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Digimon: Beyond the Net (Plot discussion)

May 6, 2016


Beyond the Net


This is just to discuss plot and character interactions between players. This roleplay is based off of Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's memory, but only uses the general setting.

For those who are not familiar with that setting, people in the real world log into a virtual network called "Eden" by transferring their mind into a virtual avatar that looks just like them and are linked to their online accounts. Here most normal internet activity takes place.

Their is an abandoned part of Eden called Kowloon that is used mostly by hackers.

Some Digimon did come from an alternate universe called the Digital World, but many Digimon were also created in Eden and Kowloon. Digimon are generally used as tools by hackers or as defense against hackers. The general public is not aware that Digimon area more then programs.
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Just so everyone knows Esmeraldine is busy irl. Do you want to wait or just post around Esmeraldine?
Sorry about that, I basically haven't been able to reply to any of my rps as of yet. I'm hoping for a day off one of these days, and maybe I should drop some things in my life here and there. Guess I have a hard time telling people no...

In any case, I appreciate your patience with me!
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