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  1. RNoodles

    Mx Female Lay the Monster (M Monster Req, NSFW Images & Links)

    For rp writers who always wanted to romance the fiery dragon and escape the knight in shining armor, this is for you. Dragon: will love and treasure you as part of their hoard! Fiercely protective, possessive, and will throw their weight around with you. Come in boyfriend and husband...
  2. Skeletor

    Mx Any Welcome to Monster Town AKA Skeletor's lookin for quick smut and TLC [NSFW]

    Howdy yall, Skeletor here with a pretty cut and dry request thread. With my work what it is and most of my hardcore creative juices being held in reserve for a personal project of mine, I don't really have the time or energy to hash out space operas and epic quests to go on. What I do have...
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