want your character to do something very specific that requires my characters behave in a very specific way in order to allow your character to react in a manner that achieves what you want....... No. Fuck off now, that's not how Roleplay works. That's called a novel, go write one. You don't dictate how my characters act, I won't dictate how your characters act, we react NATURALLY to one another. If that's too much for you to handle, then the filter is working.
- I usually respond fairly quickly to messages, both requests and RPs. I'm available most of the time, though I still need to sleep of course, and I'm not just sitting at my computer all day waiting for a PM, so if you're unlucky it could take a day for me to respond, but unless you break one of these rules, or you make the RP a chore by not learning from my School, I WILL respond as soon as I can. After YEARS of roleplaying with bad partners, I've started to just ghost people that make the RP a chore for me to respond to. Yeah I know, technically I should message them and say it's not working out or something, but I can't do that. You see, bad roleplayers, are obnoxious assholes I find. I just can't "break up" with someone without explaining WHY. Doing that, requires I point out what they did WRONG. Literally every single time I've done this, in a constructive manner mind you I don't just start going "You fucking suck so bad, fix your shit" or anything like that, I just get "Well YOU actually are the one who sucks" thrown back at my face with NO justification for what I supposedly did wrong. I'm honestly sick and tired of wasting HOURS going in depth about what my partner did poorly and how to fix it and them not even acknowledging a SINGLE one of their mistakes. So yeah, if I just stop responding, well, if this new setup is doing its job correctly, you're probably an old partner who is seeing this for the first time. Go check my School thread in step 1. 99.99% of the time I stopped responding because you did one or more of those things I created the School to STOP people doing. Hell, you might BE in one of those lessons. If you are, and you have learned and accepted what you did wrong and why it's not conducive to good RP, and you have fixed the bad habit, then I might give you another chance. It's also likely I won't even remember you depending on how long it has been so basically you'd have another chance at a first impression. Don't waste it. Unless you're the guy who inspired the Lessons in Logic post. You'll know who you are by reading it, and you can eat a dick. Again, NOT in a hot way.
- Last thing, but this is pretty important. TELL ME YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME, AND INCLUDE A PICTURE OR DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE APPEARANCE! Keep the lessons in mind when making your character's various attributes, but you have NO FUCKING IDEA how many people will leave out a character's NAME AND APPEARANCE until I literally fucking strangle it the fuck out of them! You don't have to have a character ready to go upon your first message, sometimes you found 2 or even 3 RPs that really interest you and you want my input on which one you should take, which I'm happy to help narrow it down. However once you've decided on one, ALWAYS give me your character details. Use your common sense, if in the RP I need to know a bunch of stuff about your character's history and shit, then I'll probably ask for it. However normally JUST appearance and name should be good enough, I can find out whatever other stuff you've got for a backstory in the RP itself. Tell me what I need to know, and leave it at that. But I always always ALWAYS need to know appearance and name. ALWAYS, NO EXCEPTIONS! It doesn't matter if I'm starting the RP, or if you're starting it. ALWAYS give me these things. Include it in an OOC message or put it in the first post if you're starting it. ALWAYS. DO NOT FUCKING FORGET THIS OR I WILL NOT RP WITH YOU! I'M REALLY TIRED OF HAVING TO DIG SUCH BASIC INFORMATION OUT OF PEOPLE! THIS SHOULDN'T BE DIFFICULT! I should clarify, when I say describe in DETAIL the appearance, I mean DETAIL. Clothing is whatever, that's subject to change constantly of course. Physically though I should always know what your character looks like. Dick size, breast size, hair color, eye color, basic ass shit ok? Seriously, don't forget.
Ok, you've ready all those points? Ok? Ok. Now you can go on ahead. Don't ask about RPs that have been labeled as full.
Welcome to Arlos. Prepare your holes. Because on this world, there exists a foe you are destined to face. Sex Dungeons!!!!! Not like that.
Sex Dungeons are a subset of Dungeons, and Dungeons are magical structures full of monsters and traps. Sex Dungeons are the same, but every trap and monster is sex related. Tentacles, sexed up goblins, aphrodisiac traps and cum. Lots and lots of cum. There's a problem though, and that's nearly nobody wants to run these dungeons. Because unlike with regular Dungeons, Sex Dungeons are very light on avoidance, and most people can't survive the punishment these dungeons inflict. So they go almost entirely undelved.
That is a problem, that you will solve. You are dungeon banned, but you are Sex Blessed. This means your body is uniquely gifted in being fucked, sucked, raped, pounded, impregnated and filled with more cum than you have other fluids.
As a Hero summoned from Earth, this way of life may seem, like a drastic change, or a dream come true. Either way, you don't have a choice, because as a Hero you also have a Hero's Calling. That trait means if you don't fulfill the duty you were summoned to do, you will be punished.
Oh you won't die, don't worry. You'll just wish you could.
So tighten up your holes, open your throat, and prepare to be violated in every way possible, and become unbelievably rich in the process. Maybe you'll even make some horny friends along the way? Also you get magic. Perverse magic, but still, magic right?
Sex Dungeons are a subset of Dungeons, and Dungeons are magical structures full of monsters and traps. Sex Dungeons are the same, but every trap and monster is sex related. Tentacles, sexed up goblins, aphrodisiac traps and cum. Lots and lots of cum. There's a problem though, and that's nearly nobody wants to run these dungeons. Because unlike with regular Dungeons, Sex Dungeons are very light on avoidance, and most people can't survive the punishment these dungeons inflict. So they go almost entirely undelved.
That is a problem, that you will solve. You are dungeon banned, but you are Sex Blessed. This means your body is uniquely gifted in being fucked, sucked, raped, pounded, impregnated and filled with more cum than you have other fluids.
As a Hero summoned from Earth, this way of life may seem, like a drastic change, or a dream come true. Either way, you don't have a choice, because as a Hero you also have a Hero's Calling. That trait means if you don't fulfill the duty you were summoned to do, you will be punished.
Oh you won't die, don't worry. You'll just wish you could.
So tighten up your holes, open your throat, and prepare to be violated in every way possible, and become unbelievably rich in the process. Maybe you'll even make some horny friends along the way? Also you get magic. Perverse magic, but still, magic right?
Due to an extended period of.... Either being a pervert or just not being able to express said perversion, you gave in to temptation. The girl's locker room was empty, and you just so happened to be passing by, and you just so happened to slip inside for JUST a moment, and you JUST so happened to start masturbating with the panties of the most popular girl in school. Nothing to be concerned about surely.
What was to be concerned about was the shy, unassuming girl that skipped swim class and saw you, taking a picture of you in the act. Well, at the end of the act that is. It turns out, one of the meekest, sweetest, most kind hearted girls in school, was a pervert beyond all reason. She immediately realized that she could blackmail the hell out of you. No longer would she need to spend all day at home masturbating in her room. She could just have sex with you instead!
In any other circumstance, this would be a win win situation. Until she pulled up her skirt and revealed the reason she was not in the pool. A massive throbbing, hard cock sprung out from between her legs, and her bedroom eyes were locked right on you.
What was to be concerned about was the shy, unassuming girl that skipped swim class and saw you, taking a picture of you in the act. Well, at the end of the act that is. It turns out, one of the meekest, sweetest, most kind hearted girls in school, was a pervert beyond all reason. She immediately realized that she could blackmail the hell out of you. No longer would she need to spend all day at home masturbating in her room. She could just have sex with you instead!
In any other circumstance, this would be a win win situation. Until she pulled up her skirt and revealed the reason she was not in the pool. A massive throbbing, hard cock sprung out from between her legs, and her bedroom eyes were locked right on you.

Through a powerful arcane ritual, you have been summoned to another world. A magical world! A world full of wonder and ripe for exploration and discovery. Your grand adventure starts now! Right after a quick ass fucking!!!!
The princess who is responsible for the ritual that summoned you here did not call upon you because you are the chosen one or they were in need of a valiant warrior that will acquire magnificent power to defeat the demon king or anything. She needed someone to shove her big cock into and this ritual would summon someone that by having sex with them, she could increase her magical power. Win win. You benefit as well of course, you will develop magical abilities that make it easier and more fun to be raped by a horny futa princess nearly constantly throughout the day. Also she might share you with some friends. And probably some royal guards..... Some villagers too? Who couldn't use a boost in their magic? Eh, may as well pass you around. Don't worry, if you're a girl, boys can shove their cocks into you, futas can do the same, and girls just need to make you cum until your brain stops working, drinking up those delectable magic increasing juices. If you're a boy, even easier, boys and futas just ass fuck you, and the girls just need to chug your jizz. Don't worry, there's plenty of water, so you won't die of dehydration. The point is, you are now this kingdom's fuck slave, and you in fact do not have a choice in the matter. Now get on your knees.
The princess who is responsible for the ritual that summoned you here did not call upon you because you are the chosen one or they were in need of a valiant warrior that will acquire magnificent power to defeat the demon king or anything. She needed someone to shove her big cock into and this ritual would summon someone that by having sex with them, she could increase her magical power. Win win. You benefit as well of course, you will develop magical abilities that make it easier and more fun to be raped by a horny futa princess nearly constantly throughout the day. Also she might share you with some friends. And probably some royal guards..... Some villagers too? Who couldn't use a boost in their magic? Eh, may as well pass you around. Don't worry, if you're a girl, boys can shove their cocks into you, futas can do the same, and girls just need to make you cum until your brain stops working, drinking up those delectable magic increasing juices. If you're a boy, even easier, boys and futas just ass fuck you, and the girls just need to chug your jizz. Don't worry, there's plenty of water, so you won't die of dehydration. The point is, you are now this kingdom's fuck slave, and you in fact do not have a choice in the matter. Now get on your knees.

Earth has been determined to be a prime target for conquering. Soldier, you and your sister have been assigned to a special operations mission on the newfound planet known as Earth. Your bodies have been significantly altered so you can both blend in to Earth society, and maneuver effectively according to your mission needs. Your goals are as follows.
1: Infiltrate Earth society, posing as humans.
2: Retain your covert identities for the duration of your mission.
3: Explore human society and determine a point of weakness that can be leveraged quietly.
4: Apply pressure to discovered weak point, and dismantle Earth society.
Your time limit for this assignment is indefinite. Retreat is not an option. Due to the covert nature of this mission, your access to our technology will be limited. Use your own skills to acquire Earth items that are needed to accomplish your mission. Good luck soldiers.
2 alien soldiers, a pair of sisters, have been given new, strange bodies with which to infiltrate and conquer the planet Earth. Use all the tools at your disposal, and whatever else you can acquire, in order to discover a way to topple Earthling society for your superior to come in and attain control.
You and "Momo" are to use your tools and wits to accomplish your mission. Good luck.
1: Infiltrate Earth society, posing as humans.
2: Retain your covert identities for the duration of your mission.
3: Explore human society and determine a point of weakness that can be leveraged quietly.
4: Apply pressure to discovered weak point, and dismantle Earth society.
Your time limit for this assignment is indefinite. Retreat is not an option. Due to the covert nature of this mission, your access to our technology will be limited. Use your own skills to acquire Earth items that are needed to accomplish your mission. Good luck soldiers.
2 alien soldiers, a pair of sisters, have been given new, strange bodies with which to infiltrate and conquer the planet Earth. Use all the tools at your disposal, and whatever else you can acquire, in order to discover a way to topple Earthling society for your superior to come in and attain control.

A blink was all it took. In a literal blink of an eye, your location changed completely. The sky was a clear blue, the weather was quite pleasant, and you are now for some reason in what appears to be a medieval style city. Buildings of stone and wood, cobbled roads, horse drawn carriages, walls off in the distance, and people going about their merry ways. That's, pretty damn weird, for obvious reasons. It was especially weird, that not one single person you can see, is wearing any clothes. Not any of them. Not so much as a glove even. It was lucky, or perhaps just more weird, that everyone you can see is also smoking hot. Not every guy is stacked with muscle, but they're all at least in shape, with good features from head to toe. The women you can see all had perfect boobs. Not necessarily large, though there were many with quite large ones in sight, but large or small, they were all flawlessly shaped, perky, even the biggest ones, bigger than your head, weren't even slightly saggy. Their physiques were slender, their hips wide and their asses round and full, like they'd ring throughout the city with one good slap.
Then more weirdness. Some of the women you can see, have cocks. Looking at a woman bending over to inspect some fruit at a stand you could see her pussy behind the cock dangling between her perfect thighs. So they were genuinely women with dicks as well as vaginas. It couldn't stop there though, it had to get weirder. Some of the women had ordinary cocks, some of them had dicks that appeared to have KNOTS like a dog's. This applied to many of the men as well. Ordinary looking men that might have literal horse cocks between their legs. They were all naked regardless, just walking around with limp horse dicks flopping around like it was the most normal thing in the world. They weren't all flaccid either, you can see a woman with huge boobs talking to someone, and she had a horse cock that was so big and hard it stood upright and nestled comfortably in her cleavage. She could've literally licked it just by bending her neck a bit.
Somehow, it had to get MORE WEIRD. Not only was all that stuff happening, but people were just fucking so casually they didn't stop their conversations. Literally less than 10 feet away from you, some random man walked up behind a woman talking to some merchant selling fruit, and he just bent her over, and stuck his cock into her pussy and started doing her. The woman didn't even glance behind her, she just kept talking about whether pears or apples would go better in a pie. The merchant didn't pay the guy any mind either!
Finally, looking down, you realized this world had changed you as well. Also, your clothes and all your things are gone, so you are also butt naked in this random ass crazy city that doesn't seem to care about random acts of sexual assault and has women with dicks the size of their torsos strolling around naked!
Should be pretty clear the gist of this RP. You can make your character however you like, just gotta be sexy, even if it's someone who wasn't sexy before, this world makes them sexy. Your call on that part, yes you can have a horse cock, there's no barrier of entry, you just pick what you want. However, for this RP, you gotta be bi. The way this world works, you'll never be able to get away with not taking a cock or two. Again, the way your character is is your choice, but you the RPer needs to be cool with getting ass fucked as a guy for example, cause it's happening. Same if you wanna be a lesbian, you can be a lesbian, but you're still taking guy's dicks, so bear that in mind.
Then more weirdness. Some of the women you can see, have cocks. Looking at a woman bending over to inspect some fruit at a stand you could see her pussy behind the cock dangling between her perfect thighs. So they were genuinely women with dicks as well as vaginas. It couldn't stop there though, it had to get weirder. Some of the women had ordinary cocks, some of them had dicks that appeared to have KNOTS like a dog's. This applied to many of the men as well. Ordinary looking men that might have literal horse cocks between their legs. They were all naked regardless, just walking around with limp horse dicks flopping around like it was the most normal thing in the world. They weren't all flaccid either, you can see a woman with huge boobs talking to someone, and she had a horse cock that was so big and hard it stood upright and nestled comfortably in her cleavage. She could've literally licked it just by bending her neck a bit.
Somehow, it had to get MORE WEIRD. Not only was all that stuff happening, but people were just fucking so casually they didn't stop their conversations. Literally less than 10 feet away from you, some random man walked up behind a woman talking to some merchant selling fruit, and he just bent her over, and stuck his cock into her pussy and started doing her. The woman didn't even glance behind her, she just kept talking about whether pears or apples would go better in a pie. The merchant didn't pay the guy any mind either!
Finally, looking down, you realized this world had changed you as well. Also, your clothes and all your things are gone, so you are also butt naked in this random ass crazy city that doesn't seem to care about random acts of sexual assault and has women with dicks the size of their torsos strolling around naked!
Should be pretty clear the gist of this RP. You can make your character however you like, just gotta be sexy, even if it's someone who wasn't sexy before, this world makes them sexy. Your call on that part, yes you can have a horse cock, there's no barrier of entry, you just pick what you want. However, for this RP, you gotta be bi. The way this world works, you'll never be able to get away with not taking a cock or two. Again, the way your character is is your choice, but you the RPer needs to be cool with getting ass fucked as a guy for example, cause it's happening. Same if you wanna be a lesbian, you can be a lesbian, but you're still taking guy's dicks, so bear that in mind.
Caught out on the streets at night, you never expected to be accosted by a flying girl with a huge cock. Terrified, as anyone would be, you attempt to flee, but this girl can fly on massive wings that seem to be able to turn into some kind of cape. She catches you easily, tears off your clothes, and then she sinks her huge fangs into your soft neck. A piercing pain shoots through your body, then it begin to mix with intense pleasure. Everything goes black for a moment, then all of a sudden, everything is WONDERFUL. Your body feels better than it ever has before, and then it gets even better as the girl shoves her massive cock into your aching pussy. Feeling so full of her girl dick is everything you never knew you needed. As she cums inside you, your own giant cock sprouts from your crotch, aching, spurting clear pre-cum and just begging to be stuffed into a tight, wet hole.
Your initial fears were totally unfounded. You should invite more lucky girls to join the two of you.
Yukari, the futa vampire that turned you.
Your initial fears were totally unfounded. You should invite more lucky girls to join the two of you.

Yukari, the futa vampire that turned you.
Being a disappointment to your family, is pretty rough. It's even worse when the source of that disappointment is entirely out of your control.
In the land of Aravel, there is magic aplenty. This doesn't mean you can just learn whatever magic strikes your fancy. Magic is inherited. The magic you have in your blood is all you will ever have. Sure there are enchanted items that can make your life easier, or help you fight better, but if your inherited technique is not suited to combat, you will NEVER be as good a fighter as someone with inferior equipment but a good combat technique. Such is the way of the world.
Yours is a family of humble farmers, in a humble little farming village. You family's inherited technique is body enhancement. Its limits are pretty stark, but it's very well suited for farmwork and other common labor. So why are you a disappointment exactly? Well, you did NOT inherit this magic. Magic could be slippery. Noble families were very careful regarding their bloodlines, making sure only those with suitable techniques could marry in, as well as who their own members married out to. In your much less cared for bloodline, some other techniques got mixed in, and while the strongest technique was Body Enhancement, sometimes other ones popped up. Like yours. Your inherited technique is Multi Size!
It's completely fucking useless. The ability to make your penis larger is in THEORY every guy's dream. In REALITY, women want nothing to do with you. The ability to literally split them in half if you're careless is kind of a turn off, not to mention human women were not bottomless. On top of that, you have no enhancement to your strength, or your endurance, or agility. You're totally gods damned useless, you'll die alone, and you'll never amount to anything. There's NO purpose to a technique that does absolutely nothing but make your dick too big to even be usable.
Until, inspiration struck. In the form of a huge wolf monster. Monsters weren't that common in these parts, the king's guard patrolled regularly after all, but no system was 100% perfect. This one slipped through the cracks, but unfortunately, it was fearsome. The monster was especially strong, and the limited combat power of this farming town wasn't enough to combat it. Not without nearly the entire town dying in the process anyway.
But you, you saw something. This wolf, this giant monstrous creature, had a pretty nice looking pussy! It wasn't SO big you couldn't reach, with a jump anyway. Then you could finally use your inherited technique! You could give this wolf a proper dicking! You could defeat it and be a HERO! Not only that, who's to say there weren't MORE monsters that would be defeated by a massive dick? This could be the start of a whole new WORLD for you! The first ever monster layer! The fact you'd finally be getting laid was, definitely not factoring into this decision at all. Totally not.
Pretty self explanatory. Travel the land, and use your magically growing cock to dick down the threats you encounter. Also other things will happen. First on the menu, big wolfy.
In the land of Aravel, there is magic aplenty. This doesn't mean you can just learn whatever magic strikes your fancy. Magic is inherited. The magic you have in your blood is all you will ever have. Sure there are enchanted items that can make your life easier, or help you fight better, but if your inherited technique is not suited to combat, you will NEVER be as good a fighter as someone with inferior equipment but a good combat technique. Such is the way of the world.
Yours is a family of humble farmers, in a humble little farming village. You family's inherited technique is body enhancement. Its limits are pretty stark, but it's very well suited for farmwork and other common labor. So why are you a disappointment exactly? Well, you did NOT inherit this magic. Magic could be slippery. Noble families were very careful regarding their bloodlines, making sure only those with suitable techniques could marry in, as well as who their own members married out to. In your much less cared for bloodline, some other techniques got mixed in, and while the strongest technique was Body Enhancement, sometimes other ones popped up. Like yours. Your inherited technique is Multi Size!
It's completely fucking useless. The ability to make your penis larger is in THEORY every guy's dream. In REALITY, women want nothing to do with you. The ability to literally split them in half if you're careless is kind of a turn off, not to mention human women were not bottomless. On top of that, you have no enhancement to your strength, or your endurance, or agility. You're totally gods damned useless, you'll die alone, and you'll never amount to anything. There's NO purpose to a technique that does absolutely nothing but make your dick too big to even be usable.
Until, inspiration struck. In the form of a huge wolf monster. Monsters weren't that common in these parts, the king's guard patrolled regularly after all, but no system was 100% perfect. This one slipped through the cracks, but unfortunately, it was fearsome. The monster was especially strong, and the limited combat power of this farming town wasn't enough to combat it. Not without nearly the entire town dying in the process anyway.
But you, you saw something. This wolf, this giant monstrous creature, had a pretty nice looking pussy! It wasn't SO big you couldn't reach, with a jump anyway. Then you could finally use your inherited technique! You could give this wolf a proper dicking! You could defeat it and be a HERO! Not only that, who's to say there weren't MORE monsters that would be defeated by a massive dick? This could be the start of a whole new WORLD for you! The first ever monster layer! The fact you'd finally be getting laid was, definitely not factoring into this decision at all. Totally not.

Pretty self explanatory. Travel the land, and use your magically growing cock to dick down the threats you encounter. Also other things will happen. First on the menu, big wolfy.
Welcome new contestant, to the Not Anything Annual Because It Occurs Outside What You Think Is Reality And Therefore Outside Your Woefully Bad Understanding Of Time In A Plane Of Conceptual Reality Where Archetypal Concepts Your Lesser Reality Uses To Function Are Suggestions At Best And Therefore The Rules Are What You Decide Them To Be Except The Rules That I Decide Are To Be Contest!
But that's WAY too long, so we just call them THE WHORE GAMES!
Yes, the Whore Games. In this as far as you'd understand it infinite multiverse there are actually COUNTLESS roles that should be filled by a massive whore. Simply making one doesn't always return the best results, so we let that nature you're so fond of do it for us. Aging Whores with time, and I'm talking billions of years here, refines them into beings just right for our needs. THAT my contestant is why you are here. But don't worry, you haven't been taken against your will, I never considered your will in the first place! You don't have a decision now though, should have spoken up when I was instantaneously warping your feeble reality to bring you here. Oh well, IT'S TOO LATE NOW!
Since it has settled in now that there is no escape and no options to take, let's explain what's going on! I mean with the Whore Games, your very soul would be scattered to a trillion different universes if we tried to explain a FRACTION of what's really going on everywhere else. Nevermind that though, you have a job to do. And it's fucking!
You will be transported to a teeny tiny arena, what you would laughably call a "planet", along with some number of other contestants. How do you compete? I'm glad I made you ask! It's very simple and also infinitely complex in ways you can only begin to grasp if you really try. All you need to do is locate another contestant, and defeat them! That's it! Simple as that.
But it's not as simple as that! How do you defeat them? What is even the contest? I'm getting to that! Stop making me make you interrupt me!
Sex here is not the same as what you consider it to be. Here, sex is boundless in possibility. Before this contest starts, you will be given the chance to customize your loadout! Every contestant can perform certain similar feats, such as multisizing, but you will also get to pick from literally INFINITE other skills. You can snatch up some minor skills, or go for a single big one. That's not all, some of you may have natural skills or traits already. For example, if you have a bigger dick naturally, you'll get more out of dick growing skills! Isn't that unfair!? Yes! It's GREAT! Balanced games are TRASH you slut.
Oh, speaking of skills. There are absolutely ZERO children anywhere on this planet, so if you see someone that appears to be a child, it's probably a contestant using multisize to shrink their body. Yeah, cutting that problem off now, nobody else is going to win one of these without screwing a single damn.... Uh, is this thing still on? Fuck.
SKILLS! Skills are great! Which is why you can take them! To take another person's skills, you just need to defeat them! To do that, you need to defeat them in a game of sex, fuck them, make them cum, cum inside them, suck the jizz from their dick, and other WEIRD things you freaks have thought of. Seriously, if I wasn't a transcendent entity from an infinitely more complex reality than you can imagine, I'd have been scarred for life after seeing someone eat someone with their dick. But I am what I just said, so I just get to mock you lesser creatures! FUN!
Hold on, it doesn't end at skills. Remember how I said some people are better endowed than others? Well, TAKE THAT TOO! Jealous that some upstart has a bigger dick than you? Fuck him and then you can manifest his cock at will as your own! Have you always wanted a pair of milky boobs? You're just one throat raping away from having them! Do you just want to generally get more power!? FUCK EVERYONE!
The winner of the Whore Games will be the one who's the BIGGEST whore, so the more depraved shit you're willing to do to other people, the more likely you'll win. So, y'know, good luck if you're only into men or women, cause you're pretty boned mate. Also the losers will have their souls claimed and consumed by the winner and will basically be wiped from existence, for real not what you peons think is actually death. Figure out who's most likely to win and if you're lucky and kiss the winner's ass enough, you might be spared consumption and be made into a thrall. It's like being god's maid, not a bad gig.
Anyway, the rules? THERE ARE NONE! Well there are, but you're physically incapable of breaking them, cause I set them! So if you can do something, it's ok to do! Go for it! Now pick your loadout and GO BE A WHORE!
But that's WAY too long, so we just call them THE WHORE GAMES!
Yes, the Whore Games. In this as far as you'd understand it infinite multiverse there are actually COUNTLESS roles that should be filled by a massive whore. Simply making one doesn't always return the best results, so we let that nature you're so fond of do it for us. Aging Whores with time, and I'm talking billions of years here, refines them into beings just right for our needs. THAT my contestant is why you are here. But don't worry, you haven't been taken against your will, I never considered your will in the first place! You don't have a decision now though, should have spoken up when I was instantaneously warping your feeble reality to bring you here. Oh well, IT'S TOO LATE NOW!
Since it has settled in now that there is no escape and no options to take, let's explain what's going on! I mean with the Whore Games, your very soul would be scattered to a trillion different universes if we tried to explain a FRACTION of what's really going on everywhere else. Nevermind that though, you have a job to do. And it's fucking!
You will be transported to a teeny tiny arena, what you would laughably call a "planet", along with some number of other contestants. How do you compete? I'm glad I made you ask! It's very simple and also infinitely complex in ways you can only begin to grasp if you really try. All you need to do is locate another contestant, and defeat them! That's it! Simple as that.
But it's not as simple as that! How do you defeat them? What is even the contest? I'm getting to that! Stop making me make you interrupt me!
Sex here is not the same as what you consider it to be. Here, sex is boundless in possibility. Before this contest starts, you will be given the chance to customize your loadout! Every contestant can perform certain similar feats, such as multisizing, but you will also get to pick from literally INFINITE other skills. You can snatch up some minor skills, or go for a single big one. That's not all, some of you may have natural skills or traits already. For example, if you have a bigger dick naturally, you'll get more out of dick growing skills! Isn't that unfair!? Yes! It's GREAT! Balanced games are TRASH you slut.
Oh, speaking of skills. There are absolutely ZERO children anywhere on this planet, so if you see someone that appears to be a child, it's probably a contestant using multisize to shrink their body. Yeah, cutting that problem off now, nobody else is going to win one of these without screwing a single damn.... Uh, is this thing still on? Fuck.
SKILLS! Skills are great! Which is why you can take them! To take another person's skills, you just need to defeat them! To do that, you need to defeat them in a game of sex, fuck them, make them cum, cum inside them, suck the jizz from their dick, and other WEIRD things you freaks have thought of. Seriously, if I wasn't a transcendent entity from an infinitely more complex reality than you can imagine, I'd have been scarred for life after seeing someone eat someone with their dick. But I am what I just said, so I just get to mock you lesser creatures! FUN!
Hold on, it doesn't end at skills. Remember how I said some people are better endowed than others? Well, TAKE THAT TOO! Jealous that some upstart has a bigger dick than you? Fuck him and then you can manifest his cock at will as your own! Have you always wanted a pair of milky boobs? You're just one throat raping away from having them! Do you just want to generally get more power!? FUCK EVERYONE!
The winner of the Whore Games will be the one who's the BIGGEST whore, so the more depraved shit you're willing to do to other people, the more likely you'll win. So, y'know, good luck if you're only into men or women, cause you're pretty boned mate. Also the losers will have their souls claimed and consumed by the winner and will basically be wiped from existence, for real not what you peons think is actually death. Figure out who's most likely to win and if you're lucky and kiss the winner's ass enough, you might be spared consumption and be made into a thrall. It's like being god's maid, not a bad gig.
Anyway, the rules? THERE ARE NONE! Well there are, but you're physically incapable of breaking them, cause I set them! So if you can do something, it's ok to do! Go for it! Now pick your loadout and GO BE A WHORE!
The entire world has changed. When you woke up this morning, your first look outside revealed something extremely unexpected. One of your neighbors was fucking his dog. Like his actual pet dog. Just, on the sidewalk, not caring who saw. Even stranger potentially, your neighbor's very male dog, and not a small dog, seemed INTO it? Things went from really strange to downright alarming. You watched someone, a middle aged man in the neighborhood, a good hard working father in fact, was walking down the sidewalk and a high school girl wearing her uniform and on her way to school for the day walked by him looking at her phone. The man grabbed her arm as she walked by, then tore open her top and ripped off her bra! He shoved her onto her knees and pulled his cock out and just started fucking her throat! Before you even had time to grab your phone and call the police, you saw this girl, fondling her boobs? She shoved the cock down her throat seemingly gladly. He pulled out of her mouth and turned her around, and the girl stuck her butt up. He pulled her panties aside and started fucking her right there. You could see the girl enjoying herself like this was an everyday occurrence. Things were about to get bad though, REALLY bad. You saw one of that man's daughters coming out of their house, also on her way to school. You knew this girl a bit, she was very polite, but quiet and very shy, very demure and proper. She saw what her father was doing and looked horrified. She ran over, dropping her schoolbag and went to shove her father off this poor girl. You feel sorrow for her, she'd have to live out her life knowing her father was a rap-WAS SHE MAKING OUT WITH HER FATHER?! She was! Her father shoved his tongue into her mouth and you could also see his hands in her skirt! He was still thrusting his hips into the first girl. His daughter, who you were certain never even THOUGHT dirty things, was tonguing her father while he stirred up her pussy with his fingers!
What was going on!? You had to do SOMETHING! You couldn't just stand around here, right!? Intending to go outside and put a stop to this insanity, you burst through your front door, only to stumble into 2 school boys. One of them was on his back while the other one was fucking his ass. They turned to see you, their eyes visibly pink in color, and struck. Whatever was messing with people's heads, you weren't seeming to be effected by it. Which considering what happened next, may not be a good thing.
So here we are. A sexpocalypse. The people and even animals of the world seem to have gone mad, compelled to fuck each other in a frenzy until..... Maybe forever? Who knows? You, boy or girl, are unaffected by whatever is taking people's minds, but that doesn't mean they simply ignore you. These sex zombies, two boys who must have been passing by on their way to school, immediately grab you and start raping you. Your mind is your own, but you can't just let them do as they please. You need to do something. Escape. Learn what's going on, or just survive. If everyone else can only think about sex, then infrastructure will quickly break down, which means survival will come back into play as modernity falls apart.
Naturally for this RP you will be encountering many people who will be compelled to fuck you regardless of either party's gender. Your mind is your own, but you are still seen as a valid target regardless. Animals will also come onto you, though you can't be sure regarding the extent of whatever is happening. Should probably steer clear of zoos though yeah? You can create whatever character you want, but I'm not negotiating your partners. Whoever you encounter, guys or girls, they will try to fuck you, so if you don't want to be fucked by everything and everyone, find another RP, this one clearly isn't for you.
Oh, I actually have a good story reason why children aren't involved in this. Whatever is taking people's minds is only targeting sexual creatures, so anything that has not sexually matured is ignored. That's why the sex zombies aren't trying to fuck like trees or cars.
What was going on!? You had to do SOMETHING! You couldn't just stand around here, right!? Intending to go outside and put a stop to this insanity, you burst through your front door, only to stumble into 2 school boys. One of them was on his back while the other one was fucking his ass. They turned to see you, their eyes visibly pink in color, and struck. Whatever was messing with people's heads, you weren't seeming to be effected by it. Which considering what happened next, may not be a good thing.
So here we are. A sexpocalypse. The people and even animals of the world seem to have gone mad, compelled to fuck each other in a frenzy until..... Maybe forever? Who knows? You, boy or girl, are unaffected by whatever is taking people's minds, but that doesn't mean they simply ignore you. These sex zombies, two boys who must have been passing by on their way to school, immediately grab you and start raping you. Your mind is your own, but you can't just let them do as they please. You need to do something. Escape. Learn what's going on, or just survive. If everyone else can only think about sex, then infrastructure will quickly break down, which means survival will come back into play as modernity falls apart.
Naturally for this RP you will be encountering many people who will be compelled to fuck you regardless of either party's gender. Your mind is your own, but you are still seen as a valid target regardless. Animals will also come onto you, though you can't be sure regarding the extent of whatever is happening. Should probably steer clear of zoos though yeah? You can create whatever character you want, but I'm not negotiating your partners. Whoever you encounter, guys or girls, they will try to fuck you, so if you don't want to be fucked by everything and everyone, find another RP, this one clearly isn't for you.
Oh, I actually have a good story reason why children aren't involved in this. Whatever is taking people's minds is only targeting sexual creatures, so anything that has not sexually matured is ignored. That's why the sex zombies aren't trying to fuck like trees or cars.
Your boyfriend is commonly confused as your girlfriend. Yuki is cute, there's no doubt about that. He leans into it as well. Sure it's annoying that guys keep hitting on him, since he's not into men, but he enjoys looking cute, and his darling girlfriend likes it too. Yes, this cute femboy has a girlfriend, one that he cares a great deal about, and one that he fucks every day. Yuki is a horny boy and he has never attempted to hide this from you. You have a good relationship, a strong one, you'd never cheat on one another.
So while you were having sex in a public bathroom you suddenly just appeared in a church. Apparently Yuki had good reason to hate Mondays. This church was big, and it was filled with hooded men in a circle, some weird symbols etched onto the ground, with the still penetrative couple in the center of said symbols. Humiliation aside, this didn't look like a modern church in a modern city, the window outside revealing a much less.... advanced society. Some bigshot of the church or something stepped forward and welcomed the two heroes. If they were just being polite or they were weirdos, nobody seemed keen to remark on their erotic display. Blue balled and humiliated, Yuki and his girlfriend in a flurry of confusion found themselves in a set of fancy rooms. It had been explained to them they were heroes summoned from another world to defeat the Demon King. As heroes they would have great magical power, capable of casting spells of great power with ease. Turned out, this was 100% true! It was stunning how effortlessly Yuki cast the Blizzard spell, which was an S rank spell, the top tier, and froze an entire magic shooting range solid. Other spells came just as easily, and you could perform them just as easily. With this kind of power, they'd DOMINATE this stupid Demon King and then according to legend they would be returned home like nothing had happened. Yuki figured that meant they'd be sent back to when and where they were plucked from. They weren't planning to take too long here, but it was good to know they weren't in TOO much of a rush to get back home, if indeed time had been stopped for their world, practically speaking.
Well, that was the plan. After a while though, they figured something out. Their mana didn't regenerate. Not one drop of it. This world wasn't like a video game, they didn't have mana bars or anything, but they could feel this deep well of power within them, and casting spells decreased it. It was quite large, but by no means infinite. It turned out, heroes had enormous reserves of mana, they could cast incredibly powerful spells with ease, and they could recover their mana substantially faster and easier than normal mages.
With semen. Any semen would do. Human, Elf, Beasts, Monsters. So long as it was semen and it touched their skin, it would regenerate their mana. Ingesting it worked even more efficiently, and creampies were supposed to be the most efficient. This information struck Yuki to his core. To make matters worse, they quickly learned Yuki's semen didn't regenerate his lover's mana, only the semen of someone from this world worked. The silver lining was all the people of this world, or at least this country, were by tradition conditioned to be honored to give their semen to a hero. This tradition was so deeply ingrained, and Yuki was so cute, it seemed no man would hesitate to provide his semen to the male hero, which apparently there weren't supposed to BE male heroes, but the church had just rolled with it.
That "silver lining" was nothing more than another layer of torment for Yuki though. Not only would he be forced to watch his beloved be with other men, but HE'D have to do things too.
You, Yuki's girlfriend, on the other hand, have a secret. You love Yuki, truly, and you love having sex with him, why wouldn't you? He's really good at it. But..... you have always been and will always be a massive yaoi fan! Learning Yuki wasn't into guys was something of a blow to you, but this world gave a new opportunity. One that provided a flawless excuse to hook your man on men! As a die hard fujoshi, it was your DUTY to help your femboy boyfriend acquire a taste for cock!
For the good of this world, of course.
So while you were having sex in a public bathroom you suddenly just appeared in a church. Apparently Yuki had good reason to hate Mondays. This church was big, and it was filled with hooded men in a circle, some weird symbols etched onto the ground, with the still penetrative couple in the center of said symbols. Humiliation aside, this didn't look like a modern church in a modern city, the window outside revealing a much less.... advanced society. Some bigshot of the church or something stepped forward and welcomed the two heroes. If they were just being polite or they were weirdos, nobody seemed keen to remark on their erotic display. Blue balled and humiliated, Yuki and his girlfriend in a flurry of confusion found themselves in a set of fancy rooms. It had been explained to them they were heroes summoned from another world to defeat the Demon King. As heroes they would have great magical power, capable of casting spells of great power with ease. Turned out, this was 100% true! It was stunning how effortlessly Yuki cast the Blizzard spell, which was an S rank spell, the top tier, and froze an entire magic shooting range solid. Other spells came just as easily, and you could perform them just as easily. With this kind of power, they'd DOMINATE this stupid Demon King and then according to legend they would be returned home like nothing had happened. Yuki figured that meant they'd be sent back to when and where they were plucked from. They weren't planning to take too long here, but it was good to know they weren't in TOO much of a rush to get back home, if indeed time had been stopped for their world, practically speaking.
Well, that was the plan. After a while though, they figured something out. Their mana didn't regenerate. Not one drop of it. This world wasn't like a video game, they didn't have mana bars or anything, but they could feel this deep well of power within them, and casting spells decreased it. It was quite large, but by no means infinite. It turned out, heroes had enormous reserves of mana, they could cast incredibly powerful spells with ease, and they could recover their mana substantially faster and easier than normal mages.
With semen. Any semen would do. Human, Elf, Beasts, Monsters. So long as it was semen and it touched their skin, it would regenerate their mana. Ingesting it worked even more efficiently, and creampies were supposed to be the most efficient. This information struck Yuki to his core. To make matters worse, they quickly learned Yuki's semen didn't regenerate his lover's mana, only the semen of someone from this world worked. The silver lining was all the people of this world, or at least this country, were by tradition conditioned to be honored to give their semen to a hero. This tradition was so deeply ingrained, and Yuki was so cute, it seemed no man would hesitate to provide his semen to the male hero, which apparently there weren't supposed to BE male heroes, but the church had just rolled with it.
That "silver lining" was nothing more than another layer of torment for Yuki though. Not only would he be forced to watch his beloved be with other men, but HE'D have to do things too.
You, Yuki's girlfriend, on the other hand, have a secret. You love Yuki, truly, and you love having sex with him, why wouldn't you? He's really good at it. But..... you have always been and will always be a massive yaoi fan! Learning Yuki wasn't into guys was something of a blow to you, but this world gave a new opportunity. One that provided a flawless excuse to hook your man on men! As a die hard fujoshi, it was your DUTY to help your femboy boyfriend acquire a taste for cock!
For the good of this world, of course.

Not sure what it was, but you did SOMETHING to get the Goddess of Lust's attention, and now you've gotta pay for that. You've woken in an empty space, with only a presence in your mind for company. This presence was enormous and hearing it speak was like standing next to the speakers at a rock concert. This presence is the goddess of lust, and no she won't be more specific, you haven't earned that right yet. You have transgressed, whatever that means, and she has claimed your soul. Now you must earn your afterlife, and you do that by being her hitman. No, no, you're not killing anyone. You're a LUST hitman. She will give you targets, and you must make those targets fall to lust. Keep in mind it's not as simple as throwing someone down and raping them, that's just one action. You need THEM to fall. You need THEM to leap into the pit of writhing, naked bodies of their own volition. It is not your job to inflict lust upon them, you must entice them, invite them, and convince them to drown willingly.
To accomplish these tasks, you have been granted the gift of changing faces. IE, shapeshifting. Limited shapeshifting. You can alter your appearance, but you'll stay human. Still, useful for when you need to seduce a straight man, or a lesbian, or your strategy requires something even less common. Whatever your strategies, whatever you do, just do your job and make your targets fall.
To accomplish these tasks, you have been granted the gift of changing faces. IE, shapeshifting. Limited shapeshifting. You can alter your appearance, but you'll stay human. Still, useful for when you need to seduce a straight man, or a lesbian, or your strategy requires something even less common. Whatever your strategies, whatever you do, just do your job and make your targets fall.
Sakura Matatabi. She's the darling of Kotetsu High School. She's smart, cute, easy to talk to, reserved, and responsible. The ideal of a young woman really. Her grades are at the top of her class, and while she seems rather averse to the physical side of things, she puts in her best effort in everything she does. There's hardly a guy in school who doesn't want to date her, but you shoot your shot, and get a bullseye. Surprisingly, she actually agrees to go out with you. The first date, goes well. The second date, on to the first kiss, holding hands all of that. Things are going, great.
Finally, her greatest secret is revealed though. Sakura is a huge slut. No, she hasn't been cheating on her darling boyfriend, but she has been holding herself back. Her sex drive is off the charts, and she has been masturbating 10 fold to keep from ruining what they've developed here. She feels she's waited long enough though, and she's going to fuck you until you can't remain conscious anymore.
Normally, this would be cause for celebration. In truth, Sakura is a wonderful girlfriend, so her loving sex and wanting to have lots of it should be an excellent secret to discover.
Except her other secret is she's a futanari. And her dick is bigger.
This RP is all about you, a normal high school boy, dating a not as normal as you thought high school girl, discovering after some time she's a futa, and then being..... Converted. Can you try to turn the tables? Yes. Can you pin Sakura down, take out your cock, and then shove it deep inside her pussy or her ass? Certainly. Can you pump her cunt full of thick, sticky baby juice? Again, yes. Sakura may even like it. But it won't make her cum from her dick, and she can't calm down otherwise. Once you're done with your dick, your ass is hers. You are welcome to push her up against the bathroom stall, then pound her until your balls are dry. However, then she's pounding YOU until her cock is dry, and her bigger cock makes MUCH more semen than you. Your ass will be gushing and the bathroom stall a mess when SHE'S finished.
Make no mistake, this isn't a contest. You are not a player in this game. You win by loving her cock. Even if you go to someone else, find a girl who loves your cock, she'll just ruin your cock for her with her own superior dick. All routes lead to femboy. Have fun.
Finally, her greatest secret is revealed though. Sakura is a huge slut. No, she hasn't been cheating on her darling boyfriend, but she has been holding herself back. Her sex drive is off the charts, and she has been masturbating 10 fold to keep from ruining what they've developed here. She feels she's waited long enough though, and she's going to fuck you until you can't remain conscious anymore.
Normally, this would be cause for celebration. In truth, Sakura is a wonderful girlfriend, so her loving sex and wanting to have lots of it should be an excellent secret to discover.
Except her other secret is she's a futanari. And her dick is bigger.

This RP is all about you, a normal high school boy, dating a not as normal as you thought high school girl, discovering after some time she's a futa, and then being..... Converted. Can you try to turn the tables? Yes. Can you pin Sakura down, take out your cock, and then shove it deep inside her pussy or her ass? Certainly. Can you pump her cunt full of thick, sticky baby juice? Again, yes. Sakura may even like it. But it won't make her cum from her dick, and she can't calm down otherwise. Once you're done with your dick, your ass is hers. You are welcome to push her up against the bathroom stall, then pound her until your balls are dry. However, then she's pounding YOU until her cock is dry, and her bigger cock makes MUCH more semen than you. Your ass will be gushing and the bathroom stall a mess when SHE'S finished.
Make no mistake, this isn't a contest. You are not a player in this game. You win by loving her cock. Even if you go to someone else, find a girl who loves your cock, she'll just ruin your cock for her with her own superior dick. All routes lead to femboy. Have fun.
It seemed like one moment everything was normal, it all made sense. It was baffling how the world could be turned on its head so insanely quickly. All of a sudden, magic and demons were proven real. Quite easily, as an incomprehensible demonic force breached into this reality and began conquering the Earth. Pretty hard to write that off. Anyone caught out in the streets is taken. Not to a location, just TAKEN. This particular demonic force apparently represents the ring of Lust, and the Demon Lord presiding over this invasion has come to bring carnal pleasures to the world, whether they want it or not.
You were living an ordinary life until the sky turned red and simply leaving your home became a trial by fire. The demons don't quite care who you are, if a male demon finds you? A hole is a hole. If a female demon finds you, she'll do as she pleases. The demons of this force, sadly, are not just a bunch of sexy seductresses and drop dead gorgeous red skinned gents. They run the spectrum of gorgeous to grotesque, and some of them derive pleasure from things that most sane folk would rather not experience. Most people after all just had this instinct to not be swallowed whole. Now that the invasion has begun, you must make a choice. Will you open your mouth and spread your legs, accepting your new lord's lust and authority, hunting down humans that have so far eluded his might? Or will you try to run and hide, fighting back against the sexual horde? This may sound moronic at first, what normal human could possibly fight back against DEMONS? Well, as it turns out, the demons emerging from wherever they originated from had the side effect of introducing magic to the world. Some people awakened some sort of magical ability, and hopefully yours can make fighting back a bit more viable.
This is a big and scary RP. You get to make the choice whether to join the demons or fight against them. Being neutral really isn't a choice, as you'll just be fucked into delirium. Forever. On the side of humanity, harness your newly obtained magical powers to push back against the demon horde one by one. Rescue your fellows from the clutches of demons. On the side of the demons, hunt the unclaimed humans down one by one, use pleasure and whatever else you deem necessary to get them to submit to their carnal desires.
No matter which path you choose, know it is simply not possible to get out of this unscathed. That brings me to the reason this RP is exclusively in this request thread. You are getting fucked, period. You will not get to make a decision in how you get fucked. You can try your best to avoid the monsters, but unless you have supernatural decision making, you will not escape them all. Now this RP is not built to be impossible. You CAN succeed, but if you started out as a pure, untouched flower knowing nothing about sex, you will end very far from that starting point, even if you perform as perfectly as reasonably possible. You can be a guy or a girl, it does not matter. Get caught by the strange bird woman and she'll shove her cock into your ass regardless. Submit as a woman to the demon lord, and he will fuck your holes and maybe even give you a cock to fuck others with. Stumble into the wrong building and you may find yourself in some very strange positions.
Do not ask for this RP unless you want to descend into depraved evil or fight through hell for a chance at salvation, being covered with filth all the while.
Disclaimer I'm still not breaking my absolute no scat rule, but aside from that most everything else is on the table. And because I am a writer with integrity I would be remiss unless I actually explained in world the magical age limit where people just don't seem to exist. So uh..... Everyone younger than 16 just, disappeared, and nobody knows where they went. Yeah that works.
You were living an ordinary life until the sky turned red and simply leaving your home became a trial by fire. The demons don't quite care who you are, if a male demon finds you? A hole is a hole. If a female demon finds you, she'll do as she pleases. The demons of this force, sadly, are not just a bunch of sexy seductresses and drop dead gorgeous red skinned gents. They run the spectrum of gorgeous to grotesque, and some of them derive pleasure from things that most sane folk would rather not experience. Most people after all just had this instinct to not be swallowed whole. Now that the invasion has begun, you must make a choice. Will you open your mouth and spread your legs, accepting your new lord's lust and authority, hunting down humans that have so far eluded his might? Or will you try to run and hide, fighting back against the sexual horde? This may sound moronic at first, what normal human could possibly fight back against DEMONS? Well, as it turns out, the demons emerging from wherever they originated from had the side effect of introducing magic to the world. Some people awakened some sort of magical ability, and hopefully yours can make fighting back a bit more viable.
This is a big and scary RP. You get to make the choice whether to join the demons or fight against them. Being neutral really isn't a choice, as you'll just be fucked into delirium. Forever. On the side of humanity, harness your newly obtained magical powers to push back against the demon horde one by one. Rescue your fellows from the clutches of demons. On the side of the demons, hunt the unclaimed humans down one by one, use pleasure and whatever else you deem necessary to get them to submit to their carnal desires.
No matter which path you choose, know it is simply not possible to get out of this unscathed. That brings me to the reason this RP is exclusively in this request thread. You are getting fucked, period. You will not get to make a decision in how you get fucked. You can try your best to avoid the monsters, but unless you have supernatural decision making, you will not escape them all. Now this RP is not built to be impossible. You CAN succeed, but if you started out as a pure, untouched flower knowing nothing about sex, you will end very far from that starting point, even if you perform as perfectly as reasonably possible. You can be a guy or a girl, it does not matter. Get caught by the strange bird woman and she'll shove her cock into your ass regardless. Submit as a woman to the demon lord, and he will fuck your holes and maybe even give you a cock to fuck others with. Stumble into the wrong building and you may find yourself in some very strange positions.
Do not ask for this RP unless you want to descend into depraved evil or fight through hell for a chance at salvation, being covered with filth all the while.
Disclaimer I'm still not breaking my absolute no scat rule, but aside from that most everything else is on the table. And because I am a writer with integrity I would be remiss unless I actually explained in world the magical age limit where people just don't seem to exist. So uh..... Everyone younger than 16 just, disappeared, and nobody knows where they went. Yeah that works.
"Welcome Chosen Pervert"
These are the words that are spoken by a drop dead woman upon your waking.
Your life on Earth came to quite the abrupt end, and this woman explains she is the new Goddess of this world, and needs your help to share her message with the people. That message is how to FUUUUUCK.
The previous god was a god of purity and enforced through divine magic that sex is for procreation only. The new Goddess is less pure, and lifted this restriction. However the people have only figured it out enough to set up brothels. Basically their entire bodies going to waste aside from their pussies. She needs a new force to spread eroticism in this recovering world. That's where you cum in. You hopeless pervert.
She'll even give you some cheat skills to fill in some.... Particular gaps. Welp, off you go.
These are the words that are spoken by a drop dead woman upon your waking.
Your life on Earth came to quite the abrupt end, and this woman explains she is the new Goddess of this world, and needs your help to share her message with the people. That message is how to FUUUUUCK.
The previous god was a god of purity and enforced through divine magic that sex is for procreation only. The new Goddess is less pure, and lifted this restriction. However the people have only figured it out enough to set up brothels. Basically their entire bodies going to waste aside from their pussies. She needs a new force to spread eroticism in this recovering world. That's where you cum in. You hopeless pervert.
She'll even give you some cheat skills to fill in some.... Particular gaps. Welp, off you go.
Talk about laying it on thick. Badum Tish. Right, so on with the plot.
The year is 2179. Several generations have passed since a devastating virus destroyed the entire male human population. Being immune, it was down to women to solve the problem of humanity's survival. It took several decades, but finally a solution was achieved. Ironically, this solution used an altered form of the virus that caused so much suffering to begin with. By spreading this engineered virus through the air, every woman on the planet was changed on the genetic level, and their bodies followed suit shortly after. Now, every woman remaining on earth was a futanari, having both male and female genitalia. While this managed to give women the ability to create children, it was far from perfect. Impregnating a woman was very difficult. Difficult enough that rather drastic measures needed to be taken in fact. It was enshrined in law that the younger generations, once they sexually matured, had to mate with adults whenever the request was made. Naturally such practices made sex second nature, removing all stigmas that existed previously in less than a generation. The only exception to this rule was women that are directly related cannot have vaginal sex, at least not without protection, as it was vital that genetic diversity be maintained to prevent the virus that destroyed humanity from mutating too rapidly for scientists to keep up with. Despite the incest law, given how casual sex had become, having sex near, alongside and even with relatives was still fairly common, though any of them having children from it was at 0%.
One morning, twin sisters, something that was exceptionally rare, woke up after a long and tiring weekend. It was time to go back to school for the recently 17 year old second year Sakaki sisters. Having celebrated their birthday over the weekend, they were up basically the entire time, and having sex nonstop. It had become normal for girls to receive sex from acquaintances after turning 16. As well as friends, visiting relatives, parents, and strangers on the street that knew one way or another that person had a birthday. They woke up entangled together on their bed, smelling strongly of sex and semen. Normally they'd either masturbate or suck each other off to get rid of their morning wood, but this morning they didn't have that to worry about. All they wanted was to get a nice shower, then eat their mother's breakfast, and have a nice day at school. That part would very likely involve more sex, but they wanted to relax leading up to that.
There we go. Right, so that about sums up all relevant information...... I guess i'll add that yes they do just have "one mother". IE one person takes care of them, or a single parent. This is super common given how difficult getting pregnant is and therefore most people don't even know who their "father" is. Generally this isn't a problem as society is forced to be very, well socially focused. Also their mother's name is Kanna Sakaki, and i'll find a picture of her when i'm not lazy. Anyway, important stuff now.
One twin is named Ayumu, or simply Ayu. Which one? Don't know yet. That depends on you. Aside from one twin being generally smaller than her sister, you can take control of one sister and make her personality whatever you want. Or you can leave them both to me and just make your own character entirely. Multiple characters either way is always welcome, can't have things getting stale.
Found a picture of their mother Kanna
The year is 2179. Several generations have passed since a devastating virus destroyed the entire male human population. Being immune, it was down to women to solve the problem of humanity's survival. It took several decades, but finally a solution was achieved. Ironically, this solution used an altered form of the virus that caused so much suffering to begin with. By spreading this engineered virus through the air, every woman on the planet was changed on the genetic level, and their bodies followed suit shortly after. Now, every woman remaining on earth was a futanari, having both male and female genitalia. While this managed to give women the ability to create children, it was far from perfect. Impregnating a woman was very difficult. Difficult enough that rather drastic measures needed to be taken in fact. It was enshrined in law that the younger generations, once they sexually matured, had to mate with adults whenever the request was made. Naturally such practices made sex second nature, removing all stigmas that existed previously in less than a generation. The only exception to this rule was women that are directly related cannot have vaginal sex, at least not without protection, as it was vital that genetic diversity be maintained to prevent the virus that destroyed humanity from mutating too rapidly for scientists to keep up with. Despite the incest law, given how casual sex had become, having sex near, alongside and even with relatives was still fairly common, though any of them having children from it was at 0%.
One morning, twin sisters, something that was exceptionally rare, woke up after a long and tiring weekend. It was time to go back to school for the recently 17 year old second year Sakaki sisters. Having celebrated their birthday over the weekend, they were up basically the entire time, and having sex nonstop. It had become normal for girls to receive sex from acquaintances after turning 16. As well as friends, visiting relatives, parents, and strangers on the street that knew one way or another that person had a birthday. They woke up entangled together on their bed, smelling strongly of sex and semen. Normally they'd either masturbate or suck each other off to get rid of their morning wood, but this morning they didn't have that to worry about. All they wanted was to get a nice shower, then eat their mother's breakfast, and have a nice day at school. That part would very likely involve more sex, but they wanted to relax leading up to that.
There we go. Right, so that about sums up all relevant information...... I guess i'll add that yes they do just have "one mother". IE one person takes care of them, or a single parent. This is super common given how difficult getting pregnant is and therefore most people don't even know who their "father" is. Generally this isn't a problem as society is forced to be very, well socially focused. Also their mother's name is Kanna Sakaki, and i'll find a picture of her when i'm not lazy. Anyway, important stuff now.
One twin is named Ayumu, or simply Ayu. Which one? Don't know yet. That depends on you. Aside from one twin being generally smaller than her sister, you can take control of one sister and make her personality whatever you want. Or you can leave them both to me and just make your own character entirely. Multiple characters either way is always welcome, can't have things getting stale.

Found a picture of their mother Kanna
Currently at capacity. Can be convinced if you're good with slice of lifes.
No, I do not mean lair. I mean layer. Cause I felt like making a magic system where each discipline is inherently tied to sex. Cause fuck you, I do what I want. Let us begin. I have also decided that this concept will fit easily into all 3 of my request threads. Look at them for alternate characters as the other details will be identical.
Akias is the continent that dominates the planet. The few island nations largely pale in comparison, but maintain a delicate balance through trade and a number of talented mages.
Magic is a major commodity in the world, and it more or less controls the various nations. It is the blood of kingdoms, and this blood runs in, legally, 4 colors.
There exists a total of 8 methods of manipulating magic, but only 4 of these are legal. The legal practices are called the Holy Disciplines. The illegal practices, naturally, are called the Dark Disciplines. The method of producing, storing and manipulating magical power is what separates the 8 practices.
The Holy Disciplines are focused around generosity, happiness and surrendering yourself. Rather than fostering magic within yourself, you collect it from the willing and store it to use when it is needed. How you can use it is determined by the Discipline.
The First Holy Discipline is called Taming. Tamers are popular, as well as quite common. A Tamer gives their body to a beast, magical or otherwise, and said beast's magic power is gifted to the Mage. The mage can bend this power and expend some of it to issue commands to the beast. Some creatures react differently to being tamed, but such a magical creature is quite rare and naturally that means they are very actively sought after. Dragons are said to be one such creature, but most don't really know how this could be done, as a Dragon is much too large for taming to work on them. Female tamers often have the easiest time taming creatures, as male beasts are much more likely to breed them on their own. Male tamers generally need to put a lot more work in, though particularly feminine tamers can use tactics similar to the females. Normally however the male tamer must convince a female beast to offer themselves, as being willing is essential for taming to work. Depending on the beast, this can be very challenging indeed.
The Second Holy Discipline is quite simple, and is called Devastation. Devastators take internal magic power and can release it in a number of different forms, such as fire or lightning. They make excellent warriors and artillery in large enough numbers. Devastators also cannot simply use their own internal magic. They must receive it from others. Women make up the vast majority of Devastators, as it is again far easier for them to collect this energy, and they are much more capable of collecting it en masse. Energy is transferred from a partner when they orgasm, however the transfer only works if the partner is in control during sex. In effect, your partner must fuck you. Men can collect energy by letting a woman do most or all of the work. They can also receive energy from men by being penetrated. Women on the other hand can collect great amounts of energy by allowing multiple men to use their bodies as they please. The more a Devastator submits, the better the yield per partner. Conversely, women getting magic energy from other women is apparently extremely difficult, though why exactly isn't fully understood, as it's more than possible through other Disciplines.
The Third Holy Discipline is called Surge. Surgers, unlike the previous two Disciplines, actually use their own magical reserves. The act of orgasming creates a surge in their magic, and they can route these surges to amplify their physical abilities, such as their strength, speed, or vision. They can also store surges for later usage, though only a limited number of uses can be stored. Women are considered to be the best at this surge, as they can orgasm multiple times without health risks, however their superiority is actually a myth. Male surgers have a much higher capacity, they can store up more surges at a time. Often twice as many as women. Women often maintain a near constant state of pleasure, constantly edging as often as they can to cum quickly should their powers become needed suddenly, allowing them to go into battle without expending a stored surge. Men tend to build their surge supply and use their superior storage capacity, then at a later time in safety building up surges again. A male and female surger working together can quickly build up surges for one another, and this is often used to keep surgers in the battle by having them have sex between skirmishes. It's proven that surgers build up more surges through sex than masturbation.
The Fourth Holy Discipline is called Lifeweaving. They are somewhat unique. They can only do a limited number of things, but what they can do is invaluable. Lifeweavers are healers, they can mend wounds and ease exhaustion, though they cannot remove the need for sleep in others. This is done fairly simply. Consenting sexual interaction between the Lifeweaver and the injured or exhausted will spread the Lifeweaver's magical energy to them, fixing or easing the problem. Men and Women do not seem to differ much, if at all in this Discipline. Women can handle multiple men at a time, but men can go through multiple women in quick succession. Men can heal other men as well, as can women though it is a bit slower between women. Lifeweaver men are well known to have much more energy between their legs as regular men, capable of cumming on average 6 or so times before needing a break. Supposedly they can keep going until their magical reserves run low, after which they replenish them simply through normal rest.
These 4 Disciplines are named Holy as they focus around helping, nurturing and free will. It is not possible to steal magic through these methods, rape will never function to give a Devastator more power, in fact it will not even heal someone who is injured. Oddly, someone who in unconscious is still capable of accepting or denying a Lifeweaver's power, depending on their will to live, but this does not work with the other Disciplines. The Dark Disciplines are very different.
The First Dark Discipline is called Domination. Dominators are the twisted mirrors to Tamers. Tamers submit themselves to beasts and are rewarded with their help, power, and usually loyalty as well. Dominators take a beast, rape them, and then their dark magic corrupts and steals the mind of the beast. This magic also functions on the sentient races of Akias, including Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and so on. Victims of a Dominator cannot be healed, even by Lifeweavers, and are forever lost as their wills are stolen by the Dominator, capable only of thinking what their master wants them to think. Vigilance is kept high for Dominators, and execution is immediate when one is discovered.
The Second Dark Discipline is called Raising. Raisers are necromancers. Their power functions by raping another sentient creature, and killing them in the process. How this death is brought varies between Raisers. When they kill their prey, the full extent of their magical reserve is devoured by the Raiser and can be used in a manner similar, but more limited, to Devastators. The victim does not die however, they are made into mindless creatures of death that only wish to regain their magic. They do this by finding and raping other sentient beings, not knowing how else to restore their life. This is futile of course, nothing can restore their lives, but their dead, magic ravaged minds are incapable of recognizing this. Their stamina is limitless, so if they catch someone they are generally raped until killed, after which their body is abandoned. Luckily zombies cannot raise more of their own vile kind.
The Third Dark Discipline is called Unwilling. The Unwilled require more time to get their power, but they can get a lot of it. Unwilled must force someone unwilling to submit themselves entirely. Through whatever means they desire, they must take the devotion of a sentient being and create a connection between master and servant. This connection constantly fuels the mage, allowing them to delve into many terrible abilities. This connection can kill the slave through overuse, but will never damage the Unwilled. Unwilled with more than 10 Unwilling are called Dark Lords. Luckily none currently exist, that are known of.
The Fourth Dark Discipline is called Corruption. Corruptors are sometimes considered to be the most dangerous, depending on how experienced they are. Corruption works by repeatedly raping someone with the intent to make them give in to the pleasure. If they surrender to the pleasure and begin to consent, the Corruptor's twisted magic will flow into them, corrupt them, and turn them into a Corruptor as well. Each Corruption vastly reduces the Corrupted's magical reserve, and they must Corrupt others to restore and increase it, resulting in a wretched chain. This magical power can be channeled through the body to change it in a number of ways, such as a tail with a stinger, wings, or legs better at running.
Female/Futa Unwilling
Akias is the continent that dominates the planet. The few island nations largely pale in comparison, but maintain a delicate balance through trade and a number of talented mages.
Magic is a major commodity in the world, and it more or less controls the various nations. It is the blood of kingdoms, and this blood runs in, legally, 4 colors.
There exists a total of 8 methods of manipulating magic, but only 4 of these are legal. The legal practices are called the Holy Disciplines. The illegal practices, naturally, are called the Dark Disciplines. The method of producing, storing and manipulating magical power is what separates the 8 practices.
The Holy Disciplines are focused around generosity, happiness and surrendering yourself. Rather than fostering magic within yourself, you collect it from the willing and store it to use when it is needed. How you can use it is determined by the Discipline.
The First Holy Discipline is called Taming. Tamers are popular, as well as quite common. A Tamer gives their body to a beast, magical or otherwise, and said beast's magic power is gifted to the Mage. The mage can bend this power and expend some of it to issue commands to the beast. Some creatures react differently to being tamed, but such a magical creature is quite rare and naturally that means they are very actively sought after. Dragons are said to be one such creature, but most don't really know how this could be done, as a Dragon is much too large for taming to work on them. Female tamers often have the easiest time taming creatures, as male beasts are much more likely to breed them on their own. Male tamers generally need to put a lot more work in, though particularly feminine tamers can use tactics similar to the females. Normally however the male tamer must convince a female beast to offer themselves, as being willing is essential for taming to work. Depending on the beast, this can be very challenging indeed.
The Second Holy Discipline is quite simple, and is called Devastation. Devastators take internal magic power and can release it in a number of different forms, such as fire or lightning. They make excellent warriors and artillery in large enough numbers. Devastators also cannot simply use their own internal magic. They must receive it from others. Women make up the vast majority of Devastators, as it is again far easier for them to collect this energy, and they are much more capable of collecting it en masse. Energy is transferred from a partner when they orgasm, however the transfer only works if the partner is in control during sex. In effect, your partner must fuck you. Men can collect energy by letting a woman do most or all of the work. They can also receive energy from men by being penetrated. Women on the other hand can collect great amounts of energy by allowing multiple men to use their bodies as they please. The more a Devastator submits, the better the yield per partner. Conversely, women getting magic energy from other women is apparently extremely difficult, though why exactly isn't fully understood, as it's more than possible through other Disciplines.
The Third Holy Discipline is called Surge. Surgers, unlike the previous two Disciplines, actually use their own magical reserves. The act of orgasming creates a surge in their magic, and they can route these surges to amplify their physical abilities, such as their strength, speed, or vision. They can also store surges for later usage, though only a limited number of uses can be stored. Women are considered to be the best at this surge, as they can orgasm multiple times without health risks, however their superiority is actually a myth. Male surgers have a much higher capacity, they can store up more surges at a time. Often twice as many as women. Women often maintain a near constant state of pleasure, constantly edging as often as they can to cum quickly should their powers become needed suddenly, allowing them to go into battle without expending a stored surge. Men tend to build their surge supply and use their superior storage capacity, then at a later time in safety building up surges again. A male and female surger working together can quickly build up surges for one another, and this is often used to keep surgers in the battle by having them have sex between skirmishes. It's proven that surgers build up more surges through sex than masturbation.
The Fourth Holy Discipline is called Lifeweaving. They are somewhat unique. They can only do a limited number of things, but what they can do is invaluable. Lifeweavers are healers, they can mend wounds and ease exhaustion, though they cannot remove the need for sleep in others. This is done fairly simply. Consenting sexual interaction between the Lifeweaver and the injured or exhausted will spread the Lifeweaver's magical energy to them, fixing or easing the problem. Men and Women do not seem to differ much, if at all in this Discipline. Women can handle multiple men at a time, but men can go through multiple women in quick succession. Men can heal other men as well, as can women though it is a bit slower between women. Lifeweaver men are well known to have much more energy between their legs as regular men, capable of cumming on average 6 or so times before needing a break. Supposedly they can keep going until their magical reserves run low, after which they replenish them simply through normal rest.
These 4 Disciplines are named Holy as they focus around helping, nurturing and free will. It is not possible to steal magic through these methods, rape will never function to give a Devastator more power, in fact it will not even heal someone who is injured. Oddly, someone who in unconscious is still capable of accepting or denying a Lifeweaver's power, depending on their will to live, but this does not work with the other Disciplines. The Dark Disciplines are very different.
The First Dark Discipline is called Domination. Dominators are the twisted mirrors to Tamers. Tamers submit themselves to beasts and are rewarded with their help, power, and usually loyalty as well. Dominators take a beast, rape them, and then their dark magic corrupts and steals the mind of the beast. This magic also functions on the sentient races of Akias, including Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and so on. Victims of a Dominator cannot be healed, even by Lifeweavers, and are forever lost as their wills are stolen by the Dominator, capable only of thinking what their master wants them to think. Vigilance is kept high for Dominators, and execution is immediate when one is discovered.
The Second Dark Discipline is called Raising. Raisers are necromancers. Their power functions by raping another sentient creature, and killing them in the process. How this death is brought varies between Raisers. When they kill their prey, the full extent of their magical reserve is devoured by the Raiser and can be used in a manner similar, but more limited, to Devastators. The victim does not die however, they are made into mindless creatures of death that only wish to regain their magic. They do this by finding and raping other sentient beings, not knowing how else to restore their life. This is futile of course, nothing can restore their lives, but their dead, magic ravaged minds are incapable of recognizing this. Their stamina is limitless, so if they catch someone they are generally raped until killed, after which their body is abandoned. Luckily zombies cannot raise more of their own vile kind.
The Third Dark Discipline is called Unwilling. The Unwilled require more time to get their power, but they can get a lot of it. Unwilled must force someone unwilling to submit themselves entirely. Through whatever means they desire, they must take the devotion of a sentient being and create a connection between master and servant. This connection constantly fuels the mage, allowing them to delve into many terrible abilities. This connection can kill the slave through overuse, but will never damage the Unwilled. Unwilled with more than 10 Unwilling are called Dark Lords. Luckily none currently exist, that are known of.
The Fourth Dark Discipline is called Corruption. Corruptors are sometimes considered to be the most dangerous, depending on how experienced they are. Corruption works by repeatedly raping someone with the intent to make them give in to the pleasure. If they surrender to the pleasure and begin to consent, the Corruptor's twisted magic will flow into them, corrupt them, and turn them into a Corruptor as well. Each Corruption vastly reduces the Corrupted's magical reserve, and they must Corrupt others to restore and increase it, resulting in a wretched chain. This magical power can be channeled through the body to change it in a number of ways, such as a tail with a stinger, wings, or legs better at running.
Female/Futa Unwilling
With how prevalent they've become, it's hard for even the average person, at least those in a certain age range, to not have at least heard of an "Isekai". The way it normally goes, a high schooler, cause they're all high schoolers or 40 year old neets, in one way or another gets plucked from their ordinary boring world and ends up in a thrilling fantasy world. They'll get some kind of cheat ability, meet a bunch of sexy and powerful characters, become famous adventurers and they'll change the course of the world and defeat the demon lord.
Reality has always been disappointing, but now even fantasy was screwing you over. Instead of all that cliche shit that was weighted radically in your favor, not only did you NOT get to a fantasy world full of sexy fantasy races fawning all over you, you weren't taken to a FANTASY world at all. Noooooo, you stayed in your own world, but a couple hundred years in the fucking future. Technology has gone crazy, but society has apparently gone to shit based on the alley you woke up in. Hopefully this was just the shitty part of town.... like REALLY shitty. If this was what everywhere looked like, you were SO screwed.
All things as they are, you need to take stock. Figure shit out, one step at a time. You don't seem to be injured, but checking your body it's DEFINITELY not the way you left it. There are some, choice alterations. It feels a little different, some of your less appealing qualities have had a tune up it seems. Generally you think you've become a bit more attractive, even if you've never felt like your body is..... exactly how it should be. It's the future though, so maybe that can change properly now? That's probably a win, you need whatever wins you can get. Ok, back to your body, you feel good generally, nothing seems broken or missing. Your head....... what the fuck is that?
The fuck? There's like a fucking..... HOLE in your HEAD? That's bad? That's generally bad right? Extra head holes is generally a.... it, feels like a, usb slot...... Wait, there's more shit just behind your ear...... Holy shit you have a usb cable in your head! That was NOT there before!..... WHY IS THERE ONE IN YOUR LEFT WRIST TOO!? Why are you a usb factory!?
Ok, deep breaths. Your body is, slightly different. It's the future apparently, the hologram clock you can see on the main road says it's 4 in the morning, June 5th twenty 2 fucking thirty. So you know you've been shot over 200 years into the future. You don't see anyone around, then again you can't see much from this poorly cleaned alley. You have, NOTHING on your person except the clothes you remember wearing last. No wallet. No phone. No keys. So it's the future in a place you do not know, your body has been modified with technology you don't understand, everyone you've ever known is centuries DEAD and you're flat broke as well.
Well in theory, step one is to, leave the alley.
Reality has always been disappointing, but now even fantasy was screwing you over. Instead of all that cliche shit that was weighted radically in your favor, not only did you NOT get to a fantasy world full of sexy fantasy races fawning all over you, you weren't taken to a FANTASY world at all. Noooooo, you stayed in your own world, but a couple hundred years in the fucking future. Technology has gone crazy, but society has apparently gone to shit based on the alley you woke up in. Hopefully this was just the shitty part of town.... like REALLY shitty. If this was what everywhere looked like, you were SO screwed.
All things as they are, you need to take stock. Figure shit out, one step at a time. You don't seem to be injured, but checking your body it's DEFINITELY not the way you left it. There are some, choice alterations. It feels a little different, some of your less appealing qualities have had a tune up it seems. Generally you think you've become a bit more attractive, even if you've never felt like your body is..... exactly how it should be. It's the future though, so maybe that can change properly now? That's probably a win, you need whatever wins you can get. Ok, back to your body, you feel good generally, nothing seems broken or missing. Your head....... what the fuck is that?
The fuck? There's like a fucking..... HOLE in your HEAD? That's bad? That's generally bad right? Extra head holes is generally a.... it, feels like a, usb slot...... Wait, there's more shit just behind your ear...... Holy shit you have a usb cable in your head! That was NOT there before!..... WHY IS THERE ONE IN YOUR LEFT WRIST TOO!? Why are you a usb factory!?
Ok, deep breaths. Your body is, slightly different. It's the future apparently, the hologram clock you can see on the main road says it's 4 in the morning, June 5th twenty 2 fucking thirty. So you know you've been shot over 200 years into the future. You don't see anyone around, then again you can't see much from this poorly cleaned alley. You have, NOTHING on your person except the clothes you remember wearing last. No wallet. No phone. No keys. So it's the future in a place you do not know, your body has been modified with technology you don't understand, everyone you've ever known is centuries DEAD and you're flat broke as well.
Well in theory, step one is to, leave the alley.
You're not certain precisely what has happened, but you think you've got the gist of it at least. Somehow you were plucked from your original world, and then dropped into this one. You're in a clearing in a forest, no a jungle rather. The canopy above is thick as your clearing is rather small. However, you're fairly certain this isn't the world you knew, as you're pretty certain the mushrooms in your world don't resemble 6 inch dildos. Those..... CURRENTLY, stationary vines hanging from the trees around you are also suspiciously shaped to say the least.
Not knowing what's going on, you've not got much choice aside from finding your way in this wacky world.
Not knowing what's going on, you've not got much choice aside from finding your way in this wacky world.
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