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Honeyed Words (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Lunia was just a simple Imperial girl who made a decent living in Whiterun. She was curvy, a body built for offspring as some old Nords would say. She had bronze skin and warm brown hair and even warmer hazel colored eyes. She worked at the Bannered Mare as a barmaid, making sure everyone had plenty of food or drink. It helped Sadia and Hulda a lot and it kept her busy. She had heard rumors of a large Argonian who went from Hold to Hold, taking married women into his bed and ruining them forever for their husbands. It earned him quite the reputation, as well as a bounty or two. He was said to have nearly beaten a Redguard to death after he attacked the lizard for sleeping with his wife. But that was probably all just talk. Until she finally met him.
He was as massive as they said he was; taller than any Nord and twice as muscular. His scales were black as pitch with various long bone white horns on his head and lining his jaw. He wore ebony armor and carried an ebony warhammer as he stomped to the firepit and sat down.
She smiled and went over to him. "Hey there, handsome. Welcome to the Bannered Mare, can I get you anything?" She asked with a smile.
"I don't suppose a night in your bed is available to me?" His voice was husky, eyes forest green and boring into her.
He gave a shrug, "Worth a shot." He said, "Argonian Bloodwine and whatever food you recommend." He smiled softly.
She smiled and nodded as she left and came back with venison and potatoes, and a bottle of Argonian Blood Wine. "Here you are, handsome."
"Thank you." He said gratefully, "I'll let you know if I need anything else." He said and gave her a few septums for herself.
She nodded and smiled as she kept bringing him wine throughout the night. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?" She asked him.
She smiled and shrugged a bit. "Well I wouldn't say I'm throwing myself on you but my room is open if you need it.."
"I thought your bed wasn't on the menu." He smirked, "I'm getting a lot of mixed signals here, and I don't even know your name~"
He gave a low, playful hum, "More mixed signals~ but I accept. I appreciate your kindness. It is quite refreshing."
She smiled. "You're very welcome." She said. "We also have a bathhouse out back if you so need."
She made a noise and gasped a bit before rushing to grab some towels before moving to knock on the door of the bath house. "Uh.. Sir, I have some towels for you, I forgot to stock them earlier.."
He had only gotten his gauntlets and chest plate off when she came knocking. He was raw muscles chiseled from stone. "Ah, thank you. Much appreciated. That would have been awkward."
She nodded and tried not to stare at him. Sure, nords had their appeal but she had never known just how attractive argonians could be.
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