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(Earthdawn: The Veil of Prometheus) Ch. 1: Lessons on the Serpent River

Meridian calmed Kara as she recognized the other groups would need to be tracked down. "We need to recover the nets if we can, repair and recover. Kara, you found them, that is what we needed. I can hunt, but you can track. Next time, once we get them found, fall back and defend the net throwers. Your bow is wicked perfect for this job as we don't want to be close. Two people were clouded, though it seems they shrugged it off, we need to reduce that problem. We made a good run, be happy, you saved the arrow that will kill another crackbill. We still need you to find the others. Otherwise, we are back to laying a stationary trap, and trying to bait them in with sheep and villagers." The last was said as her previous plan had a few flaws, one being the distance these creatures had already traveled since their initial attack. She hoped her words had made it through the the crestfallen elf, she tried to point out that it was a good thing that it was over quick, less time for things to go wrong, less time for the beasts to rally, and less time for someone to get hurt. These creatures were lethal, and their chosen attack was not likely to be something that someone could survive.
Dwayne walked over to Kara and put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up about it. Like Meridian said, you did a good job tracking them. Not many others in our group can do that," he said, trying to reassure her. "And you," Dwayne said, walking up to Lotar, "You're sword is big, and you handle it well, rock brother." He held out his hand to Lotar.
Kara smiled as their words made her feel better. "Thank... both of you." She then looked around as she refound the track. "Once we are ready I can head out to find the other groups of crakebills." She said.

She then walks over and pet olivers horse.
"Good job Oliver." She said with a smile.

She also walked over to pet the ball of hair named Paws she road on eairlier "is he safe to pet?" She asked Meridian about the polar bear.
Lotar had reflexively taken a half-step back as the final crackbill had charged, held his blade out to one side with one arm while shielding his mouth and nose in the crook of the other. It had been enough to avoid the majority of the gas; the small amount that came into contact with his skin had little enough effect that the troll was able to shrug it off.

As Dwayne approached, Lotar was returning his sword to its sheath. "Not as well as you handle your fists, ago'al," the troll rumbled, clasping the obsidiman's hand in a mighty shake. The troll wasn't being modest; he was truly impressed by Dwayne's strength, and knew he had much to learn when it came to actually wielding the sword.

Releasing Dwayne's hand with a nod, the troll stomped over to untangle the nearest net from its victim and began carefully looking it over for damage.
Yrineda smile and was very please with herself as her Earth dart strike and the last crackbill vwhent down.

She smile and nods as the others rejoice on this small victory. IT wasn't much but IT was their first victory as a team and that was important.

She took a moment to look at the bodies of these crackbill, checking to see if everything was normal.
Kara waited till they had all the nets in order. "Ready for round two?" She says as she then finds the track and starts to slowly follow them. She then stops. "Are we doing this the same way? Meridian and i go find them followed by Paw and Oliver?" She asks before just wandering off.
"The plan holds solid, though I doubt we will be so lucky as to catch all but one every time. Though this time, if we get the chance, I need Kara to fall back to the main line and support the trap. First we find them, then we set the trap, then we bait the trap, then we spring the trap. Traps, they work, its why we use them." She also thought that ambushes were why they hated them, but that was neither here nor there. The creatures liked their ambushes, they liked their stunning breath, Quickly she added. "Everyone, tie a cloth around your face, the breath of these creatures stuns, perhaps that will help protect you." She reached for her bags and tore a strip from her blanket. The thought had been to tear it from her blouse, but realized the others may not be able to concentrate with her titties hanging out. She chuckled at how they blushed when a bit of skin showed. She rather liked having it all hang out, but that was her.
"This may offer a bonus to saves versus the poison, either a bonus point to the resist roll or a down step in the attack, or nothing, not sure just offering options. "
Meridian trailed along with Kara as they proceded on foot, the sun rising through the day. They were making good time and with luck would get two groups today, perhaps, she couldn't hope it, but it would be nice, possible three groups? As Kara slowed, commonly a sign that they were nearing the group or a nesting site, or she had heard something, a rustling and snuffling approached from behind. The big bear Paws, stuck his nose through the brush behind them and sniffled Meridian. The shock in her eyes as this happened had her all but bewildered until she realized all the bear wanted was his midday scratch. With apology written all over her face, the beastmaster began scratching the bear, first behind the ears. The act wasn't exactly quiet, yet it could have been louder Meridian thought. She whispered low murmurings into the blissful bears ear as she worked. It would only take a few minutes.

2d6 = (4+2) = 6
Kara picked up the trail of the second group--also a group of four--and crept along with Meridian, the rest of the heroes following a little ways behind.

Kara padded throughout he hills, following the trail. At first, she was certain and confident. Then, the elven archer blinked and looked around in confusion as she realized shed' lost the trail!


Oh, no. There was a lot fewer trees here. Just over the rise on her left was the third group, five crackbills, not 40 feet away! And the team was still three hundred feet behind them! ]

Worse, at that exact moment Paws pressed through what brush they did have for cover, seeking his belly scratches. Paws wasn't a trained companion yet. Though a wise beast, and completely loyal and helpful to Meridian, he didn't realize that they were still on the hunt!

Still, he wasn't being careless, either!

Would they notice?

Highest perception roll: 3

After a few quiet moments, the predatory birds still hadn't responded to them. They hadn't noticed!
Meridian pleaded for forgiveness with her eyes as she satisfied the great bear's need for scratches. Then, she nodded for Kara to take her place with the trap group, inform them and send Oliver back as her bait support. She soothed the big baby of a bear as she awaited Oliver's return, they were bait, they were the sweet found in the bottom of the trap. Rolling the big bear back onto his feet, she slipped into the saddle, a stone held in her hand as she settled and waited. Oliver would tell her when, he would tell her when, or... they would tell her when by noticing. Either event would signal their dash back down the path to the ambush site. Hopefully she could give them time to set up. She waited. Should we roll initiative?
Kara nods to Meridian she she sneaks away from where they spotted the crackbills and headed back to Oliver.

Once she made it to Oliver she looked up at him. He would have clear view of her clevage which she took to consern to conceal. "There is a group of them up ahead on the right i will head back to the trap team. Good luck." She them smiled at him and then rushed back to tge rest of the group.

Once with the rest of the group she told them "get ready! Oliver and Meridian were going to bait the next group of crakbills and bring them this way."
Lotar nodded at Kara's approach. The troll had a long strip of cloth in hand, taken from his pack; he normally made use of it keeping his weapon clean, but Meridian's advice had been sound. He reached up tie it behind his head, a makeshift bandanna to cover his mouth, then took up his net once more.

He'd briefly considered trying to rig up some kind of snare, but such hunting tricks were outside his area of experience. In the end, he'd decided to rely on the same course as last time; find somewhere to stand with a clear line of sight, behind a tree if there was one big enough to cover him, then get ready to throw the net once their prey arrived.

The troll snorted and shook his head. This time, he wouldn't miss.
With Oliver's return that was the signal that the crew had their ambush ready. Sweet, and here we go. With a nod to Oliver and his horse, for the beast had handled herself well, Meridian spoke loudly to Paws, Come on boy, we got this, speak to me. Let's get their attention, yeah." She cooed loudly to the bear, scratching behind its ear and pointing its nose back down the trail they had come. "Now roar for me Paws, show me how mean you are." Paws shook his head and grumbled along to talk with her, but his playful roar, was a bit more than even she expected. When she asked the bear to roar, it raised up on its hind legs, towering over the surroundings and from her vantage on his shoulders, she could see the crackbills milling about, but the roar that she called out, shook the neighboring trees, before the titanic beast lowered itself back down and looked down the trail. The crackbills had not been the target for the roar of course, just, in the area. They began to amble away, the bears hips rolling with each step. Meridian patted the bear and said "Waiting." Ready to heel the bear into a run the moment there was pursuit, Meridian wrapped both hands into the bears mane.
The roar rang out from the hills. Yalathael jumped, hefting a net, and swallowed, nervous that the trap had reversed on Meridian. She bit her lower lip, waiting...

Then Meridian rounded the bend up ahead, on bear-back, followed by a mob of five crackbills, not ten yards ahead of them.

16 Yrineda
11 Yalathael
10 Meridian
8 Kara
8 Lotar
8 Crackbill 1-4
7 Dagnus
7 Luelalin
8 Craclbill 5-7
3 Dwaine
1 Crackbill 8-9

Tag Yrineda, Yalathael, Meridian, Kara, and Lotar in whatever order you can post!
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Whooting and hollaring, she hugged the corner. Keep their attention on her and Paws. That was the goal here. All she could do was lead, but she could lead to the best of her ability. Bait, don't slow down, too many to tease. One caught up and whipped its head to the side, as it inhaled to strike or blow, Meridian swiped the beast. a deep gouge into the neck just below the skull, Meridian smiled as the critter wheeled away from the damage and fall behind a bit.

Perception, critical fail, (1) Attack roll 16 to hit, 7 dmg.
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"Ha! Well struck, Meridian!" Lotar called out to his companion as he stepped into sight, twisted, and once again hurled his net towards the oncoming rush of beasts. As it flew from his hands, he reached back to draw his sword once more, and dropped into a defensive stance in case any of the crackbills decided he'd make an easier meal than the bear.

Perception: 11
Net attack: 9
Lotar's net fell over the second crackbill. It stumbled a bit and staggered.

Yalathael hurried to hurl her own net. It flared out as it spun. She didn't wait to see where it fell before drawing her sword in case yrineda meant to inflame it.
Kara watched as Yalathael's Net fell short as she quickly drew her bow. She needed to slow them down. The sound of rushing feet.. the roar of the crackbills something was different. She paused as she looked at how many Crackbills were in persecute. "there were more then 5.... " she saiys to herself as she released her arrow as it once again missed her target. She grunted as she once again missed. She then reached for a piece of her skirt and ripped it off knowing the next phase was most likely going to be more close combat as she was already starting to back up away from the crackbills as she tied the cloth around her mouth and nose.
Yrineda took a moment before the started to hunt the crackbill to enchant Yalathael weapons with her magical flame.

She then waited as her frends placed themselves to hunt those beasts. She felt a bit anxious when Yala miss the crackbill with her net entirely.

She took a moment to stand her ground and wave her earth dart spell targeting the one that would be an immediate threat to her.

She concentratre on her magic and point to one of the beast.
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