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swords and sorcery

  1. The Malefis

    Mx Any Salutations! Long term partners wanted! (NSFW pics and links included)

    Salutations, ladies, and gentlemen! Like my title? If you're like me and want to explore creating fun and unique pairings for comics, games, etc please have a look, if a pairing catches your eye send a PM my way, and let's see if we can workshop a story! All characters are over 17 and up per...
  2. Corybantic

    The House of Ash. Corybantic X ShadowOfDesire

    The rain had stopped, but thunder still rumbled across the heavens, from lighting beyond the borders of his sight. The clouds, hanging pendulous and impossibly heavy in the air, made the sky match his dark mood. His retinue had been cat-footed around him, unsure if his temper, uncustomarily...
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