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Of Werewolves and Sorceresses (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Jorrvaskr was a buzz with bitter gossip this morning. Kodlak had agreed to house a mage from the College for a few months; she wanted to catalogue their stories and learn more about them all the way back to their Founding. No one was really happy about it, Aela and Skjor were the loudest about their distaste for such a thing. Vilkas and Farkas didn't really seem bothered with the idea of a mage sharing their home, as long as she stayed out of their way at least. She was due to arrive today and Kodlak told everyone to cooperate with her. They would warm to her, he had said, as if she were one of their own.
"I bet she's never touched a weapon in her life." Njada huffed.
"She's likely more skilled than you." Athis jeered. Njada glared at the Dunmer and he merely glared back.
"Eh, what do you think, Raerek?" Torvar asked from his spot at the banquet table, "You haven't really complained or sang your praises over the idea."
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He only made a noise. "As long as she's quiet I don't care. Don't trust mages." Raerek was a large man, by no means subtle or sly. He always spoke his mind and got right to the point.
Torvar scoffed softly, "A quiet mage...that'll be the day.." He muttered.
She arrived at midday, a little before four on the sundial, and she entered Jorrvaskr with a twinkle in her dark brown eyes. She was a rather curvaceous woman, with wide hips built for bearing many children and rather large breasts to match. Her hair was rust colored, pinned in the back with wavy bangs swept to the side. Definitely of Imperial blood, if her mage robes weren't a dead giveaway. Elegant, showy and darkly colored.
She had a rather large bag with her, probably all of her mage garbage.
Raerek rolled his eyes a bit. Great. An Imperial to boot. He grumbled and made his way into the hall, striding past her as he stared down at her with distrust.
"And hello to you too.." She frowned, "How rude.."
"Mage." Vilkas called, "The old man wants to see you."
"I am a sorceress, thank you."
"I don't care what you are just follow me." He huffed and she nodded, grabbing her bag and following him
After her brief introduction and greeting with Kodlak, she moved to his room and knocked gently on his open door.
"My name is Junia." She greeted, "I hope we can get along."
"Name's Raerek. Don't trust mages. Or Imperials." He rumbled. He sheathed his sword. "Why do you hope we can get along?"
She pursed her lips slightly, "Well, I'm going to be here a while...I figure it would be better if we were at least a little friendly to each other." She replied.
"Until Sun's Dawn, next year...maybe less if I finish my work sooner." She answered. Six months with her around? Putting her nose in business what don't concern her.
She smiled softly and nodded, "I'll do my best not to be a bother." She said. She then made a noise. "So, how long have you been a Companion?" She asked.
"Have you enjoyed your time here?" She asked, "I bet a robust man such as yourself enjoys the travelling and fighting."
She stood quietly for a moment before speaking up again, "I can enchant your gear and weapons, if you like?"
"But I can make it so you never feel weary and yiur blade is always sharp. You won't have to sit here and sharpen and polish all day." She said.
He grumbles and suddenly slams his fist against the wall next to her head. "Listen. Ye are not but a fledgling mage in a land far away from home. Ye know nothing of our culture and nothing of our daily lives. Ye'll last longer around here if ye keep yer spell castin' nose out of everyone's business." He snarled.
She felt the heat rush to her cheeks as well as between her thighs. "I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to help..." She said. Divines, she felt so much smaller compared to him now, under his hard and distrusting gaze.
"I know ye want te help but have ye considered that we do not need it?" He asked before moving away.
"You don't need to be so prideful as to not accept help when given." She told him. "But fine. I won't enchant any of your things, least they come to life and scitter about."
"Well then, the next time you need magicks to mend your wounds or revitalize you, you can find some other sorceress to help you." She stated haughtily before leaving his room.
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