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  1. SarahZee95

    Fx Any Life In A Sex Cult (slow burn, worldbuilding, detailed multi para)

    *We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented* Aurora sighed as she looked over her daily schedule. Every day was exactly the same as the last, she almost wished she could just leave everything behind and venture into the Outlands. Just get away from everything. But she knew...
  2. Josikun

    Adventures through the Sky [DM seeking partner for multi-chara RP]

    Right, so, time to make the post I've been most wanting to since I learned about this site. Simply put, I'm looking for a literate partner (I would ideally like for you to be able to write 2 or so solid paragraphs per character you play) me who is willing to play multiple characters (with me...
  3. Victoria

    Fx Female Lesbian Harry Potter Roleplay

    Hello! I don’t like super long plot posts so I’m going to keep this short and sweet for you. We can figure out most of it through DMs. I'm looking to do a 1x1 Lesbian Harry Potter Roleplay. It would take place at Hogwarts in an alternate universe where all students are female. We can discuss...
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