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Role Play "Awards"

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Lord Dakol

Jun 28, 2009
Has there ever been an event on Blue Moon for this kind of thing? The last site I was on had them, where people could nominate their threads for a specific genre, and depending on how many votes they got, they won.
Personally, I don't care much for popularity contests. I'm just here for RP, so awards for threads don't really appeal to me... but that's just me. I don't really care if others want to do that. : P
Well, I would think the first thing would probably be to make categories for the award winners. Like, "Most Improved" or "Best Writer" etc etc. Then, once the categories are made, get everybody together and send in who they think should be nominated for the categories. 5 People per category and then have everyone start sending in nominations for those 5 or less people to one person via pm?
Perhaps. The site that did the awards thing have categories for different genres, like "best brother/sister" or "vampire/werewolf".
Lol wouldn't that be too many categories then?
There could also be a category named "Best welcomer" which singles out one person that's part of the Official Welcoming Committee who welcomed the most people
Hmm...true true. There would have to be rules though. Like no voting for yourself. You can only vote once per category, etc etc. Cause some people cheat. But the awards thing is a really good idea ^^.
For the categories not pertaining to rping, there could also be the best helper, referring to the person who helped out confused individuals in the Questions, Concerns, etc thread.
I've been part of such a thing before. It can be fun, but tricky with a community as large and as diverse in skill as this.

      • Me? u_____u; I don't think so! xD

        Thanks for the pre-nomination nomination though, sis.



      • Well, I think Mister Trygon/Seraph/WHOMEVER
        should get his butt in gear and get this shit rollin'.

        If it was that easy, ahah. :}

        I'd love to help out if it's needed ~

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