All in the same room, yeah. I'll repost the whole mansion description, in case it got buried. They are in the obedience crystal room now, and they just defeated the mimic, but a swarm of cursed toys are still menacing them, and they've collected quite a few of them on their bodies at this point.
"Heading inside, you find the servants in a daze, mildly going about their chores without resistance or care for the intrusion. With some careful exploring, you find the source of the aura.
The Horny aura is being created by a crystal in one of three treasure chests. The treasure chests are guarded by the head butler, a large, strong, tiger beast-man who seems far more aware than the other servants.
The Obedient aura crystal sits in the middle of an ornate dressing room on the second floor. The room seems unguarded, but after observing from stealth, you determine that the metal wardrobe across the room is some species of mimic, containing within it various outfits for the maids and butlers, but also animated instruments of domination and submission.
Lastly, the Docility aura is projected from a crystal in the greenhouse. The greenhouse is largely dominated by a plant whose long flexible vines are avoided zealously by the gardeners. Next to the crystal itself, there is another large plant, resembling a pitcher plant. The gardeners avoid coming anywhere near it."