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monster collecting

  1. Plague Raven

    Monster Contract

    Out-of-Character | Signups | In-character Village Elder's House, Rustic Town "I thought these guys only developed two tails when they become Nekomata. Orin got her tails pretty early!" Holding his Black Cat Orin towards the village Elder, Kirsch expressed himself. "Ahahaha... you're the...
  2. Plague Raven

    Monster Contract [Monster Girl RP Signups]

    Out-of-Character | Signups | In-character This is where the character applications lie and slumber. And stuff. Enjoy. Contractor (Insert Image Here) Name: Gender: Age: History: Personality: Skill: Equipment: Partner: Insert your Lilim partner here. Partner Preference: Only fill if you have...
  3. Plague Raven

    Monster Contract [Monster Girl RP OoC] [Still Accepting]

    Out-of-Character | Signups | In-character This is a frightening world you are stumbling upon. It was once considered beautiful, but ever since something strange happened, civilizations started to become more seperate, more walled. Cities that were once interconnected were interconnected no...
  4. Plague Raven

    Monster Girl-based Pokemon-esque RP or just Pokemon RP?

    Eh, got a few ideas up my mind, but beforehand, I wanna clarify stuff. All player characters will be 15 years old and above. Non-consensual sex can occur (though this will be integrated in the character application, so you can say whether you want your character to be at risk of such or if you...
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